Planning permission for trees: Planning Permission – Trees and hedges

Works to Trees – Consent types

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Works to Trees

Application for work to trees

Application for Tree Works: Works to Trees Subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO)

Notification of Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Areas (CA)

Town and Country Planning Act 19901

When to use this application type

Before works are carried out on protected trees you will normally need to contact your Local Planning Authority (LPA). This is usually the council you pay your council tax to, however, if the tree(s) are in the Broads Authority area or a National Park you should consult the relevant authority.

Protected trees include those covered by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) or those which grow in a conservation area. You will need to contact the LPA if you wish to prune branches overhanging from a neighbour’s protected tree.

  • Tree Preservation Orders – If you wish to carry out works to a tree(s) protected by a TPO you must apply and include all relevant information as this will be the basis for a decision to be made on.
  • Conservation areas – You must give six weeks’ notice before carrying out work to trees in a conservation area that are not protected by a TPO. This is achieved through a Section 211 notice.2
  • Permitted development – You must apply or give notice to your LPA if you want to work on a protected tree where you are carrying out development where full planning permission is not needed.
  • Planning permission – Where full planning permission has been granted you might need to apply or give notice to the LPA before carrying out work to protected trees. You can confirm whether this is necessary by contacting your LPA.

If a tree falls under a TPO and is in a conservation area, then procedure follows that of the TPO.

What is a Tree Preservation Order?

A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is placed on a tree, group of trees or woodland with the aim of protecting them. Through prohibiting, without the Local Planning Authorities (LPA) consent:

  • Felling
  • Topping
  • Lopping
  • Uprooting
  • Wilful damage/destruction

Owners of the trees must maintain their trees, and an LPA will often encourage good tree management. However, they are unable to require maintenance work just because a tree falls under a TPO.

Section 211 notice

A section 211 notice is required when performing work on trees which are in a conservation area which are not subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO). The local authority can reply by providing a TPO or by allowing the work to go ahead. As it is not an application for consent, it cannot be refused or accepted with conditions.

A replacement tree should be planted in the space if a tree is removed or destroyed. This should be of the same species and size within reason.

If there is not enough information in a section 211 notice, then the authority may request further details or give advice on resubmission.

When consent is not required

Consent is not required when a tree is dangerous or dead, however, you should be prepared to prove that the works fall within an exemption. You are still advised to speak with your Local Planning Authority about any proposed work, especially in the case of felling.

Before you apply

You may wish to discuss your needs with a competent arborist (tree surgeon) before contacting the Local Planning Authority (LPA). If the LPA are able to, it may be worthwhile discussing your proposal(s) with them informally before you complete the form. This allows the LPA to:

  • Explore whether the work is exempt from the need to apply/notify
  • Advise on how best to present your proposals
  • Guide you through the process and the LPA’s tree protection policies

Who can carry out tree work?

When deciding who should prune or fell your tree you should bear in mind:

  • Tree work is a dangerous activity and should be carried out by trained, competent and appropriately insured arborists
  • Tree work should be carried out to a good standard. Local Planning Authorities (LPA) will usually require the work to comply with BS 3998 recommendations for tree work

You may wish to contact your LPA for guidance on selecting a contractor in your area.


The Local Planning Authority can prosecute when work is carried out without their consent on a preserved tree, without the required notice on a tree in a conservation area or when exemptions are misused.

To support your application for works on a tree, you will be required to provide the following details:

  • A sketch map of the tree(s) location. This does not have to be to scale but demonstrating the distances between trees, boundaries, properties and relevant features is advised. Adjoining properties and roads should be included.
  • The tree type and condition.
  • The applicant and other parties’ interest in the tree.
  • Description of the intended works and reasons for the works, showing which trees will be affected and the type of work which will be done on them. (Applicable when a tree is under protection of a Tree Preservation Order (TPO)).
  • Any replacement trees which will be planted. (Applicable when a tree is under protection of a TPO).

This must be detailed enough for the local authority to understand the proposals.

Where trees are protected by a TPO you must include the reasons for work and where the trees are being felled. Followed by any proposals for planting replacement trees including the quantity, species, position and size, alternatively any reasons for not wanting to replant.


A notice for work on a tree in a conservation area should be given 6 weeks prior to work commencing.

An application for works on a tree protected by a Tree Preservation Order can take up to 8 weeks to gain approval. This begins when the Local Planning Authority accepts the application as valid.

Consent lasts for 2 years once the notice is given, or application is approved.


There is no fee applied to this application type.

What happens next

Once an application is approved you can proceed with the planned development.

If you gave a notice for work on a tree in a conservation area then the local authority may issue a Tree Preservation Order, meaning that more details will have to be provided before work can be done.

Useful resources

Tree Preservation Orders and trees in conservation areas – GOV.UK3


How Trees Help Gain Planning Permission

The preservation of existing large specie trees, and the planting of new ones, can help developers gain planning permission for urban developments much more readily. As part of standard planning permission for most urban developments, local authorities require site improvement and mitigation of potential damage to natural settings. Designers and developers can implement large specie trees to address such planning requirements. And when they’re shown to be planted in proper urban tree planting systems that will ensure the long-term health and maturity of the tree, authorities are much more likely to provide planning permission with less conditions.

Retaining existing mature trees within development schemes when possible demonstrates the protection of the local setting. Which combined with new planting proposals, creates significant aesthetic and physical amenity and increased biodiversity – all which will improve the likelihood of gaining planning approval.

Large mature trees preserved through development and newly planted trees in downtown Santa Monica, CA

A case study example of where this approach has worked well in practice, is the Angel Building in Clerkenwell, a suburb of London, UK. This is an excellent example of the retention and planting of large specie trees in a highly constrained urban development.

Angel Building Case Study

The Angel Building is the reinvention of an unloved early 1980s commercial building located in North London. The old building was on a site surrounded by mature trees that conveyed significant benefits on the local character of the streetscape.

Strong policy direction from the conservation and urban forestry departments at the London Borough of Islington benefited the project. In addition, forward-thinking developer (Derwent London) advised by an integrated design team including landscape architect J&L Gibbons and GreenBlue Urban, helped move the project forward successfully.

The site was comprised of the old commercial building set back from the sidewalk and bordered by large mature lime trees planted in the 1980’s along the adjacent streets.

Angel Building redevelopment completed, Sept 2014

During initial discussions regarding planning approval, a robust standpoint with clear parameters for the development were established by planning department. These included ensuring…

  • the building remained setback from the sidewalk
  • all important existing trees were retained and suitable protected during construction
  • new large specie trees were planted to provide betterment to the public realm

To ensure the development was still financially and physically viable, the local authority made several concessions to contribute to making the final project a success. These included…

  • allowing the removal of some of the existing trees that were planted too close to the original building
  • allowing incursion into the root protection area of the mature trees to facilitate a construction access route
    • This required the production and approval of a method and regular reporting coordinated by the landscape architect. A heavy grade cellular confinement system was laid across the surface above the tree root zone, and filled with a specific medium to avoid changing the soil pH. It was contained by concrete curbs that were pinned rather than fastened to the ground, to reduce effects on the tree roots. The surface was checked regularly throughout construction to ensure ground compaction was minimal, as this was critical given it was in place for an entire year with 25 to 30 deliveries a day.
  • accepting an increase in the height of the new building to ensure the protection of the mature trees and also the view towards a heritage clock tower on the opposite side of the road

The exact position of the new building’s front edge was established largely by the root protection areas of the trees. To ensure the building was not going to have an adverse effect on the trees, trial holes were undertaken to prove roots were not present and to provide confirmation for the building layout in the planning application.

Angel Building Landscape Plan, courtesy of J&L Gibbons Landscape ArchitectsAngel Building Construction Access Plan, courtesy of J&L Gibbons Landscape Architects

Care was taken to ensure the newly planted trees that replaced the ones removed during construction would be appropriate for the location. For example, given the presence of a bus route running next to the development, semi-mature plane trees with 16 foot (5 meter) clear stems were selected. This meant that the trees would not require repeated corrective maintenance in order to prevent them from becoming an access issue for the buses.

