Tung oil safe for food: Is Tung Oil Food Safe Enough To Eat Off?

Is Tung Oil Food Safe Enough To Eat Off?

Tung oil has been used for centuries to protect wood from water-damage. Extracted from Tung tree seeds, this durable finish can be applied onto everything, from table tops to cabinets.

Now, one of the main reasons why Tung oil is so popular, is because it’s easy to apply. And, once it has cured, you’ll end up with a beautiful finish.

But, appearances aside, how does this clear oil stack up when it comes to being food safe?

Well, in this post, you will learn what really goes into a Tung oil finish. And you will find out why you must always double check the label of any so-called ‘Tung‘ oil product.

And keep reading to discover the best food safe oil you can use on a cutting board.

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What Is Tung Oil Made Of?

Tung oil is a natural oil, because it’s crushed from Tung tree seeds. And this oil, in its 100% pure form, doesn’t contain any hidden additives or chemical dryers.

Tung tree seeds, however, are incredibly toxic. And so likewise, the oil extracted from them is equally unfit for human consumption.

How Toxic Is Tung Oil? Can It Make You Sick?

Yes it can. That’s because in its raw liquid form, pure Tung oil is very poisonous. So, you do not want it getting into your food in any way shape or form.

What’s more, not all Tung oil products on the market are even Tung oil. Many of them market themselves as such. Yet, unless the label specifically reads ‘100% Pure Tung oil’, that wood finish is likely anything but.

You see, these fake-Tung oil products are more like Teak oil in their makeup. They contain a blend of natural oils, chemical thinners, varnish and other additives. Some may contain a bit of Tung oil. Others, may not.

These fake-Tung oil products are also very toxic in their liquid form. Which is why you should make sure they never make their way onto your dinner plate.

Related Post: Can You Use Tung Oil On Cherry Wood? (Avoid These 3 Simple Mistakes)

What About When It Dries? Is A Dried Tung Oil Finish Safe To Eat Off?

Provided that Tung oil finish has dried and cured, then it is safe enough to eat off. However, the key word here is ‘cured’.

A dry oil finish is one that has turn from a liquid into a solid, (yet still soft to the touch), film coat. This film coat can still feel a little greasy. So, in this dry state, (which takes Tung oil around 1-2 days to achieve), it is not a food safe surface.

However, a cured oil finish is one that has changed into a durable hard resinous coat. It takes Tung oil much longer to cure, up to around 30 days.

Yet once Tung oil has cured, there are no greasy spots, and no softness to the finish. This cured surface is food safe enough to eat your dinner off of.

But, that does not mean Tung oil is suitable for a food prepping surface.

Is Tung Oil Safe For A Cutting Board Or Butcher Block?

Tung oil finishes are durable, but they aren’t the most hard-wearing finish. They can be scratched fairly easily. And while Tung oil is water-resistant, it is not waterproof. So it can suffer from water damage too, if it gets repeatedly drenched.

So, using Tung oil to coat and seal a cutting board is a bad idea all round. Why? Because your chopping kitchen utensils will slice right through this finish. And that runs the risk of little tiny bits of cured Tung oil resin getting into your food.

What’s more, washing your cutting board will rinse off that Tung oil finish in short order. Typically, Tung oil finishes need a regular reapplication every 6-12 months to keep them maintained. However, if you keep rinsing that Tung oil finish, it won’t last even half that time.

So, What Kind Of Food Safe Oil Can You Use On A Chopping Block?

By far, 100% pure food grade mineral oil is your best and safest option for any cutting board.

This non-drying oil is a non-toxic highly refined version of petroleum, (also known as petroleum distillate). This petroleum product has been filtered to within an inch of its life, making it safe for human consumption.

And as a non-toxic oil, mineral oil makes a food-safe wood finish.

But, What Makes Mineral Oil A

Great Wood Finish?

Mineral oil protects wood in a similar way to Tung oil. Both oil finishes sink into wood grain, and coat wood fibers with a water-repellent liquid. This will stop wood fibers from absorbing moisture, preventing wood rot and decay.

However, while Tung oil will eventually dry and cure, mineral oil won’t. Instead, mineral oil will forever remain in its greasy liquid form.

So, as a wood finish, mineral oil is the go-to choice for sealing food prep surfaces. Used on butcher blocks and chopping blocks alike, this oil will never dry or go rancid.

What’s more, mineral oil is much easier to apply (and reapply) than Tung oil. You don’t need to wait around for it to dry and cure. And it doesn’t need multiple coats to fully saturate cutting board timber either.

You can find 100% pure food grade mineral oil on most any local pharmacy shelf. But, full disclosure, this stuff is typically sold as a laxative. So, be prepared to get the odd funny look, if you decide to buy this stuff by the gallon. 🙂

To Wrap Up, Here Are The 3 Key Takeaways From This Post…

  • 1). Tung oil comes from the seeds of Tung trees. These seeds are toxic to humans.
  • 2). After a Tung oil finish is cured, it becomes a food safe surface.
  • 3). However, Tung oil isn’t suitable for a chopping block. You run the risk of little Tung oil resinous bits getting into your food.


Tung Seed – Uses, Side Effects, and More | WebMD.com

Is Tung Oil Food-Safe? » The DIY Hammer

One of the most common natural finishes is tung oil, an extract from tung tree nuts. It surpasses other oils in terms of durability, water resistance, and hardness. Its characteristics make it a good choice for applying it around the kitchen yet you might wonder: Is Tung oil really food-safe?

Once it is cured, pure Tung oil is generally food-safe. It’s actually a common oil for cutting boards, butcher blocks, wooden countertops, wooden toys, etc. However, some Tung oil brands contain chemical ingredients that require some caution. Therefore, to be on the safer side, wait up to 30 days for it to get cured.

Read on to learn more about the considerations around Tung oil and what you need to consider when buying off-the-shelf mixtures.


Different Tung Oil Finishes and Their Food-Safety

There are three different types of penetrating tung oil finishes. All of them might be labeled as Tung oil but their ingredients differ and some of them are more suitable for wood in the kitchen or children’s room than others.

The most common types are pure tung oil, Tung oil-based wiping varnishes, and oil/varnish blends. However, some manufacturers might not use such terms on their labels and just call their product Tung oil. You can distinguish them by reading the list of ingredients or their safety sheets.

Pure Tung Oil

Example of a pure Tung oil product.

The identification of pure tung oil is easy because it has no solvents, which means there is a minimal chance of getting exposed to the volatile organic compound (VOCs). Natural Tung oil is therefore non-hazardous and can be used where food-safety is required. This is also

However, a weakness of this type of oil is the burdensome application process. To get a robust protective film, the application of several coats (some recommend five coats or more) is required. It may also take a couple of days for it to fully harden.

Its application also requires some skill and experience. A thick coat can result in wrinkling. In that case, you would have to intensely sand it to get a smooth coating.

In any case, you will need to regularly re-finish the wood to retain the protective effect and the enhanced appearance.

The oil/varnish blend and wiping varnishes, on the other hand, are enhanced with chemicals that ease the application process and enhance the drying time and durability of a finish.

According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Tung oil is generally deemed food-safe (source). However, its use in food packaging requires a letter of no objection issued by the FDA (source).

Oil/Varnish Blends

Example of an oil/varnish blend product.

These Tung oil blends consist of a mixture of Tung oil and solvents (e.g. mineral spirit). They have been developed for making the application easier and to speed up the drying time. You will know it is oil/varnish blend once you see ‘contains petroleum distillates’ on the sheet label.

While this increases the convenience of its application,  it also means that you should be careful in applying it to areas that get in contact with food. According to the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA), Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21 (link to the document), it is generally deemed food safe once it is fully cured though.

During the curing, it may evaporate smelly or even unhealthy fumes, depending on the type of solvent used as an ingredient. Therefore, adhere to the instructions on the back of the can for the recommended curing time. To be on the safe side, you can add a few additional days.

Wiping Varnish

Example of a wiping Varnish for applications around the kitchen.
For such products, refer to the SDS sheet to find out which solvents and ingredients have been used.

Wiping varnish is an oil-based finish that comes with mineral, soybean, linseed or Tung oil that is cooked with resins. Its advantage over pure Tung oil is the faster drying time, the improved resistance and the easier application. These varnishes contain a thinner that allows for wiping them with a cloth, hence the name wiping varnish (source).

Although this product may be labeled as ‘Tung oil finish’ or similar, you can find out whether it is a varnish by checking the ingredients: If it also contains petroleum distillates it is a wiping varnish rather than pure Tung oil.

Similar to other oil/varnish blends, wiping varnish is food-safe once it has fully hardened. However, during the oxidation process, hydrocarbons and aldehydes get released in low concentration – so low though that they do not pose a considerable health risk for a healthy person. Yet, it may be considered unpleasant or even hazardous for an allergic person or one with severe preconditions.

Which Tung Oil Finish Should You Choose Considering Food-Safety?

Although there is no doubt that the Tung oil tree is poisonous (source), it is also true that the Tung oil itself is non-toxic. FDA has approved the use of pure tung oil finishes in surfaces that are in contact with food that includes kitchen tables, furniture, chopping boards, and others.

Non-hardened Tung oil may, however, cause allergic reactions in very rare cases. Therefore, wood treated with Tung oil should only be brought in contact with food when it has fully dried.

Tung oil is often thinned with solvents, either during the application or as an off-the-shelf varnish. While it is still food-safe when it has fully cured, it is even more important to allow for sufficient drying time and store the treated object apart from food and children (e. g. in a workshop). Depending on the solvents used in such blends, smell and unhealthy fumes can occur during the curing period.

Before choosing a specific type of oil finish, there are many things that you should consider before making a decision. This includes:

  • FDA assessment of the food safety of a cured/hardened finish,
  • its curing time, and
  • health risks during application and curing.

Using pure Tung oil without any solvents should be the ‘food-safest’ way to finish wood with Tung oil. However, the application of non-thinned Tung oil is quite burdensome, may affect the appearance and requires long drying time. That’s why oil/varnish blends and wiping varnish have become popular over the years, however, they achieve food-safety only when they have fully dried or cured.

