Crystal citrine meaning: Healing Properties & Uses // Tiny Rituals

Healing Properties & Uses // Tiny Rituals


  • What is Citrine?|
  • The Stone of Summer|
  • Citrine Healing Properties|
  • Zodiac Birthstone|
  • Using Citrine|
  • How to Cleanse Your Citrine Stone|
  • Final Thoughts on the Citrine Stone

Citrine is in the mineral class of quartz. It takes its color from the traces of iron in the quartz and can be anything from pale yellow to bright shades of amber. Citrine tends to have a hexagonal crystal system and in its natural form has a cloudy or smoky look. The meaning of citrine is focused on prosperity, joy, and energy.

Take a look at our essential guide to healing gemstones and find a crystal that captures you.

The Stone of Summer 

  • The sunshine stone
  • Beloved since 300 BC
  • The power of positivity 

The sunshine stone of Citrine is like summer made incarnate. The color of Amalfi Coast lemons, as bright as the midday sun, and with a slight vintage Hollywood vibe, you cannot help but fall hard for the immediate uplifting vibes that sunny Citrine brings to the table. Bright and bustling, this stone is actually a special variety of quartz but comes soaked in a yellow color. Citrine hails from the highlands of Scotland, the flamenco corners of Spain, the tropics of Madagascar, the rich and regal lands of Russia, and the lush green rainforests of Brazil. Perhaps, it’s these far-flung places that feed it full of good vibes, or maybe it’s just Mother Nature’s way of reminding us that when life gives you lemons…

Even as far back as 300 BC, the golden gleam of the Citrine crystal was beloved as a bright decorative gem. Ancient Greek and Roman jewelers would use Citrine to adorn rings to be slipped upon important fingers. But even as time ticked on, Citrine never lost its place in being a beloved jewel. Queen Victoria too loved Citrine and used it to make a statement in her 17th-century costumes. Later, in the new era of Hollywood royalty, stars like Greta Garbo would wear Citrine on the red carpet making it an immortal aspect of art deco style. Citrine meaning comes from the word for lemon, and it’s that sweet and sharp citron energy that we adore so much.  

But beyond being a beauty, there are many reasons to bring the splash of Citrine into your life. The power of positivity, a burst of bright energy, and bringing warm light to frayed nerves, Citrine is like a summer holiday for your soul. Let’s delve a little deeper into the sunny rays and healing properties of Citrine.

If Citrine doesn’t shine a light on your own soul, take a look at our essential crystal guide and find the gem that brings you joy.

Citrine Healing Properties

Shake out maudlin moods with the yellow kiss of Citrine. Ever ready to bring good vibes and grace to the table, this sunny stone has an instant effect on the health and wealth of your body, mind, and soul. Natural Citrine is so bright and blessed that is unable to hold onto bad energy, meaning that you can always rely on it to take those tough times in hand and transmute it into something special. Here’s how Citrine is a stunning investment for your health, heart, and happiness…

Physical Healing Properties

  • Brings energy
  • Helps the thyroid 

Just like standing in the gentle glow of sunlight, Citrine works wonders when it comes to warming the physical body and bringing uplifting moods. If Vitamin D were a stone it would be Citrine for sure. Bringing Citrine into your life means that you can say farewell to sluggish vibes. An instant pick me up, Citrine brings a bounty of energy and can be an amazing gift to those who suffer from chronic fatigue or other conditions that run your personal resources low.

While Citrine is an energy giver, it doesn’t mean she amps you up into overdrive, it’s a stone that will pull you up by your bootstraps but not leave you out of balance. Citrine helps to keep the thyroid working well, stimulate a healthy digestive system, better blood circulation, and keeps allergies and all kinds of skin irritations on the down-low. Those who suffer from menstrual pain and a cycle that seems out of whack will also love the healing vibes of Citrine and it can also be used as a remedy against nausea too.

Mental & Emotional Healing Properties

  • Helps release anger and tension
  • Boosts self-esteem and confidence

It comes as no surprise that the bright and sunny mood of Citrine is all centered around good vibrations, excitations, and not letting go of that personal power. If you ever feel like you have lost your grip, Citrine is here to remind you to simply take it back with a smile. It helps you to crack open your mind, to release those tense feelings of negativity and anger, and to take deep cleansing breaths that help you to overcome muddled feelings of confusion, depression, and destructive tendencies. Citrine teaches you to put down the weight of all those things that no longer make you feel soaked in sunlight inside. Citrine can help you to fight phobias through the gentle flow of healing energy and knowing that no matter what, you are able to take accountability for your own safety and that you simply will not fail. 

When you feel the flow of sweet optimism, this helps you to tap into those powers of manifestation. With Citrine on your side, you suddenly feel like anything is possible – and it is! You will feel your sense of self-worth suddenly rocket sky-high, you will allow yourself to drift with the rivers flow rather than feeling like life is one big upstream battle, and you will stay steady on your feet and even be ready and willing to accept criticism with softness and grace.

There’s a glow of creative energy that comes from Citrine too, making it an amazing gemstone for those who truly feel the need to kickstart their creative heart. It invites a sense of style and flexibility and when you are moving along with this positive mindset, you are suddenly able to attract things of great pleasure back into your life. Good friends, healthy relationships, and magical mentors – all the good folk are drawn to be close to those who wear this vibrant and sunny stone.

Metaphysical Properties

  • Connected to the solar plexus and sacral chakra
  • Keeps negative energy at bay

Citrine is connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra and the Sacral Chakra, and both these power points in the body sit either in the center or down low. These are elemental chakras that help us to stay grounded and glorious in our own power. The Solar Plexus Chakra is where we garner our warrior strength and stand strong in personal power. If your Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked you may struggle to feel centered and your confidence will sit on shaky ground. This makes it hard to forge boundaries and also may mean that you struggle to keep negative energy out.

The Sacral Chakra is where our passion, creativity and intimacy sits close to our pubic bone. This is also where the well of our joy sits. If your Sacral Chakra is blocked you may feel overwhelmed like you are spinning in a loss of control, and this can lead to feelings of detachment or emotionally checking out.

As Citrine works to bring both these chakras into alignment, you can see it’s a really great tool for those who just need a little extra help staying grounded without feeling ground down. Ward off negative energy, bring your inner strength shimmering to the surface and let the hardships of life roll off like water on a duck’s back with this purely positive stone.

Zodiac Birthstone

  • The birthstone for November
  • Good for Aries, Leo, and Libra

While you may associate Citrine with those soft summer days, this is actually the birthstone for the winter month of November. While surprising at first, it actually works as when the dark nights of winter close in, this can be the time that we crave the light the most. While it may be linked to the birth month of November, when it comes to zodiac signs it seems that Aries, Leo, and Libra fall in love the most with Citrine’s sunny personality.

Citrine works wonders with the nature of Aries. Those born under the sign of Aries can sometimes be a little insecure thanks to that competitive nature and this doesn’t do well when it comes to receiving feedback from the world. As Citrine helps you to stay safe and stable in your skin, it means that non-praiseworthy words will no longer rock your soul. Aries can also be highly driven and Citrine helps to channel that energy into something purely positive.

Librans, on the other hand, take different powers from turning to Citrine as a zodiac stone. Librans are shapeshifters and can be indecisive as they love to fit in and not make the ‘wrong’ decision. Citrine is an amazing stone for helping this sign align with their own intuitive power and to recognize the weight and wonder of their own inner strength.

Using Citrine

Check out our healing Citrine Bracelet! 

  • Wear to surround yourself in positive energy
  • Place in the home for abundance and luck

There are several ways to bring the sunny light of Citrine into your life. Whether you adorn yourself in gemstone jewelry like the queens and Hollywood greats of old or if you find a few stunning stones for Feng Shui or to build an altar, Citrine deserves a place of purpose in everyone’s life, as let’s face it – we all get dark sometimes. Here are the best ways to bring the dazzling warmth of Citrine into your heart and home…

Home & Office 

Citrine is a stunning stone to have around the home as it instantly creates an atmosphere that you want to stay in. If you have any corners or rooms in your house that seem to have a melancholy feel than others, Citrine could be the dash of sunshine you need. As Citrine is also known as the Merchants Stone it helps you to manifest more, it could also be a wise idea to put Citrine in the office as it can help your money tree to bloom into beautiful being. Being a stone that kicks out negativity and stress and helps you to transmute your own power to the world, its no wonder that Citrine is a secret weapon in the world of business or simply in attracting exactly what you need and want.


For thousands of years, the glory of Citrine has been used as a centerpiece in stunning jewelry and even to this very day, jewelers and artisans want to continue to honor this incredible stone. One of the many benefits of choosing jewelry as a way to bring Citrine into your life is because it vibrates directly against the skin. When you choose Citrine Bracelets to sit against the skin, there is no barrier and your body is better able to absorb the powerful energy of the healing crystal.

If you are looking for other stones that beautifully complement Citrine then be sure to turn to Amethyst with her serene soft vibes. Other stones include Rose Quartz for upping those levels of self-love, Agate for mental strength and clarity, Labradorite for preserving the sanity of the soul, Fluorite for her rainbow moods, and Sunstone for even more golden warmth. Topaz, Smoky Quartz, and Tourmaline are other stones that easily make a great match for the yellow citrine stone. 

How to Cleanse Your Citrine Stone

  • Cleanse with water
  • Charge with a yellow candle

Keeping your Citrine clean and charged is important if you want to get the highest levels of healing. Even though Citrine is one of the only stones to be able to shake off toxic energy rather than holding it, it doesn’t mean that a little pick me up isn’t sometimes good for the golden yellow stone. Simply clean with lukewarm soapy water and dry thoroughly. Try not to expose your Citrine to too much direct heat as it’s a sunny stone in itself and doesn’t require any additional warmth. If you want to recharge the batteries of your bright and bursting Citrine then burn a yellow candle next to it at dawn.

Final Thoughts on the Citrine Stone

Citrine is honey, love, lemons, and all things good. It’s a gorgeous stone of abundance and doesn’t shy away from helping us achieve exactly what we deserve and want. Many people turn to Citrine to help them manifest more wealth. This can be done both in a monetary sense but also when it comes to stronger health, or an abundance of positive vibes so are less likely to get ground down by the trying paths the world sometimes makes us walk down. With this stone pulsing against your wrist you can be sure that your personal power is never out of reach again. Self-esteem, self-confidence, and pints upon pints of positive energy are ready to flow through when you turn to the crystal healing of this quartz crystal. 

Say hell yeah to feeling good and go for gold with the bright and burning energy of the sunny Citrine Stone. What do you think about Citrine? Are you drawn to its dreamy disposition? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

Citrine FAQs 

What does citrine do?

Citrine is a bright and sunny gemstone that radiates with positive energy. For those who want to lift their energy levels up, live in the light, and welcome abundance and better luck into their world – Citrine is an amazing stone to keep close by. It can also help unblock the sacral and solar plexus chakras too.

What is citrine good for?

Citrine is a good gemstone for when you need a burst of brightness. This summer vibe stone is all about shifting negative energy and leading you away from darkness, depressive thoughts, and the overbearing hand of anxiety. It is also good for physical healing and for clearing blockages in the creative and sensual chakras of the solar plexus and the sacral chakra.

How to cleanse citrine?

You can cleanse Citrine simply by running it under tepid water to discharge any built up or stagnant energy. You can also smudge your citrine stone with palo santo or sage. If you want to naturally cleanse your citrine, you can also leave it in the presence of other cleansing gemstones like Selenite or Clear Quartz.

What is citrine?

Citrine is a golden yellow gemstone that is a form of mineral quartz. It gets its yellow glow from traces of iron which is why it’s color intensity can vary from pale gold to deepest amber. Citrine naturally has a cloudy or opaque look to it and it is part of the hexagonal crystal system. Spiritually, Citrine is known to be a stone of prosperity, positivity, and joy.

How to charge citrine?

Razz up your citrine stone naturally by burning a yellow candle beside it. Citrine reacts well to the vibes of flame and fire and will naturally recharge in the presence of that element. Other ways to charge Citrine include leaving it with charging stones like Clear Quartz and Selenite.

What chakra is citrine?

Citrine is connected to the sacral chakra and the solar plexus chakras. Both of these lower chakras are related to themes of self-confidence, inner strength, sensuality, play, and creative purpose. When these chakras are open and clear, you can tap into your warrior spirit, nurture your inner child, and find light and joy in life.

What color is citrine?

As the name suggests, Citrine is a bright and sunny stone that comes in various shades of yellow or gold. The color of citrine can vary – it can be bright and blonde or it can be smoky yellow or even darker hues of amber. The intensity of the yellow or gold coloring depends on how much iron is stashed inside the mineral.

How to tell if citrine is real?

One of the best ways of telling if Citrine is real is to take a look at the color of the gemstone. Citrine stones tend to have an even color scheme across them and won’t have any drastic shifts in shade throughout. You can also check for air bubbles beneath the surface – if you see air bubbles it may be that you are holding colored glass rather than Citrine. Citrine may also be clear or smoky but won’t have many visible inclusions beneath the surface.

What is citrine used for?

Citrine is used to bring good vibes, raise energy levels, clear out the sacral and solar plexus chakras, and to attract wealth and abundance into your world. For those who want to step into the light and live a richer, more positive, and playful life – Citrine could be the perfect stone to take you on that journey.

How to use citrine to attract money?

Citrine is known as a stone of wealth and abundance as it works to help manifest your dreams, shift your mindset, and help you to reap the benefits. If you want to use Citrine to attract money you can place a piece of Citrine into your purse or pocket or wherever you tend to keep your cash flow. You can also keep Citrine in your workspace to promote an energy of productivity and to manifest new clients and great success.

What does citrine look like?

You can tell a citrine stone by the yellow or gold coloring of the gem. It can be anything between pale yellow or amber fire. Citrine stones are almost always transparent and have a high clarity. They have an even hue and are part of the hexagonal crystal system. If the stone is yellow, clear, and has a vitreous luster – it’s probably citrine.

How much is citrine worth?

You can pay between $10 and $30 per carat for citrine depending on the quality and cut of the stone. Citrine is actually considered to be quite a rare gem in nature and most of the pieces sold on the modern market will be heat treated amethyst or smoky quartz.

How to use citrine?

If you want to surround yourself in the light and joyful energy of citrine you can wear it as jewelry. Having citrine next to the skin will help raise your own vibrations, clear your chakras, and keep you feeling emotionally warm and light of mind. You can also use Citrine in meditation practice by holding the stone during visualization techniques. Citrine can be used in reiki healing and to balance the chakras – especially when you place citrine on your solar plexus or sacral chakra area. You can also bring citrine into your home or workspace to boost positivity and productivity.

Is citrine a quartz?

Yes, Citrine is a member of the quartz family. It is in the same family as the likes of Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, and Smoky Quartz. Citrine is a yellow colored quartz and has an energy of being vibrant and happy and welcoming in abundance.

Is citrine expensive?

Although natural citrine is a rare stone that isn’t often found in nature, citrine can be relatively affordable. It’s also not uncommon to get amethyst and smoky quartz that have been heat treated (naturally or man-made) until they turn to gold and are sold as citrine. The more natural the citrine, the more expensive it is. As citrine is a stone without many inclusions this also adds to its worth. You can expect to pay between $10 and $30 or more per carat of citrine, depending on the quality, cut, and size of the stone.

What does citrine mean?

The citrine stone takes its name from the old French word for lemon. It is most probably called this because it has a yellow coloring that can range from sunshine bright citrus shades to deeper amber and earthy hues. Citrine also captures summer energy and is known for its positive vibes and vibrant energy.

Where is citrine found?

Citrine comes from all around the world. You can find it everywhere from Scotland to Brazil, along with Spain, Madagascar, and Russia.

Where to place citrine in the home?

Citrine is a great stone to bring into the home, especially if you want to nurture a positive, loving, and playful space. You can place your Citrine gem into any shared space that would benefit from positive energy. You can also put Citrine in your workspace to encourage creative thinking, wealth, focus, energy and abundance.

What is citrine stone?

Citrine is a crystal that is a member of the quartz mineral class. It is known for its bright and sunny energy and comes in shades of yellow, gold, or amber. It takes its name from the old French word for lemon. The citrine stone is celebrated for being a crystal of comfort, joy, and positive moods. It also helps to clear out blockages from the lower chakras and is said to bring in wealth and abundance to those who wear it.