A tree strategy that preceded the establishment of utility corridors was adopted to provide a larger root zone for the trees to thrive in

Throughout design and construction, everyone involved in the project were fully integrated to ensure its success. Information on the value and importance of the tree preservation was distributed to those working at the site, to help ensure the measures put in place to protect the existing trees were respected and adhered to. Planning approvals and condition discharges were constructively and successfully agreed to, improving the development potential and saving the developer money.

GreenBlue Urban supplied the Angel Building with custom galvanized tree grates that blended in with the 60mm granite sets to significantly reduce the visual impact of the tree grate

After the completion of the project, the municipality was responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the trees. Due to the poor soil conditions, the trees that were retained required an underground irrigation system to promote continued health. To date, the trees receive regular monitoring, and all appear to be in good health.

The Angel Building redevelopment, like many similar developments, proved to be a benefit to both the developer and the municipality, and is an exemplary approach to development in constrained urban settings, particularly with regard to retaining and supplementing mature trees to assist with planning approval.

Providing for New Urban Trees

Trees in urban areas require nothing more or less than any other trees – a sufficient supply of uncompacted soil, adequate water and oxygen, and protection from pedestrians and vehicles in their establishment years. But it becomes hard to provide these necessities within the urban setting.

Since 1992, GreenBlue Urban have been developing systems to solve these challenges. To date, our urban tree planting systems, collectively referred to as the ArborSystem, have helped over 389,000 urban trees reach maturity.

Soil cells offer uncompacted soil for trees being planted in hardscape areas, while underground irrigation and aeration directs water and oxygen under the paved surface into the tree rooting zone. Root management ensures that tree roots thrive in the soil provided and avoid hardscape surfaces and any nearby utilities, while tree grates and guards offer new trees protection during their establishment years and beyond.

These systems, coupled with the implementation of a sustainable urban drainage system, will provide any development with a robust green infrastructure benefit that will greatly increase the chances of gaining planning approval.

Carrying out work on a protected tree

​Planning permission

If you want to remove or manage any trees you should check with us to make sure that they are not on the list of protected trees or protected by a planning condition before you carry out any work.

How can I find out if a tree is included in the list of protected trees?

You can search a database of protected trees. Remember that some trees are also protected by planning conditions and these will not be included on the list. If you are unsure about whether a tree on or around your property is protected contact us and we will check the property file for you.

List of protected trees 

Why are trees given protection?

Trees are protected where they have high amenity value and where they make a valuable and important contribution to the local environment. Most often, trees are given protection when they are the subject of some type of threat, usually a development proposal.

What if I want to work on a protected tree?

Any work to a tree which is included in the list of protected trees requires the consent and an application to undertake works to a protected tree will need to be made.

P1 Non-householder application form

What do I need to provide to carry out work to a protected tree?

You will need to provide the following information to carry out work to a protected tree:

  • details about the protected tree, including:
    • species
    • location
    • site address
  • details of the work you want to do (if possible, send photographs which will identify the proposed works) and a statement about the need for the work
  • any technical information which might be available from a contractor 
  • your contact details
  • the details of the owner of the tree, if it is someone else

Can I do the work myself? 

It is recommended that professional tree contractors are employed in all cases of tree work.

Who can apply to do work on a protected tree?

You must be the owner, or be able to demonstrate that you have the permission of the owner, to do this work.

Do I need permission to do emergency work?

If the tree is in a dangerous state, or if it is dead or dying, you can carry out work to a protected tree. But you must contact us as soon as possible to inform us of the work. In following this course of action it is advisable where possible to secure the professional view of a qualified arboriculturalist in order that you can adequately justify the requirement for this work.

Failure to do so may mean that an offence has been committed and may leave you liable to prosecution if the work was subsequently found to be unjustified. It is recommended that professional tree contractors should be employed in all cases of tree work. All works must be carried out to the standards of the Jersey Health and Safety at Work Act in conjunction with the British Standard recommendation for tree works BS3998 and HSE Guidance notes.

Will I be consulted on, or can I make comments on, a proposal to protect a tree?

Yes, if you are the owner of a tree that is being proposed for the list of protected trees you will be served with a notice or a notice will be displayed clearly at the site of the tree. This notice will provide you and / or other interested parties with an opportunity to comment about the proposal to protect the tree within a period of 28 days. Where a tree is added to the list of protected trees and a person feels dissatisfied at its inclusion, they may make an appeal.

How do I report unauthorised works to a protected tree?

You should contact a Compliance Officer at Planning and Building Services.

How do you decide which trees should be protected?

A tree’s suitability for protection is judged on a number of criteria. To make a recommendation to protect a tree, an arboriculturalist is required to take into account the following factors:

  • the tree’s size
  • life expectancy
  • position (and the public enjoyment it provides)
  • the presence of other trees 
  • its relation to its setting
  • its form and other special features, including: 
    • if it is rare
    • if it is of exceptional landscape value 
    • if it screens an unpleasant view 
    • if it is important in a larger composition

What type of trees can be included in the list of protected trees?

All types of trees can be included in the list of protected trees, including:

  • single trees
  • groups of trees
  • shrubs
  • saplings
  • bushes
  • hedges

Where can I get further information from?

If you want more information about trees and their management, you can contact the States Arboricultural Officer.   

Tree Conservation – Planning Law Overview

Trees can be vital to the general character of an area and can be at the heart of a particular historic or architectural interest in a site. They obviously require management over time and ultimately replacement.

Removing a tree is unlikely to require planning permission, but there is direct control over trees in conservation areas and over those subject to tree preservation orders. The fact that a development proposal will require changes to trees can be a material consideration in whether to give permission for those works.

More specifically, a local planning authority is subject to a legal duty to ensure, wherever it is appropriate, that in granting planning permission for any development adequate provision is made, by the imposition of conditions, for the preservation or planting of trees (1).

Trees in Conservation Areas

Local planning authorities are under a duty to preserve or enhance the character or appearance of conservation areas as a whole (2). A key part of that character and appearance may be the trees.

Anyone proposing to carry out works to a tree in a conservation area must give at least six weeks notice to the local planning authority (3). There are exceptions to this requirement, including when the tree is dead, dying or has become dangerous. This notice period gives the local planning authority the opportunity to decide if it is necessary to impose a tree preservation order on the tree in order to discharge its duty to have special regard to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the conservation area.

If the authority decides the tree is not a part of the special character or appearance of the area it may give consent or allow the notice to lapse without response. Otherwise it should refuse consent and consider imposing a tree preservation order. It is a criminal offence to carry out works to a tree where consent has been refused or where notice was required and not served on the local planning authority.

Trees in conservation areas that are already subject to tree preservation orders are subject to that regime only and no separate conservation area notice is required (3).

Where a tree in a conservation area has been removed illegally or because it is dead, dying or dangerous or causing a nuisance, a replacement tree must be planted by law (4).  The tree must be of an appropriate size and species. The local planning authority can enforce this requirement and ultimately come onto the land itself to carry out the planting and then recover the cost from the owner.

Tree Preservation Orders

Individual trees or groups of trees within or outside of a conservation area may be offered protection by a tree preservation order issued by a local planning authority where it is expedient to do so in the interest of amenity.

Central government’s view (5) is that such orders should be used where there is a reasonable degree of public benefit from the tree’s retention. This may be because the tree is an element of the heritage significance of a conservation area, registered park or garden or of the setting of a listed building, scheduled monument, battlefield or other heritage asset.

Trees may have added value because they screen an eyesore or future development, or because of their scarcity.

Trees and Planning Policy

The significance of specific trees and groups of trees can be identified in the local planning authority’s evidence base for its core strategy and local development plan. The role of trees in the historic environment should be acknowledged in the plan and in conservation area appraisals.

The strategic analysis of the importance of trees in the area can promote a sound basis for reviewing existing tree preservation orders, issuing new orders and retaining existing orders as necessary.

In accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework “development resulting in loss or deterioration of irreplaceable habitats (such as ancient woodland and ancient or woodland trees) should be refused, unless there are wholly exceptional reasons” (6). ‘Ancient woodland’ is an area that has been wooded continuously since at least 1600AD and an ‘aged or veteran tree’ is a tree which, because of its age, size or condition is of exceptional biodiversity, cultural or hertiage value (7).