However, there are also other food-safe wood finishes that you may want to consider as well. We are providing an overview of alternatives to Tung oil in the following section.

Comparison with Other Food-Safe Finishes

Besides Tung oil, various other oils and waxes are also food-safe and can also be used as wood finishes. In this section, we compare pure Tung oil with mineral oil (a popular alternative) and beeswax.

Pure Tung Oil Wood

This oil provides a beautiful and resistant finish but it’s hard to apply if it is not mixed with solvents. Its characteristics include:

  • FDA approved
  • Creates a resistant waterproof finish
  • Zero VOCs
  • Natural polymerizing
  • Resists acids and abrasions

Mineral oil

Mineral oil is one of the best food-safe oils for finishing wood. They are transparent and bring out the wood’s natural appearance. Mineral oil is

  • FDA compliant
  • Relatively odor-less
  • Can even be used for skin treatment
  • Made from distilled petroleum and other minerals
  • Available in refined and crude products
  • Requires regular maintenance

Read more in our article on mineral oil.


Beeswax has been a versatile natural material for centuries. It can also be used as a polish or finish for wood. It is an excellent food-safe oil finish because it is natural and lacks harsh chemicals. Compared to other finishes, it requires lots of work though. It should be melted or mixed with oil for its easier application. Other characteristics are:

  • Non-toxic (source)
  • Provides less protection than other finishes
  • Needs regular reapplication
  • Works perfectly with additional lemon as an antibacterial agent

Another alternative is Danish oil which is also food-safe. Read more in this article where we discuss the details.


Tung oil is a food-safe wood finish that can be used in the kitchen and children’s room. However, it should have cured properly which is even more important when it is mixed with solvents or when an oil/varnish blend is used. Using pure Tung oil is probably the best choice when it comes to food safety. However, it is hard to apply without a solvent while solvents may add unhealthy ingredients to the mixture.

There are some other alternatives, such as mineral oil or Danish oil that could be a good choice as well. If you want to learn more about their characteristics, read this ultimate guide to oil as a wood finish.

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Is Tung Oil Food Safe? 10 Things You Need To Consider

Hey there! Some links on this page are affiliate links which means that, if you choose to make a purchase, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. I greatly appreciate your support!

If you’ve been researching food-safe finishes, you’ve probably seen Tung oil mentioned a few times. After all, it seeps deep into the wood and doesn’t sit on the surface. I needed a good food-safe finish for a salad bowl I’m making so I have put together this article that answers is Tung Oil food safe?

Tung oil is food safe only if it is free of drying agents and gloss-enhancing chemicals. Moreover, it takes 45 days to cure, during which the oil can seep into your food and modify its flavor and aroma. If you use Tung oil on a serving tray, you should wait over a month before putting food on it.

In this article, you will discover everything you need to know about Tung oil and food safety, including the specific brands that have Tung oil finishes you must stay away from. I will also get into Tung oil’s compatibility with child safety. But first, let’s explore the ten things that you need to consider before you apply a Tung oil finish on a food-adjacent surface. Something not right

Image of me wiping on Tung oil on a stool

10 Things To Consider Before Using Tung Oil as a Food-safe Finish

Whether you plan to use Tung oil on something that will be in direct contact with food (cheese tray, chopping board) or on a surface where food might drop (kitchen counter, dining table), you need to ponder the following 10 questions:

  1. What brands are in the Tung oil? – Some brands mix their Tung oil with chemicals that aren’t safe for food adjacent surfaces.  
  2. How quickly do you need the surface to dry? – If you need it within a few days, use an alternative food-safe finish.
  3. How big is the surface? – Tung oil can be expensive or cheap depending on the area it must cover. Since it seeps into the wood, a lot of it is required to improve the surface appearance.
  4. What else is in the Tung oil? – Be careful and have zero tolerance for any additives in your Tung oil finish, especially when you use it for food-contacting surfaces.
  5. Is Tung oil waterproof? – Knowing that Tung oil is waterproof to a great extent can help you decide to use it on surfaces that get wet during cooking.
  6. Does Tung oil wear out? – If you know when Tung oil will wear out, you’ll know how often you must refresh the finish. On average, the finish must be refreshed every six months.
  7. How will you apply the finish? – Whether you’ll rub the Tung oil or use a different application method will affect how long the oil will take to dry.
  8. What are the alternatives? – Knowing other food-safe finishes like polyacrylic can help you avoid settling for Tung oil if it is not the best choice.
  9. How often will the surface be used? – Depending on the extent of surface usage, the finish will wear out sooner or later.
  10. Is Tung Oil safe for babies? – Whenever you get a specific Tung oil finish, you need to ensure that it is safe for babies and how long you need to keep a surface out of their reach after it has been coated in Tung oil.

Ian @ Davenports Handmade


Good afternoon everybody. Here is today’s finished project a small bowl made from sapele and finished with food safe tung oil so it can be used. This one isn’t going on the website as I’m not 100%happy with it as it broke of the lathe before I had finished shaping inside. https://t.co/vZlmNis2kY

3:37 PM · Jun 11, 2020

Is Tung Oil a Food-safe Finish?

Tung oil is a food-safe finish as it is VOC-free and often organic. It needs to be cured before it is safe for food contact, though. Otherwise, its odor and flavor can make food inedible. Moreover, one needs to avoid Tung oil finished cutting boards and trays if one has a Tung oil allergy.

Knowing why Tung oil is food safe is crucial because not all Tung oil finishes are manufactured alike. Some finishes feature preservatives, drying agents, and gloss-enhancers that are toxic. If your Tung oil finish is not pure, it can contain harmful substances.

Understanding Tung oil allergies also helps avoid disappointment and complications. People who are allergic to Tung oil have an adverse reaction to making contact with it or smelling its odor. Dabbing a rag in Tung oil and letting family members smell and touch it is one way to test if anyone in your household has an allergic reaction.

Tung Oil is generally food safe but needs to be left for at least 3 days to dry prior and you should always opt for one that says it is “Pure or 100%” Tung Oil.

The likelihood of a Tung oil allergy is low. In contrast, the chances of getting a mixed Tung oil finish with toxic substances are relatively higher. If you intend to use Tung oil on surfaces that come in contact with food, you should look for all-natural Tung oil.

Keith Hoey


A rainy day gave me an excuse to head back to the workshop to complete a set of pastry rolling pins.
These are made from cocobolo & finished with pure tung oil (food safe). One is for rolling 1/4” thick pastry and the other for rolling 1/8” thick pastry. https://t.co/0ErzWHzJS7

4:38 PM · Jul 28, 2021

Is Minwax Tung Oil Food Safe?

Minwax Tung oil is not food safe because it contains chemicals that are toxic if ingested. For a Tung oil finish to be perfectly food-safe, it must be pure, non-toxic, and fully cured. Tung oil finishes that contain varnish and drying agents can be dangerous if ingested.

There are two types of Tung oil finishes.

All Natural Tung Oil

The all-natural Tung oil takes longer to dry but is food safe from the get-go.

Boiled With Drying Agents

The second type is boiled with drying agents, gloss enhancers, and other chemicals. While quicker to dry, the modified finishes like Minwax Tung oil must be kept away from food.

Some might wonder if a Tung oil finish that is pumped with chemicals can ever be food safe. In theory, if the finish has dried enough to not mix with the food it touches, it is food safe. However, it is wiser not to risk it on surfaces that require prolonged food contact.

The following table covers which surfaces should and should not be covered in Minwax Tung Oil.

Surface Finish Rationale
Window sill and frames Minwax Tung Oil Is rarely in direct contact with food items.
Bed side table Minwax Tung Oil A food item might fall on it but does not remain on the surface for an extended period.
Reading table or desk Minwax Tung Oil The likelihood of prolonged food contact is relatively low.
Kitchen counter All Natural Tung Oil While food contact duration is low, its frequency is high enough to warrant caution.
Cutting board All Natural Tung Oil Prolonged food contact.
Cheese tray All Natural Tung Oil Cheese remains in direct contact with the finish
Stool Minwax Tung Oil No food contact
Chair arms Minwax Tung Oil Chair arms don’t come in direct contact with food
Bed frame Minwax Tung Oil A bed frame does not touch food 

Table showing suitable surfaces for Minwax Tung Oil

Ian @ Davenports Handmade


Here’s the first of my makes from the week. A simple but beautiful walnut plate. 8” diameter and finished with food safe tung oil. #craftbizparty
https://t.co/3jltUa3xFO https://t.co/GRdHqNHIoE

10:05 PM · Jul 12, 2020

Which Tung Oil Is Food Safe?

All-natural Tung oil, which is also known as pure Tung oil, is food safe. If Tung oil is mixed with finish-improving agents or quick-drying chemicals, it can be toxic. The best way to check if a specific Tung oil finish is food safe is to look for “FDA food-safe” in its product information.

When you choose Tung oil for a food finish, you have two options. The first is to get a finish that takes longer to cure but is food safe. The other is to get a chemical-laced finish that dries much quicker but can be toxic.

Tung Oil’s Which I Use That Are Food Safe

Food Safe Tung Oils Where to Buy?
Pure Tung Oil by Real Milk & Paint (1 Gallon, 3. 7 Litres) AMAZON
100% Pure Tung Oil by Hope’s (16 Fl Oz) AMAZON

Table showing which Tung Oil’s I use & recommend

Generally, the chemical-laden finish is shinier and often lasts longer than all-natural Tung oil. Of course, it is not good for surfaces that are in prolonged contact with food items. On the other hand, pure Tung oil is much more food-friendly, but it doesn’t last as long, look as good, or resist water nearly as much as a Tung oil finish with preservatives.

Neither type of Tung oil is inherently superior. Pure Tung oil should be for surfaces that are close to food or come in direct contact with it. And Tung oil with preservatives is better for almost every other surface.