Can citrine be in the sun?

Citrine is a sunny and bright stone which means it already comes laced in its own warmth. While it has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale you shouldn’t leave Citrine in the sun. This is because Citrine is one of the fastest stones to lose its color in direct light so sun exposure will lead to fading.

Does citrine need to be cleansed?

Yes, like most energetic crystals out there, Citrine truly benefits from being cleansed and charged on a regular basis. Even though Citrine doesn’t hold negative energy and therefore is considered to need flushing less than other stones, you should still cleanse it on a regular basis to keep it bright and ready and to show it some TLC.

How is citrine formed?

Natural citrine forms in a similar fashion to other forms of quartz – it is made from silicon and oxygen and it gets its yellow color from trace impurities of iron. As natural citrine is so rare, a lot of the citrine on the modern market is made from heat treating amethyst or smoky quartz until it turns a golden or amber shade.

How to clean citrine crystal?

Keep your citrine cleansed in a simple manner with just a little soap and water. Running it under tepid water is a great way of discharging any built up energy from the stone. You can also cleanse it using smudging or sound bath techniques.

Where does citrine come from?

Natural citrine can be found in some very special corners of the world. You can find it in the Ural Mountains of Russia, you can find it in tropical spots like Madagascar and Brazil, and you can also find it on the European shores of Spain and even Scotland.

Where to buy real citrine?

You should be able to pick up Citrine from any reputable gem seller. Despite its affordable cost and its popularity, Citrine isn’t a stone that is found in abundance in nature. Often Amethyst and Smoky Quartz can be heat treated and sold as citrine and colored glass can also be sold as citrine. If you want the real deal, ask at your local crystal sellers to make sure you are getting a bonafide citrine stone as mother nature intended.

Are citrines valuable?

Citrine is considered to be a semi-precious gem. This is because it isn’t common to find golden yellow citrine in nature. However, despite its relative rarity, you can still pick up citrine for an affordable price. You can expect to pay between $10 and $30 per carat of citrine – although this cost will vary depending on the quality, size, and cut of the gemstone.

How to tell real citrine from glass?

One of the best ways of spotting if your citrine crystal is glass is to check the surface of the stone and see if there are air bubbles underneath. Real crystals won’t have air bubbles whereas colored glass will.

Is citrine a type of quartz?

Yes, Citrine is a type of quartz. It belongs to the same family as other quartz crystals such as clear quartz, smoky quartz, rose quartz, and amethyst. It takes its golden yellow shades from traces of iron impurities that get tangled up in the formation process. Citrine shares many healing benefits with other quartz gems but is known for its positive powers and sunny disposition.

What does citrine gemstone mean?

Citrine takes its name from the old french word for lemon. This is because this gorgeous gold glowing gem has the same hue as lemons and is just as sunny and bright as the citrus fruit. Citrine is a stone that is all about summer energy – radiant, positive, and sparkling with joy, the citrine crystal is forever an uplifting presence in your life.

Where is citrine mined?

Natural citrine is mined in the Ural Mountains of Russia. It can also be mined in Madagascar, Brazil, Spain, and even Scotland. The USA also has some citrine deposits which can be found in California, Colorado, and North Carolina.

Does citrine help with sleep?

Citrine is known to be a bright and sunny stone and for those who struggle with settling into sleep or who fear letting go in the darkness, citrine can help. This is a great stone for helping ease nightmares. Another benefit of having citrine close by while sleeping is that it continues to work its magic and attract abundance even when you are resting.

Does heat treated citrine work?

Yes, heat treated citrine still works beautifully. This gorgeous gem is rare in nature and so much of the citrine on the modern market is heat treated amethyst. This is simply a replica of what happens in nature so heat treated citrine still has all that powerful joy, prosperity, and endless energy that is sure to lift you up.

Is citrine good for sleep?

Despite its energetic nature, citrine is a good stone to keep close while you sleep. Placing it beneath the pillow will help you to attract wealth, success, and prosperity. It can also help you to overcome darkness in dreams and to find new pathways to facing challenges all while you rest easy.

What is a citrine crystal?

Citrine is a popular and gorgeous golden yellow kind of quartz crystal. It comes from the same family as amethyst, smoky quartz, rose quartz, and clear quartz. It is a gemstone known for its big positive energy and for helping cleanse the sacral and the solar plexus chakras. Citrine brings in wealth, abundance, joy, and a renewed sense of self. It is a ripe summer stone.

What is madeira citrine gemstone?

Madeira citrine is a style of citrine that is often made from heat treating amethyst to bring out beautiful, deep, and fiery shades of orange, red and brown. It is called madeira citrine after the brazilian word for ‘wood’ which pays homage to those deep earthy shades that the stone emanates.

Can citrine and rose quartz together?

Citrine and Rose Quartz are a great match for each other’s moods. Citrine is positive and energized and can move you into a place of lighthearted love and play. Rose Quartz is all about compassion and softness. With these two crystals together, you can lead a life where you feel light as a feather, supported and held, and vibrant in your soul.

Are citrine and topaz the same thing?

No, citrine and topaz are two different minerals that come from two different families. Citrine belongs to the quartz family whereas topaz comes from the silicate mineral family. While both share similar hues of gold and yellow, citrine is actually tougher than topaz. Citrine is also energetically geared towards positivity, abundance, and energy whereas topaz is about harmony and empathy.

Can you wear citrine everyday?

Yes, Citrine is a great stone to wear everyday. As Citrine is full of sunny and bright energy it can be a gem that helps boost energy levels, surrounds you in positivity, welcomes in abundance, and keeps the sacral and solar plexus chakra clear. Wearing it everyday will keep you riding high and free from the weight of dark and anxious feelings.

How to manifest with citrine?

Citrine is a great gem for calling on the powers of manifestation. If you want to welcome abundance, wealth, and success, citrine is the stone to help you get there. To manifest with Citrine, hold the stone in your receiving hand and ask for what you want as clearly as possible. Visualize your life once you have received what you need and how that will feel. Thank the stone and then keep it close by for a few days -either in jewelry form, stashed in your pocket, or beneath your pillow.

How to tell citrine from topaz?

It can be tricky to visually separate topaz from citrine as both share similar shades and visual properties. Both are beautiful in their golden shades of yellow. Citrine is a harder stone than topaz so this may give some hint that you are holding this gem rather than the other. Citrine is also always transparent, whereas yellow topaz is sometimes transparent. Yellow Topaz can also have a fierier hue than citrine which can be softer and more gentle in its color scheme.

How to wear a citrine bracelet?

Call on the bright, positive healing power of citrine by wearing a citrine bracelet on your left hand. This is because your left hand is your receiving hand – meaning that you are ready to welcome in and absorb the energy that this bright and sunny gemstone has to give.

What crystals go with citrine?

Citrine is a bright and energetic stone that works in beautiful harmony with a whole host of other crystals. If you are looking for stones that suit citrine, you can choose Amethyst to balance out and bring its own gentle vibes. You can also look at Rose Quartz, Agate, Labradorite, and Tourmaline. If you want to double down on sunny warm energy look at Smoky quartz or Sunstone.

Are citrine and topaz the same?

While Citrine and Topaz share a similar color scheme and both heal the sacral and solar plexus chakras, they are actually very different gemstones and from different families. Citrine is a member of the quartz family whereas Topaz is from the silica mineral family. Topaz often has a fierier hue and is a great gem for empathy and harmony. Citrine is all about positive power, joy, and welcoming abundance.

Can Capricorns wear citrine?

Citrine can be a great crystal for Capricorns to wear. As a gemstone that promotes creativity, energy, and success and abundance, Capricorns will adore this stone. As Capricorns are super hard working members of the zodiac, citrine can ensure they have all the strength and support they need to keep going without suffering a burnout.

Does citrine scratch easily?

No, Citrine is a gemstone that scores a high 7 on the mohs hardness scale. That means that citrine can scratch metal, glass, and softer stones. Citrine is a hard and durable stone but that doesn’t mean that it can’t get scratched. You should always take care not to knock your citrine stone and to treat it with care.

How to activate citrine?

The best way to activate your citrine stone is to wear it. Having your citrine stone against the skin can help sync up vibrations and will invite the gemstone to get to work infusing you with energy, chasing out negativity, and keeping you riding high. You can also activate your citrine stone by holding it in your receiving hand and asking it for what you want.

Is citrine yellow or orange?

Citrine can be yellow or orange. Citrine comes in many different shades of yellow – it can be light and pale like gold or it can be dark and have earthy amber and orange hues within it too. The coloring of the citrine stone will depend on how high the concentration of iron is within the gemstone.

Is madeira citrine heat treated?

Yes, Madeira Citrine gets its reddish flare mingled with golden hues from being heat treated. It has a rare and unique color scheme that is named after the brazilian word for wood thanks to those deep earthy red rich shades. The reddish gold and orange hues are truly spectacular.

What does citrine do spiritually?

While its energy is centered around positivity and play, Citrine has big spiritual energy too. Connected to both the sacral chakra and the solar plexus chakra, this gemstone can help with warrior strength, personal power, and the pleasure of feeling centered and grounded. It can also help to shift negative energy and ease you out of a place of darkness and anxiety. With these positive vibes on side it can also help you to manifest and welcome abundance.

What does orange citrine do?

Orange citrine is one of the most highly valued forms of citrine. This kind of vibrant orange or burnt yellow colored citrine is most often found in Brazil. Orange Citrine shares the same healing properties as yellow citrine although it can also have an earthy rich grounding feel to it too. Orange is also a spiritual color connected with the lower chakras so orange citrine will get to work on keeping those clear of blockages.

What is natural citrine?

Natural citrine refers to citrine that is born from nature. It is made up of silicon and oxygen and it gets its color from iron impurities or when the earth gets so hot that it naturally heats up amethyst or smoky quartz. Natural citrine is actually very rare and so modern citrine can also be created by treating amethyst or smoky quartz until it turns a golden or amber color. When the term natural citrine is used it is referring to citrine that has been heated by the earth rather than human hands.

Where is citrine found in the United States?

Citrine tends to come from the ural mountains of russia, along with spain, brazil, scotland and madagascar. However, there are also citrine mines in the USA. You can find Citrine mines in Colorado, California, and North Carolina.

Can I wear amethyst and citrine together?

Yes, Amethyst and Citrine are great stones to bring together as they balance and complement each other beautifully. Citrine is vibrant, sunny, and full of positive energy and Amethyst is serene and soul soothing. They are such a great combination that there is even a stone out there called Ametrine – which is a melding of amethyst and citrine.

Citrine Crystal
– Rock Paradise

Quick Info 

Uses: Known for promoting confidence and used for manifesting prosperity 

Chakra: Associated with Solar Plexus chakra 

Origin: Brazil, Argentina, and Madagascar 

Color: Yellow, orange and brown 

Birthstone month: November



Citrine crystal (AKA “Golden Amethyst”) is a powerful tool for building confidence, overcoming challenges and building mental toughness. It’s also commonly used for manifestation making it a stone which quite literally makes your dreams come true. Make no mistake, the gemstone amplifies intentions, so you’ll need to incorporate rituals, meditations, grids or other practices to harness the gemstone’s properties. In business, citrine is often gifted to business partners, employers and colleagues earning the crystal the unofficial title of” The Merchant’s Stone”. Its stimulating energy helps jolt the body, mind and spirit into a more vitalized state.


What is Citrine?

Citrine crystal is a form of quartz, similar to amethyst. In fact, much of the citrine we see today is heat treated amethyst crystal. Contrary to what many claim, citrine’s powerful energetic properties are left unscathed by the transformation. In some cases, lighter forms of citrine might be heated in order to bring out a darker shade of yellow. The largest citrine deposits are located in Brazil, Argentina, and Madagascar. Amethyst and citrine deposits are often found together as portions of the amethyst veins can have been transformed into citrine through geothermal heat. The stone’s vibrant color makes it a breathtaking centerpiece for some of the world’s most precious jewels.


Citrine Crystal Meaning and Properties – How Citrine Can Help.

You’ve been struggling with low self esteem

One of citrine’s most prized properties is its ability to build or often simply bring forth confidence. Through meditation, rituals and clear intentions citrine is able to manifest powerful positive energy within us, often lying dormant waiting for us to tap into it. For these qualities, citrine is an excellent tool for self care and growth. Citrine stone has been used for overcoming insecurities while putting perceived shortcomings into perspective. It’s natural light and abundant energy lifts the spirits in ways few other crystals can.

You’re in a emotional rut and have a lack of clarity

While the eb and flow of our emotions is a natural aspect of our lives, sometimes we can become stuck in a place where we feel lost, tired and without a sense of direction. By using citrine to channel our chaotic energy into a more constructive form, we can lift the haze that holds us down like sunshine beaming onto fog. Citrine provides clarity and purpose and can thrust us from lethargic and lazy routine into much healthier habits and states of mind. While the stone’s energizing energy is potent, it needs to be channelled through intention. The practices discussed below provided several concrete ways to do this. 

You’re preparing for a new pursuit

Whether it be a new business, a budding family or exciting home project, we can sometimes become paralyzed when faced with large and novel challenges. An overload of pressure and uncertainty can become too heavy a weight to manage all at once. As a result, we shrink and can avoid tackling the situation with full force and with our chins up as we should. Citrine crystal can give that extra boost of optimism and a kick in the butt that gets the wheels moving. As no doubt we’ve all experienced, the first steps of the journey are often the hardest. Meditating with citrine will help with this step and ensure you keep your eyes on the prize.


Practical Tips on How to Use Your Citrine Crystal (Rituals, Meditation & Home)

Ritual For Confidence

Choose a piece of citrine crystal you’d like to use for this ritual and cleanse it with a sacred herb of your choice. This will be important as you’ll be setting a concrete intention with this ritual.  

Take a piece of paper and write down three things that you’ve done in the past which have made you proud. Then write down three things in which you feel  you’ve let yourself or someone else down. For a few moments, reflect on the way remembering these points make you feel. Let all emotions including the good, bad and ugly pass through. 

Place it in the palm of your hands. Citrine is a transformative crystal, so you’ll be using it to both amplify your positive self thoughts and transform your negative emotions. Starting with the critical, reflect on those moments. What happened? What did you learn? What will you commit to doing differently in the future. Stay in this space, and then let it go. It’s past. Onwards and upwards. Do this for as many of the three points as you like.  

 For the enlightenment stage of the ritual, thing of the changes you’ve committed yourself to previously. Imagine yourself becoming that person. Now, recall your successes. How did you overcome the challenges? Who did you make proud? How did you improve your or someone close’s life? Channel these thoughts into the citrine stone and it will amplify them. Set these emotions and experiences as your intention for the stone and it will only become more powerful over time as you program it. This ritual can be done as often as you feel the need for it. It can be done in a relatively short amount of time so it’s a fantastic pick me up when we’re feeling down.

Meditation for Energy

In a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed place a citrine stone in front of you or hold it in your hands. You can also lay  it on your solar plexus while you’re laying down. Take several deep breaths, close your eyes, and visualize the light and energy emanating from the stone. It’s energy is abundant and in many cases, fierce. Picture it slowly moving from your hands, to your arms and then to your shoulders. Once it reaches your torso, it floods through your chest, unblocking your solar plexus chakra. This will bring a sense of vitality and warmth which sinks deep into your body. Let it envelop your entire being. Take several deep breaths while paying attention to the brightness that the citrine crystal has brought. Open your eyes.

A Placement for Prosperity

A common placement for citrine is near the entryway of a place of business or work. A raw form of the stone would work best as it’s the most potent and far reaching. This way the radiating energy can find its way to everyone in that environment. After all, growing a business or completing significant projects are rarely a solitary ordeal. Another straightforward and popular placement is on your desk. As it’s helpful to handle the stone from time to time, we’d recommend either a palmstone or obelisk.


How to care for your citrine stone

Charging your citrine can be as simple as placing it on a selenite charging plate or leaving it out in the moonlight for several hours. You can also charge the stone by burying it for 24 hours. Make sure to use a cloth bag or other natural covering to ensure dirt does not get into the cracks and crevices of the crystal. 