(1) s197 Town and Country Planning Act 1990

(2) s72 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

(3) s211 Town and Country Planning Act 1990

(4) s213 Town and Country Planning Act 1990

(5) Tree Preservation Oders – Planning Practice Guidance 

(6) Paragraph 175, National Planning Policy Framework, Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, June 2019

(7) Annex 2: Glossary, National Planning Policy Framework, Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, June 2019

Also of interest

External links

  • Department of Communities and Local Government: trees

    Trees in Towns II – survey of urban trees in England

Protected trees – Aberdeenshire Council

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21st to 22nd September 2022: maps unavailable

Trees are protected in several different ways, by:

  • a Tree Preservation Order
  • growing within a Conservation Area
  • a condition of planning permission

Felling of trees in a woodland area may require a felling permission from Scottish Forestry.  

You can check whether a tree is protected by a Tree Preservation Order or situated within a conservation area on the attached list, or by using our interactive map.

View list of protected trees (PDF 63KB).

View protected trees on a map

How to apply for permission to carry out tree work

If the tree is planted within a conservation area you must give us six weeks written notice of your plan to carry out the tree work.

If the tree is protected by a Tree Preservation Order or is a condition of a planning consent you need to get permission before you carry out any work to the tree.

It is an offence under the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 to fell or to carry out any work on protected trees without permission. The offence can carry a fine of up to £20,000.

You can complete an application to carry out tree work through the Scottish Government ePlanning portal. If you would like paper copies, they can also be found on the planning portal. All completed forms should be emailed to [email protected].

Applications for works to protected trees can be viewed on the public access register.

Further guidance on protected trees is provided in planning advice number 12 (PDF 48KB).

Requesting a Tree Preservation Order

If you feel that a tree is currently under threat and needs long term protection you can request a Tree Preservation Order be applied. An officer will consider the request and assess the tree. Due to the high number of Tree Preservation Orders in place across Aberdeenshire and the cost of implementing them, they are usually only made in extreme circumstances where the tree is of significant value and the threat level is high.

Requests should be submitted to [email protected] and should include at least the following information and supporting photographs:

  • what tree(s) are affected
  • where the tree(s) are located
  • why you consider the tree(s) to be at risk

Trees and development

The presence of trees on a site is a planning consideration when planning applications are being assessed. To enable an accurate assessment of the possible effects of development on trees, planning applications must include a good level of information.

Where a tree survey is submitted with a planning application it should include:

  • location and size of the trees
  • height, crown or canopy spread
  • species of the trees
  • health of the trees
  • age of the trees, for example, young, mature and very mature 
  • any structural defects

In addition it is necessary to note the ground levels and any watercourses or services that may affect the tree roots. It should also identify which trees will be removed and those to be retained together with measures for their protection during development.

Protecting trees during development

Damage to, or loss of, trees during development is often caused accidentally by failing to appreciate how vulnerable trees are. Irreparable damage can be caused to the tree’s trunk, branches and roots by site clearance, earth moving, excavation, compaction and storage of materials.

Before any development starts, the trees to be retained should be securely fenced off, to a specification agreed by us. The fence should remain intact until the development is fully completed. No building materials, site huts or rubble should be stored or dumped, and no fires lit within this area.

It is always important to have your site surveyed by an expert in arboriculture. They will be able to advise on which trees should be retained and which will require any surgery. Survey and tree protection measures should meet the requirement of British Standard 5837

Further information is available in our trees and development leaflet (PDF 549KB).

New Tree Preservation Orders

The Tree Preservation Orders are made in line with the following legislation:

  • Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended)
  • Town and Country Planning (Tree Preservation Order and Trees in Conservation Areas (Scotland) Regulations 2010

We have recently confirmed the following Tree Preservation Order:

  • AC TPO 130 (2021) Inverurie Town Centre (PDF 234KB)
  • AC TPO 131 (2021) The Old School House, Auchenblae (as modified) (PDF 222KB)

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Tree Trimming and Removal Permit

Approximate Time: 1-2 Months*

Approximate Fee: Removal (Significant Tree $305 / Heritage Tree $616**)/Trimming (Significant Tree in RH District $224 / Heritage Tree $384**)

  • Forms
    Tree Removal Permit Application
  • Regulations
    Regulations for Trimming & Removing Significant Trees

    Regulations for Trimming & Removing Heritage Trees

San Mateo County’s trees enhance its natural beauty and provide such environmental benefits as view enhancement, soil stabilization, wildlife habitat, and shading benefits. The County has designated trees of 12” in diameter or larger (measured at breast height) in any area of the unincorporated County, as well as trees of 6” in diameter or larger in the Residential Hillside (RH) District, as Significant Trees to prevent their indiscriminate removal. The County requires a permit for the removal of these trees and may require an arborist report to substantiate tree health or safety concerns.  For most cases of tree removal, tree replacement will be required.  For trimming of trees 6” in diameter or larger in the RH District, a tree trimming permit is required.

Also, according to their size as stipulated in the Heritage Tree regulations, some trees have been designated Heritage Trees, including some Oaks, Redwood, amongst other trees. The County requires a permit for the trimming or removal of these trees and may require an arborist report with the permit application for trees that may need to be trimmed or removed for tree health and safety reasons. In most cases of tree removal, tree replacement will be required.   

A separate, over-the-counter process applies to the removal of protected trees that pose an “imminent hazard” to people or property. An arborist report is required to establish such a hazard in most cases. Dead trees may be removed without a permit; however, notification of County Planning Staff is highly recommended prior to tree removal.

To remove a grove of trees in the Coastal Zone, a Coastal Development Permit may be required. This permitting process does not pertain to tree removals in the Resource Management (RM) and Timber Preserve (TPZ) Zoning Districts.

See Also:

  • Permit Exemption for Hazardous Trees – Effective July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2022

Permit Exemption for Hazardous Trees Effective 7/1/2021 to 7/1/2022. No permits required for certain tree species and locations. Learn More

An Erosion Control and/or Tree Protection Pre-Site Inspection Requirement has been instituted for construction or demolition on specific site types. Learn More

Arborist Search Databases

  • International Society of Arboriculture (ISA)
  • American Society of Consulting Arborists (ASCA)

Note: Not all Arborists listed may be capable of providing consulting services (e.g., arborists may be Village or City Foresters, tree climbers for a municipality, or tree workers for a private firm who do not provide consulting services).

Steps in the Permit Planning Process

If a planning or zoning permit is required, it generally needs to be processed prior to application of a building or construction permit. The Planning Section of the Planning and Building Department processes these permits. When multiple permits are required (e.g., Coastal Development Permit and Design Review Permit), the longer permit processing time and higher level decision-making body would apply to the concurrent processing of associated permits. In reviewing and processing your permit application, the assigned planner will generally complete the following steps:1. Initial Application Review

The planner reviews your project to determine whether your application is complete. During this stage, the planner:

  1. Determines whether your project conforms with the County’s Significant Tree Ordinance and/or Heritage Tree regulations and whether any additional information is required.   
  2. Solicits comments and recommendations from any required review agencies (relative to their regulations) and applicable homeowners associations or community groups.
2. Public Notification

A public notice is mailed to owners of property within a 100-ft. radius of the subject property.

3. Permit Decision

A staff-level decision is required.

4. Appeal Period

Once a decision is made, both you and the public can appeal most permit decisions to a higher authority within 10 business days of the decision date. Staff-level decisions can be appealed to the Planning Commission. Planning Commission decisions can be appealed to the County Board of Supervisors. A decision by the Board of Supervisors is not appealable.


Approximated Time provides an estimated duration for processing of the specified permit only and does not include processing of any appeals. It is not intended to represent an exact timeframe for a specific project, which may be more or less than the time provided. Required permits and processing times vary depending on project complexity and location. For projects requiring multiple permits (e.g., Design Review Permit and Coastal Development Permit), please use the highest of the estimated times for each required permit. These times do not include processing times for non-Planning permits which may be required for the project, such as permits from the Building Inspection Section, Department of Public Works, Environmental Health Division, sewer or water districts, or state or federal agency. To obtain an estimated processing timeframe for a specific project, please call or visit the Current Planning Section and speak with a Planner to identify the required permits and reviews for your project.