The following video shows the result of Minwax Tung oil on Walnut wood alongside an interesting way to spell Tung oil.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICEOLXC_iU0Video can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Tongue Oil on Walnut (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICEOLXC_iU0)

Video on Tung Oil on Walnut

Borders Forest Trust


25th Anniversary hamper is available in two sizes and the large hamper includes one hand carved spoon, carved using only an axe and a knife and finished with a coat of food safe tung oil.
Perfect for your morning porridge!
@crooksandcranks https://t.co/IYOl73vGf4

8:25 AM · Nov 11, 2021

Is Minwax Food Safe?

Minwax claims it has food-safe finishes and products, but most Minwax finishes are not food safe. For instance, Minwax Tung oil is toxic if ingested, even in small quantities. In fact, skin irritation from contact and even issues with inhaling its fumes have been reported.

According to an FAA document at the University of Illinois, Minwax Tung Oil carries risks that go beyond ingestion. Breathing in its fume can be dangerous, and in some instances, prolonged skin contact can cause an allergic reaction.

Given that the document is a learning material in higher education and is based on an objective analysis of Minwax Tung oil, the research in it is fairly reliable. It shows that, at a minimum, not all Minwax finishes are food safe. 

Men In Sheds Cowes


Jay applies pure Tung oil to his oak cheese board. It’s food safe as there are no additives in this pure version – not suitable for nut allergy sufferers though!🧀🥜
#meninsheds #meninshedscowes #cowesmensshed #isleofwight #cowes #NationalLottery https://t.co/11IBNWuV2U

12:16 PM · Oct 16, 2020

Does that mean Minwax, in general, is not food safe? No. Minwax Polyacrylic finishes are generally food-safe, with the Polycrylic Clear Satin Finish having the best food safety rating.

The Polyacrylic finish can be used for almost any wooden surface but has to fully dry before it is food safe. It is dry to touch in 2 hours, but you must wait 25 hours before you can start using the polyacrylic-coated surface normally.

Here is what the Minwax polyacrylic finish looks like:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksUa2aqFfGIVideo can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: First Use: Minwax Polycrylic (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksUa2aqFfGI)

Video showing the Minwax Polyacrylic

Is Minwax Tung Oil Really Tung Oil?

Minwax Tung oil contains Tung oil but is not the same as the average Tung oil finish. It gives the appearance of a pure Tung oil finish but contains quick-drying agents and other chemicals that can be toxic, may irritate the skin, and tend to generate unpleasant fumes while curing.

Does that mean Minwax Tung oil is inferior to pure Tung oil? Not necessarily. Minwax Tung oil has better longevity and water resistance with a much smaller curing period. However, it is not food safe like all-natural Tung oil, which limits its compatibility with kitchen surfaces and utensils.

Real Milk Paint Co


We’re loving this exquisite plum ladle that Instagram @sparks.spoons carved recently! Letting the natural direction of the wood inform the end result, it has an organic bend. Finished with food contact safe Pure Tung Oil and shellac.
Share your project with us 👉 #realmilkpaintco https://t.co/vVOywYqq72

6:32 PM · Jan 25, 2022

Is Tung Oil Food Safe for Cutting Boards?

Tung oil is food safe for cutting boards as long as the finish consists of pure Tung oil and is fully cured. Tung oil seeps deep into the wood and doesn’t form a surface coat, which means the knife action doesn’t slice into the cured Tung oil finish. So, pure Tung oil is perfect for cutting boards.

The biggest mistake people make with Tung oil is assuming that all Tung oil finishes are natural. When a Tung oil is labeled as “quicky-drying,” you have to be extra-cautious about its contents. Generally, it is best not to use a Tung oil finish on food-adjacent surfaces unless the package or the product information declare the finish is FDA food safe or 100% Tung oil.

Superb 4 List of Good Oil For Cutti…

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Superb 4 List of Good Oil For Cutting Board Wood

Sue Need (Hartley) – Mrs Upcycle Ned


These gorgeous solid oak charcuterie boards have been made by Nick and polished & oiled with Tung Oil which is a food safe product. They are stunning & available in our Etsy shop. Link to shop in bio. ♻️🌏 #upcycled #charcuterie #charcuterieboard #solidoak #upcycle #etsyhandmade https://t.co/NtMbR0PQqp

6:29 PM · May 1, 2021

Avoiding mixed Tung oil finishes isn’t as crucial for table tops and even kitchen counters, but it is very important for serving trays and cutting boards.

How Long Until Tung Oil Is Food Safe?

Pure Tung oil finish is food safe after 30 to 45 days. The all-natural oil finish features no curing agents and takes a few weeks to fully cure. People are unfamiliar with this because they assume that a finish being dry enough to touch is the same as “fully cured. ” 

Tung oil is dry to touch in a fraction of the time it takes to cure enough to be food safe. That said, Tung oil isn’t toxic, and even if a surface is sticky with it, any food that touches it is still edible, at least technically. However, up until 45 days, you can expect the aroma of the Tung oil to seep into the food it comes in contact with.

Anthony Cody☮️


A bowl I made of yew wood, hand turned on lathe, seven inches in diameter, finished with food safe tung oil. https://t.co/NkUt9C6LQb https://t.co/oSOS29YeLg

2:04 AM · Feb 18, 2022

Is Tung Oil Safe for Babies?

Tung oil is safe for babies, but some Tung oil finishes feature dangerous chemicals that should be nowhere near a baby or a toddler. Before you assume a specific Tung oil finish is safe for a baby, make sure it is labeled as “all-natural” or “pure.”

Minwax’s own claim that its Tung oil finish isn’t food safe is a testament to how some Tung oil products aren’t the same as pure Tung oil.

Of course, there is a reason for the addition of chemicals, and many people prefer the trade-off. But knowing whether you’re using actual Tung oil or varnish that features Tung oil is crucial to making a surface shiny without risking the health of your kids.

Final Thoughts – Is Tung Oil Food Safe?

Tung oil has its advantages and disadvantages, just like any wood finish. One of its benefits is that it is 100% food safe. But when brands can add chemicals to their Tung oil products while maintaining that what they sell is a “Tung Oil Finish,” many people can make the dangerous mistake of using toxic varnish on food trays. Remember to use pure Tung oil and not a Tung oil varnish on food adjacent surfaces.

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Is Tung Oil a Food Safe Finish?

When we started making our range of wooden kitchen utensils we spent a lot of time researching what would be the safest coating to use.

We discovered that Tung Oil is completely food safe and this data is supported by the FDA.

Our research had several angles to consider both from a business sense as well as for safety. The research proved that

  • Tung oil is Foodsafe.
  • Tung oil is easy to care for.
  • Tung oil is easy to repair if need be.
  • Tung oil is simple to apply.

The time spent researching Tung Oil was a good investment because our research showed conclusively that Tung Oil is the safest and best finish we could use.

We learnt that it is an oil that soaks into the pores of the wood before it cures if applied correctly. This allows the oil once it has cured to become a part of the wood therefore it doesn’t sit on the surface just waiting to be scratched off.

It cures 100% hard so there is no risk of it becoming rancid that many cooking style oils have a habit of doing. It simply outperforms most common surface coatings when it is applied to food preparation tools.

Here is some data for the nerds.

From the US FDA website.


“Resinous and polymeric coatings may be safely used as the food-contact surface of articles intended for use in producing, manufacturing, packing, processing, preparing, treating, packaging, transporting, or holding food, in accordance with the following prescribed conditions:

(a) The coating is applied as a continuous film or enamel over a metal substrate, or the coating is intended for repeated food-contact use and is applied to any suitable substrate as a continuous film or enamel that serves as a functional barrier between the food and the substrate. The coating is characterized by one or more of the following descriptions:

(1) Coatings cured by oxidation.

(2) Coatings cured by polymerization, condensation, and/or cross-linking without oxidation.

(3) Coatings prepared from prepolymerized substances.

(b) The coatings are formulated from optional substances that may include:

(1) Substances generally recognized as safe in food.

(2) Substances the use of which is permitted by regulations in this part or which are permitted by prior sanction or approval and employed under the specific conditions, if any, of the prior sanction or approval.

(3) Any substance employed in the production of resinous and polymeric coatings that is the subject of a regulation in subchapter B of this chapter and conforms with any specification in such regulation. Substances named in this paragraph (b)(3) and further identified as required:

(i) Drying oils, including the triglycerides or fatty acids derived therefrom:



Castor (including dehydrated).

Chinawood (tung).”  


End of Quote

We have cut the list at this point and if you are interested here is the link to the FDA data.

Once cured, Tung oil in its pure form is food safe and is even safe for kids toys as well along side your wooden kitchen items like rolling pins, spoons, spats, and spurtles.

We don’t recommend it for cutting boards as knives will very likely slice through the oils protective barrier over time and allow moisture to penetrate into the wood potentially staining and possibly splitting the board.

Our recommendation is not about safety in this case but more about looking after the board for a longer life. This is primarily applicable to edge grain boards.

End grain boards are a different subject and will be addressed in another article.

Is it easy to care for?

Oh, yes it is. We have a kitchen full of the same utensils we offer here on this website and they are all coated with Tung oil and this is for a couple of reasons.

The first is to discover how this finish holds up over time with use…(and some deliberate abuse..) and the second is to gain knowledge on the design aspects; how can we make these better. If we won’t use the item, why should we ask you to consider it?

We can state categorically that this finish will hold up to normal use for years…. with an added disclaimer that no dishwashers are used. When it comes to any wooden kitchen utensil be it a spoon, a bowl, or a cutting board…..don’t put them in the dishwasher.

If you do this you have ventured out of the kitchen cooking department and have stumbled into the steam-bending of timber department. This will not end well.

Daily use with breakfast cereal. Several years old and still original finish.

To clean your spoon or rolling pin, warm soapy water in the sink with a dish cloth is sufficient. If stubborn food residue plays hard and needs some persuasion a scourer is ok to use, just don’t use it if it’s not required.

A quick side story….This is where the “deliberate abuse” comment above comes into play.

At home here, we have several wooden bowls that we turned on the lathe and coated with Tung oil. These bowls are mostly used for breakfasts and are used daily.