Cleanse your stone using a sacred herb you like. As citrine is primarily used for drawing out negative energy and alleviating a chaotic headspace, the stone benefits from cleansing more than most other gems.


Our final thoughts

Citrine crystal is one of the most popular healing stones for a reason. Its potent energy and vitalizing properties are priceless and potentially life changing. While it may take some practice to tame the stone’s energy, it will quickly become a staple of your crystal collection. Use citrine’s light to usher in abundant energy, self confidence and a prosperous life. 


Back to Stone Meanings A-Z

Meaning, Healing Properties and Powers

Citrine is the stunning transparent, pale yellow to red-orange, to orange-yellow, to brownish orange variety of crystalline quartz. Many believed it was a gift from the sun which gives us a warm color to brighten up our mood. Though it’s not rare, most women value its impressive earth-toned color appearance which makes it more precious and brilliant. Its color changes from time to time depending on how you expose it. Citrine has positive characteristics when aiding the physical self and has an important role in valuing the spiritual self as well. It awakens and expands the higher mind, especially conscious awareness. 

Citrine Meaning

Citrine came from the Latin word “citrina” because of its clarity and pale citrus color. It is said to be a “Sun Stone” which keeps the sunlight and gains energy from it. For French word, it came from the word “citron” which means lemon. That identifies its autumn hues from light yellow to bright orange. Citrine was said to be used from the Old Testament which was part of Aaron’s breastplate. From the Hellenistic Age (300 and 150 BC), greek was amazed by the citrine’s vibrant color which eventually became a prized possession and began its way to fashion jewelry. 

Citrine is also known as The Merchant’s Stone. It gives good luck to business and trades. No questions asked because it carries prosperity, wealth, and success. 

It was lined with other precious and expensive quartz in the Victorian Era, where Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom used to love this crystal. After introducing citrine in part of Europe, it became trendy jewelry, in clothing, furniture, and invaded the interior design world. It was also presented during the Art Deco era (between World War I and World War II).

In this current era, other honorable women are spotted wearing natural expensive citrine mostly with deep yellow-orange color jewelry like Kate Middleton, Jessica Chastain, and Kate Winslet. 

Today, citrine is primarily used for decorating, fashion, interior, and a lot of it for designer jewelry pieces. A natural citrine color that has a dark shade of yellow-orange is more expensive than those pale color ones. But citrine popularity never gets old. Not depending on its color, citrine produces the same vibrance and beauty out of it. Some are crafted for parts of furniture depending on the clarity and how deep the color is. Citrine has been popular for many years now and became well-known because of its own beauty and characteristics.

Healing Properties

Citrine brings not just prosperity and success for the business or personal powers in career but it also has other characteristics which help people know themselves deeply when it comes to self development. It creates deeper connections within your core to improve self-esteem, self-confidence, self-trust, and get out the negativity inside you, and produces personal power. Citrine produces positive energy that helps your mood become lighter. Like drinking a cold lemonade on a sunny day, it brings refreshments into your body. So if you feel like you’re on a low energy kind of day, this crystal is perfect for you. 

It also has the power of transforming negativity into positive energy giving you the calmness of a feeling and balancing your emotions. 

It is also said to enhance the flow of feng shui in your home that invites earth energy and welcomes prosperity in your workroom.

Citrine helps the digestive system to calm down and functions accordingly with your body system as it is working as a moderator crystal. It refreshes the brain and builds it up intellectually, 

Feelings and Emotional Healing 

Citrine balances emotions and brings joy inside you. It helps you grow emotionally, keeping you more energetic outside. You will feel much confidence inside attracting positive energy to come in. Happiness and light that uplift your spirit are the major powers of citrine. 

It makes you more certain of your feelings because of its positive vibes flowing inside you. If you know you’re not feeling good emotionally, or it’s a dim feeling, you can just look at the crystal and it will make you feel so alive and brighten up your day. Citrine will help your consciousness be certain of your decisions. 

It encourages you to be delightful and imparts enthusiasm. It helps you out of depression, develops self-expression, and makes you love yourself more as it keeps the value on how you trust yourself even more.. It aids emotional issues naturally and gives you the courage to continue especially when you’re not sure what action to take. 


Citrine is definitely a good start to use for work. It strengthens your mind to improve your thinking and helps you with decision-making problems. It stimulates brain functions, energizes your mood, and flows directly into your senses that produce so many positive feelings. 

It assembles the mind to think clearly and brings more intelligence. It blocks other feelings that might hurt or make you down. It can partner with yoga activities to create more positivity while meditating, increasing your concentration, and state of mind. 

Citrine is also called the “Stone of the Mind”. It’s not just giving you a good thinking mindset but also good healing wisdom. It delivers new thoughts and relief to nightmares which give you time to relax and sleep calmly. Citrine’s clarity gives you a clear and healthy mind. Recharging and revitalizing it for more metal activity production. It clears all the worries that make you feel down and distressed. This is the best way to keep you attentive and at peace.  


This semi-precious stone is known for major parts healing of the body. From the mind to the digestive system, it brings more power and energy to make you feel better and better every day. Citrine delivers energy to your body and converses degenerative diseases and boosts the chemical balance in your body.

Citrine stimulates digestion and neutralizes kidney & bladder inflammation. Citrine improves the spleen and the pancreas. It keeps your skin, nails, and hair healthy, and it may be good for treating skin allergies and irritations that are caused by food intolerances.

It is beneficial to our physical health as it attracts positive energy and is more productive outdoors keeping you in good shape physically and mentally. 

Citrine’s other power is to relieve menstrual cramps, hormone imbalance and lighten the feeling of fatigue. It may be used for morning sickness, vomiting, and nausea. Citrine operates nerve impulses and the intellectual capability of concentration and wisdom. It also treats short-term memory loss issues. 


Citrine is also known for being the “ Light Stone”. It gives light not just on your intellectual side, emotional, but also beneficial on your spiritual matters. Citrine is believed to increase the value in healing the spiritual self, as it is known as a powerful cleanser and restorator. It transfers the goodness of self-healing and self-improvement. Sustaining the power of the sun is outstanding for overcoming phobias, and depressions.

This crystal uplifts your spirit and places your energy with its high vibe powers. Whether you’re in a bad state of mind or losing your faith in all things in life, the bright and vibrant energy of this stone will release a higher frequency to revive feelings of positivity. It directs you out of the darkness and drives you into the light. 

Citrine charges your spirit with optimistic energy, which is a very powerful tool when expressing wealth. 

Citrine Uses & Metaphysical Properties

Wearing Citrine

Wearing this crystal allows you to lead the citrine properties with you wherever you go, potentially connecting you with the light. When you are wearing a piece of jewelry with a citrine stone, it attracts the energy and brings it inside and outside your body. Not just for yourself but it applies to all the people surrounding you that are close physically to you. 

It is commonly worn with a pendant or a ring with some other quartz or on a silver or gold metal surface. It can be also worn with bracelets, earrings, and a raw citrine. Wearing a citrine bracelet or a ring will give great power to your intentions. By wearing this daily is the best way to absorb the power of citrine and wearing it with other crystals will only help to step up your desires.

Wearing this semi-precious stone in the form of jewelry is a powerful way to bind with the stone’s vibrancy throughout the day. Each citrine jewelry piece like earrings, necklace, and bracelet can remind you to go for happiness and to draw into the light.  

Citrine is one of those crystals that are quite durable when wearing. It’s not easy to get scratches but avoid it too near heat. It is said to be near you every time you feel like you are not worthy, or need to decide on something important.  

Citrine at Home

Citrine is helpful when wearing it at work. It keeps you focused on your things and clears your mind for better understanding and intelligence. Whether to wear a bracelet, ring, or earrings, this stone may assist you to uplift your mood, your energy, and your ability to multi-task as it stimulates your brain functions.

It helps you avoid stress, negative vibes coming your way, or by displaying it in your living room to produce peace at home and balances energies throughout the house.

Citrine produces prosperity and luck not just in businesses and trades but inside the house. For those who are doing their work at home, it is better to keep a citrine piece of anything with citrine inside your office room to attract wealth and success. 

Citrine at Work

Citrine balances energy throughout the day. It is advisable to wear it at your workplace because you are prone to stress and negativity when working long hours with a lot of bad vibes from other people. This has been a powerful tool for getting ready for work every day. 

This will not be called a Merchant’s Stone if there’s nothing good to it when it comes to businesses. Citrine is beneficial in business success flow and prosperity. Many people use this crystal as part of their furniture at their shop or on the table inside the office. It absorbs higher energy for wealth and positivity along the way.  


Meditation with Citrine

Citrine meditation is outstanding when you are struggling to concentrate, having difficulty with low self-esteem, or when you carry so many burdens and are overwhelmed by panic and responsibilities. This meditation exercise will help you to breathe without constraint, feel balanced, and build on your self-confidence.

This crystal is a go-to partner for purifying and awakening your inner- self. For meditation, raw citrine is the best tool to recharge. While holding the stone with your hands, you can do yoga meditation steps.  

A direct understanding of what must be done to fix the problem can be attained with the support of citrine meditation.

People and relationships

Citrine benefits with relationships are all applied, by keeping this stone. The elimination of negative feelings and easing negativity from people connected in the relationship encourages healthier relationships. A sense of understanding pervades the group, smoothing healthier awareness and an enhanced ability to hold the perceptions of other people, which carries citrine meaning. When your aura is light and positive, you will also attract good things. This will benefit not only you but your partner and your relationship as well.

The adoring light of Citrine is motivating when you sense love and comfort are required in your relationship. It’s the color symbol of positivity and forgiveness. And it’s best for helping you position your heart when they are not in good condition.

Citrine Crystal Therapies 

A true natural citrine is a leading stone of imagination, presentation, and personal will. Bringing the power of the sun, it is mellow, warm, comforting, vitalizing, and life-giving. It revives the chakras by clearing the mind and inspiring the soul to move. Its frequency activates imagination and creativity. Deeper colored citrine works to convert fears to calming of senses. Citrine functions to let go of any obstructions, This crystal will encourage you to unlock new encounters and keep a positive attitude. It will inspire you to maintain optimism in any situation, even on tough ones ahead. 

Fighting against depression is one of the citrine’s best assets. It clears the mind and the heart from thinking too much and clears up the mind from a lot of stress. If you are going through so much pain emotionally or carrying too much responsibility, citrine helps you with the clarity of your mind and balances your emotions. This stone brings happiness and joy while wearing it or close to it. It touches your inner peace to move forward with strength and feel the light of the sun that gives you more power. It gives you the confidence to fight negativity in your mind and helps you act without hesitation.

Citrine and Chakras

Citrine crystal has the Solar Plexus Chakra, and Sacral Chakra. Citrine can also be worked to cleanse all types of Chakras. 

Citrine is good at balancing the solar plexus chakra. Wearing any type of citrine help you unfold your solar plexus chakra, can empower you to get hold of what you feel and have control over it physically and spiritually. The Solar Plexus chakra is the third chakra. It is placed beneath the diaphragm and beyond the belly button.

The Sacral Chakra or what  Hindu Tantrism called The Navel is found below the navel and above the pubic bone near the pelvis. It manages the flow of energy and the core of gravity of the body. It is considered to be the center of the Life Force and controls the flow of information from the body up to the mind and vice versa. It will helps you energize, fire up your sex drive, emotionally, spiritually, and physically balances you and feel more energized throughout the day.

Golden and yellow citrine is associated to restore the sacral chakra. It will help you become more energetic, decisive, and imaginative. The sacral chakra is spoken by the color orange and the planets Jupiter, Mercury, and the Moon. The sacral chakra is associated with your emotions, affections, intimacy, and affection, also for appetite for food

Citrine Gem Water

Citrine gem water is a limitless power bank of energy, health, and true beauty. It contains a natural Citrine Crystal to saturate and recharge your water. Turn your water into a real Citrine Crystal Elixir and begin cleansing, recharging, and reviving yourself naturally from inside to outside. This citrine gem water bottle is made from glass and stainless steel, and you can remove the crystal whenever you want to clean it both separately. Citrine thought to purify and release calming and creative energy you need to absorb. Citrine crystal-infused water is a basic yet effective way when it comes with healing.

Citrine Shapes and Forms

Citrine Cluster

For effective brain functions, strengthening the intellectual side. It promotes motivation, unlocks creativity, and encourages self-expression. Boosts concentration and revitalizes the mind. It rescues you from negative traits, phobias, depression, even fears.

Citrine Spheres

Citrine Spheres is a polished cut natural citrine that provides powerful healing on many levels. Most of these Citrine Spheres are cleared with a pale lemon coloring.

It is powered by the light of the Sun that warms, cleanses, and energizes. Exceptionally protective. This citrine sphere can be a great tool for turning negative energy into a positive one.

Raw Citrine

Raw Citrine represents positivity and optimism, which is obviously associated with the happy color yellow. It’s often used to serve in producing financial abundance and opportunities. It is mainly used to awaken the solar plexus chakra, helping to boost confidence and personal power. It is one of the most powerful crystals used to manifest and can help you reach your goals and lead you to your intentions in life. 

Citrine Tumbled Stones

This Citrine Tumbled Stone is widely used in jewelry. Because it helps for the removal of negative energy and brings positivity, it can ease depression, anger, and self-doubt. Also gets rid of irrational mood swings. Holding citrine tumbled stones calms your body especially in times of disturbance. 

Geodes Citrine

This kind of Citrine rarely grows in geodes clusters. Citrine geodes are impressively beautiful. Its crystal points sparkle and gives us a brilliant display brightening up our place and our moods.

Citrine Points

One of the rare kinds of Citrine is the points citrine cuts. Natural Citrine crystals commonly with a deep and smoky gold color are only found only in Africa. Pale yellow citrine points can be found in Brazil. These two have the same healing effects and manifestations inside and outside the body.

Citrine found with other minerals/crystals 

The change or cause of the citrine’s color is still under debate. But some citrines are colored by aluminum-based and irradiation-induced color centers connected to those found in smoky quartz (Lehmann, 1972; Maschmeyer et al., 1980). Citrines turn pale yellow colors when heated above 200-500°C and can turn to deep yellow when irradiated (Lehmann, 1970). 

Citrine can be combined with other stones to intensify energies, such as Dzi, Hematite, Rose Quartz, Agate. Its deep or pale colors are not caused by other minerals. It has its natural changing color characteristics that made it one of the best semi-precious stones ever found.  

You may combine different stones by their elements (water, fire, air, earth, and spirit).

These are elements stones that can be combined with Citrine: Carnelian, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Chalcedony, Sapphire, Rhodonite, Topaz, Chrysolite, Gold Beryl, Tourmaline, and Peridot

Any of these stone elements can be combined to strengthen their metaphysical properties. If you were to combine citrine with air stones, it will promote a positive change in your thoughts. Their energies will help you become more tough and flexible. Air or wind stones are also the best weapon for people who suffer from chronic diseases. Like how the Solar Plexus chakra from Citrine works under the diaphragm area that makes you more warm and active physically. 

Citrine Origin

Naturally-forming citrine can be found all around the world. They have different natural ways of how they grow and change their colors from time to time depending on the heat they are absorbing. 

Brazil – The majority of today’s citrine comes from Brazil; Today, most citrine is mined as amethyst in the market or as smokey quartz in Brazil. 

The Ural Mountains of Russia and Madagascar, Kazakhstan, and France – Natural citrines can also be found in both countries. Different colors of citrine are discovered in these areas. From darker colors to medium golden orange, are typically reviewed and rarer. 

Citrine Birthstone and Zodiac Sign

Citrine also represents the zodiac sign of Sagittarius because of its optimistic and freedom-loving characteristics, careless, irresponsible and superficial, and restless. Other zodiac signs like Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Leo will feel the most benefit from owning, wearing, or using the chakra cleansing from Citrine crystal in their daily living.

Virgo can also be a zodiac sign for citrine as it is the favorite temple of Virginians due to its susceptible energy. People born in the astrological sign of Virgo are highly susceptible to the energies of this Temple and the best channel of its energies.

Citrine is a stone responsible for boosting the self-esteem of Virgo, which is very significant for the right use of personal power. Citrine crystal of abundance is effective in detaching the hold of the ego, leading you to happiness and optimism. Citrine can be worn to terminate fears; can also block nightmares every night and make sure to have restful sleep. Citrine can be used to strengthen your psychic consciousness.