Approximated Fees provide an estimated rounded fee total based on the permit fee and other anticipated review costs of the adopted Planning Service Fee Schedule and does not represent an exact fee amount for a specific project, which may be higher or lower than the fee provided. Required permits and fees vary depending on project complexity and location. For projects requiring multiple permits (e.g., Design Review Permit and Coastal Development Permit), please use the highest of the estimated permit fees and add on the established fees of other required permits from the Planning Service Fee Schedule, to obtain an estimated fee total. Other department review fees, including those of the Geotechnical Section, Department of Public Works, Environmental Health Division, and the applicable fire department, may also apply. To obtain an estimated fee total for a specific project, please call or visit the Current Planning Section and speak with a Planner to identify the required permits and reviews for your project.

Fees based on the removal of one tree.

How to legally plant a tree in the city. Instruction

With the onset of the spring season, this question arises quite often, especially in 2020. Indeed, recently in Belarus balloons were banned at festive lines and graduation parties. Instead, it is recommended to plant flowers and trees. We figure out whether it is possible to plant trees in the city without permission and which plants are better to choose.

Planting a tree in a public place just like that will not work. In order to plant a tree, you need to obtain the appropriate permission.

If you want to plant a tree in the yard, you should apply with a written or oral request for permission to plant to the housing and communal services (ZhESy and ZHREO).

If you want to plant a tree along city roads, as well as in parks and squares, then you need to apply in writing or verbally for permission to plant to the unitary enterprise “Minskzelenstroy” in Minsk, in other cities – to local executive and administrative bodies.

After agreeing on the proposal received, officials must notify you of the decision.

It is better not to plant trees and shrubs without approval, as the plants may end up on communication networks, therefore, they will be removed without warning. From practice: it is most reliable to correspond with government agencies so that there are official answers with the signatures of officials. This will allow you to resolve controversial issues, to defend the planted tree, if questions arise in the future.

Can I plant a tree near the school?

Yes, but only with permission. It is necessary to contact the organization responsible for the school territory, the school administration. In the appeal, indicate that you want to plant your seedling and in what specific place.

This is necessary to find out if there are any underground utilities in the place that you plan to plant, if there is already an approved action plan for planting green spaces (or placing another object).

It is important to obtain written permission from the property owner.

Illustration by Yana Bondar

What kind of trees should be planted in the city?

Organizer of the environmental initiative “City Forester” Igor Korzun ‎recommends planting ash, linden, maple, chestnut, birch trees in our cities. Coniferous plants are also used for landscaping. Pine trees, for example, need dry, sandy soil and plenty of light. Tui is better to grow independently from the mother liquor (an adult plant from which cuttings are taken).

Stone fruits can be planted: plums, cherries. They, like wild apple trees, will decorate the city with flowering and light aroma. Magnolia is great for the city, but it requires more careful care.

There are tree species that take root well, grow quickly, but can cause discomfort to residents who are allergic to dust, pollen, have headaches from the aroma of a flowering plant. Therefore, you should carefully consider the planting of plants such as poplar, acacia, jasmine.

Do trees need to be prepared for replanting?

It is important to remember that planting material preparation and care are very important. It is easier for trees to take root and resist when they reach a certain age if the root system is formed. It is formed during repeated transplantation. A minimum of three transplants is required, which is approximately 5-7 years. Thanks to a good root system, the tree will also form the correct crown.

Care of the plant must be carried out constantly in order to track the disease, improper formation of the trunk, crown or death of the plant in time.

The specialist draws attention: the spring of 2020 is not very favorable for planting trees, and this is due to dry weather and temperature changes. Even if you water the seedlings yourself, the moisture that you give will turn into ice at night, thereby compacting and expanding the soil. In the daytime, when the ice melts, earthen pockets will appear in the soil, which will not allow the seedling to hold steady and take root.

– In a year like this, it is better to focus all attention on maintaining previously planted green spaces, and postpone new plantings to autumn – October, November, – advises Igor Korzun.


If you have any questions about green spaces in cities, you can contact the Green Phone on duty. They will also help you find answers to such questions.

– What to do if trees are cut down?

– What if the car is parked in the green zone?

– How do I know if a new building is legal?

– What to do if the nearby plant smokes and stinks?

– How to deal with illegal emissions from enterprises?

“Green Phone” is a telephone line for those who are ready to solve environmental problems. The environmental hotline is open from 10.00 to 18.00 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Phones: +375 29 170 26 70, +37517 396 94 31; email: [email protected].

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Do I need a permit to plant trees in the city?


  • – Is it possible to plant trees in the city?
  • – At what distance from the house can trees be planted in the city?
  • – Is it possible to plant trees behind the fence?
  • – Why can’t you plant trees near the house?
  • – What does it take to plant a tree in a city?
  • – What is the use of trees in the city?
  • – At what distance from the house to plant apple trees?
  • – At what distance from the house should trees be planted?
  • – At what distance from the house can you plant cherries?
  • – At what distance from the carriageway can trees be planted?
  • – What kind of trees to plant behind the fence along the road?
  • – What can be planted behind a fence?
  • – What trees and shrubs should not be planted at home?
  • – What kind of trees can be planted close to home?
  • – What kind of trees can be planted in the yard of the house?

Just planting a tree in a public place will not work. In order to plant a tree, you need to obtain the appropriate permission. If you want to plant a tree in the yard, then you should apply with a written or oral request for permission to plant to the housing and communal services (ZhESy and ZHREO).

Is it possible to plant trees in the city?

Can I plant a tree in my yard myself? No. The adjacent territory is the common property of all residents of the house, so the decision to plant trees should be made at a general meeting of owners.

How far from home can trees be planted in the city?

By law, a tree (its trunk) must be planted at least 5 meters from the walls of a residential building. Sometimes people plant trees to shade the facade from the sunny side, in which case it is necessary to choose crops with a spreading liquid crown or undersized shrubs, spruce.

Is it possible to plant trees outside the fence?

It depends on the height of the plant at what distance it is planted from the neighbor’s fence. Tall trees should be planted from the neighbor’s fence, stepping back 4 m. … They have a height of up to 10 m: cherry, plum, viburnum, hazel; Shrubs, dwarf varieties of fruit trees are considered undersized, they can be planted 1 m from the neighboring plot.

Why not plant trees near the house?

According to folk signs about trees planted near the house, the crown of the tree creates its own special aura, and earlier people believed that the fate of a person depends on which tree grows near the house.

What does it take to plant a tree in a city?

Just planting a tree in a public place will not work. In order to plant a tree, you need to obtain the appropriate permission. If you want to plant a tree in the yard, then you should apply with a written or oral request for permission to plant to the housing and communal services (ZhESy and ZHREO).

What is the use of trees in the city?

According to Alexander Fedorovich, the main value of green spaces in the city is their great work in cleaning the air from carbon dioxide and enriching the air with oxygen. Trees with their foliage actively trap dust and reduce the concentration of exhaust gases from urban transport.

How far from home should apple trees be planted?

Trees must be at least: 3 meters or more from a house or other building; at least 1.5 meters to a gas pipe, sewerage system, power line or just a garden path; more than 2.5 – 3 meters from the fence, especially if it is fruit crops.

How far from the house should trees be planted?

SanPiN states that when landscaping the adjacent territory of residential buildings, it must be taken into account that the distance from the walls of residential buildings to the axis of tree trunks with a crown with a diameter of up to 5 m should be at least 5 m. For larger trees, the distance should be more than 5 m, for shrubs – 1.5 m.

How far from home can you plant sweet cherries?

For this, minimum distances must be observed. So, from the house and other structures, the tree should grow no closer than 5 m (from the outer walls), and it should not obscure the windows and prevent the passage of the fire truck.

At what distance from the carriageway can trees be planted?

Distance to the road

Often, green spaces are located on the outside of the site. In this case, the distance from bushes to the roadway should be at least 1 m, from trees – 1.5-2 m. In this case, it is necessary to keep a distance from power lines.

What kind of trees to plant behind the fence along the road?

