Plum trees with purple leaves: Purple-Leaf Plum Trees – Growing, Care, & 6 Common Varieties

How to Grow and Care for Purpleleaf Plum Tree

The purpleleaf plum tree (Prunus cerasifera), also known as the cherry plum, is a popular flowering specimen tree for home landscapes. It requires a bit of maintenance yet gardeners love it for its beautiful spring flowers and rich leaf coloring. 

It is a relatively small tree with a rounded growth habit. It produces fragrant, five-petaled, pale pink to white flowers in the spring that are roughly an inch across, which then turn into small fruits. The elliptical leaves can range in color from purple to green. Depending on the climate, the tree can lose its leaves relatively early for a deciduous tree, as early as late August or September.

This tree has a moderate growth rate of about one to two feet per year. It’s best planted in the early spring or fall. It is a larval host plant for the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly (Papilio glaucus).

The stems, leaves, and seeds contain cyanide and are toxic, especially in the process of wilting; they are mildly toxic to humans, and toxic to dogs, cats, and horses.

Common Names Purpleleaf plum, cherry plum
Botanical Name Prunus cerasifera 
Family Rosaceae
Plant Type Tree
Mature Size 15–25 ft. tall, 15–25 ft. wide
Sun Exposure Full, partial
Soil Type  Loamy, well-drained
Soil pH  Acidic, neutral
Bloom Time Spring
Flower Color Pink, white
Hardiness Zones 4–9 (USDA)
Native Area Europe, Asia
Toxicity Toxic to humans, toxic to pets.

Purpleleaf Plum Care

Here are the main care requirements for growing a purpleleaf plum tree: 

  • Plant the tree in a location that gets full sun.
  • Water your tree throughout the growing season (spring to fall) if rainfall is insufficient.
  • Fertilize the tree annually in the spring.
  • Prune it lightly after flowering to maintain its shape.


The Spruce / Evgeniya Vlasova

The Spruce / Evgeniya Vlasova

The Spruce / Evgeniya Vlasova

The Spruce / Evgeniya Vlasova

The Spruce / Evgeniya Vlasova

S.G.S. / Wikimedia Commons / CC0


This tree grows best in full sun. Six to eight hours of sunlight per day results in the most vibrant purple leaf color. If the tree is planted in a location that’s too shady, its leaves lose their purple color and can become green.


The purpleleaf plum likes loamy soil with excellent drainage and an acidic to neutral soil pH (5.0 to 7.0). It also can tolerate clay and sandy soil. It does not tolerate compacted soil or pollution and will struggle to grow in urban conditions. 


This tree prefers a moderate amount of soil moisture. Once it’s established, it does have some drought tolerance. It likely will need extra waterings during long stretches without rainfall or in extreme summer heat.

Temperature and Humidity

The purpleleaf plum can grow in a climate with cold winters and hot summers. It’s hardy down to minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit and can handle the high summer temperatures within its growing zones if it’s adequately watered. Humidity also is typically not an issue.


This tree likes moderately rich soil. Fertilize annually in the spring as new growth begins with an all-purpose fertilizer, following the product label instructions. If your soil is rich and fertile, you might only need to fertilize every two to three years.

Types of Purpleleaf Plum

There are several varieties of Prunus cerasifera, including:

  • Prunus cerasifera ‘Thundercloud’: This variety features deep reddish-purple leaves. 
  • Prunus cerasifera ‘Krauter Vesuvius’: This variety looks similar to ‘Thundercloud’ but has even darker spring foliage and grows slightly smaller.
  • Prunus cerasifera ‘Newport’: The leaves on this tree are a bronze-purple in the spring, deep purple in the summer, and reddish-purple in the fall.
  • Prunus cerasifera ‘Nigra’: This tree has bronze leaves in the spring, very dark purple leaves in the summer, and orange-red leaves in the fall. 
  • Prunus cerasifera ‘Purple Pony’: This is a dwarf variety that only reaches around 10 to 12 feet in height and spread. 


Purpleleaf plum doesn’t need an excessive amount of pruning each year except for maintaining the desired shape. Prune after the tree has flowered or you might remove next year’s flower buds. Dead, damaged, or diseased branches can be removed any time of year.

Propagating Purpleleaf Plum

If you have the patience, rather than buying a sapling or young tree from a nursery, you can propagate purpleleaf plum from softwood cuttings:

  1. In the spring when the first flower buds appear, cut a shoot about 1/8 inch in diameter and six inches long with a sharp, clean knife. Remove all leaves except for the top three or four.
  2. Dip the cut end in rooting hormone and plant it in a four-inch pot filled with damp potting mix. 
  3. Keep the cutting in indirect light outdoors and water it regularly. New growth is a sign that roots are forming.
  4. Before planting it in the landscape, let the potted sapling grow for a couple of seasons, transplanting it to a larger pot if necessary. The stronger the sapling when you transplant it, the better its chance of survival.

The tree is native to Asia but most purpleleaf plums are cultivars. Growing them from seed is not recommended, because it won’t produce a tree true to type.

Potting and Repotting

Purpleleaf plum is a small-to-medium-sized specimen tree that is meant to be planted outdoors in the landscape and is not suitable for growing in containers.


Purpleleaf plum is hardy to USDA zone 4 and does not require winter protection.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

The tree is susceptible to a large number of pests and diseases. Even though ensuring proper growing conditions and good airflow among the branches can help prevent many problems, this is definitely one of the cons of planting a purpleleaf plum tree. It also affects its lifespan. The purpleleaf plum is a relatively short-lived tree, lasting only around 20 years.

Insects that might infest the tree include Japanese beetles, mealybugs, borers, tent caterpillars, and scales.

Common diseases include leaf spot, gray mold, black knot, and cankers. Symptoms of pests and diseases include discolored, wilted, or otherwise damaged foliage, along with poor growth and flowering.

How to Get Purpleleaf Plum to Bloom

If your tree isn’t blooming, it could be due to a cold snap after unseasonably warm weather in the late winter or early spring, which damages the buds. Another possibility is improper pruning in the spring when you accidentally removed the flower buds.

Bloom Months

Purpleleaf plum blooms between late April and early May depending on the zone where it’s planted and weather conditions.

How long does Purpleleaf Plum Bloom?

The length of the bloom also depends on weather and typically lasts one week and up to two weeks. Purpleleaf plums sold at a nurseries or garden center are several years old and you can expect them to bloom the first year. 

What Do Purpleleaf Plum Flowers Look and Smell Like?

The small flowers are pinkish-white and saucer-shaped with red calyxes and 4 to 5 petals. The flowers are fragrant and almond-scented.

How to Encourage More Blooms

Taking proper care of your tree is key for it to bloom. Make sure it gets the full sun exposure it needs, and keep it watered and moderately fertilized,

Caring for Purpleleaf Plum After It Blooms

If you need to shape your tree, it is important that you prune the tree as soon as possible after the tree has bloomed. Purple leaf plum starts developing the buds for next year’s bloom after flowering and the longer you wait, the likelier it is that you will accidentally remove next season’s flower buds.

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  1. Prunus Cerasifera. North Carolina State University Extension.

  2. Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants: Plum. ASPCA.

  3. Prunus cerasifera ‘Thundercloud’. NC State University Cooperative Extension.

  4. Plum Prunus. The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station.

Prunus cerasifera ‘Atropurpurea’ (Atropurpurea Flowering Plum, Purple-leaf Cherry Plum, Purpleleaf Plum, Purple Leaved Plum)

Plant Detail