Citrine Energy Color

Yellow Citrine submits the power to solidify new enjoyment, interests, and new relationships, helping to see things clearly and with clarity in all decisions. It encourages you to feel the light in any situation, especially in relationships. Light Yellow crystals help you hold on to new relationships and make a smooth start by healing in the establishment of good communication. It boosts the energy to know about other’s feelings through communication and this can boost your self-esteem and confidence. Dark Yellow Citrine is an exceptional aid when persuasiveness, precision, or decisiveness is needed.


How To Care For Citrine

This crystal is not usually prone to dirt, so it’s not necessary to clean it every time after wearing or using it. If you feel like it needs to be recharged, you can cleanse them anyway especially when exposed to a lot of energy in a short period of time.

Citrine is one of the most dependable crystals in all of your other crystals. Because it carries a lot of energy and a confident aura that does not lose in just a few uses. 

As usual, citrine can also be easily scratched. Avoid wearing it during exercises, or outdoor activities that might cause it to have lines. 

Most importantly, do not put any harsh chemical cleaners such as bleach, harsh oils, perfumes with a lot of alcohol content, and hairsprays to avoid dullness. 

How To Cleanse Citrine

Warm and soapy water is one of the ways to clean citrine. Ultrasonic cleaners are also safe except if the stone was dyed because of fractured fillings. Citrine cannot steam since it can’t be exposed to too much heat. 

A Way to clean a citrine is to also take a good bath with water. This might clear all the negative energies that are affecting you and helping you to lower thoughts and emotions. Citrine will absorb this negative energy and turn it into a positive one. It is a safe and effective way to handle all of your chakras and your entire aura at the same time. A few bowls of salt and a few drops of purifying essential oil are also a delightful touch.

How To Program Citrine

When programming a citrine crystal, you need to identify your true intentions. It will absorb your true emotions and helps the crystal to identify the energy it needs to release or what to heal.

Citrine is historically acknowledged as a powerful tool for abundance and prosperity. Since it is one of the best crystals for initiating the solar plexus chakra, citrine increases your ability to manifest things you really need and want like health, wealth, love, new relationships, etc. Citrine belongs to the quartz family, it can carry intentions that you place in them, and intensify them. 


You may think about things you want to manifest in your life physically, spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually and write it down in the form of like you already have it.  

Cleanse the citrine using running water, sunlight, or soapy water. Keep holding the crystal in your dominant hand, and speak your proclamation into the crystal. Repeat it several times until you feel a shift. Usually, a crystal will be perfectly 

Where to buy Citrine

Online stores

Gems n Gems – An online store located at 179 Soi Saraphi 2 Issaraphap Road Bangkok, Thailand 10600. This store is known for selling authentic, and natural different kinds of crystals. They also offer bulk orders at a factory price! – located at A-1010 Vienna, Graben 17/DG – Austria. If you love to own lovely jewels of citrine in different cuts, you may go to their website and just choose what fascinates you then you can pay them in different methods. They are accepting almost all payment methods for easy payment online. 

Kora Organics – For different uses of Citrine like gem water, spheres, tumbled stones, etc. This store is the best for offering authentic citrine crystals. They are located at Unit 9, 7 Jubilee Avenue, Warriewood, NSW, 2102, Australia

Events & Shows

Due to the pandemic, most of the crystal shows and expos were canceled. You may refer to some of them on their websites for updates and future shows:


Gemstone Information – Citrine Meaning and Properties

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Its name is derived from the Latin word citrina because of its pale yellow citrus color (due to its iron content). From the earliest of times, citrine was called the “sun stone” and the gemstone was thought capable of holding sunlight and useful in the protection from snakebites. Its color was associated with gold and it became known as the merchant’s stone. It was thought to improve communication and to attract wealth. To the Romans, it was the stone of Mercury, the messenger god, and it was used for carving intaglios.

Bask in the glow of November’s birthstone–citrine! Learn more about the history of the “merchant’s stone”, its proposed metaphysical benefits and its part in mildly controversial marketing tactics.

Citrine is the November birthstone and for the zodiac sign of Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21). Citrine has been referred to as the “success stone,” “merchant’s stone” or “money stone.” Because of its yellow color, citrine is thought of as a joyous stone with sunshiny energy to brighten up the lives of those who work with it and wear it.

The color of the solar plexus chakra is yellow, so citrine is associated with this chakra. It is thought to have a positive influence that can relieve backache and combat depression, negative energy and problems with the liver, spleen, digestive system and the bladder.

Citrine is a macrocrystalline form of quartz, as are amethyst, aventurine and rose quartz. It is a mineral based on silicon dioxide.

Gem-quality transparent specimens of citrine with good color are very rare. The best examples come from Brazil, Madagascar and the former USSR. The stone is also found in Colorado, Spain, France and Scotland.

Natural citrine is rare. Most citrine on the market is heat-treated amethyst or smoky quartz. Brazilian amethyst turns yellow at 878° while smoky quartz changes color at a lower temperature (572 degrees to 752 degrees). These heat-treated stones have a slightly reddish tint.

Due to its color, citrine is sometimes confused with yellow topaz, yellow beryl and yellow tourmaline. Like other members of the quartz family, citrine crystal veins typically form from molten magma or from a mineral solution in the rock deposited through precipitation. Deposits of natural-colored citrine have been mined in Brazil, the leading producer, as well as the United States, Madagascar, Argentina, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Russia, Scotland and Spain.

Mineral Information

Macrocrystalline quartz

Chemical Composition



Golden yellow to deep yellow and yellow-orange


7 (Mohs)

Specific Gravity

2. 65

Refractive Index

1.544 – 1.553

Citrine can be safely cleaned with warm, soapy water. It is generally safe to use ultrasonic cleaners except when the stone is dyed or treated by fracture filling. Steam cleaning is not recommended, as citrine should not be subjected to heat.

Abrupt temperature changes can cause citrine to fracture. Avoid prolonged exposure of citrine to intense light, which can cause color fading. Citrine can also be damaged by hydrofluoric acid, ammonium fluoride and alkaline solutions.

To learn more about citrine and other gemstones, order your copy of Walter Schumann’s revised and expanded edition of Gemstones of the World.

The warm yellow of citrine is perfectly complemented by gold. A beautiful, low-key design is achieved by combining it with other yellow-to-green stones like yellow fluorite, peridot and moss or green agate. For a regal, high- contrast look, mix it with the rich red of garnet. An elegant pastel combination is citrine with its split-complements of blue and violet–using aquamarine and light amethyst.

View design inspirations featuring citrine in the Gallery of Designs

  • Citrine beads and components

  • Citrine faceted gems

  • Citrine cabochons

**Please note that all metaphysical or healing properties listed are collected from various sources. This information is offered as a service and not meant to treat medical conditions. Fire Mountain Gems and Beads® does not guarantee the validity of any of these statements.

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How to Use Citrine for Good Feng Shui

Citrine is associated with positivity and optimism, which is not surprising given its cheerful color. It’s often used to assist in manifesting financial abundance and opportunities. It can also be used to awaken the solar plexus chakra, helping to cultivate confidence and personal power. 

What Is Citrine?

Citrine is a popular type of quartz crystal often used to in conjunction with feng shui to welcome abundance, prosperity, and positivity. Natural citrine is quite rare, and most citrine is actually amethyst that has been heat-treated to alter its color. Citrine gets its name from the French word citron, which means lemon. Like citrus fruits, citrine comes in sunny shades of yellow and orange. 

Properties of Citrine

  • Color: Yellow, orange, brown
  • Chakra: All, especially solar plexus
  • Number: Vibrates to 6
  • Planet: Sun
  • Zodiac: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Rooster
  • Bagua areas: Tai qi (Health), Xun (Abundance) 
  • Elements: Fire, Earth
  • Origin: Brazil, Russia, UK, Madagascar, France, US

Meaning and Uses of Citrine

Citrine is an unusual crystal in that it transmutes rather than absorbs negative energy, so it doesn’t need to be cleared like most crystals. It encourages balanced emotions and calm feelings.

The Spruce / Anastasia Tretiak 

Types of Citrine

  • Natural citrine is a variety of quartz that has colors of yellow, orange, and brown infused. It’s a bit harder to find and is typically more expensive than the heat-treated version.
  • Heat-treated citrine is heat-treated amethyst, which is a purple type of quartz. When heated, the purple transforms into shades of yellow, orange, and brown. There are mixed reviews on natural vs. heat-treated citrine, but we recommend you go with the crystal that you feel more connected to.
  • Smoky citrine is a variation of citrine with some smoky quartz. It is especially helpful when it comes to working through spiritual matters. It can help to clear out old beliefs that are blocking the flow of abundance in your life. It’s said to be more grounding than regular citrine.
  • “Citrine” spirit quartz is a type of spirit quartz with citrine colors that helps to cleanse the energetic body, as well as invite forgiveness toward yourself and others. It also can help to attract prosperity, while at the same time removing attachments to material goods.

Uses in Feng Shui

Citrine is a great crystal to use to improve the flow of feng shui in your home. Here are some of our favorite ways to use citrine for good feng shui.

Activate Tai Qi, the Health Area

Citrine’s warm, earthy color makes it a great addition to the Tai Qi area of your home. Tai Qi is in the center of your home, and it represents health and well-being. It’s related to the earth element, connected to colors like orange, brown, and yellow. Because it’s in the center, the Tai Qi also touches all the areas of your space, meaning that changes in this area of your home will likely have a ripple effect on the rest of your life as well. To uplift the energy in your home and encourage wellness and vitality, try placing a piece of citrine in the Tai Qi area.

Activate Xun, the Wealth Corner

Because of citrine’s connection to prosperity and abundance, it has a natural connection to Xun, or the area of the feng shui bagua map that is connected to abundance and wealth. You can find your wealth corner of your home by standing in the front door, looking in. The far left corner is your wealth area. If you would like to welcome more financial abundance into your life, add a piece of citrine to this area of your home. Xun is also connected to self-worth, so you can place citrine here with the intention of increasing your own confidence and trust in yourself.

Invite Earth Energy

The earth element represents stability, grounding, and nourishment. You may need more earth energy in your life if you feel ungrounded or anxious. In general, stones from the earth represent earth energy, and citrine in particular has a strong connection to this element. If you’d like to invite more earth element qualities into your life, working with citrine in your home or carrying citrine with you can really support that.

Activate Your Wallet

Placing a small piece of citrine in your wallet is a great way to harness this stone’s connection to abundance. Citrine encourages generosity, as well as acquiring and retaining wealth. Sharing wealth and retaining wealth may seem to cancel each other out, but they actually go hand in hand. The more abundant you feel, the more likely you are to share what you have. As you feel more abundant, you will also increase your capacity to hold onto wealth for yourself. 

Welcome Prosperity in Your Workspace

Because citrine helps to attract abundance, it’s a great stone to have in your workspace. Whether you work from home or from an office, you may want to place a piece of citrine on your desk or in another location in your workspace with the intention of inviting more prosperity and positivity into your work life.

Wear Citrine on Your Body

Finding a piece of citrine you can wear or carry with you is a lovely way to keep this stone’s bright and sunny energy with you throughout your day. Select an item that you love and set an intention for how you’d like it to support you—you’ll be reminded of that intention every time you wear it.

Meaning, Healing Properties, Uses + More


Everything You Need To Know About Citrine, According To Experts

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Writer

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Writer

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Writer, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

Everything You Need To Know About Citrine, According To Experts

Everything You Need To Know About Citrine, According To Experts

Everything You Need To Know About Citrine, According To Experts

Everything You Need To Know About Citrine, According To Experts

Everything You Need To Know About Citrine, According To Experts

Everything You Need To Know About Citrine, According To Experts

Everything You Need To Know About Citrine, According To Experts

Image by
Tatjana Zlatkovic
/ Stocksy

Everything You Need To Know About Citrine, According To Experts

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February 12, 2022

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Everything You Need To Know About Citrine, According To Experts

Everything You Need To Know About Citrine, According To Experts

Everything You Need To Know About Citrine, According To Experts

Everything You Need To Know About Citrine, According To Experts

Everything You Need To Know About Citrine, According To Experts

If you’re looking for a crystal that can help promote confidence and clarity, look no further than citrine. Here, we’re digging into what citrine is, its benefits, and how to use it, according to experts.

What is citrine?

Citrine is a variety of quartz that can be found throughout the world. Most citrine available today is mined in Brazil or Uruguay, with known deposits in Russia, Madagascar, and Kazakhstan, as well. It ranges in color from lighter yellows to deeper, brownish yellows; shades of orange; and many hues in between.

“Just like clear quartz has inclusions of aluminum and lithium, that’s what helps create the kind of golden smoky color you see in natural citrine,” explains Ashley Leavy, founder and educational director of the Love and Light School of Crystal Therapy.

There’s also heat-treated citrine, she adds, which is commonly called “fake citrine” or “baked amethyst.” Heat-treated citrine is amethyst, another variety of quartz, that’s been heated to change its color from purple to shades of yellow, amber, etc.

Even if it’s heat-treated, Yulia Van Doren, author of Crystals: The Modern Guide to Crystal Healing and founder of Goldirocks, tells mbg that doesn’t mean your citrine is not a potent crystal. In fact, many common gemstones are heat-treated, such as topaz, she says, adding, “It’s the industry standard that quartz which is orange or yellow is called citrine.

Types of citrine crystals.

As previously mentioned, there is natural citrine, and there is heat-treated citrine. Along with those two types, Leavy says there are some other reported varieties, like madeira citrine, which is a darker variety of citrine.

There’s also something called Kundalini citrine, she notes, which isn’t a specific variety but rather a specific formation, called the abundance formation. “[The abundance formation] is one large crystal surrounded by smaller crystals around the base. It’s specifically used or connected with wealth and prosperity and abundance and manifesting,” she explains.

Healing properties:

It can help boost confidence.

When you think citrine, think confidence. This stone is great for “anything to do with your confidence, your sense of self, your actual physical energy and showing up brightly, confidently strongly,” Van Doren says, adding, “Citrine is a fantastic one for energizing your dreams, your goals, and your willpower.

It can promote a positive mood.

According to crystal expert Heather Askinosie, citrine is also connected with the energy of the sun, promoting a sense of happiness and light. “It helps you to feel good about yourself, infusing your aura with confidence, joy, and overall energy,” she previously wrote for mbg.

It helps inspire clarity and focus.

Along with being great for confidence, citrine can also help inspire the new ideas that come from mental clarity. Citrine “connects with intelligence and wisdom in the mental aspect, so it’s great for getting some clarity—either general mental clarity if you’re feeling overwhelmed—or clarity about a specific situation,” Leavy says.

It can attract abundance.

Leavy tells mbg that citrine has also long been connected with wealth, prosperity, and abundance. It’s a good crystal to use if you’re looking to attract success, she says, adding this makes sense, given its ability to boost confidence, inner strength, and courage.

It supports the solar plexus chakra.

And last but not least, citrine is excellent for the solar plexus chakra (which is, fittingly, associated with the color yellow). “Citrine is a fantastic stone for powering up your solar plexus, which is your center related to the way you show up in the world,” Van Doren says.

How to use citrine:

Meditate with it.

One of the simplest ways to work with citrine—or any crystal for that matter—is to meditate with it. Van Doren tells mbg she recommends meditating on a specific dream or goal with a piece of citrine in your hand, using the following visualization:

  • Find a quiet spot and kick off your shoes so your feet can make a connection with the ground.
  • Hold a piece of citrine in your hands, or lay one on your navel, and imagine a specific goal you have. Visualize that goal in a clear balloon, and let it hang a few feet in front of you.
  • Imagine energizing flames beginning to emerge from your citrine crystal, flickering upward and outward, slowly changing the color of the balloon from clear to a golden, fiery orange.
  • With a puff, blow the shimmering balloon up and away, to the land where dreams always come true and to-do lists are always finished on time.
  • Don’t forget to thank your crystal when finished; your gratitude unplugs your personal energy from the crystal, a very important final step.


Keep a piece in your workspace.

Thanks to citrine’s confidence-boosting abilities, Van Doren says it’s a perfect crystal for the workplace. Askinosie previously said the same, suggesting that when you’re at your desk each morning, you close your eyes and hold a piece of citrine in your hands.