Climbing plants are well suited for decorating the fence from the street:

  • hops;
  • wild grapes;
  • honeysuckle honeysuckle;
  • Actinidia;
  • clematis.

What can be planted behind a fence?

Large deciduous ornamental trees:

  • Norway maple;
  • Sugar maple;
  • Common hornbeam;
  • Elm is smooth;
  • Small-leaved linden;
  • Black locust robin;
  • Prickly spruce;
  • Western thuja;

Which trees and shrubs should not be planted at home?

Tree species that should not be planted near the house

  • Poplar. This plant rightfully occupies the top of the anti-rating. …
  • Oak. Esotericists and pragmatists converge here. …
  • Walnut. …
  • Willows and aspens are trees that esotericists and Old Believers do not recommend planting.

What kind of trees can be planted close to home?

Trees near the house are species that can and cannot be planted. 100 photos of the best options for planting

  • Cherry Cherry symbolizes prosperity and good luck. …
  • Rosehip Rosehip is another plant with a protective function. …
  • Larch Larch is a coniferous tree that changes its cover every year. …
  • Acacia …
  • Spruce …
  • Viburnum …
  • Maple …
  • Rowan

What kind of trees can be planted in the yard?

Common maple, oak, hawthorn, white locust, apple tree, linden, zelkova are best suited for the city. But plane trees, which are so fond of planting in cities, scatter fluffy balls, bark and branches.

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Why plant trees in the city?

How to plant a tree with one click — Forbes Kazakhstan

Illustration: prosvet-team. ru

More than 300 people participated in the Startup Battle, which took place as part of the first TechConnect conference , including students of Almaty Management University (formerly MAB).

Postero Green: a garden city here!

Erlan Nurtaev.

3rd year student Yerlan Nurtaev nurtured his Postero Green project from school.

« As you know, every man must do three things in life: build a house, raise a son and plant a tree. It is with the last point that we help , says Yerlan. – A person can visit our site at any time, choose a tree type, available area, make a payment – and the tree will be planted. The seedling will be looked after, and the client will be able to monitor its growth and development, because QR – code. In addition, the fact that you have become a Postero Green customer also appears on your social media account, which indicates your social responsibility .”

Additional pluses – you do not need to obtain permission to plant a seedling (and it is necessary, because the akimat conducts certification, standardization and accounting of trees in the city). The choice of trees on the site is quite large, the cost is from 3.5 thousand tenge to 100 thousand tenge . Coniferous, deciduous varieties are most often planted. Additional post-service: if you choose a fruitful tree, the fruits of this tree are brought to your home 2 times a year.

During the project implementation – 4 months – 250 trees were planted . So far, only the Ile-Alatau National Park is included in the territory available for planting. But the guys are negotiating with the akimat of Almaty so that their project is included in the Master Plan for planting trees in the city.

« Mutual benefit, – Yerlan thinks. – Money from the state budget allocated for planting trees can be withdrawn. We can solve the problem of landscaping a metropolis on our own “.

According to Yerlan, now the service is in demand, mainly among university graduates and young mothers (for them, a tree is a kind of symbol of their baby’s growth). The next step is to interest large companies.

« We have already had corporate orders from various companies. They usually have their own corporate social responsibility program. And we need to ensure that our project appears in their development strategy. I think that it is in their interests to show their social responsibility in this way, especially in times of crisis ,” Yerlan believes.

Baizhan Kanafin, Managing Manager of Baiterek Holding, became interested in the idea of ​​Postero Green.

“He said that he was very interested in this project, especially since the holding’s logo depicts a tree. We agreed to call and discuss options for supporting startup ,” Yerlan concludes.

Facebook for students

Ersayyn Tamabay.

Offer Ersayyn Tamabay , 4th year student: Infalike is a student-oriented social network.

« The main feature of Infalike is that you do not need to add users as friends yourself, as in FB or Vk , – explains the author of the project. A common list is created – a circle of friends – within the university, a password is put on the social network, and the students of this university already “see” each other and can communicate in Infalike. In order for other users to enter the network, they must receive a password or subscribe to the university account .

Ersaiyn planned to attract investors on TechConnect and move to the next step in creating Infalike.

I met influential people who already have experience in implementing such startups, and they advised me how to proceed further ,” says Ersayyn.

According to the student’s calculations, the initial stage of the project will require $30,000. – to rent powerful servers and pay programmers. Ersayyn intends to implement the startup in Silicon Valley, where he is going to go after graduation. The student has already received the initial capital and the consent of the parents.

Animated books in the style of “augmented reality”

Kirill Tsoi.

The project of 3rd year student Kirill Tsoi “Animated books” is made in the style of student development for mobile applications “augmented reality”. In March 2015, Kirill’s project won in the “Innovation for Children” category of the Kazakhstan stage of the Startup Tour. Then the student received a number of proposals from Skolkovo for the implementation of his startup in Russia.

Kirill Tsoi put forward the idea of ​​animated books for children (we are talking, first of all, about fairy tales). The idea was born when a student worked at the AlmaU innovative museum on the design of the central wall for a screen for a film projector – 3D models, animated videos, infographics were displayed on it. Then the idea of ​​using a video guide in the museum instead of a traditional audio guide was a great solution, and Kirill decided that this idea could also be used when reading ordinary books.

Moreover, according to the author, it is necessary to distinguish between animabooks and audiobooks. The latter have long been known and are based on the use of an audio sequence (that is, the announcer reads the book aloud from cover to cover).

Animation book is quite different. Imagine you buy a book and download a mobile application to your mobile device that allows you to “revive” the pictures in the book. For example, you read a fairy tale about three little pigs to your child, point your smartphone at the picture, and the pigs on your smartphone begin to sing, dance, etc. Or a character before your eyes begins to run through the pages of a book. That is, the pictures are not intended to “show” the whole fairy tale, but they can give an incentive to the child to listen to the fairy tale to the end, spur his imagination.

« This idea is not new, but no one was seriously interested in it. The technology has been around for a long time, but only now people are beginning to understand its possibilities. Especially since it is affordable for most. For example, good 3 D – points cost $500 , and 3 D – models and animation in the phone are cheap processed in App Store , but in December it will be available for download. We have already processed a number of fairy tales, for example, Little Red Riding Hood. At the same time, we want to “break through” to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan to introduce our project into the educational material, so that children would be no less interested in reading chemistry and physics than the same fairy tales. We also want to publish marketing products for private companies .”

According to the student’s impressions, TechConnect is a unique platform for Kazakhstan.

« The level of organization is very high. Impressions are extremely positive, I think we performed well. There were companies that offered to “drive” their ads into our application. But the main result of the trip, in my opinion, is that I decided to implement a startup in Kazakhstan, and not in Russia or other foreign countries , – says Kirill. – In Skolkovo, they promised me support, but after Astana, when I felt that we were being met, that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan would help us with the implementation, I realized that could also be realized in Kazakhstan.

How to plant a tree in the city? Representatives of Zelenstroy spoke about the improvement of the capital and trends in landscaping

The first alley of family trees was laid a year ago in the Zavodskoy district of the capital, and soon bright compositions in the form of labyrinths and paparazzi-flowers will appear in this part of the city.

The month of putting things in order after the winter in the capital is in full swing, not far off – the republican subbotnik. At this time, everyone can help their hometown become cleaner and more beautiful. However, planting a bush at the entrance is not so easy. We asked Olga Gurinovich, Deputy Director of Zelenstroy of Zavodskoy District, about landscaping, the most interesting outdoor recreation areas in the southeastern part of Minsk and the working days of the state enterprise.

How to legally plant a tree in the yard and when is the best time to do it?

To plant a tree in your yard, you need to apply in writing or orally to the district division of UE “Minskzelenstroy”. The specialists of the institution will check whether underground utilities lie at the potential landing site. In addition, a person will be prompted for a place in which the future plant will not block the light. According to general construction standards, the distance from buildings and structures to tall trees should be 5 meters, to shrubs – 1.5 meters. For improper self-planting of trees, citizens face a fine of up to 25 basic units. Illegal transplantation of seedlings is also punishable by a fine of 5 to 50 base.