They are scrubbed with a scouring pad every morning and this has been going on for at least 18 months. The image of the bowl is one of these and the inner surface is still intact and stable, and it has acquired an aged patina.

This bowl is at least 18 months old and has been cleaned daily with a scourer. When it comes to drying the item either drip-dry or wipe down with a tea towel. We have found zero evidence of watermarks left behind after drip-drying on a daily basis.

Water beads well of a tung oil finish.

I don’t have tung oil available to recoat my utensil, can I use a different oil when it needs treatment?

We discuss this very topic with our clients at face-to-face markets.

Yes, once the surface of your spoon, spat, or stirrer becomes jaded you can use a different oil to bring it back to near new. There are a few guidelines to be aware of before you rush off to the pantry and grab the first oil you find.

Many of the cooking oils never actually harden so they have a habit of going rancid. The oils that we suggest are the drying oils and the short list would be something like this. .

  • flaxseed oil
  • poppyseed oil
  • linseed oil (flaxseed re-named)
  • Grapeseed oil

These are the common oils usually available. We recommend buying from the healthfood department or store as this is making sure it is food grade. Hardware versions of linseed oil often have additives that may not be safe.

We suggest checking out the FDA link above as it lists other oils that may already be on your shelf at home.

Ok, I have some oil ready to go. What should I do next?

This is very simple and it’s one of the reasons we use this finish in the first place.

You need a clean fresh dry scouring pad and a paper kitchen wipe.

Make sure that the item to be treated is dry and clean. Take the scourer and scratch the surface of the wood firmly. You don’t want any gloss patches at all.

A dull matte look tells you that you have a surface where the new oil can bite into the old surface and “key in”.

Once the surface is dull take the paper towel/wipe and apply a good coat of oil to the surface. Leave it sit for 5-10 minutes and wipe off the excess then put the tool aside somewhere safe for a day or so.

The longer the better as some of the oils we listed above can take some time to cure. If you want to apply a second coat then apply it after 12 hrs or so generally speaking. Two thin coats will be better than one thick coat.

Every oil will be different and your environment will be different to everyone else. The trick is to just let it harden before putting it back into use.

Below are a few of the utensils and products we have made that are finished with Tung oil. It really is our go-to finish for quality. The vases come with us to the Yungaburra markets once a month and are stroked and caressed by dozens of people, mostly women.

They seem to have an innate connection with these vases, more so than males for some reason. It’s beautiful to see and very heartwarming.

A word of warning.

Not all Tung oil products are equal or natural. We use 100% pure Tung oil and thin it down as we go depending on the task at hand.

The thinner we use is D-Limonene, a natural product created by distilling citrus peels. This product should be treated with caution around children and animals and saftey directions should be followed as with all volatile products.

natural thinner for tung oil.

The citrus aroma is slightly pleasant and not offensive at all. It also make a good cleaner but that’s another story for another time.

The D-Limonene evaporates completely leaving you with a natural result. It is environmentally sound, and ethically derived as well.

Hardware stores supply Tung oil finishes as well but most of these finishes are designed for floors and bench tops. They have a smaller amount of Tung oil and by using other oils they can give harder wearing properties.

These other oils usually require hardeners and dryers; in some cases heavy metals are incorporated to achieve the hardness and drying times they need as a commercial high wear finish.

This is not a criticism of these products, it is just a heads up so you understand the difference between the different types. The pure oil finish is food safe but we cannot say the same about the floor finish mixes.

 So, to finish this article up, there is enough information and data out in the public sphere to recognise Tung oil as a food safe finish.

We test the items that we sell before they are offered to the public and this finish passes the highest test.

We love it.

How do you apply Tung oil as a food safe finish.

This section will detail the method we as professional woodworkers employ to apply this finish to a raw product.

These steps apply to all items in a similar way with size being the only difference.

When we have completed the shaping we sand the item to at least 400 grit. This is our absolute minimum before we can apply a first coat and depending on the item, we will sand up to 600 grit first.

The oil is cut (thinned) depending on the wood involved with very hard wood recieving a 50/50 mix of oil to thinner. A softer wood may get a 70/30 mix. Experience over time will teach you the best mix for the wood in question.

This first coat is applied generously and allowed to soak in for 5-10 minutes. Resist the temptation to load up the grain with oil to save time. This causes the oil’s surface to cure and can leave the internal layers of oil to stay in a gel state for quite some time and it can lead to bleeding out in bad cases.

Once the time has passed, the excess is wiped away leaving a moist look without any runs or pools. This is allowed to harden for as long as possible with 24 hrs as the minimum.

A second coat of 80/20 is then applied but this coat is now rubbed in with wet and dry sandpaper and the excess wiped away.

This mix applies to all woods as the initial different ratio coats will act as a sealer and grain filler layer and will act pretty much the same if you followed step one correctly.

If unsure on soft woods then just apply another coat of the same first mix and then apply the above 80/20 mix as described.

The grit used in this second step is one grit higher than the final grit used in the sanding process. If 400g was the last for sanding then 600g is used. If 600g was the last for sanding then 800g is used.

This wet and dry rubbing process creates a natural grain filler that disappears into the colours of the item and allows for a wonderful smooth finish that you can be confident of lasting.

It will be prudent to let the piece sit for 24 hrs before handling to avoid any surface issues and another 24-48 hrs to let it harden enough to move around.

Depending on your climate and humidity it may take longer to achieve a good outcome but it will happen. You can continue to apply coats as you see fit, but understand that it can be overdone if you are after a classic oil finish.

We find 3 coats enough on most items, and apply a wax polish blend over the more artistic items.

This article is by Tim Blanch.

He is part-owner-operator of Pickers Ridge Hardwood Designs.

Butcher Block Oil for Wood Boards and Countertops

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Butcher Block Oil is a food contact safe oil to seal and protect your wooden food preparation items such as butcher block countertops and wood cutting boards. In addition to protecting your kitchen surfaces, it also creates a beautiful flat finish while bringing out the natural colors of the wood. All-natural and FDA-approved for food content.

We recommend using our new cutting board oil which creates the most beautiful wood finish available. You can also use our Pure Tung oil which is all-natural, and food-safe. If you decide to use Tung Oil you’ll want to use a solvent along with it. Citrus solvent keeps things food safe and smelling great or you can use one of our pre-mixed options. Either way, you can’t go wrong and you’ll protect your boards.


Finding a great butcher block oil may not be the first thing on your to-do list when you’re fitting your dream kitchen or replacing an old cutting board, but perhaps it should be. How you choose to finish your work-in-progress could have a major impact on how you cook, clean, and live for years to come.

The answer to safe surfaces your entire family can enjoy? Real Milk Paint has the best butcher block oil and is your most natural option to protect and rejuvenate your wooden kitchen surfaces.


Why is your choice in butcher block oil so important? Simple: Your countertops and cutting boards can take a beating. From vigorously kneading some homemade pizza dough to breaking down a slab of wild-caught salmon to chopping enough veggies for several batches of your signature minestrone soup, your daily cook-and-clean routine is anything but gentle. You need a work surface that can withstand the culinary onslaught and welcome repeated wipe downs as well.

You could opt for the cold, contemporary look of stainless steel or spring for granite, stone or tile, but the warmth of wood is undeniable. There’s something homey about using natural materials in the most trafficked room in your home. The trick? Keeping that look intact no matter how many sugar cookies you roll out and cut over the holidays.

For protecting and enhancing your butcher’s block, wooden countertops, kitchen island, cutting boards, and wooden dishes, salad bowls and utensils, our butcher block oil is durable and will not wear.

All of the Oil’s listed below are recommended and safe to use on your butcher’s block!

Pure Tung Oil

All natural and FDA approved for food contact, Pure Tung Oil is one of the best oils for butcher block. It is a hard drying wood oil that enhances the natural color of the wood while providing a beautiful finish. This oil has no additives or metallic dryers in it, so its safe for you and your family. For an all natural wood oil for cutting boards and butcher block, buy a bottle of Pure Tung Oil today.

Dark Tung Oil

For a deep, natural color to your butcher block and countertops, rely on Dark Tung Oil. Our oils are all natural and food safe. This means you are able to add depth to your wood grain, without harmful chemicals. Dark Tung Oil is non-carcinogenic and does not contain any PCB’s.

Half and Half

Our Half & Half Oil is perfect for protecting cutting boards, countertops, and other forms of butcher block because it is all natural and food grade safe. The one to one ratio of citrus solvent to pure tung oil allows for the oil to soak into the surface, making it great for large and small projects alike!

Dark Half

Our perfectly blended Dark Half is made of our Dark Tung Oil and our natural Citrus Solvent. Not only will this oil bring out the rich tones and wood grain, but it will also give a beautiful aged look to countertops, butcher block, cutting boards, and more.

Product Description


Tung oil, also known as China wood oil and butcher block oil is what you get when you squeeze the seeds found inside tung tree nuts. Unlike more well-known oils made from olives or corn, this oil has a sort of magical secret: Expose it to air and it hardens into a tough, transparent sealer inside your wood that looks rich but won’t rub off and require excessive maintenance like the common mineral oil treatment for butcher block and cutting boards.

This unique characteristic makes this oil ideal for butcher block, cutting boards, or finishing wood both inside and outside your home. Swab it on your deck, protect your planters or extend the life of your kids’ treehouse. Just save enough to complete your kitchen, because you’re going to want what butcher block oil has to offer in your cook space.


No two oils are quite the same — something that is never more apparent than when you’re trying to choose a food-safe finish for your butcher’s block. Knowing that a substance will come into contact with your family’s food raises a whole host of questions: Is it toxic? Will it build up over time? What about contact or airborne reactions?