“Visualize love and light all around you. Place it atop your business card on your desk as a reminder throughout the day to vibrate at your highest level,” she says.

Wear it as jewelry.

Of course, another easy way to work with your citrine is to wear it as jewelry, Leavy says. That way, you can have it on you all day to enjoy its effects. (More on how to wear citrine in a bit.)

Use it in a spell jar.

If you’re into crafting spell jars or spell pouches, Leavy says, citrine makes a great addition to place inside. This is particularly true if your spell has anything to do with any of citrine’s aforementioned themes, like abundance, confidence, or clarity.

Keep it somewhere you want more positive energy.

Is there a spot in your home that feels a bit low-energy? Perk it up with a piece of citrine, Askinosie previously suggested. “Placing this crystal in your space is like adding a pillar of positivity and joy. As soon as you see it and hold it in your hands, its energy puts a smile on your face,” she notes.

Citrine in combination with other crystals.

According to Leavy and Van Doren, citrine can work in tandem well with a number of other crystals, and there aren’t any they would advise against pairing it with.

In particular, though, Van Doren likes to pair citrine with amethyst or rose quartz, given that they often have the same origin. She says it can work well with grounding crystals like black tourmaline, smoky quartz, and hematite too.

And according to Leavy, sodalite also makes a great companion to citrine. “They’re not quite opposite each other on the color wheel, but fairly close,” she tells mbg, adding they have a really nice balance of energies. “Whereas citrine has this really vibrant energy, sodalite has a quality that’s very calming—so it helps you kind of stay present and think things through instead of just taking rash action,” she explains.

Cleansing & charging your crystal.

If you feel like your citrine crystal may need a little pick-me-up, you’re in luck, because it’s very easy to cleanse and/or charge this stone. Leavy says any of your standard methods of cleansing or charging can be used.

Just be mindful about leaving your crystal out in the sunlight for a refresh, Leavy notes, as this can cause citrine to fade. If you are going to charge it in the sun, limit it to 15 minutes to be safe.

Beyond that, you can charge it in ways that are specific to whatever intention you set. If you’re using your citrine for self-confidence, for example, you could charge it on top of a photo of yourself, Leavy suggests.

Is citrine a birth stone?

Yes, citrine is one of the birthstones for November; however, topaz is more commonly known as the “first” or “official” November birthstone.

Which zodiac sign is it associated with?

Given that citrine is connected to the sun and sunlight, it’s fittingly associated with Leo (which happens to be astrologically ruled by the sun).

Which chakra is associated with citrine?

Citrine is most associated with the solar plexus chakra, relating to many of the themes of this chakra: confidence, energy, control, etc.

Is citrine a good crystal to sleep with?

Leavy and Van Doren both note that this all depends on citrine’s effect on you personally, and what your intention is. If you want to manifest confidence while you snooze, for example, you can give it a go. But if its energy is coming on too strong, and you think it could be interfering with your sleep, maybe a calmer crystal is a more suitable option.

How should it be worn as jewelry?

Van Doren says citrine is a great one to wear on your hands, whether rings or a bracelet, given the hands are so involved in how we show up in the world through our work. She recommends wearing it on your dominant hand.

Along with wearing it on your hands, Leavy says you can also wear it as a pendant over your heart if you wanted to inspire self-love. Or perhaps if mental clarity is what you’re needing, you could wear it as earrings. It’s ultimately all up to you and your intention here.

The bottom line.

Citrine is a wonderful addition to any crystal collectors’ supply. Its benefits are as varied as its uses; it’s easy to find in your nearest crystal shop; and it’s sure to help inspire confidence however you choose to incorporate it into your spiritual practice.

90,000 magical properties, what color, precious minerals, to whom the horoscope is


  • Born Magma
  • Magic Energy of the Stone
  • CITIONAL Power Citrine
  • Complete beauty and magic

Golden, shining with sided faces has long been considered a symbol of wealth, abundance and prosperity. In order to get rid of everything negative that has accumulated in the soul, remove fears, believe in yourself and ensure professional success, as the ancients believed, you need to wear jewelry with this mineral. There is no darkness or negativity around him.

If the magical properties of citrine mean little to our contemporaries, then another magic – the magic of its beauty – will not leave anyone indifferent.

Magma Born

Citrine occurs in igneous and metamorphic rocks, in classical sediments, alluvial sands and gravels. The precious mineral is mined everywhere: in the USA, Spain, Brazil, South Africa, France, Great Britain, Russia and Madagascar. But the largest supplier of natural citrine is the state of Rio Grande do Sol in southern Brazil.

The roots of the name of the stone are found in the Latin “citrus” – “lemon yellow”. The characteristic of its main qualities is almost the same as amethyst, since both of them are precious varieties of quartz, one of the most common minerals in the earth’s crust.

Natural citrine (silicon dioxide) is pale yellow and very rare. In its pure form, quartz is colorless and transparent, and its variety got its color from the impurities of iron hydroxide that are present in it. The hardness of the gem on the Mohs scale is estimated at 7 points (out of 10), there are almost no chips or they are hardly noticeable. The luster of citrine is vitreous, the crystal structure is trigonal.

Most commercial citrine is made by heat treating amethyst, which is why it is sometimes called burnt amethyst. The modified mineral acquires a deeper amber or orange-reddish hue at a temperature of + 470 – 560 ° C. The unusual yellow-violet color of the stone is born during the joint heat treatment of amethyst and citrine. Ametrine is the name given to a jewel created from 2 stones.

The magical energy of the stone

It is believed that the mineral is able to strengthen the level of material stability and satisfaction with life. Its energy has a positive effect on people whose daily work is not associated with routine and monotonous daily tasks. It is ideal for those who are obsessed with creative pursuits, possessing logic, intrinsic motivation, and self-confidence.

Yellow citrine is a stone of prosperity. He helps many in professional growth, career advancement, contributing to the correct assessment of the risks of a particular project. The mineral is able to maintain the emotional and mental balance of a person, removing signs of depression, anxiety, insecurity, indecision, helping with hypersensitivity and stress.

It is believed that the stone fights chronic fatigue syndrome and has the ability to return a person to a full life after degenerative disorders. In addition to the ability to help in difficult life situations, citrine has magic that can resume interrupted communication, develop initiative, activity and courage. It improves memory, reanimates the awareness of the joy of life, kindness, warmth, gives optimism and deepens understanding of concentration and will.

The Vedic understanding of the energetics of the mineral adds to these properties its purifying capabilities. Considering that the crystal stores solar energy, it is assumed that its owner also has it in abundance and he also gives his heat and energy to a good cause. Citrine absorbs everything that carries a negative charge, providing a protective effect on everything that surrounds its owner.

The aura guardian stone acts as an early warning system that gives its owner enough time to take protective measures. He is endowed with a special power, whose will ensures the happiness of all the owners of the magic crystal and helps them accept themselves for who they are.

The healing power of citrine

The possession of jewelry with this stone supports:

  • heart;
  • complete secretion of insulin;
  • optimal functioning of the pancreas;
  • liver and spleen function;
  • digestive system;
  • circulatory system;
  • the work of the thyroid gland, etc.

The mineral enhances a person’s own abilities, strengthening the immune system, removing toxins and eliminating infections. It is believed that it increases the regenerative forces of the body during illness, lowers blood cholesterol levels, prevents dizziness, relieves migraines, fights dry skin and varicose veins, maintains a stable weight and good eyesight.

Just like many other amulet stones, it helps women in childbirth and strengthens the nervous system. Insomnia is not terrible for the owner of such jewelry, citrine will help you fall asleep and ensure a calm and sound sleep.

There are many recipes for using the stone, but the most common is the elixir. The method of its preparation is simple: the mineral is simply kept in water for 12 hours, then lotions are made with this water to cure acne and abscesses.

If the owner of the stone is in a dejected state, then the elixir can be sprinkled around the apartment, and the citrine itself can be put on the body in the area of ​​the solar plexus. It is convenient to lie on your back and evenly, calmly breathe for 20 minutes. Important: we are talking only about a natural mineral.

Data on the healing properties of the stone are not scientifically confirmed, although there are many studies, but this information will not replace a visit to a doctor.

Unchanging beauty and magic

Citrine has been a rare stone for thousands of years and therefore especially valuable. For 2 centuries BC, the first cabochons were cut in Greece and Rome. Ancient jewelers used them for fine jewelry. Interest in the mineral either faded or revived, but on a different basis. Popular stone of the 19th century. was almost forgotten at the beginning of the twentieth century. The fashion for these yellow sparkling jewelry was revived in the 30s. 20th century Hollywood stars. These included Greta Garbo and Joan Crawford, who wore elaborate and massive Art Deco jewelry.

Today, citrine and its modifications are again in demand and appreciated not only by jewelry owners, but also by collectors. Color is one reason for the resurgence of interest. The largest polished samples of natural stone weighing more than 1150 carats are kept at the Smithsonian Institution (USA).

Like other precious stones, citrine is suitable for many, but not for everyone, because of the scale of its magical properties. It is usually recommended for independent women born under the sign of Aquarius, whose work environment is dynamic, full of change and new challenges. This will add to their self-confidence, courage and enterprise. Suitable amulet of prosperity for those on whom it depends:

  • doing business;
  • making financial decisions;
  • business negotiations;
  • recruiting;
  • organization of public speaking, etc.

Of those who are suitable for citrine, the professions of psychologists, teachers, entrepreneurs, employees of banking structures stand out, that is, those specialists who communicate with a mass of people more often than others and on whom responsible decisions depend . This group also includes students – creative people, engaged in mental work, often pessimistic and prone to depression.

As a professional support stone, citrine improves the position of all those who work in trade, casinos, media, sports and fitness. This is an important crystal for medical staff and traditional healers. If the classification is based on a certain character warehouse, then a suitable owner of a citrine talisman can be a perfectionist, altruist, romantic, performer, epicurean, mediator.

In the horoscope, the signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces are united in the group of those who suit this magical amulet. If we take only the year of birth, then according to the eastern calendar, citrine can be worn by those who were born in the year of the Rooster. In numerology, these will be people born under the influence of the number 6.

Over the years, citrine has become so cheap and quantitatively available that no one takes it seriously. Now there is a full-scale renaissance of this stone. Its price is no longer a barrier as it allows very large specimens to be used in jewelry.

Citrine is popular with women who want to enrich their wardrobe with affordable jewelry. In terms of the combination of beauty and value, it has no real competition.

This stone is said to bring all the best in life to its owner. Thousands of years have passed since the solar citrine became significant for humans. Almost everything has changed. Only the beauty of a precious gem, endowed with magical powers by people, is unchanged.

The magical properties of citrine as a powerful source of energy

The very bright yellow color of the stone indicates a powerful vibration of the stone, which corresponds to the vibrations of the third energy center.

This center is located in the area of ​​the solar plexus and is responsible for the emotional side of life, for sensuality .

With the normal flow of positive energy, the most powerful solar energy is absorbed, all vibrations of health and optimism are taken.

Citrine stone with magical properties helps to support all healthy moods of revealing personality, satisfaction from what has been achieved, acquiring wisdom and understanding emotions. A new force wakes up in a person to act, to live, to enjoy life.

When you take citrine in your hand, you get the feeling that the sun penetrates through and through, warming with its soft, pleasant, not hot warmth remains for a long time in the mind of a person.

Imagine that you are standing on a high mountain.

Below are plains, green forests, a smoothly flowing river, and the sun is in front of you. Bright, hot. Reach out to him with your hands, all with your body, all with your consciousness.

Don’t be afraid, the sun won’t hurt you.

Now imagine that the sun is right in front of you, big, warm, dear. Shines with a bright gentle light.

Quietly enter this sun. Feel how the solar heat penetrates into every cell of the body, fills with its energy.

Imagine that you are glowing with this golden light, that you are one with the sun. All black holes of negativity are filled with sunshine.

Stay like this for a while, enjoying the warmth and joy. Thank the sun for your help.

And quietly get out of it.

The sun is far away again, right in front of you.

Look down at the green forests, the fields, the calm river.

Be aware of your state of stability, warmth.

And return to the state of here and now, that is, from where you started your movement, to reality.

How are you?

The citrine stone helps the Sun to destroy all the negativity that has fallen on the mental body of a person. You just need to listen to the stone.

He will give you the opportunity to hear where, who and when directed negative energy at you.

This may be an angry, envious person, or maybe just tired, extinct from his problems.

Look into the eyes of this person.

Almost all extinct people have pain deep in their eyes. Any pain makes a person constantly listen to himself, look inside himself.

A citrine pendant or keychain will help you cope with these emotions.

Citrine is a powerful purifier and restorer of human internal energy. Citrine is especially valued for its amazing ability to attract money.

Keep a small citrine stone next to your cash and you will probably soon notice that you have become more wise in spending money, that one money is calling for another money.

Only a stone should be chosen bright, golden, saturated.

Such a pebble will help you make profitable deals, invest successfully and earn income everywhere. Citrine contributes to the improvement of business qualities and ingenuity, speed and flexibility of thinking.

As they say: “ Money sticks to your hands ”, especially if you wear a citrine ring.

Well, if you are a gambler, then a ring with a bright orange citrine will help to pacify and curb your passion and approach this problem wisely.

Jewelry with citrine may well become a human talisman for people born under the summer zodiac signs.

Especially for Gemini .

Want to touch natural citrine?

Then boldly go to our catalog!

Other products from this stone:

On citrine stones Beads of citrine Citrine bracelets Earrings of citrine Pendants and pendants of citrine Rings of citrine Balls of citrine Trees of happiness citrine Druses of citrine Crystals of citrine Tumbling of citrine Citrine specimens Cabins of citrine Brooches citrine citrine Tableware citrine Cut citrine Massage sticks citrine Beads citrine Brushes citrine Glasses chain citrine Jewelery made of citrine stones Jewelry made of citrine stones Paintings of citrine

Citrine stone – magical properties and who suits according to the sign of the zodiac


  1. What is Citrine?
  2. Citrine
  3. Therapeutic properties Citrine
  5. UMA
  6. Body
  7. Application and metaphysical properties Citrine
  8. Wear Citrins
  9. 9000

  10. People and relationships
  11. Citrin Citrine Citrine Citrine Citrin and Chakras
  12. Citrin water
  13. Citrine
  14. Citrin
  15. Citrin spheres
  16. Unprocessed Citrin 9000
  17. Citrin
  18. 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 crystals
  19. Origin of citrine
  20. Who suits citrine according to the sign of the zodiac
  21. Energy color
  22. How to care for citrine
  23. How to clean citrine
  24. How to charge citrine

What is citrine?

Citrine is a stunning clear, pale yellow, red-orange, orange-yellow and brownish-orange variety of crystalline quartz. Many believed that this was a gift from the sun, which gives us a warm, uplifting color.

Although not uncommon, most women appreciate its impressive earthy color which makes it more precious and lustrous. Its color changes from time to time depending on how you display it.

Citrine has positive properties, helping the physical self, and also plays an important role in appreciating the spiritual self. This awakens and expands higher intelligence, especially conscious awareness.

Meaning of citrine

Citrine is derived from the Latin word “citrine” due to its transparency and pale citrus color. It is said to be a “sun stone” that retains sunlight and receives energy from it.

As for the French word, it comes from the word “citron”, which means lemon. This determines its autumn shades from light yellow to bright orange. It was said that citrine was used from the Old Testament, which was part of Aaron’s breastplate.

Since the Hellenistic era (300 and 150 BC), the Greeks were amazed by the bright color of citrine, which eventually became a valuable asset and began its path to fashion jewelry.

Citrine is also known as the merchant’s stone. It brings good luck in business and trade. Because it brings prosperity, wealth and success.

It was lined with other precious and expensive quartz during the Victorian era, when Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom loved this crystal. After the appearance of citrine in some parts of Europe, it became a fashionable decoration, in clothing, furniture and invaded the world of interior design. It was also introduced during the Art Deco era (between the first and second world wars).

In this era, other worthy women are seen wearing jewelry made of natural expensive citrine, mostly with deep yellow-orange jewelry.

Today, citrine is mainly used for decoration, fashion, interiors, and many designer jewelry. Natural citrine, which has a dark yellow-orange hue, is more expensive than those that are pale in color.