– I can’t say that people in the city are massively striving to plant trees, but there are facts of planting. We always advise and encourage you to contact us before this procedure. Experts will look at the distance to engineering networks, recommend which tree and where it is better to plant.

We have not recorded any catastrophic consequences after unauthorized urban landings, but controversial moments do happen after the fact. Sometimes specialists in engineering networks give orders to transplant plants, – says a representative of Zelenstroy of the Zavodskoy district.

By the way, it is possible to obtain a permit to cut down a tree, but it is not easy to do so. In this case, you should also contact Zelenstroy, after which a special commission will conduct an investigation. The basis for issuing a permit may be the conclusion of a specially authorized body on a violation of insolation in a room or on damage to underground utilities and other criteria. These norms are spelled out in the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated October 25, 2011 No. 1426.

In terms of timing, trees are traditionally planted in spring and autumn.

– Time is always a matter of controversy. Some people think that planting is best done in the spring, while others prefer to do it in the fall. In the spring, the deadlines for such work are more compressed, because during the warm period, rapid sap flow occurs in plants. If you take a tree with an open root system, then it must be planted before the leaves bloom. In the case when the plant is bought with a closed root system, it can be planted at almost any time of the year. In general, there are plants that are suitable for planting even in winter. These are mostly large-sized, which include trees and bushes of unusually large sizes. The main problem at this time of the year is the difficulty of digging the soil, so pits are dug for them in the fall, and already in the cold season the trees are lowered into the ground, – Olga Gurinovich shares her secrets.

It turns out that the employees of the unitary enterprise “Minskzelenstroy” have enough work all year round – this winter they planted even in February.

What are the best trees to plant in the city?

Ash, linden, maple, chestnut and birch are most often planted in the city. Coniferous plants are also used for landscaping. Pines can be found in certain areas, but they need dry, sandy soil and plenty of light. By the way, a real pine forest in the city can be found on the territory of the 4th City Children’s Clinical Hospital. Locals often come there to get some fresh air and feed the squirrels that have long chosen the area. Even in the city, stone fruit crops, such as plums, cherries, and apple trees, are often planted.

– Consider the fact that the main types of plants are always stronger than artificially bred varieties. Of course, every year the range is expanding more and more. For example, 15 years ago, thujas in Belarus were something exclusive, and now they are becoming hedges, – the interlocutor notes.

Work in Zelenstroy – plant flowers?

Zavodskoy district, like the capital as a whole, can be proud of the amount of urban greenery.

– Fortunately, we do not yet have problems in European cities, where there is often not enough space for plants. Abroad, benches and tables are set up right on the pavement, and a small number of plants are already planted in them. Minsk is a unique city in terms of the number of parks and squares. Here one cannot fail to recall the Slepyansk system, which creates an air corridor in the city. You can openly declare that these are the lungs of the capital, – the interlocutor argues.

Right during the interview, Olga Gurinovich received a call from a resident of one of the houses in the district, who revealed her desire to plant several trees and a lilac bush under her window.

There is a resident in the Zavodskoy district who has been planting trees in various places for several years. The man has such a hobby: to contribute to the greening of the city.

By the way, the action “Green Yard” is currently taking place in the city. Residents of the districts can leave an application and choose a place to land. Specialists draw up schemes with addresses where this can be done, and post information on the site. This year, for example, more than 5,000 plants are planned to be planted in the Zavodskoy district during the campaign.

You can always find a job in Zelenstroy. True, there are some difficulties here.

– The work of green building workers can be called ungrateful and hard to some extent. At any time of the year, our employees are outdoors. When you talk about green building, a picture of flowers immediately pops up in your head. But life is a little different. We have to take out the trash more and more. Unfortunately, many people do not understand that there is no need to litter where you live. Unauthorized landfills are a real scourge of the private sector. Only it seems that the territories were removed, but literally an hour later the same problems arise. Residents need to think about their behavior. Indeed, instead of constant cleaning, Zelenstroy specialists could do something more noble. Garbage bags are often thrown out of high-rise buildings, and they just hang on trees, ”Olga Gennadievna says about the sore.

The interlocutor notices that after the winter, a huge number of applications for 115 bel are traditionally received. At the same time, many of the problems could very simply be eliminated by the residents of the houses themselves. Sometimes, at the request, you have to remove literally 2-3 pieces of paper.

Time to go to the country!

To decide on plantings on personal plots, first of all, you need to know the composition of the soil.

– There are plants that react normally to the soil, and there are more capricious ones. For example, rhododendron loves acidic soil. Also, the plant will feel good under the pines. Deciduous bushes in such a place will hurt. But all the same, when choosing a plant, the main thing is appropriate care and common sense, – Olga Gurinovich sums up.


Photo of the author

Yerkebulan Orazalin: “If you want to plant trees, then contact us”

Yerkebulan Orazalin: “If you want to plant trees, then contact us” – Analytical online magazine Vlast

  • Svetlana Romashkina
  • 11667

Svetlana Romashkina, Vlast, photographs by Zhanara Karimova

We met with Yerkebulan Orazalin, Head of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management of Almaty City, and talked about greening the city, repairing ditches and the future of Lake Sairan.

— Did this winter, which was so short and with little snow, help you save money?

— About 80 million tenge. They were returned to the city budget. Screenings this year we used less. The savings of 80 million are, first of all, saved fuels and lubricants and the fact that we did not purchase screenings and other materials.

— What are your plans for landscaping this year? How much money are you going to spend?

— Every year we carry out flower gardening at the expense of the city budget. Last year, we planted 76,000 square meters of flowers, installed additional vertical structures on Al-Farabi Avenue, small architectural forms made of topiary, with cyclists and other elements. All together it cost the budget about 900 million tenge. This year we have reduced the flower area by 500 square meters. meters, while reducing where we thought that there are flowers in abundance. For example, on Dulati Street, where we had 4 thousand square meters. meters of flower beds, on Al-Farabi Avenue, last year we changed part of the flower beds to perennial rose gardens and the area was reduced.

— What flowers will you be planting this year?

— This is, in principle, the traditional range of flowers: petunias, salvias, tagetis, all summer flowers grown in local greenhouses.

Are all flower suppliers local?

– Almost everything. Only about 4% of seedlings are planted from Holland, these are companies that carry out vertical gardening, if you notice, these are flowers on the parapets. This year we will adhere to the idea of ​​developing new small architectural forms, we will install new topiary structures dedicated to the theme of the Universiade. As for trees, since last year, money for planting trees has not been purposefully allocated from the budget through our department. Because we had enough stock of trees that we received as a result of compensatory plantings. As you know, permits are issued for the removal of trees. If this is a forced demolition, then it is compensated as follows: 1 tree to 3. If this is an unauthorized demolition of trees, and we have such cases, then 1 tree to 10 is compensated. If emergency trees, then 1 to 1. And all this planting work and care are carried out only by specialized organizations.

— That is, if a person cuts down a tree illegally, then he cannot buy seedlings himself and make compensatory plantings?

— If it is a legal entity, then yes, it must be carried out under an agreement with a specialized company. There are many such companies on the market. Why is it important for us that specialized companies do this? Firstly, there is a technology for planting trees, there are requirements for tree plantings – hardwood planting materials must be at least three meters high and have their own tree at least half a meter. Most importantly, over the next two years, this specialized company assumes full warranty responsibility that it will nurture the tree and ensure its survival.

— Should the company plant the tree where it cut it or somewhere else?

– This is regulated by our department. For example, last year a permit was issued for the demolition of 4,000-5,000 trees; At the end of the year, we form our database, because the favorable season for planting is autumn and spring. For the spring, we formed a certain stock of trees, received applications from district akimats, and then we distribute planting sites among contractors.