  • It is Non-Toxic – Because our oil is non-toxic it’s safe to use on food surfaces such as your countertops, butcher blocks, cuttings boards, and more.
  • It doesn’t dry, it cures. This is an important distinction because drying implies evaporation while butcher block oil cures or hardens into a protective, long-lasting coating. Once the oil is exposed to oxygen, it starts sucking up the compounds needed for polymerization, which is the chemical reaction that changes the oil’s consistency.
  • It’s low allergy. If you suffer from allergies and need a safe butcher block oil, this oil is a promising candidate. While it’s possible that people with nut allergies could experience a reaction ( none have been reported in 20 years), butcher block oil is generally considered to be very low on the allergenic scale, and the fact that it cures to a hard, relatively impermeable finish adds to its low allergy nature.
  • There’s no off-gassing. When some products are manufactured, gases become trapped or get absorbed in the material. Later, those gases are released, presenting a potential hazard. It contains no solvents, metallic dryers or volatile compounds that could eventually emerge and taint the air in your home sometime down the road.
  • It’s water-resistant. Oiling with butcher block oil helps repel water, thereby protecting your wooden surfaces from spill-related warping and staining, and it fends off everything from orange juice to red wine and even acetone, just in case you known someone who likes to change their nail polish and chat while you cook.
  • It’s environmentally friendly. If you have a preference for sustainable products, you’ll like our butcher block oil. With no petroleum distillates or other icky additives, this all-natural oil delivers durable results without using harmful products. Thinking about using butcher block oil on your outdoor projects? Butcher block oil is great to use on all your outdoor projects.
  • It does not mold. Butcher block oil forms a barrier to prevent moisture from seeping into your wood surfaces, making it difficult for rot and mold to take hold.

Give your kitchen a fresh look with butcher block oil from Real Milk Paint. Shop our butcher block oil in our online store now.

Never any fillers, artificial thinners, or other questionable additives. Just high-quality butcher block oil you’ll be proud to use on your projects — kitchen and more.

Directions for Use

How to Apply


  1. The surface should be dusted to remove all loose particles.
  2. For better penetration the oil should be thinned one to one with either our natural Citrus Solvent or Odorless Mineral Spirits for a less expensive alternative. Or just use the Half & Half or Dark Half products to use the oil right out of the bottle!
  3. Any wood filling or wood staining (water or alcohol stains work best) must be done before the oil is applied.
  4. Using the Pure Tung Oil straight from the bottle would only be for the most thirsty surfaces like old weathered wood, 100 year old wood floors that were never finished or concrete.
  5. For the majority of all projects, you will thin Pure Tung Oil 50% with thinners for the entire finishing process.


  1. The first coat of thinned tung oil should be a liberal one.
  2. Apply with a natural bristle brush, sponge brush, or a thin foam roller.
  3. Allow this coat to sit for a minimum of 40 minutes so the oil can soak in. When it soaks into the wood, apply another coat immediately. Continue to apply coats, one after another, until the wood/concrete is saturated and stays glossy for a minimum of 40 minutes up to 1½ hours. If eighty percent of area stays glossy, the wood cells are saturated and this can be considered your final coat.
  4. Now, wipe down the surface with clean rag material removing any excess oil that is on the surface. Continue to check for any seeping in the next few hours, and rub this off as well. Do not allow standing oil on the surface overnight. Any standing or puddles of oil should be wiped away with clean rags.
  5. After allowing the oil to soak overnight, apply one more coat to the surface the next day. Let this sit for a minimum of 40 minutes, but no more than 2 hours. Wipe up any oil that has not soaked in. Now the tung oil will be in its curing stage.
  6. Hang oil soaked rags up separately to dry. For woods with very dense pores like Teak wood, thin with two parts Citrus Solvent to one part oil will help it absorb better for every coat.
  7. Pure Tung Oil will take 7 to 10 days for a minimum cure and 15 to 30 days for a full cure.


  • Do not sand between coats of tung oil. This is an application technique for tung oil varnishes, not pure tung oil.
  • Tung oil can be applied pure to very porous surfaces or with Citrus Solvent added if a non-toxic finish is required.
  • Thinners can accelerate the drying process and greatly improve the penetration by cutting the each coat of oil with Citrus Solvent, mineral spirits, or odorless mineral spirits by 50%.
  • Do not use the “Green” thinners now being sold. They contain water and will not mix with the oil.
  • Remember by adding petroleum mineral spirits or other thinners, the oil may become toxic with these substances mixed into it, although the finish produced is not toxic because the thinners evaporate.
  • The number of coats of oil to be applied will be determined by the intended use of the piece. One to two coats are enough for decorative work, paneling and molding. For surfaces that receive moderate to heavy use or handling need a minimum of three and on up to six coats for maximum protection.
  • Apply till the surface reaches the saturation point. This will be evident as the surface will not absorb more oil.
  • Renewal and/or maintenance coats are thinly applied with cheese cloth, lint free cloths (old bed sheets work well), or old t-shirt material on an as need be basis. A two parts solvent to one part tung oil mixture is recommended for maintenance coats.
  • Do not get hung up on the number of coats, let the wood tell you when it has reached its maximum saturation.
  • Pure Tung Oil will be in the wood up to the surface not on the wood like varnish or Polyurethane top coat. The end result is more like seasoning a cast iron pan. This product will give you a surface that will stand up to vigorous use and spills: water will bead on the surface.
  • After the tung oil as completely cured (minimum 30 days) cleaning of the surface can be done using hot water and mild soap, such as dish soap. Avoid using hard chemicals or acids for cleaning.

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Is Tung Oil Food Safe?

by Denis Gardner

Tung oil is one of the most commonly used natural wood finishes among woodworkers, but the question often comes up “Is Tung oil food safe?” If you’re working on kitchen countertops, cutting boards, or other items that come into contact with food, then you’ll want to be sure your wood finish isn’t toxic.

The answer depends slightly on what type of product you’re working with. 100% pure Tung oil is completely food safe, as it’s a natural and non-toxic product. Tung oil with solvents and other chemicals added is not the same thing and is only considered food safe once it completely cures.

Let’s take a closer look at Tung oil’s food safety, and what you need to consider when reaching for that product labeled ‘Tung oil’ on your hardware store’s shelf.

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Different Products Called Tung Oil

As mentioned, there are multiple formulations sold under the ‘Tung oil’ umbrella.

The three main types are pure Tung oil, wiping varnishes, and oil/varnish blends.

Pure Tung Oil

Pure Tung oil is all-natural and FDA-approved for food contact. It’s a drying oil that provides a durable and long-lasting finish and contains no additives or metallic dryers, so it naturally takes a long time to fully dry and cure.

This oil may be completely natural and additive-free, but this comes at the cost of application ease. Pure Tung oil is notoriously slow and difficult to apply, as it requires 3 to 6 coats, with each one taking at least 2 to 3 days to dry.

Tung oil also has a strong odor that some people find offensive, although this will dissipate over time as the finish dries completely.

Oil/Varnish Blends

Next, we have Tung oil and varnish blends. These formulations combine the rich color and protective qualities of pure Tung oil with the ease of application of typical wood varnishes. The exact formulation will depend on the specific manufacturer, but typically it will contain some form of petroleum-based solvent or mineral spirit.

These blends will dry and cure significantly faster than pure Tung oil will,  making them much easier to apply. However, they are not considered food safe until they are fully cured and the solvent has completely dissolved.

While the blend is curing, the solvent will be off-gassing and will release VOCs (volatile organic compounds), which can be harmful – especially to people with sensitivities.

Wiping Varnish

Next up, we have the wiping varnish version of Tung oil. This is a formulation that contains an oil that’s cooked with resins. They also contain a thinner than makes application fast and easy.

They are similar in terms of drying times and ease of application to the oil/varnish blends but feature one major difference. Wiping varnishes are designed to ‘wiped on’ and then left to dry, while blends will specify that they should be wiped or buffed clean after the oil is allowed to penetrate for a set period of time.

Tung Oil Food Safety

When it comes to food safety, it makes sense to err on the side of caution. The good news is that Tung oil is completely safe to use once it cures completely.

The FDA has approved the use of pure Tung oil for food contact. That means any surfaces that come in direct contact with food such as cutting boards, countertops, and dining tables can be treated safely with Tung oil.

Tung oil is safe to use on surfaces that come in contact with food like dining tables.

As far as pure Tung oil is concerned, it’s considered completely food safe and non-toxic, while both oil/varnish blends and wiping varnishes are considered food safe once the solvent has evaporated.

While the oil blend is drying, it should be kept in a well-ventilated area until the solvent has evaporated, leaving a hardened protective resin. As the oil blend dries it will off-gas and emit harsh and potentially unhealthy fumes, so it’s best to keep it in a workshop or shed during this process.

Is Tung Oil Toxic?

Tung oil is non-toxic and doesn’t contain VOCs (volatile organic compounds). However, some people report reactions to contact (or even breathing vapors) with pure Tung oil.

Tung oil blends containing polyurethane solvents are toxic and should be handled with care and used in well-ventilated areas. Once the solvent has dissolved, and the finish has cured the toxic compounds are no longer present and the surface becomes food safe.

Is Tung Oil Toxic to Animals?

While pure Tung oil is food-safe and non-toxic, you still don’t want to be slurping it up or drinking it. For people, this is not really an issue, but dogs and cats may end up ingesting it if you’re not careful.

Pure Tung oil is not toxic to animals but causes GI upset if ingested in large enough quantities. If you’re applying it to flooring or furniture, keep pets away from the area until the finish has cured.

You can safely apply Tung oil to dog or cat bowls and the like, just be sure they’ve cured completely before using them.

Tung oil blends containing solvents are toxic to humans as well as animals, so be extra careful with pets around while working with these blends.

Denis Gardner

I’ve loved tinkering and fixing things for as long as I can remember. So, naturally, I gravitated towards DIY and home improvement when I bought my first home. Nowadays you can find me writing about my passions or messing around with my newest tool!

Often asked: is tung oil safe for food surfaces?


ByBenjamin Noah

Among natural surfaces, tung oil surpasses shellac and linseed oil in terms of hardness, durability and water resistance. It is also food safe, after hardening .

Is tung oil safe for cutting boards?

We recommend using pure tung oil, such as butcher’s oil, or for cutting blocks. Pure tung oil is all natural, food safe and gives the most beautiful wood finish. In most cases, you will need a tung oil thinner.

Is 100% pure tung oil safe to eat?