But the popularity of citrine never gets old. Regardless of its color, citrine gives it the same brightness and beauty. Some of them are made for furniture parts depending on the purity and depth of color. Citrine has been popular for many years and has become well known for its beauty and characteristics.

The healing properties of citrine

Citrine not only brings prosperity and success in business or personal strength in a career, but also has other characteristics that help people to know themselves deeply when it comes to self-development.

This creates deeper connections within your core to increase self-esteem, self-confidence and get rid of negativity within you, and creates personal strength. Citrine produces positive energy that helps lighten your mood. Just like drinking cold lemonade on a sunny day, it refreshes your body. So if you feel like you are low on energy, this crystal is perfect for you.

It also has the ability to turn negativity into positive energy, bringing you peace and balancing your emotions.

It is also said to enhance the feng shui flow in your home, which draws in the energy of the earth and welcomes prosperity to your workroom.

Citrine helps the digestive system to calm down and function properly with your body system as it works as a retarding crystal. It refreshes the brain and strengthens it intellectually.

Feelings and Emotional Healing

Citrine balances emotions and brings joy within you. It helps you grow emotionally by making you more energetic on the outside. You will feel more confident inside, attracting positive energy to you. Happiness and light that uplift your spirit are the main properties of citrine.

It makes you more confident in your feelings because its positive vibrations flow within you. If you know that you don’t feel well emotionally or it’s a vague feeling, you can just look at the crystal and it will make you feel so alive and brighten up your day. Citrine will help your mind to be confident in your decisions.

Citrine encourages you to be delightful and enthusiastic. It helps you get out of depression, develops self-expression, and makes you love yourself more as it further adds value to how much you trust yourself. It naturally helps you deal with emotional issues and gives you the courage to keep going, especially when you’re not sure what action to take.


Citrine is definitely a good start to use at work. It strengthens your mind, improves your thinking, and helps you deal with decision-making problems. The stone stimulates brain functions, energizes your mood, and works directly on your senses to bring about so many positive emotions.

Citrine attunes the mind to clear thinking and brings more intellect. This blocks out other feelings that might hurt or upset you. It can be combined with yoga classes to create more positivity during meditation, increase your concentration and state of mind.

Citrine is also called the “mind stone”. This not only gives you good thinking, but also good healing wisdom. It gives new thoughts and relief from nightmares, which gives you time to unwind and get a good night’s sleep. The clarity of citrine gives you a clear and healthy mind.

Recharges and restores it to increase metal activity. It gets rid of all the worries that make you feel overwhelmed and frustrated. This is the best way to keep you focused and calm.


This semi-precious stone is known for its great healing properties. From the mind to the digestive system, it brings more energy to make you feel better and better every day. Citrine provides the body with energy, fights degenerative diseases and improves the chemical balance in the body.

Citrine stimulates digestion and neutralizes kidney and bladder inflammation. Citrine improves the functioning of the spleen and pancreas. It keeps your skin, nails, and hair healthy and can also be helpful for treating skin allergies and irritations caused by food intolerances.

This stone is good for our physical health, as it attracts positive energy and works more productively outdoors, keeping you in good physical and mental shape.

Another power of citrine is to relieve menstrual cramps, hormonal imbalances and relieve feelings of fatigue. It can be used for morning sickness and vomiting. Citrine governs nerve impulses and the intellectual capacity for concentration and wisdom. It also treats problems with short term memory loss.


Citrine is also known as a “light stone”. This gives light not only to your intellectual side, emotional, but also has a beneficial effect on your spiritual issues. Citrine is believed to add value in healing the spiritual self as it is known to be a powerful cleanser and revitalizer.

He conveys the goodness of self-healing and self-improvement. Maintaining the energy of the sun is an outstanding remedy for overcoming phobias and depressions.

This crystal uplifts your spirit and fills your energy with its high vibrational power. Whether you are in a bad mood or losing faith in everything in life, the bright and vibrating energy of this stone will release a higher frequency to revive a sense of positivity. It takes you out of the darkness and leads you into the light.

Citrine charges your spirit with optimistic energy, which is a very powerful tool for expressing wealth.

Uses and metaphysical properties of citrine

Wearing citrine

Wearing this crystal allows you to take the properties of citrine with you wherever you go, potentially connecting you to the light. When you wear citrine stone jewelry, it attracts energy and carries it in and out of your body. Not only for yourself, but for all the people around you who are physically close to you.

It is usually worn with a pendant or ring with some other quartz or on a silver or gold metal surface. It can also be worn with bracelets, earrings and raw citrine.

Wearing a citrine bracelet or ring will give more strength to your intentions. Wearing this jewelry daily is the best way to absorb the power of citrine, and wearing it with other crystals will only increase your desires.

Wearing this semi-precious stone as a piece of jewelry is a powerful way to feel the vibration of the stone throughout the day. Each piece of citrine jewelry, such as earrings, necklace, and bracelet, can remind you to pursue happiness and reach for the light.

Citrine is one of those crystals that is quite durable when worn. It is not easy to get scratches on it, but avoid heating it too close. He is said to be by your side every time you feel like you need to make a decision about something important.

Citrine at home

Citrine is useful when you wear it at work. It helps you focus on your things and clears your mind for better understanding and intelligence. Whether you wear a bracelet, ring, or earrings, this stone can help lift your spirits, boost your energy, and increase your ability to multitask as it stimulates your brain functions.

This will help you avoid stress, negative vibrations coming from you, or if you place it in your living room to create peace in the house and balance the energy throughout the house.

Citrine brings prosperity and good luck not only in business and trade, but also inside the home. For those who do their work at home, it is better to keep a piece of citrine or something with citrine in their office to attract wealth and success.

Citrine at work

Citrine balances energy throughout the day. It is advisable to wear it in the workplace because you are prone to stress and negativity when you work long hours with a lot of bad vibes from other people. It is a powerful tool for daily preparation for work.

It won’t be called a merchant’s stone if it doesn’t do well when it comes to business. Citrine has a beneficial effect on business success and prosperity. Many people use this crystal on their desk in the office. It absorbs higher energies for wealth and positivity along the way.

Citrine Meditation

Citrine Meditation is great when you’re struggling to focus, having trouble with low self-esteem, or when you’re carrying so many burdens and overwhelmed by panic and responsibility. This meditative exercise will help you breathe freely, gain balance, and build confidence.

This crystal is the perfect partner to cleanse and awaken your inner self. For meditation, raw citrine is the best way to recharge. Holding the stone with your hands, you can perform the meditative steps of yoga.

A direct understanding of what needs to be done to eliminate the problem can be achieved with the support of citrine meditation.

People and Relationships

All of the relationship benefits of citrine come from keeping this stone. Eliminating negative feelings and easing negativity on the part of people in a relationship promotes healthier relationships.

A sense of understanding permeates the group, smoothing out healthier awareness and increasing the ability to hold other people’s perceptions, which is citrine. When your aura is bright and positive, you will also attract good things. This will not only benefit you, but your partner as well as your relationship.

The adoring light of citrine is motivating when you feel that love and comfort are needed in your relationship. It is a color that symbolizes positivity and forgiveness. And it’s best for helping you position your heart when it’s not in good shape.

Citrine Crystal Therapy

Genuine natural citrine is the leading stone of imagination, presentation and personal will. Carrying the power of the sun, it is soft, warm, soothing, invigorating and life-giving. It revitalizes the chakras, clearing the mind and inspiring the soul to move.

Its frequency activates imagination and creativity. Deeper citrine transforms fears into soothing feelings. Citrine helps to get rid of any obstacles, this crystal will encourage you to new meetings and keep a positive attitude. It will inspire you to remain optimistic in any situation, even in difficult times.

The fight against depression is one of the best properties of citrine.

It clears the mind and heart of too much thought and clears the mind of great stress. If you are in a lot of emotional pain or are carrying too much responsibility, citrine will help you maintain mental clarity and balance your emotions.

This stone brings happiness and joy when you carry it with you. It touches your inner peace to move forward with strength and feel the sunshine that gives you more strength. It gives you the confidence to fight the negativity in your mind and helps you act without hesitation.

Citrine and chakras

Citrine crystal has the Solar Plexus chakra and the Sacral chakra. Citrine can also be used to clear all types of chakras.

Citrine balances the solar plexus chakra well. Wearing any type of citrine will help you open up your solar plexus chakra, can empower you to own what you feel and control it physically and spiritually. The solar plexus chakra is the third chakra. It is located below the diaphragm and behind the navel.

The sacral chakra, or what is called the Navel in Hindu Tantrism, is located below the navel and above the pubic bone near the pelvis. It controls the flow of energy and the center of gravity of the body. It is believed that it is the center of the Life Force and controls the flow of information from the body to the mind and vice versa.

It will help energize you, fire up your sex drive, balance you emotionally, spiritually and physically and make you feel more energized throughout the day.

Golden yellow citrine is associated with the restoration of the sacral chakra. This will help you become more energetic, determined and creative. The sacral chakra is indicated by the orange color and the planets Jupiter, Mercury and the Moon. The sacral chakra is associated with your emotions, attachments, and intimacy, as well as your appetite for food.

Citrine Water

Citrine water is a limitless source of energy, health and true beauty. It contains a natural citrine crystal that saturates and energizes your water. Transform your water into a true citrine crystal elixir and begin to cleanse, energize and restore yourself naturally inside and out.

This citrine stone water bottle is made of glass and stainless steel, and you can take out the crystal whenever you want to clean it separately. Citrine is said to purify and release soothing and creative energy that you need to absorb. Water infused with citrine crystals is a simple yet effective way to heal.

Forms of citrine

Natural citrine

For the efficient functioning of the brain, strengthening the intellectual side. It promotes motivation, unlocks creativity and encourages self-expression. Increases concentration and revitalizes the mind. It saves you from negative character traits, phobias, depression and even fears.

Citrine Orbs

Citrine Orbs are naturally polished cut citrine that provide powerful healing on many levels. Most of these citrine balls are pale lemon colored.

It is powered by sunlight, which warms, cleanses and energizes. Exceptionally protective. This citrine sphere can be a great tool for turning negative energy into positive.

Raw Citrine

Raw Citrine represents positivity and optimism, which is obviously associated with happy yellow. It is often used to create financial abundance and opportunity. It is mainly used to awaken the solar plexus chakra, helping to increase confidence and personal strength. This is one of the most powerful crystals used for manifestation and can help you achieve your goals and lead you to your intentions in life.

Polished Citrine

This citrine stone is widely used in jewelry. Because it helps get rid of negative energy and brings positivity, it can ease depression, anger, and self-doubt. It also relieves irrational mood swings. Holding citrine stones in your hands, you calm your body, especially during times of unrest.

Citrine Geode

This type of citrine rarely grows in geode clusters. Citrine geodes are impressively beautiful. They sparkle and illuminate our place and our mood.

Citrine crystals

Citrine crystals are one of the rare types of citrine. Natural citrine crystals, usually deep and smoky gold in color, are found only in Africa. Pale yellow citrine crystals can be found in Brazil. They have the same healing effects and manifestations inside and outside the body.

Citrine Compatibility with Other Minerals/Crystals

Citrine can be combined with other energy enhancing stones such as dZi, Hematite, Rose Quartz, Agate. Its deep or pale color is not due to other minerals. It has naturally changing color characteristics that have made it one of the finest semi-precious stones ever found.

You can combine different stones according to their elements (water, fire, air, earth and spirit).

These are stones of elements that can be combined with citrine: carnelian, lapis lazuli, blue chalcedony, sapphire, rhodonite, topaz, chrysolite, golden beryl, tourmaline and peridot.

Any of these stone elements can be combined to enhance their metaphysical properties. If you combine citrine with air stones, it will promote positive changes in your thoughts.

Their energy will help you become more rigid and flexible. Air or wind stones are also the best weapons for people suffering from chronic diseases. For example, how the citrine solar plexus chakra works under the diaphragm area, which makes you warmer and more physically active.

Origin of citrine

Natural citrine can be found all over the world. They have different natural ways of growing and change their color from time to time depending on the heat they absorb.

‍Brazil – Most modern citrine comes from Brazil. Today, most citrine comes from the market as amethyst or smoky quartz in Brazil.

‍Ural Mountains of Russia and Madagascar, Kazakhstan and France – Natural citrines can also be found in both countries. Various colors of citrine are found in these areas. Darker colors to medium golden orange tend to be less common.

Who suits citrine according to the sign of the zodiac

Citrine also represents the Sagittarius zodiac sign due to its optimistic and free-spirited characteristics, being careless, irresponsible and superficial as well as restless.

Other zodiac signs such as Aries, Gemini, Libra and Leo will benefit most from owning, wearing or using a chakra clearing citrine crystal in their daily lives.

‍Virgo may also be the zodiac sign for citrine, as it is a favorite temple of the Virginians because of its receptive energy. People born in the astrological sign of Virgo are very receptive to the energies of this Temple and the best channel for its energies.

Citrine is a stone responsible for increasing Virgo’s self-esteem, which is very important for the proper use of personal power. The Citrine Abundance Crystal is effective in releasing the grip of the ego, leading you to happiness and optimism.

Citrine can be worn to get rid of fears. It can also block out nightmares and ensure restful sleep. Citrine can be used to strengthen your psychic awareness.

Energy color

Citrine yellow gives strength to strengthen new pleasures, interests and new relationships, helping to see things clearly and make clear decisions. It encourages you to feel light in every situation, especially in relationships.

Light yellow crystals will help you maintain new relationships and get off to a smooth start by healing in establishing good communication. It boosts the energy to learn about other people’s feelings through communication, and it can boost your self-esteem and self-confidence.

Dark Citrine Yellow is an exceptional tool when persuasiveness, precision or decisiveness is required.

How to care for your citrine

This crystal does not normally get dirty, so there is no need to clean it after every wear or use. If you feel like they need to be recharged, you can clean them anyway, especially when exposed to a lot of energy in a short amount of time.

Citrine is one of the most reliable crystals among all your other crystals. Because it carries a lot of energy and a confident aura that doesn’t get lost in just a few applications.

As usual, citrine can also be easily scratched. Avoid wearing it during exercise or outdoor activities, which may cause scratches.

Most importantly, do not use any harsh chemical cleaners such as bleach, harsh oils, high alcohol perfumes and hair sprays to avoid dullness.

How to clean citrine

Warm and soapy water is one way to clean citrine. Ultrasonic cleaners are also safe. Citrine cannot evaporate because it cannot be subjected to too much heat.

The way to purify citrine is also to take a good bath with water. It can cleanse you of all the negative energies that are affecting you and help you lower your thoughts and emotions.

Citrine will absorb this negative energy and turn it into positive. This is a safe and effective way to affect all of your chakras and your entire aura at the same time. A few cups of salt and a few drops of cleansing essential oil would also be a delightful addition.

How to charge a citrine

When charging a citrine crystal, you need to determine your true intentions. They will absorb your true emotions and help the crystal determine what energy it needs to release or heal.

Citrine has historically been recognized as a powerful tool for abundance and prosperity. Since citrine is one of the best crystals for initiating the solar plexus chakra, it increases your ability to manifest what you really need and want, such as health, wealth, love, new relationships, etc.

Citrine belongs to the quartz family, it can carry the intentions you put into it and amplify them.

You can think about what you want to manifest in your life physically, spiritually, emotionally and intellectually and write it down in a form as if you already have it.

Clean the citrine using running water, sunlight or soapy water. Continue to hold the crystal in your dominant hand and speak your invocation into the crystal. Repeat this several times until you feel the change.

magical properties, meaning, signs of the zodiac

This unusual semi-precious stone got its name in the eighteenth century. Possessing a lemon-golden color and transparency, when cut, it acquires depth and radiance. But for a long time they continued to call it “Spanish topaz” out of habit.

Contents of the article

History of the stone

Citrine crystal from the Berezovsky deposit (Russia)

Until 1747, the mineral was not listed in mineralogy as an independent unit. It is often confused with other gems, but the stone has the greatest similarity with topaz.

In the middle of the 17th century, the mineralogist Valerius investigated the properties of the mineral and identified it as a variety of quartz. For the lemon color, the stone was named citrine, which is translated from the Latin citrus as “the color of a lemon.”

Large citrine crystals are found in nature. One of the most famous minerals is in the Smithsonian Museum and weighs 2,258 carats.