This year, we also did not allocate money for trees, the only issue that we are currently working on in a new way as part of planting is planting in the annexed areas of the city. Look, we have 84 squares in the city, 12 large parks, there is one Baum grove, boulevards and other green areas, about 130 objects, they form about 1.5 thousand hectares of green spaces. There are free spots in the territories attached to the city, which we want to additionally plant trees and shrubs. In the Alatau region there is a territory of Saka burial mounds, it is 430 hectares, we now want to develop a green belt there, by analogy with the experience of Astana, to plant new trees. First of all, we must provide watering there. To this end, we are currently developing design and estimate documentation, which provides for the drilling of wells on the territory of these mounds. We will now calculate how much it will cost to provide water irrigation, we will build wells, somewhere in parts of an irrigation system and, as planned, either at the end of this year or at the beginning of the next, we will come to the amount necessary for planting trees and shrubs in this area. That is, first water, and then planting materials. If this major project is implemented according to the scenario that we envisage, then we will plant additional trees at the expense of the budget.

— Compensatory plantings: how many percent of trees take root?

— Look, we now have a very good survival rate. Over the past two years, the mortality does not exceed 7-8%. The compensation model that we are currently using was adopted in Almaty about 8 years ago. Previously, when a person went for a demolition permit, he did not bear the obligation to compensate for planting, he paid the cost of each tree at the expense of the local budget. But this amount, which was then accumulated, was not necessarily directed to planting greenery in the city. Accordingly, when the issue was raised that few trees were being compensated, they decided to revise this model and switched to the fact that new young seedlings would be planted at the expense of the demolished trees.

– It seems to me that people who live in the city do not notice that three trees are planted instead of one, because it turns out that trees were demolished near my house, and compensatory plantings were made in the Alatau district, where I and I don’t.

– This is a constant subject of criticism – regarding the fact that we have thinned the green fund of the city. Firstly, yes, we admit that over these 10-15 years there has been a very rapid development of building development. A lot of new facilities were put into operation, from architectural to interchanges, of course, and private entrepreneurs built a lot of things. Yes, there were trees falling down somewhere. But there is another side to this issue. In the central part of the city, the green fund was planted in the 50-60s, and those trees that we had, and some of them still remain, are old-growth trees that are subject to sanitary felling, otherwise they pose a threat and risks both to people and and for their property. When there are windblows, a lot of trees and large branches fall on someone’s cars, people go to court, of course, the akimat is the defendant. In the 2000s, we were faced with the fact that the trees in the central part of the city were aging, and 10 years ago, a green fund rejuvenation program was initiated. In the first years, the loss was colossal – about 70%. “Zelenstroy” disappeared in an instant, it went bankrupt, private enterprises appeared that began to do this, but they lacked the qualifications and material and technical base.

– It seems to me that even now compensatory landings do not work. Look, 200 trees were planted near the 120th school, about 20 survived. They did not plant further trees there, the situation is similar in Masanchi-Kurmangazy. When Seifullin was expanded, everything was demolished and nothing was planted. On Rozybakiev, almost all the trees were also demolished on the sides of the streets.

– You give me some facts, but I can give a lot of examples that the twigs that were planted 5-6 years ago have already become trees.

— I am interested in the question: when a business demolishes plantings in its own interests, then most often it promises to put a thuja tree or any other tree in a pot in its place. Is a plant in a pot a full-fledged plant for the akimat?

— Of course not, what does promise mean? This promise does not count towards the compensation he must make.

– There is, for example, Beautymania, which always cuts down all the trees in front of its stores so that their windows can be seen, and then lays asphalt. This can be seen on Shevchenko-Furmanov, on Abylay Khan-Kabanbai Batyr. And they put pots with dried thuja. They may have planted trees somewhere, but the person who lives there, he probably wants the trees to be planted where they were.

– There was no permit for the removal of trees on Shevchenko, it was a serious precedent. Then they took upon themselves, in addition to the fines provided for by law, social obligations for the reconstruction of one boulevard. They did the job.

— Can’t you rewind, convince them to remove the asphalt and plant trees in its place?

— You came in a strange mood. Naturally you can’t.

– They broke the law. They took down the trees and made a parking lot there. Why not teach them to respect the law and force them to do everything the way it was?

— Now a special public commission has been created, it used to be, but now those people who really stood up, probably with a similar mood to you, were attracted there, so that they could see this process from the inside. Now this commission meets weekly and coordinates the issuance of permits for demolition.

— If a person or company wants to plant a tree/trees, what should they do?

– If he wants to plant one tree in his yard, it’s not a problem. But if he wants to make a more serious contribution and plant trees on the main streets, in the park, then he must apply to our department for approval. There are a lot of people who want to contribute to the greening of the city, they come to us, but there are certain requirements for the quality of planting material – this is one, the second – there is a breed composition that is more suitable for the geography of the city – for the south or north side. Thirdly, watering and caring for the tree should be provided. Either the person himself will provide this, or if we have contractors fixed there, we can take it upon ourselves.

— What species of trees are currently a priority for Almaty? Previously, for example, there were a lot of poplars, now there are fewer of them.

– Poplars were planted in the 60s. They absorb moisture into themselves, and were planted from the point of view of seismicity in order to withstand possible cataclysms. Then, in the 2000s, there were many complaints about allergies to poplar fluff.

– But we planted the wrong varieties.

— Do you mean the male and female species? In any case, the root cause is poplars. We continue to plant them, but mostly in the lower part of the city, in the upper part – birches, oaks, willows – closer to moisture, to riverbeds. We stick to planting deciduous trees. Last year, 40,000 trees were planted, of which no more than 10% were conifers.

— Will elms land?

Yes. If you paid attention to the shaping of trees, then these are all elms. We already have specialists who have skills in shaping trees. Elm is unpretentious, it has a good deciduous crown. This is the most practical tree.

– Can you tell me how many trees there are in the city?

— From 2006 to 2010, a complete inventory of green spaces was carried out, however, without taking into account the annexed territories. We have about 1 million 300 thousand trees. The total area of ​​the city is 68.5 thousand hectares. Of these, 22 thousand hectares are the territory of the Ile-Alatau Natural Park. This is all the southern part, the greenest part of the city. In the territories attached to Almaty there are no parks at all, so the main emphasis in landscaping is done there.

– In 2011 there was a strong hurricane, and if you look at the mountains, they are bald. Will trees be planted in the mountains?

— About 8.5 thousand young Tien Shan firs were planted there, but it is clear that this is not enough. Now we have adopted a plan for the development of the Medeo park for 2016-2017, and one of the big sections in it is clearing the remaining logs from the windblow. There are some places where this work is not completed. And the planting of new conifers is provided for there.

– Question about Sairan. Almost every akim tried to improve Sairan. Hydraulic strengthening and installation of treatment facilities were planned for this year. Everything goes according to plan?

– The project is now at the exit from the examination. Yes, it provides for strengthening the body of the dam, clearing its bottom. The body of the dam is already 40 years old. There are separate positions for the improvement of the eastern and western sides, it is somewhere around 70 hectares, including the bottom of the lake. The area is big. Negotiations are underway with potential investors. There are two or three stakeholders who are eyeing this project. The main condition for the transfer of Sairan to management is the performance of works on hydraulic strengthening. This is an expensive project, about a billion tenge.

– Question about Kok-Tobe. You are watching what is happening. How did it happen?

— In general, initially the project provides for landscaping, and the work will be carried out. Now they have temporarily completely covered everything with paving stones. In some places, the paving stones will be removed and trees will be planted.

– Director Kok-Tobe was a little embarrassed when he said that he would put pots with plants.

— Believe me, I saw this project from the very beginning. Roman Shnaiderman was involved in the design of Kok-Tobe, he is currently engaged in the reconstruction project of the Central Park and Atakent. I don’t know why the director reacted like that. Trees will be planted within the next month and a half.

— What will happen to the Botanical Garden?

— As you know, it, like the Baum Grove, is under the republican jurisdiction, because it is not just a green fund, it has a research focus.

– But he is “sad”.

— It is “sad”, the problem is insufficient funding from the republican budget, we even once repeatedly appealed to the ministry to transfer the Botanical Garden to communal, local property, because otherwise we have no right to finance object from the budget. The Republic defended, but, nevertheless, we raised this issue. Now a comprehensive master plan is being developed for the garden, including providing for irrigation of the park area, planting new seedlings, and a new arboretum with plants from other regions of the world will be presented there. This project will be developed this year, but the Botanical Garden has a very large area – 100 hectares, which will require very large funding. You need to understand that everything will not be done there right away, but in general there is movement. There will be some partial work next year.