Pure Tung Oil is a hard drying oil with a beautiful glossy surface. It is resistant to damage, penetrates well and is environmentally friendly. We have the purest and highest quality you will find. All natural, food safe and creates a smooth surface.

Is tung oil toxic?

Easy to reposition when original surface is worn or damaged. Tung oil is non-toxic and contains no VOCs, however people with allergies often report side effects from contact with (or even the smell of) tung oil. In some cases, reactions can be severe (1). 100% pure tung oil dries slowly.

How long does it take for tung oil to become food safe?

Pure tung oil is food safe, but most oils marketed as tung oil contain little tung oil and the rest consists of boiled linseed oil, metal desiccants and solvents. If allowed to dry thoroughly for about 30 days or more, it is considered food safe.

Is tung oil suitable for kitchen worktops?

Pure tung oil is a good choice for a food safe wood counter top in a meat block or kitchen island. It’s easy to apply, non-toxic, and leaves a beautiful matte finish that suits almost any lifestyle.

Is Minvax tung oil pure tung oil?

Minwax Tung Oil Finish is NOT a tung oil. In fact, it does not contain tung oil. This Minwax junk is more like a lake.

Is this 1850 pure tung oil?

circa 1850 Tung oil NOT PURE Tung oil, it is kept in a kind of jar, you can find it in the box. Because it is canned, it does not have the same structural character as pure tung oil, which is much thicker.

Are wolves edible?

But be very careful not to confuse the tung seed with the common walnut. Unlike walnuts, tung seeds are extremely toxic and even deadly if eaten raw. Despite these serious safety concerns, people use tung oil and grains to make medicines.

Are tung oil and alcohol safe to eat?

It is completely natural and therefore safe to eat.

Is tung oil toxic to dogs?

If your pet has eaten any part of this tree, contact your local veterinarian or emergency room immediately. Vernicia fordii, commonly known as tung tree or tung oil, contains dangerous saponins and glycosides. Ingestion of this plant can be fatal and should be treated as an emergency.

Is Tung Minwax Oil safe?

Among natural surfaces, tung oil surpasses shellac and linseed oil in hardness, durability and water resistance. It is also food safe after it has been cured.

How is wood sealed to make food safe?

Applying a food finish to raw wood tables or kitchen utensils is a simple process.

  1. Use 320 grit sandpaper to sand the object smooth.
  2. If ​​you are using an oil finish, apply generously to the fabric.
  3. Apply wax with a cloth until the surface is covered.
  4. Allow freshly finished pieces to dry and fully cure.

Which oils are safe to eat?

Choosing a finish that looks good and is safe to use is far from what you might think.

  • KITCHEN OILS. Vegetable oil, corn oil, peanut oil, and olive oil are often offered as simple, food-safe finishes.

TUNG OIL | Ataman Kimya A.Ş.


China Wood Oil = Tungoel = Lumbang Oil

CAS No. 8001-20-5
EC: Number 232-272-3
MDL: number MFCD00217929

Tung oil is also called Chinese tree oil, which can be obtained by cold pressing the seeds of the tung tree.
Tungoel can be used as a biodiesel and drying oil in the production of paints.
Tung oil is a vegetable oil that can be polymerized to produce a variety of products, including pressure-sensitive adhesives, self-healing epoxy coatings, polyurethane foam, and vinyl ester resins.

Pure tung oil is a drying oil obtained from the seeds of the tung tree, native to China and some other Asian countries.
Chinese wood oil has been used for centuries as a water-resistant coating for boats and other woodwork, and for finishing stone.
Pure tung oil is a great alternative to other drying oils such as walnut, linseed and soybean oils.
Tung oil belongs to the family of vegetable oils and can be used as drying oil in the paint and varnish and lubricant industries.

Tung oil or Chinese tree oil is a drying oil obtained by pressing the seeds of the tung tree nut.
Tung oil hardens in air, and the resulting coating becomes transparent and has a deep, almost wet appearance.
Lumbang oil is mainly used to finish and protect wood, after numerous coats it can even look like plastic.
Related drying oils include linseed, safflower, poppy and soybean oils.
Tung oil and its use is believed to have originated in ancient China and is mentioned in the writings of Confucius from around 400 B. C.
Raw tung oil tends to dry out, forming a fine, wrinkled surface; the English name for this is gas check; this property has been used to eliminate wrinkles, usually by adding excess cobalt desiccant.
To stop this, the oil is heated to make it gas-tight, and most oils used for coating are gas-tight, also known as “cooked”.

The tung oil tree originates from southern China and was grown there for tung oil, but the date of cultivation remains unknown.
During the Song Dynasty, tung oil was used to waterproof ships.
The primary component is a fatty acid with a chain of 18 linked carbon atoms or methylene units containing three conjugated double bonds.
Tungoel is particularly susceptible to autoxidation, which promotes crosslinking of adjacent chains and hence hardening of the base resin.
The word “tung” etymologically comes from China.
The name tung oil is often used by paint and lacquer manufacturers as a generic name for any wood finishing product that contains real tung oil or provides a finish that resembles a finish made with tung oil.

Use of tung oil:
Tung oil is used by carpenters, carpenters, craftsmen and hobbyists.
Lumbang oil is also used to treat wood, bamboo, concrete, stone, brick and even metal surfaces.
Tung oil is a favorite for wood flooring, cabinetry, decking, siding, furniture, guitars and other musical instruments, handmade toys, and more.
Tung oil is very popular due to two properties:
First, Lumbang oil is a substance of natural origin.
Secondly, after curing with Lumbang oil (5 to 30 days, depending on weather/temperature) the result is a very hard and easily repairable finish, which is why it is used on boat decks and now also on floors.
Chinese wood oil is often diluted with a hydrocarbon thinner so its viscosity is very low and allows the oil to penetrate into the finest grained woods and its thinner will evaporate within 15-20 minutes.
When applied in many thin/thinner coats on wood, tung oil slowly hardens to a matte/light satin finish with a slight golden hue.
Tung oil resists water better than any other pure oil and does not darken noticeably with age.
Tungoel is said to be less susceptible to mold than linseed oil.
Since tung oil has become popular as an environmentally friendly wood finish, some products labeled as “tung oil” are actually mixtures containing other oils, varnishes, solvents, or chemical desiccants, and may not even contain tung oil.
Products labeled “Danish oil” may be tung oil or polymerized linseed oil.
The product packaging usually clearly states whether it is pure tung oil.
Heating tung oil to approximately 500°F (260°C) in an oxygen free environment will substantially increase the viscosity and film build quality of the product.
Most polymerized tung oils are sold mixed with mineral spirits to make them easier to work with. Limonene and D-limonene are less toxic alternatives to mineral spirits.
The oil-paper umbrella is a traditional umbrella used in China, Japan and other countries of the Sinosphere, and was brought to Western countries along the Silk Road.
Tung oil is the “oil” referred to in the oil-paper umbrella that is used to keep the paper from getting wet and to make the umbrella waterproof.

What is the difference between pure and dark tung oil?
As the name suggests, pure tung oil is free of additives and distillates, which means it does not create a glossy or heavy finish.
Pure tung oil dries to a honey color.
The only difference from dark tung oil is that we have added a non-carcinogenic and PCB-free tar hydrocarbon that gives the oil a darker, richer hue.

Tung oil use:
Being a natural oil, tung oil is safe to use in all environments and on all types of wood, including;
-Interior and exterior wood
– Hardwoods and softwoods
– Food surfaces such as kitchen countertops and dining areas
– Kitchen utensils
– (Children’s) Furniture and toys
-Doors and windows
– Parquet floors
– Turned wood
– Raw wood and bare wood

Tung oil is a vegetable based oil used for wood finishing.
Chinese wood oil is clear, quick-drying and penetrates through the fibers to improve and protect the wood.
Tungoel is one of the world’s oldest and most popular wood finishes and is sourced from the seeds of the East Asian tung tree.
Tung oil has become a staple among fine furniture makers in the United States and beyond.
Lumbang oil is eco-friendly, non-toxic and food safe.
Tung oil is obtained by pressing the seeds of the tung tree native to East Asia.
The oil has been cultivated and used in China as a finishing material for wood for at least 2,500 years.
Tung oil is similar to linseed oil, it is difficult to find furniture made from raw or 100% pure tung oil.
Many artisans use boiled or polymerized tung oil, and manufacturers also often mistakenly label products as tung oil when they are not.
If you’re interested in a tung oil finish, it’s worth doing some digging to understand exactly what kind of finish is used and what it’s made of.
There are many reasons why an artisan might consider using tung oil to finish wood furniture.
Tung oil is all natural, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly, and does not yellow over time as much as conventional finishes such as linseed oil, nitrocellulose lacquer, or lacquers such as polyurethane.
On the other hand, tung oil is expensive and prone to water rings, stains, and scratches.

Where can tung oil be used?
Tung Oil is suitable for small to medium projects where a matte finish is desired, such as woodworking, salad bowls, cutting boards, gun stocks, jewelry boxes, patio furniture and patios.

Why choose Chinese tung oil?
People choose tung oil in their projects for a variety of reasons.
As mentioned earlier, Lumbang Oil is versatile.
Lumbang Oil is also strong and flexible as well as being food safe.
You can use Tungoel as a protective waterproof coating that will not darken or go rancid.
In addition, Lumbang Oil dries faster than other drying oils.
In this case, it is easier to apply Lumbang Oil.
Lumbang Oil also takes less time as you don’t have to wait long to apply and reapply the product.
In addition, Lumbang Oil has a beautiful matte finish unlike other oils.
The tung oil also adds depth to the woody texture.

Properties and characteristics of tung oils:
Pure Tung Oil is an all natural water and alkali resistant coating that provides a protective barrier.
The pure tung oil based coating will not darken over time like other coatings.
Lumbang Oil is scratch resistant, penetrates well, stays supple and unlikely.
The tung oil builds up quickly, hardens the wood surface and creates a translucent matte finish.
Pure Tung Oil does not mold or bleed like linseed oil when dry, making it an excellent candidate for exterior finishes.
Lumbang Oil should be stored in an airtight container with minimal air space.
Pure tung oil is free of thinners and desiccants and has a slight nutty odor.
Pure Tung Oil Topcoat blended with Citrus Solvent is an all natural, organic topcoat that is environmentally friendly and food safe.