Physical and chemical properties

Citrine is a type of rock crystal. The chemical formula of SiO2 indicates that the mineral belongs to quartz. Characterized by hardness, ease of processing.

The chemical composition is silicon oxide. Ions of aluminum, lithium, iron and hydrogen can act as impurities that affect the shade of the mineral. 0.009

After heat treatment, the hardness of citrine decreases and brittleness increases. At the same time, the stone gets a rich color of honey, amber, straw or golden color, and its luster becomes matte.

Types and colors of the mineral

The word “citrine” comes from the Latin citrus, which translates as lemon yellow. It received its color due to the presence of iron impurities, which give it shades from sunny-lemon to amber. The darkest stone is called “Madera” due to its rich orange color, close to the aforementioned wine. Natural citrines are not as common as transparent quartz, they have a yellowish color.


Brazil has the largest deposits of natural minerals. It is mined in smaller quantities in Spain, North America (Colorado) and France. There is mining in Scotland and Madagascar.

In Russia, stone has long been found in the Urals, the Olkhovsky deposit in the Perm region. There are also citrine deposits in neighboring Kazakhstan.

Stone production

Since ancient times, craftsmen in the Urals have learned how to get citrine by firing amethyst and quartz with a smoky tint. Large stones were baked in bread, and small stones were baked in a pot of ashes in a Russian oven. As a result, smoky quartz turned into bright yellow citrine, and amethysts acquired shades from orange to brownish.

Distinguishing natural stone from fired stone is almost impossible and only specialists can do it.

As a rule, natural crystal has a paler color. For the manufacture of jewelry, stone obtained by firing is used.

The magical properties of citrine

Ring with citrine

It is because of its color that the mineral is considered a sun stone. With a breakdown, depression, citrine is able to share with the owner the energy received from the sun. In Russia, it was called the “merchant’s stone”, bringing good luck in business and attracting money. With it, a signet was made to seal letters.

It is recommended to keep citrine next to money to bring wealth into the house. The mineral is able to bring warmth to the relationships of loved ones, give self-confidence, and contribute to success in creative pursuits.

Despite this, in some countries it is considered a stone of thieves and swindlers. Jewelry with him was often worn by sharpers and other “dexterous” people. Modern magicians attribute citrine to dual stones that serve both scammers and respectable people.

When wearing a stone, there are some subtleties. For example, a citrine ring worn on the little finger helps in business and money matters. Decoration on the middle or index finger helps to convince oneself that one is right, to build relationships in business. A sunstone pendant is useful in public speaking, giving the wearer an oratorical ability.

Medicinal properties

Faceted citrine stone

Citrine can not only decorate, but also have a healing effect. It is associated with the solar plexus and the gastrointestinal tract. Pure crystals that do not have extraneous inclusions have healing properties. The ring with the “sun stone” can be left on at night, and then it will give you a quick fall asleep and a restful sleep.

Modern stone healers are in solidarity with ancient physicians. They advise patients to wear citrine for pyelonephritis, cystitis or gastritis.

And another mineral:

  • relieves headaches;
  • improves brain function;
  • helps overcome depression;
  • accelerates the treatment of speech defects, especially in children.

Jewelry with mineral

Moiseikin Jewelry House cut citrine

Jewelers love citrine for its delicate and unique shade, as well as ease of processing. For transparent specimens of high quality, a combined or brilliant cut is used. Flat inserts are made from opaque crystals, and low-grade samples are cut into cabochons.

Citrine is used to make all kinds of jewelry – earrings, pendants, rings, beads, bracelets, cufflinks, tiaras and brooches. The mineral is set mainly in silver and gilded silver. Gold is rarely used as a setting, as it obscures the lemon tone of the stone.


The cost of natural citrine varies from several tens to several hundred dollars:

  • $20-70 for silver rings, depending on the size and quality of the stone;
  • $10-35 for pendants;
  • $10-100 for silver-set earrings;
  • $40-250 for gold pendants;
  • $50-350 for gold rings;
  • $60-500 for gold-set earrings.

Products with fake citrine obtained by heat treatment of quartz rocks are cheaper. It can often be found on store shelves, while its cost is $ 15-45 per product.

Combination with other stones

Jewelry with citrine

Citrine belongs to the Air element. He has the most successful combination with fellow minerals – all types of quartz (except for morion), amethyst, uvarovite, chrysoprase, tourmaline, beryl, topaz, amazonite, demantoid and fluorite.

The energy of citrine is also combined with stones of the element of Fire – pyrite, heliolite and garnet.

Citrine is neutral to Earth minerals. In jewelry, it can be combined with malachite, agate, turquoise, jasper, obsidian, jade, cacholong, labrador and chalcedony of all colors except for the blue tint.

Citrine with Water stones develops unfriendly relations. It is not recommended to combine the mineral with emerald, chrysolite, alexandrite, opal, sapphire and pearls.

Citrine has an ambiguous relationship with stones belonging to two elements. If the energy of the mineral with Fire-Air stones (amber, hematite, spinel, carnelian, charoite) is compatible, then the neighborhood with gems related to the elements of Water-Earth (aventurine, zircon, melanite) should be excluded.

Talismans, amulets

Even the ancient Romans (senators, orators) made citrine amulets to develop eloquence and win the attention of the public. This property – to promote the establishment of relations, to be convincing and eloquent, is used by modern business people wearing citrine seals.

A pendant with a stone is worn as a talisman. It is shown to politicians and other people associated with public speaking. And to impressionable, vulnerable people, he will give confidence, prudence.

The citrine ring suits everyone whose work requires virtuoso hand movements. These include jewelers, sculptors, surgeons, engravers.

Signs of the Zodiac

The most remarkable property of the lemon-yellow stone is the absence of its negative influence on most of the signs of the Zodiac. It can bring strong benefits to Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. For these signs, citrine promises success in business and undertakings, while simultaneously solving current problems and any, even very complex tasks. Helps to accumulate ideas and implement them.

Citrine jewelry

Citrine also has a positive effect on air signs. These are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. He will help the signs of the air to strengthen their natural charisma, sociability, enterprise, so that there will never be a shortage of associates and all ideas will be implemented with maximum efficiency. As a result – material well-being, excellent mood and satisfaction from life.

Virgo citrine will help improve material well-being, and Capricorn will give inspiration, will become a stone muse for him.

Thanks to citrine, Cancer will become more sociable, and Pisces will strengthen their energy, become stronger both mentally and physically.

And citrine is not recommended for Scorpions and Taurus (or wear it very carefully, and not constantly), as it can lead to deceit, deceit, dulls attention, deprives caution. It is better not to wear it for important, fateful meetings. But, on the other hand, the gem has a calming effect on these signs, dulls fears, worries, reduces general anxiety and improves mood.

How to take care of the mineral

Natural citrine pendant

Natural citrine is a durable and resistant mineral that does not require additional care. In a refined mineral, these properties are reduced, therefore, the attitude towards it should be more thrifty.

General rules for the care and storage of citrine are as follows:

  • Store the mineral separately from other stones, using a separate box, case or cloth bag.
  • Use soapy water and a flannel cloth for cleaning. After rinsing in running water, the stone is left to dry naturally in the open air.
  • Citrine should not be subjected to mechanical impact, whether by hitting hard objects, squeezing or falling.
  • Do not leave the mineral in direct sunlight for a long time, otherwise it will lose its natural color.

Citrine does not accumulate negative energy in itself, therefore it does not need energy cleansing.

How to spot a fake

Citrine is often counterfeited using cheaper minerals. Varieties of quartz (for example, smoky quartz or amethyst) are heated to a temperature of 500-700 ° C, as a result of which the crystals acquire rich honey shades.

You can distinguish natural citrine from imitation by several features:

  • The fake stone has a rich amber, brown-honey color with a reddish tint. True citrine has pale lemon yellow hues.
  • The mineral of natural origin has the effect of pleochroism, while stones imitating citrine do not have this property.
  • In the depths of the fired stone, you can see a white matte stripe in the form of a plume

When buying a citrine, you should pay attention to its value. An unnatural mineral costs several times less than a real stone.

Citrine – magical properties, who suits, how to distinguish from a fake

Citrine is an extraordinary stone endowed not only with a unique shade, but also with miraculous properties. Since ancient times, it was believed that citrine is not just beautiful, but fraught with magical properties. This stone fascinates, gives the owner a certain charm and attractiveness. After all, it was not in vain that representatives of the upper classes decorated their headdresses and outfits with citrine.


1. Color range
2. Characteristics
3. Deposits
4. Interesting facts
5. How to distinguish real from artificial
6. Magic properties
7. Medicinal properties
8. Citrine in the zodiac world
9. Jewelry with citrine

Natural nugget has a bright range of unique shades. Citrine has always been in the spotlight and today it is in demand in jewelry. And the shades and overflows of the stone do not cease to amaze with their sophistication and originality.

Pictured Sun Aroma Set from the jewelry house Maxim Demidov.

Citrine colors

The stone got its name due to its “citrus” color. Translated from Latin, “citrus” means “lemon”. There is also a version of the French roots of the name of the mineral: “citron”, which translates as “lemon”.

Citrine is a transparent, shiny stone, a variety of quartz. Perhaps, no gem has such a rich and varied range of sunny shades as citrine, because it is not in vain that it is called the “sun stone”. The crystal has a rich palette of shades of yellow, from light lemon to deep orange. The color saturation of citrine is due to iron impurities that got into the crystal lattice of the gem during its formation.

In the photo: Lemon citrine.

Citrine can be obtained by heat-treating amethyst and smoky quartz. Such ennobled gems have lemon, orange, wine, honey, golden, amber or yellow-brown hues. When firing smoky quartz, bright yellow stones are obtained, when processing amethyst, they are orange-brown.

Depending on the shade and method of obtaining, the “sun stone” has varieties:

  • Pale yellow shade . This is the natural color of the stone. Such citrine is found: in the Urals, Madagascar, in Spain, Brazil, and also in France.
  • Golden yellow . Minerals of this color are most often found in Ukraine in the Volodarsk-Volynsky deposit. The golden color of citrine is obtained by processing smoky crystals at a temperature of 300 ° C.
  • Honey and Vibrant Orange . Stones of such colors are especially appreciated. They resemble a well-known sort of wine, so they got the appropriate name – “Madera”. Bright saturated tones are obtained by heat treatment of quartz.
  • Citrine, which has a greenish yellow color , is not valuable from a jewelry point of view, as it loses its color with prolonged exposure to daylight and temperature changes.

Characteristics of citrine stone

  • Chemical formula – SiO 2
  • Mohs hardness – 7
  • Density – 2.65 g/cm 3
  • Color – lemon yellow to amber
  • Glitter – glass
  • Refractive index – 1. 544-1.553
  • System – trigonal
  • Transparency – transparent
  • Class – IV class
  • Cleavage – none
  • Fracture – conchoidal

Citrine stone deposits

The mineral is formed in sedimentary rocks, where it occurs in the form of transparent crystals.

In nature, citrine is less common than other varieties of quartz. The main deposits of citrine are known in Brazil – Bahia, Goias, Minas Gerais. In jewelry from Maxim Demidov, craftsmen use citrines of Brazilian origin. More nuggets are mined in Madagascar, in the USA – the state of Colorado, Spain, India and France. Also, small reserves of citrine are found in Argentina, Myanmar, Scotland and Namibia.

In the photo: Ring “Palazzo Oro” with Brazilian citrine from the jewelry house Maxim Demidov.

Spanish citrines are distinguished by their incredible play of light. The brilliance of these minerals is almost equal to topaz. Spanish citrines are completely transparent, but with a well-defined color.

Citrine can also be found in the Urals and Kazakhstan. Gems from these deposits are distinguished by their amazing wine-yellow hue.

In the photo: Citrine in the rock.

Interesting facts about the “solar mineral”

  • Citrine did not have a name for a long time, and then they began to confuse it with another stone and called it “Spanish topaz”. Only in 1747, the chemist Valerius established that this mineral had nothing to do with topaz, and gave it its own name.
  • In the 19th and early 20th centuries, personal seals were made from gold with citrine to seal business papers and personal letters.
  • In India, the “solar mineral” is identified with the Manitsura chakra. According to Hindu belief, this chakra bestows vital energy and promotes the digestion of food. That is why wearing citrine is recommended for people with indigestion and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Citrines with a characteristic greenish tint are erroneously called emeralds.

There are also giant citrines in the world:

Citrine “Malaga” is the largest faceted stone, which is named after the city in which it was exhibited at the exhibition. The gem reaches 20,200 carats. Its dimensions are: 25×25×15.

Giant citrine of 22,580 carats. Located at the Research Smithsonian University in the USA.

How to distinguish real citrine from artificial

Citrine is a fairly rare and transparent stone that is easy to process. Therefore, citrine has long been learned artificially by firing quartz or amethyst.

Smoky quartz is calcined at 500°C. The temperature may vary depending on the deposit and the clarity of the crystal, as well as its color. After that, the mineral acquires a stable yellow, honey or orange color, and sometimes a slightly greenish tint. Such a stone is easy to distinguish from the original, as it has a rich and bright shade.

Things are more complicated with quartz. The processed mineral is more difficult to distinguish from citrine, because under the influence of quartz it acquires the same high jewelry quality and is not inferior in beauty to natural stones. Only a greenish tint can give out an imitation.

The authenticity of a gemstone can only be determined in a gemological laboratory. In the jewelry house Maxim Demidov, such activities are carried out by a full-time gemologist.

By the way, since we are talking about real stones, all jewelry from Maxim Demidov has guarantees and a certificate. And for especially rare products, conclusions are made from independent international laboratories.

The magical properties of citrine

Due to its crystalline form and bright range of colors, citrine is considered a stone that has absorbed solar energy. The crystal gives its owner energy support in the event of a decline in vitality, apathy, and depression.

Since ancient times, the sun stone has been used as a talisman. He does not accumulate negativity and does not need energy cleansing. Therefore, citrine can give a sound sleep, relieve nightmares and bad thoughts.

Bioenergetics believe that citrine:

  • raises self-esteem, gives self-confidence, streamlines thoughts, encourages creativity.
  • is able to attract good luck in financial matters – a citrine crystal located close to money will accompany an increase in wealth in the house.
  • brings warmth and light into the house, is able to establish relationships between people.

In the science of color – colorimetry, it is believed that the color yellow contributes to financial well-being and attracts good luck. The closer the shade of the stone to golden and the brighter and richer the tone of the stone, the more it attracts wealth.

The healing properties of citrine

Citrine affects the area of ​​the solar plexus – the center of balance of vitality. “Sun Stone” has natural energy, improves the psychophysical state of the body, improves mood, tones, activates mental activity, helps to overcome depression and chronic fatigue. Citrine also has a certain therapeutic effect on people with speech defects.

In the photo: Set “Simurg” from the jewelry house Maxim Demidov.

Citrine in the zodiac world

If we consider citrine from the point of view of the signs of the Zodiac, then the stone patronizes representatives of the fire element – ram and lion. It is for these two signs that the gem promises good luck, success and will become a real happy talisman for them. People who were born under the signs Gemini and Libra can count on the positive influence of the stone. Perhaps the only one to whom astrologers do not recommend wearing a gem and generally having it somewhere nearby is scorpion.

For most people, citrine is neutral. And if you like jewelry with citrine, then feel free to wear them.

Citrine Jewelry

Citrine looks very beautiful, elegant and dignified in jewelry. Depending on the shade, gems are used in various cuts and jewelry. So, for example, transparent minerals without flaws can often be seen in rings, brooches, earrings and pendants.

In the photo: Set “Golden Chariot” from the jewelry house Maxim Demidov.

A stone acquires special chic and dignity in a gold setting. For transparent citrines, as a rule, choose a brilliant or combined cut. Turbid stones are framed in a flat cut.

In the photo: Set “Dragon Constellation” from Maxim Demidov.

Jewelry with citrine is recommended to be kept in closed individual boxes. They should not be stored with other jewelry, as hard citrine can scratch softer metals or minerals. It is recommended to wash the crystal under warm running water using a soft cloth or brush.

In the photo: Pendant with citrine “Sweet fruit” from Maxim Demidov.