— There was news that this year no money was allocated for the repair of the canal system.

– During the last clarifications of the budget, the money was laid. We have about 120-odd kilometers of ditches in the city, in general, this work was carried out as planned. What are ditches for? For irrigation and for drainage of storm water. During heavy rains, the lower part of the city is flooded due to the lack of ditches. Therefore, new ditches will be built in the Turksib and Zhetysu districts, where there are problem areas. In total, 15 km of ditches will be reconstructed and made this year. Now everyone remembers that earlier water flowed through ditches, and now it flows along the same streets, the problem is that it does not get into the lower part of the city, because at 9The 0s was a chaotic building and it disrupted this ecosystem.

Svetlana Romashkina

Chief Editor Vlast

Zhanara Karimova


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Frequently asked questions – Register of green spaces of the city of Almaty

Posted by Aigul Batyrkhanova on 22. 03.2021

further measures to maintain and protect them for two years (the survival period of a tree seedling) from the moment of re-planting.

According to sp. 37 Model Rules for the Maintenance and Protection of Green Plantations, Rules for the Improvement of Territories of Cities and Settlements, and the Rules for the Provision of the Public Service “Issuance of a Permit for Felling Trees”, approved by Order No. 606 of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 12, 2020.

Posted by Aigul Batyrkhanova on 02/25/2021

The sanitary condition of trees and shrubs in the surveyed area was determined based on their actual (qualitative) characteristics using CSR (object state coefficient) with the following ratings:

Healthy (CSR-1) – without signs of weakening with normal development and without damage (normal leafing of the crown and high decorative effect, intensive growth of shoots, pests and diseases are absent). According to the age characteristics, these are mainly young and middle-aged plantations.

Weakened (KSO-2) – trees and shrubs with minor damage or with one-sided crown development, medium decorative effect, up to 10% dry branches, weak oppression (less leaf blade), damaged by 25% by pests and diseases. It is typical mainly for ripening plantations.

Oppressed (KSO-3) – often dry top trees, with significant depression in development and mechanical damage (hollows, dry branches up to 50%), weak leafing, non-decorative, damaged by pests and diseases up to 50%. Most often found in mature stands.

Drying (KSO-4) – the process of dying off is very developed, there is a massive (more than 50%) damage to the tree by pests and diseases, dry tops. As a rule, ripe and overmature stands.

Emergency, dead wood (KSO-5) – a completely withered (dead) tree or shrub that is subject to priority felling, creating a threat of falling onto carriageways, sidewalks, buildings, power lines, etc.

Posted by Aigul Batyrkhanova on 23.02.2021

To obtain permission to cut trees , you must send documents in electronic form through electronic government E-gov (e-license – environmental protection – issuance of permission to cut trees — order the service online ) .

Felling of trees is carried out with the permission of the authorized body – the Green Economy Department of Almaty. In addition, it is necessary to provide a letter of guarantee from individuals and legal entities on compensatory planting instead of cut down trees.

According to paragraph 25 of the Model Rules for the Maintenance and Protection of Green Spaces, the Rules for the Improvement of the Territories of Cities and Settlements, and the Rules for the Provision of the Public Service “Issuance of a Permit for Felling Trees” (hereinafter referred to as the Model Rules), approved by order of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 12, 2020 No. 606 (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 16, 2020 No. 21635).

Posted by Aigul Batyrkhanova on 02/23/2021

Sanitary pruning must be agreed in writing with the authorized body – the Almaty Green Economy Department.

In accordance with paragraph 24 of paragraph 2 of the rules for the improvement of the territories of cities and settlements and the Rules for the provision of public services “Issuance of a permit for felling trees” (approved by order of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 12, 2020 No. 606) – Sanitary pruning and (or) felling of trees on public lands is carried out by organizations serving this land plot (apparatus of the akim of the district, according to the territorial unit) .

Posted by Aigul Batyrkhanova on 23.02.2021

An individual or legal entity that has committed illegal felling, destruction, damage to trees or violation of the rules for the maintenance and protection of green spaces, is liable in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses and makes compensatory planting trees twenty times.

In accordance with clause 30 of the Model Rules for the Maintenance and Protection of Green Spaces, the Rules for the Improvement of the Territories of Cities and Settlements, and the Rules for the Provision of the Public Service “Issuance of a Permit for Felling Trees”, approved by order of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 12, 2020 year No. 606.

Posted by Aigul Batyrkhanova on 23.02.2021

Compensatory planting of trees is carried out by planting seedlings hardwood height not less than 2.5 meters with a lump or softwood with a height of at least 2 meters with a lump. The diameter of the trunk from the upper root system of seedlings is not less than 3 centimeters, at a height of 1.3 meters of the stem part.

In accordance with paragraph 31 of the Model Rules for the Maintenance and Protection of Green Spaces, the Rules for the Improvement of Territories of Cities and Settlements, and the Rules for the Provision of the Public Service “Issuance of a Permit for Felling Trees”, approved by order of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 12, 2020 No. 606.

Posted by Aigul Batyrkhanova on 23.02.2021

In accordance with paragraph 28 of the Model Rules for the Maintenance and Protection of Green Spaces, the Rules for the Improvement of the Territories of Cities and Settlements, and the Rules for the Provision of the Public Service “Issuance of a Permit for Felling Trees”, approved by order of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 12, 2020 No. 606.

Posted by Aigul Batyrkhanova on 02/23/2021

When trees are transplanted by individuals and legal entities, compensatory planting is not carried out. If the replanting resulted in death of trees, five times the amount of compensation is established.

In accordance with paragraph 32 of the Model Rules for the Maintenance and Protection of Green Spaces, the Rules for the Improvement of Territories of Cities and Settlements, and the Rules for the Provision of the Public Service “Issuance of a Permit for Felling Trees”, approved by order of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 12, 2020 No. 606.

Posted by Aigul Batyrkhanova on 23.02.2021

After completion of work on compensatory planting of trees, individuals and legal entities inform in writing the authorized body about the performance of work in accordance with the plan for compensatory planting.

In accordance with sp. 34 of the Model Rules for the maintenance and protection of green spaces, the rules for the improvement of the territories of cities and towns and the Rules for the provision of the public service “Issuance of a permit for felling trees”, approved by order of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 12, 2020 No. 606.

Posted by Aigul Batyrkhanova on 23.02.2021

In accordance with the letter of guarantee , within two years (the survival period of a tree seedling) from the moment of compensatory planting, they carry out measures to maintain and protect seedlings, in accordance with subparagraphs 4 ), 5), 6), 7) and 8) of paragraph 7 of these Rules.

In accordance with sp. 35 Model Rules for the Maintenance and Protection of Green Plantations, Rules for the Improvement of Territories of Cities and Settlements, and the Rules for the Provision of the Public Service “Issuance of a Permit for Felling Trees”, approved by Order No. 606 of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 12, 2020.

Posted by Aigul Batyrkhanova on 02/23/2021

After two years, individuals and legal entities that have carried out compensatory planting, together with the authorized body , draw up an act of survival of trees and transfer to the balance of the local executive body of the corresponding administrative-territorial unit for further content. The authorized body includes established trees in the register of green spaces .

In accordance with sp. 36 Model rules for the maintenance and protection of green spaces, rules for the improvement of the territories of cities and towns and the Rules for the provision of the state service “Issuance of a permit for felling trees”, approved by order of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 12, 2020 No. 606.

Posted by Aigul Batyrkhanova on 02/23/2021

In case of illegal felling, destruction, damage to trees listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan, compensatory tree planting is carried out is thirty times .

In accordance with the Model Rules for the Maintenance and Protection of Green Plantations , the Rules for the Improvement of the Territories of Cities and Settlements and the Rules for the Provision of the Public Service “Issuance of a Permit for Felling Trees”, approved by Order of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 12, 2020 No. 606.

Posted on 02/18/2021

The oldest oak Grows on the territory of kindergarten No. 109(corner of Shevtsova-Zverev). Its height is more than 20 meters, the diameter of the trunk is 3 meters (near the ground). According to botanists, this giant is over 300 years old; it is 2 times older than the city!

Posted by Aigul Batyrkhanova on 18.