Unlike other surface treatments, tung oil actually bonds to wood, making it waterproof and weatherproof for years to come.
Applying a simple coat of tung oil once a year is a great way to protect your investment from extreme weather.

What to use: clear or dark oil
Pure tung oil contains no additives.
Lumbang Oil also doesn’t create a heavy finish, giving the wood object a glossy look.
Lumbang oil dries to any honey-colored object.
If you choose dark tung oil, you will still be using pure tung oil, but with non-carcinogenic tar hydrocarbons.
The added ingredient gives Lumbang Oil a darker look.
In other words, if you want a darker result, you can choose dark tung oil, however, if you want natural wood, just choose pure tung oil.
Many carpenters and hobbyists add tung oil to their finishes.
Lumbang Oil is used as a protective coating in various wood projects.
Tung Oil is applied to bamboo, brick, concrete and even metal surfaces.
Lumbang Oil is also a favorite drying agent for wood floors, furniture, guitars, soundboards and more.
The amount of tung oil you need will depend on your project.
One gallon of Lumbang Oil is enough to cover a 400 square foot surface.
You may need up to five coats, however Lumbang Oil depends on the porosity of the wood.
When you apply Lumbang Oil to a wood surface, make sure it is clean.
Remove grease, dirt and dust from the surface, as they affect the result.
You can sand the surface to remove any existing finish.
You can apply Lumbang Oil to bare surfaces or apply it over another coat.
To properly remove dust, be sure to use sandpaper and vacuum well.
Be sure to use a thinner oil to speed up application.
Lumbang Oil also dries wood faster.
Do not dilute Lumbang Oil when applying to unfashionable wood floors or concrete floors.
The first layer should have a large amount.
Let the oil soak into the wood before applying the next coat.

There are many reasons why people love tung oil in their projects and one of the most popular is its flexible, durable, food safe and protective waterproof coating that won’t mold, darken or go rancid.
From a practical standpoint, tung oil dries faster than other oils, making it easier to apply and less time consuming.
Aesthetically, tung oil also gives a beautiful matte finish that adds depth to the grain of the wood, creating an antique look on any surface.

Benefits of tung oil:
Tung oil has no added chemicals, has not been polymerized or hydrolyzed, does not turn yellow with age, does not go rancid, is resistant to mildew, and is one of the few oils that completely hardens and remains elastic. after hardening and waterproof.
Tango oil has been used on boat decks for many years and is now becoming a popular wood floor finish.
Finally, although the entire finish can be damaged by tung oil, any damage can be easily repaired.

Tung oil:
Tung oil or Chinese wood oil is a drying oil obtained by pressing the seeds of the nut of the tung tree (Vernicia fordii).
Tung oil hardens in air, and the resulting coating becomes transparent and has a deep, almost wet appearance.
The name is often used by paint and varnish manufacturers as a generic name for any wood finishing product that contains true tung oil and/or provides a finish that resembles that obtained using tung oil.

Avoid rain for at least one week (preferably 2 weeks). If it rains or the surface gets wet, try to remove the water as soon as possible. Cover surfaces if possible, but remove all covers immediately when the rain stops to allow the surface to breathe.
Avoid freezing temperatures for at least 2 weeks after applying the last coat. Lower temperatures also slow down the curing process. If possible, wait until the temperature gets higher.
DO NOT use tung oil in direct, intense sunlight. Heat and intense UV radiation can cause the surface to cure too quickly, resulting in wrinkling and haze. If the surface will be exposed to strong sunlight, try applying after the sun has left the surface during the day and after the surface has cooled.

Pure Tung Oil is a naturally occurring hardwearing oil extracted from the seeds of the tung tree and is therefore completely free of additives making it non-toxic and safe to use in all environments and on a variety of items.
In addition to being highly water resistant, tung oil helps prevent drying and deterioration of the wood.
Lumbang oil is ideal for sealing bare and untreated wood, helping to prevent stains and smudges when used.
It is these qualities that make tung oil an excellent choice for food-grade surfaces such as kitchen countertops, as well as kitchen utensils, children’s furniture and toys, and even outdoor wood such as decking.
Although Pure Tung Oil is easy to apply with a sponge brush or lint-free cloth, since it is a natural oil containing no thinners or drying agents, it has a longer drying time (24 hours) than some other oils. This is important to consider when oiling wood outdoors, such as decking.
Tung oil dries to a natural matte finish and can be used on all types of woods, both hardwoods and softwoods, to enhance the natural beauty of the texture.
In addition to demonstrating how easy it is to use our pure tung oil, you will also see the effect of the oil on 3 different pieces of wood: beech, oak and walnut – from light to dark in color.
You can see how the tung oil darkens them to varying degrees, but enhances the texture of the wood.

Tung oil application steps:

1. Clean surface.
Proper application of tung oil depends on whether you start with a clean and prepared surface.
Make sure that the surface on which the tung oil is to be used is free of grease, oil, dirt, dust or other contaminants.
Tung oil can only be applied to bare surfaces or over another layer of tung oil.
Clean the surface with trisodium phosphate.
Sand the surface again using Lumbang oil with 150 grit sandpaper and then vacuum thoroughly to remove all dust.

2. Thin the oil.
The thinner will make it easier to apply the tung oil, dry faster and improve penetration.
The only time you should not dilute tung oil first is if you are applying it to weathered wood, concrete, old and untreated wood floors, or other highly absorbent surfaces.
To dilute tung oil, mix with equal parts citrus thinner, mineral spirits or mineral spirits before application.
You can also choose from our pre-diluted options, Half & Half or Dark Half, to use straight from the bottle.

3. Apply a large first coat.
You can apply tung oil with a natural bristle brush, sponge, or soft, lint-free cloth.
Apply lumbang oil generously to the surface.
Unlike varnish, which is applied to wood, tung oil aims to completely saturate the cells of the wood.
Once you have applied the first coat, allow the lumbanga oil to soak in.

4. Apply subsequent coats.
After the first layer is absorbed, apply the second layer over the lumbang oil.
Continue this layering process, if necessary, wait 40 minutes between coats until more than 80 percent of the surface is glossy for a minimum of 40 minutes.
This means that the wood cells are saturated and you can move on to the next step.
Decorative items may require two to four coats, while functional surfaces that will be handled, used, or walked on will require a minimum of three to five.

5. Removal of unabsorbed oil from the surface.
After you have applied several coats and the wood no longer absorbs the tung oil, wipe the surface with a clean cloth.
If there are puddles of lumbang oil left on the surface, wipe them off with a rag.
This is important because you don’t want the tung oil to start to set on the surface.
At this point, your surface is fully saturated.
However, pure tung oil settles inside the wood/material during the night and the next day.
For best results, we recommend applying one or two more coats of lumbang oil, following the previously mentioned instructions, after this waiting period.
Be sure to wipe the tung oil off any surface that is not absorbed.
Before disposing of cloths soaked in oil, hang them outside to dry.

6. Let the oil dry up to 30 days.
From here, tung oil will take anywhere from a week to 10 days to begin treatment and 15 to 30 days for a complete cure.
Do not leave an object lubricated with tung oil for a long time in direct sunlight.
During the first 10 days of curing, check and wipe off any tung oil that may have seeped into the surface.
During this time, you can walk on the floor with clean shoes, but do not place heavy objects on the floor or walk on it with dirty shoes.
No other sealants or protective products other than tung oil are required.
It naturally insulates, waterproofs and protects your surfaces!

7. Clean surface
Pure tung oil is easy to clean.
To clean floors or other wooden objects, simply use hot water and regular dish soap.

8. Reapply as needed to restore performance and provide additional protection.
Surfaces that are used or walked on frequently may need some maintenance to restore their appearance and increase protection.
To do this, simply mix 2 parts thinner with 1 part tung oil and wipe the surface.
Allow Lumbang oil to dry if necessary.

Tung oil reference:
Tung oil is 100% natural, non-toxic and safe to use.
Tungoel is highly resistant to water and food stains.
Tung oil helps prevent drying and deterioration of the wood.
Tungoel dries to a natural matte finish.
The drying time of tung oil is 24 hours.
Coverage: 20m2 per liter
Coats: 3 coats to bare wood
Recoat time: after the previous
has dried
Maintenance: once a year or when signs of “drying” appear.
Application: Apply with a foam brush or lint-free cloth.

Tung oil is a drying oil obtained by pressing the seeds of the nut of the tung tree (Vernicia fordii).
Tung oil hardens in air, and the resulting coating becomes transparent and deep, almost wet.
Lumbang Oil is mainly used to finish/protect wood, after a few coats it can even look like plastic.
Tungoel and its use are believed to have originated in ancient China and are mentioned in the writings of Confucius from about 400 BC. E. Raw tung oil tends to dry out, forming fine wrinkles; in the US this is called gas check: this property was used to eliminate wrinkles, usually by adding excess cobalt desiccant.
To stop this, the tung oil is heated to make it gas-tight, and most oils used for coating are gas-tight.
Thus, to avoid wrinkling, all tung oil available for finishing today is “boiled”.

The Chinese have long used the tung nut as a remedy for a variety of ailments and as a waterproofing agent for their handcrafted boats.
Pure tung oil has been popular for thousands of years.
Pure tung oil is also gaining traction these days because it’s non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and food safe, meaning it’s perfect for cookware, meat blocks, cutting boards, countertops, and even toys.

Applying tung oil is also easy and effective.
Key tips to keep in mind: do not leave excess oil on the surface during the curing phase, do not require sanding between coats, do not require other sealers or top coats, and use 2 parts thinner to 1 part tung oil for maintenance.