Today, citrine jewelry is becoming more and more popular. The solar mineral looks especially elegant in the jewelry collections from Maxim Demidov. This stone is perfect for any style and perfectly fits into the image, exquisitely emphasizing the delicate taste of its owner.

Citrine: meaning and healing powers

What can I find in this article?

  • Citrine of Virtue
  • Color of Citrine
  • Emotional and Spiritual Benefits of Citrine
  • Physical Benefits of Citrine
  • Citrine and Chakras
  • Can Citrine Unblock Chakras?
  • Is citrine a birthstone?
  • Citrine and the Zodiac
  • How to restore and purify citrine
  • Where to place citrine
  • How to use citrine
  • Citrine and wealth
  • Can I use citrine for meditation and yoga?
  • Can I wear or carry citrine every day?
  • Goddess Citrine
  • Can I help my pet with citrine?
  • Citrine Elixir
  • Citrine and dreams
  • Which gemstones pair well with citrine?
  • Citrine and Workplace
  • Citrine Pendulums
  • Citrine and EMF
  • Final Thoughts on Citrine

Natural Citrine

Introduction to Citrine

Citrine is yellow quartz. It is also known as Light Maker. Citrine comes in yellow, tawny, or smoky grey-brown. It has been popular for millennia and has been used due to its rarity. The ancient Romans wore it as part of beautiful jewelry. Later, during the Art Deco period between World War I and World War II, citrine was used in fine jewelry, which inspired jewelers to create similar jewelry for Hollywood stars such as Joan Crawford and Greta Garbo. This is not so uncommon these days.

Citrine is a French word meaning lemon because of its color. Citrine is found in many countries such as Brazil, Spain, France, Russia, USA and some other countries.

Citrine is considered a vitamin C for the soul because it brings joy and positivity. It gives you the feeling of a sunny day, making you feel optimistic about life.

Did you know that citrine is also considered a healing crystal? People have used citrine for its properties such as prosperity and abundance. As already mentioned, citrine gained popularity in the 19century, when Queen Victoria wore it as part of her jewelry collection, and later it was worn by some Scots to decorate the hilts of swords and daggers.

Citrine crystal is a translucent quartz composed of silicon. Its energy easily resonates with whoever wears it because silicon components can also be found in the human body. Has a unique triangular shape; yellow color due to the presence of iron.

Before scientists and gemologists could use microscopes to study gems in detail, most yellow crystals were called topaz – sometimes golden topaz, Spanish topaz even topaz quartz. It could be real topaz, yellowish peridot, or what we now call citrine – the only important factor in those days was color.

As we became more complex, we were able to identify different mineral compositions and crystal structures of gemstones, and by the Middle Ages, citrine was informally classified as a quartz with a distinctive golden yellow coloration.

With its intricate heritage, it is difficult to find ancient sources for this gem, but Scotland, Spain, and modern Kazakhstan are likely. Huge finds in Brazil, as well as heating methods that can turn dull quartz into dazzling citrine, have made this gemstone more accessible than ever.

Citrin virtue its color ranges from light lemon yellow to earthy brown with some attractive orange hues in between. The richer the color, the better and the even shade over the entire surface makes the gem more valuable.

Traditionally, yellow symbolizes happiness, optimism and creativity and is largely associated with sunshine and spring.

Emotional and spiritual benefits of citrine

Citrine drives away anger and causes bloodshed. It is not for nothing that he is called the creator of light, because he projects light into our lives, expels negativity from our lives. Not only that, but also rejuvenates the body, soul and mind, giving radiant love. By driving away negativity, it spreads harmony and peace.

Citrine acts as a manifestation stone. You might be wondering how a stone can act as a manifesting object? This means that a person can project their intentions onto the stone, and then the crystal absorbs their desires, dreams, hopes and turns them into reality.

Citrine is called the “Stone of Merchants” and “Stone of Success” because it can improve business and profits. And not only to increase your wealth, but also to preserve it.

Citrine is often referred to as a lucky gemstone for financial success, but I find it more of a hopeful crystal. Good luck in business rarely comes only through hard work and diligence, and citrine will support you through difficult times until you succeed.

Citrine is a great gem for a happy home. It encourages healthy family relationships, creates an atmosphere of tenderness and love, and repels hostility and envy. It is a gem of forgiveness and positivity that can help you recover from the pain of a broken heart or a recently ended relationship.

Citrine can also attract love and open new relationships. This increases responsibility and commitment, which can develop into a long and emotionally rewarding romance.

Physical Benefits of Citrine

Citrine energizes your body, reverses degenerative diseases and maintains the chemical balance in your body.

This in no way means that it cures the disease, so if you are diagnosed with a serious disease, you should first consult your doctor.

Citrine mainly improves the chemical and hormonal balance of your body as chemicals and hormones play an important role in our body.

Citrine stimulates digestion and neutralizes kidney and bladder infections. Citrine improves blood circulation, removes toxins from the body and improves digestion.

Citrine eliminates your procrastination and gives you energy that gives you harmony and creativity in life. In addition, proactivity stimulates gastric motility.

See our citrine for sale here

Citrine and Chakras

Citrine is said to open the chakras, for those of you who don’t know what chakras are, they are concentrated centers of energy. Chakra is the Sanskrit plural word for disk. Chakras mean spinning wheels of light.

These chakras are basically energy that was originally meant to keep us fit, mentally and physically. They block certain feelings and can help us stay calm and focused.

There are several minor chakras and there are several major chakras. You can meditate or do yoga to channel your positive mindset. So, people wear gemstones to enhance or open these chakras.

Please read our Chakra Gems article for more information.

Can citrine unblock chakras?

Yes, citrine can unblock chakras. As a typical yellow or orange gemstone, citrine affects two chakras – mainly the sacral chakra, but also the solar plexus chakra.

Citrine cleanses the chakras and opens the windows of intuition. Most people have poor intuition. Intuition gives you more alertness and a sense of things, this happens when you have a spiritual connection with yourself. With intuition, you are wiser and more observant.

Citrine clears your chakras and directs wealth, prosperity and success. In addition, citrine increases motivation and stimulates your brain, which gives strength to the intellect.

See our article on chakra gems here

Is citrine a birthstone?

Citrine is a stone for those born in November.

This is also a traditional 13th wedding anniversary gem – some are lucky!

Please read our Stone by Month article for more details.

Citrine and the Zodiac

Citrine suits people born under the zodiac signs Aries, Gemini, Leo and Libra.

Please read our Zodiac Gemstone article for more details.

How to restore and purify citrine

Citrine is a very easy to maintain gemstone for spiritual use.

To clean a citrine gem, hold it under running water, a spring or stream is ideal, but a faucet will do, and then dry it in the sun for half an hour or so, as prolonged exposure cannot damage the citrine.

Where to Place Citrine

Place a gem or crystal in your cash register or safe to attract more customers. It may be interesting for stock market traders to note that citrine can help with financial speculation and ventures, so it’s worth talking to it at the desk or on the phone.

A large citrine crystal placed in the house will beautify the entire room, both physically and spiritually.

A few citrine gems on your bedside table can bring joy and optimism to the bedroom – they will relieve you of stress-causing insomnia and ensure you a good night’s sleep.

Citrine is a revitalizing gem, so perhaps take it with you to the gym or place it next to your machines at home to give you a boost of energy and help you with your fitness regimen.

Do not expose citrine to direct sunlight as it is known to tarnish over time.

See our citrine for sale here

How to use citrine

Earlier we talked about how citrine works; now let’s see how to use it. Even though it is a rare gem, it is still available to most people.

Citrine is heat sensitive, so avoid direct sunlight and places where you know it will be slightly warm. Also try to take care of the gem as it will take care of you as well.

For example, you have bought a very expensive car and after a couple of months it needs tuning or other repairs.

There are two possible outcomes in this situation. Either you fix it or just leave it alone and hope it keeps working. This is the worst thing to do because if you leave it hanging on its own without taking care of it, over time it will stop working. It will be of no use to you.

I hope you understand why it is so important to take care of your precious stone. Although it is just a gem with some energy, it gives you prosperity and good health, so the least you can do is take good care of it.

Another thing is that citrine is usually strong enough for everyday wear, but should not be taken or stored near heat. You can clean the gemstone with warm water and a little liquid soap.

As I mentioned earlier, citrine is a very powerful crystal that attracts money and prosperity because it activates the solar plexus chakra and improves your ability to manifest what you want, such as good health, a good life, or a good home, you call it. Citrine mainly contains thoughts or intentions; it depends on the strength of your desire. The more you want something specific in your life, the higher the intensity will be. This intensity of yours makes the crystal work. It becomes a charm that gives you everything. You can keep the gem next to you or wear it.

When I said that citrine draws this negative energy out of your system, it is very important to understand that when a person is clouded by negative feelings, he or she cannot think clearly. Negative energies do impair your other abilities, which affects you in many ways. So, to get rid of this negativity in your life, you can take a cleansing bath, you can wear a piece of citrine or place it on one of the chakras to cleanse your chakras. But if these methods seem strange to you, there is another solution. You can meditate while you are in the bath, all you have to do is add some bath salts, a few drops of essential oil and the citrine gem. Then you need to channel the energy within yourself to open all your chakras, this will allow your aura to clear.

To have a positive in your life, you can place the crystal in your workplace or in your home. When you go out, you can always wear a crystal as a ring or necklace, but when you are at home, you can always create a serene and peaceful environment for yourself. This is what you are going to do: clear your crystals and then place one gem in each corner of your room, while keeping them, you must make an intention, for example, I open the door for positivity and resolution in this room and in my life.

Do you feel exhausted or tired? Then here’s what you need to do, it’s not a hidden fact that citrine is often used for revitalization. It improves our metabolism, endocrine system and other physical systems, providing a bright and powerful energy. This is a very simple method, you just need to dedicate 15 minutes of your life. What you need to do is place the crystal over the solar plexus chakra for at least 15 minutes and lie down. By doing this exercise, you increase your physical vitality and strength. After completing this exercise, you can wear or keep citrine close to you to maintain a positive effect throughout the day.

Remove depression from your life. You may be suffering from some kind of emotional trauma, don’t give in to despair, I know this is easier said than done, which is why you are reading this, are you currently trying to test if all this citrine and healing stuff is working? That’s right, you have to have the intention of making things work for you, because it won’t work if you’re not going to get better yourself. I will say again that citrine is a source of light, it is vitamin C for your soul. To banish this negativity, you need to hold the citrine over the heart chakra; it is located in the center of your chest. After placing the citrine on your chest, take the intention while holding the crystal: “Every negative or gloomy aura within you is transformed by citrine”, you will have to leave it for 15 minutes. Try to do this in a very quiet place so that you can feel the changes taking place within you.

Whenever you have a huge opportunity, such as a meeting, a date or an interview. Wear citrine because it is said to banish anxiety from your life, and with anxiety you will feel a sudden surge of confidence. This is not rocket science when you are sure that you open up many possibilities. So always keep citrine on hand.

Wearing a citrine as a piece of jewelry is the easiest way to make a daily impact in your life. It is associated with the sacral and solar plexus chakras, so wear jewelry in the center of the body, brooches, necklaces or pendants.

Alternatively, just put one in your pocket or purse so you can have it by your side all day so you can use it as a touchstone for comfort when you need it.

You can put citrine on a mat next to you during meditation or yoga.

Remember that citrine is a traditional trader’s friend, so keep it on your desk or at work as it is a real boost to any financial venture.

Check out our gems to decorate your home article here

Citrine and Wealth

Citrine has long been believed to bring wealth and prosperity, hence its nicknames “Stone of Merchants” and “Stone of Success”. For thousands of years, Chinese retailers have kept citrine at the checkout as it was thought to work well.

See our article “Gemstones for Wealth” here

Can I use citrine for meditation and yoga?

Citrine can be used during meditation and yoga, especially if you are feeling a little down or insecure. Having said that, I feel like there is probably a better choice for a comprehensive meditation/yoga gemstone. Visit our webpage here for more information on meditation and yoga gemstones.

Please read our article “Gemstones for Meditation and Yoga” for more information.

Can I wear or carry citrine every day?

Citrine is one of the most powerful spiritual crystals, yet it is such an optimistic and joyful stone that it shouldn’t be a problem to wear it every day. We all react differently to the energy vibrations of gemstones, so if you feel uncomfortable when wearing or wearing citrine for the first time, take a break for a day or two.

In terms of durability, citrine is a durable gemstone that can handle bumps and bumps well in everyday wear.

See our citrine for sale here

Goddess Citrine

Citrine honors the Greek goddess Demeter, who rules over everything that grows on earth. Like the sun that reflects in the color of citrine, her presence makes things flourish. Citrine may also represent Demeter’s daughter, Persephone, goddess of spring and the return of the sun after a harsh winter.

Can I help my pet with citrine?

Just as precious stones can have a beneficial effect on our lives, they can also help our pets. Citrine may not be my best bet, but any animal that has digestive issues or seems a bit depressed will benefit from the presence of citrine.

Check out our special article on Gemstones for Pets here.

Citrine Elixir

All the benefits of citrine can be combined into an elixir and used as a refreshing drink, a warming cup of herbal tea or diffused around the room to bring its influence into your home.

Citrine and dreams

Citrine has several connections with the world of dreams. First, it is often considered a manifestation gem, which means it can help make your dreams come true. Secondly, dreaming about a citrine (or any yellow gemstone) could mean that an opportunity is about to open up.

Then we have a restful night’s sleep without dreams. Insomnia is often caused by stress, anxiety and depression, citrine will help you overcome these feelings and get a completely restful night.

See our citrine for sale here

Which gemstones pair well with citrine?

Citrine is said to blend well with other stones, which means that if you have citrine and combine it with another stone, you will have a combination of powerful energy in your life, it will give you a yellow tint, radiance and light in your life .

Citrine can be combined with red jasper or pomegranate. The combination of all of these will give you the energy and focus you need to succeed.

Citrine and the workplace

Did you know that in the past citrine was also known as a trading stone? Even to this day, there are people who keep citrine next to cash registers to increase their income and wealth. In the past, merchants wore citrine in the form of rings for prosperity.

For professionals, citrine can be a real gift. This will help improve customer communication for those in sales, banking, the entertainment and entertainment industry, and healthcare.

Citrine Pendulums

Spiritual pendulums work by revealing hidden truths through a series of simple yes/no questions when a gemstone is suspended from a string or chain.

The pendulum is usually a large, heavy gem that is easy to detect, but sometimes a smaller gem can be attached to a block of wood or metal and work in the same way.

Alternatively, any pendulum can be swung over a gem lying on a table or floor, from where it can influence events.

As a positive and optimistic gemstone, citrine can work very well as a pendulum, especially in lighter and more frivolous circumstances.

For more options and information on gemstone pendulums, visit our page here.

Citrine and EMF

Electromagnetic radiation of electric and magnetic fields fills our world. At home, televisions, computers, microwave ovens, smartphones create pollution or smog that we are constantly exposed to.

The workplace can be even worse with another worker’s electronic equipment that you have to contend with, as well as your own workplace. Then a visit to the hospital, dentist, supermarket, there is no end – even a long walk outside the city can be ruined by a telephone tower!

Citrine is a great crystal that can help with core problems that are often the first to be affected by EMF – the digestive, circulatory and nervous systems, but black tourmaline, hematite, obsidian and malachite are my favorite gemstones to PREVENT this. modern disaster.

See our article on Electromagnetic Shield Gems here

Final Thoughts on Citrine

In the past, people wore these gems because they believed that these gems had certain health, wealth, and mental well-being benefits.

Over time, people began to wear these precious stones as jewelry. In the modern age, there are many people who still believe that these crystals have some kind of meaning; while some simply wear gemstones as decoration.




Disclaimer GemSelect has been buying and selling gemstones for many years, we have been buying and selling gemstones with our customers for many years. We do not understand the meanings of gemstones and their health benefits, but we were able to talk to them and consult with them.

We are in Thailand where belief in the spiritual and physical benefits of gems, herbs, prayers, pilgrimages, amulets, flowers and stars is commonplace and part of almost every person’s daily life.

All of our employees have some experience of using gems or amulets to improve or maintain their physical or emotional health.

The power of gemstones has been recorded for millennia and has been proven time and time again to be effective in improving people’s lives in many, many ways, but we must emphasize that they are not a substitute for healing.