Tung oil is very popular today due to 2 properties:
First Tung Oil is a natural or “green” product after drying.
Secondly, once Lumbang Oil has cured (5 to 30 days depending on weather/temperature) the result is a very durable and easily repairable coating.
This is why tung oil is used on boat decks and now also on floors.
Tung oil is often diluted with a hydrocarbon thinner so that its viscosity is very low and allows the oil to penetrate into the finest wood species, this thinner evaporates within 15-20 minutes and results in a completely green residual coat.
As mentioned above, when many thin/thinner coats are applied to the wood, tung oil slowly hardens, producing a satiny “wet wood” look with a slight golden hue.
Tung oil resists liquid water better than any other pure oil coating, does not darken noticeably with age, and is claimed to be less susceptible to mold than linseed oil.
Most importantly, of all Tungoel coatings, Tung Oil is the only drying oil that 100% polymerizes (completely hardens).
For example, linseed oil never completely hardens.

Bring this sophisticated, sophisticated matt finish to your interior wood with Tung Oil.
Tung oil has the perfect consistency to deeply nourish your wood and is water and splash resistant – the perfect penetrating oil for wood floors and suitable for your interiors.
Get a tung oil finish quickly and easily, with the option of buffing or waxing if you like, and regular care coats can be easily applied without sanding.
Tung oil is a natural floor oil that requires little maintenance and gives you the high quality look you’ve been dreaming of.

Although tung oil has become popular as an environmentally friendly wood finish, it should be noted that many products labeled as “tung oil finishes” are mislabeled: polymerized oils, wipe varnishes, and oil/varnish blends are known to sold as Tung Oil Coatings (sometimes no Tung Oil at all), and all of the above contain solvents and/or chemical desiccants. The product packaging will usually clearly state whether it is pure tung oil.

Where to use:
Tung oil is recommended for interior clean wood surfaces.
Tungoel is ideal for erasing antiques and fine furniture.

Surface preparation:
All surfaces we will be using Tungoel must be clean, dry and free from dirt, wax, grease, glue and other contaminants, otherwise penetration and adhesion may be affected.

-Apply Old Masters Tung Oil with a lint-free cloth or by hand.
-On large surfaces or in high humidity conditions, application will be improved by thinning with mineral spirits.
– You can use from one part to one part of tung oil; however, dilutions in excess of this ratio will result in non-compliance with VOC requirements.
-When the entire surface is covered, wipe off excess oil with a soft, lint-free cloth.
-If a second coat is required, allow the first to dry, then wipe with 0000 steel wool.
-Repeat steps 1 and 2. Do not apply more coats than the wood can absorb.

It is allowed to use up to one part white spirit and one part tung oil; however, dilutions in excess of this ratio will result in non-compliance with VOC requirements.

Approximately 300 to 400 square feet per gallon depending on application method, wood type and porosity.

Drying time:
Apply Tung Oil when air and surface temperatures are between 60° and 90°F and humidity is between 30% and 70%.
At 50% relative humidity and 70°F, 100% tung oil dries in about 8–12 hours.

Cleansing Tung Oil:
For cleaning, we recommend using a cleaning solvent that meets the requirements of your air quality control area.
Check with your local government to ensure compliance.

Specially formulated with natural oils extracted from Chinese tung wood, making it exceptionally effective at protecting wood.
Colour: honey

Pure Tung Oil is highly resistant to water, alcohol and food acids.
Providing a hard-wearing finish, it is ideal for surfaces such as kitchen countertops, tables and all high quality wood interiors.
Pure tung oil without desiccants is a natural, non-toxic product that can be used on toys and food contact items such as salad bowls, etc.
It is recommended to use on oak outside.

– Pure natural premium oil for wood care;
– Ideal for surfaces in contact with food – kitchen worktops, cutting boards and salad bowls;
– Provides a durable matte finish
– Resistant to water, heat and alcohol;
– approved by EN 71 – safe for toys;
– Suitable for indoor and outdoor use;
– Recommended for exterior oak.
Pure tung oil forms a strong, all-natural oil coating that seals in water and is completely unaffected by alcohol or acetone.
It penetrates deep into the pores of the wood, sealing the surface and creating a smooth satin sheen.

Tung oil is ready to use.
Apply tung oil with a brush or lint-free cotton cloth.
For ease of application, dilute the first one or two coats with mineral spirits up to 50%.
Let the tung oil penetrate for 20-30 minutes, then wipe off excess oil with a clean, lint-free cloth.
Let dry for 24 hours between coats.
Apply subsequent coats of tung oil as above, reducing the amount of white spirit used for subsequent coats.
Let dry again for 24 hours.
Apply a final one or two coats of tung oil undiluted as in previous cases.
After applying the last coat and removing excess, leave for 24 hours and wipe again to speed drying and remove any oil that may have built up on the surface.
We recommend a minimum of 4 coats; porous or external surfaces will require more coats.
For best results, gently wipe Liberon Ultra Fine Steel Wool (0000) between coats.

The traditional technique for applying pure tung oil is to dilute the oil 1:1 with a thinner and then apply a series of very thin films with a soft, lint-free cloth such as a cotton T-shirt.
Thinners range from traditional turpentine spirits to any new citrus based thinners to naphtha.
The choice of thinner should be guided by how quickly the coating needs to set, naphtha is well suited for spray application in well ventilated studios.
Primary coats can be applied at a 1:1 ratio of oil to thinner, and subsequent coats, if not absorbed by the wood, at higher solvent to oil concentrations.
This technique allows you to get the deepest color of the wood, while maintaining a matte finish.
Tung oil coatings that start with polymerized oils or tung oil preparations are best applied on a fat-over-lean basis: diluted pure oil is applied to penetrate deep into the surface and fill in pores.
The straight oil is then applied sparingly so that it adheres to the surface and provides a good base for the thick glossy coats.
The polymerized oil is then applied thickly in a single coat, allowed to dry completely, polished to a smooth finish with very fine sandpaper and steel wool 0000.
The surface is wiped with a damp cloth and allowed to dry.
The last layer is applied in a rather thick layer (the oil turns into a glassy coating) and left to dry for two to three days.
Rags soaked in tung oil may spontaneously ignite (catch fire).

This penetrating tung oil creates a beautiful surface that is rubbed by hand.
Tungoel provides a durable water and alcohol resistant oil coating that will not crack, flake or flake.

Is tung oil a dangerous choice for those with nut allergies?
Tung nuts are actually seeds inside the fruit of the tung tree.
They fall into a category called “drupes”, which also includes other fleshy fruits surrounding the “pit” or shelled seeds, such as cherries, plums, peaches, and even almonds and pecans.
It is not unusual for a person who is allergic to tree nuts to tolerate the use of drupes very well.
By the way, peanuts are technically a legume.
Even if you can’t eat peanut butter, you can safely enjoy coconut, peaches, pistachios, and yes, even tung nuts and the resulting butter.

What is tung oil?
Originating in China and South America, tung oil – an extract from the nuts of the tung tree – is a natural drying oil that coats your fine wood furniture in a sheer, wet finish.
Tung oil enhances the color of your wood, provides excellent protection, and is environmentally friendly.

Pure tung oil vs linseed oil:
Among natural finishing materials, tung oil surpasses shellac and linseed oil in terms of hardness, strength and water resistance.
After aging, it is also food safe.

How many coats of tung oil should I use?
Although tung oil has many benefits, pure tung oil hardens in two to three days and requires at least five coats.
Oil/lacquer blends and wiping varnishes are more practical options that dry faster, but such terms are rarely found on labels.

Is tung oil safe, non-toxic, environmentally friendly?
Yes. In its pure form, tung oils are completely non-toxic, environmentally friendly and food safe.
However, many of the finishing materials sold under the “tung oil” label are not pure tung oil.

What are the most common uses for tung oil?
Tung oil is commonly used as a wood finish for furniture, floors, and boat decks.
Tung oil is especially useful for lighter woods such as maple and ash, as it dries clear and does not turn yellow with age.

Is tung oil waterproof?
Although tung oil does not have the water resistance of lacquer, lacquer, or urethane, it is more water resistant than other oil coatings such as linseed oil.

Can tung oil be used on cutting boards?
Yes – tung oil is an extremely popular finishing material for wood cutting boards and wood kitchen utensils.
Tung oil is non-toxic and food safe.

How to maintain the tung oil coating?
Re-oiling when the finish appears dry, which will depend on wood type, temperature and humidity.
Scratches and dents can be sanded out with fine grit sandpaper or steel wool.

Is tung oil suitable for wooden furniture?
Tung oil is a great finish for those looking for a more precise look and the ability to feel the texture of wood.
In this case, a hard coating such as lacquer or lacquer would be a poor choice.
Tung oil is also environmentally friendly, food safe and non-toxic, and it does not turn yellow with age.

What is the difference between linseed and tung oils?
Both linseed oil and tung oil – in their purest form – are non-toxic, environmentally friendly and food safe.
Linseed oil and tung oil are vegetable-based oil finishes that penetrate and saturate the wood structure.
Here are some key differences between linseed oil and tung oil:
– Linseed oil has a slight yellow tint, while tung oil becomes clear when dry.
– Tung oil creates a harder and more durable surface than linseed oil.
– Tung oil is more water resistant than linseed oil.
– Raw linseed oil takes much longer to solidify than pure tung oil.
– Tung oil is usually more expensive than linseed oil.

Application tool: cloth or brush.
Re-coat: after 24 hours.
Drying time: 5-10 minutes before polishing.
Clean up: mineral spirits or paint thinner in accordance with the manufacturer’s safety instructions.
Coverage: 125-150 sq. Feet per qt
Coat: 2 or 3
Recommended use: furniture, antiques, woodwork, cabinets, doors, upholstery, accessories.
Tung is a dark brown oil.
This is why tungoel is especially used in the garden for wooden garden furniture, shutters, etc.

Let’s dive into the tung oil guide and find out what the difference is between tung oil and hemp oil.
Unpolymerized tung oil is easy to use, not as easy as hemp oil, however each product has its pros and cons.
While hemp oil is easier to apply due to its naturally thin consistency, which makes it spread very quickly, it takes longer to dry, so it won’t become tacky or sticky if the project is left for several hours.
It’s easy to brush, wash or wash, and tung oil’s sensitivity to hemp oil’s dry time is better for beginner finishers.

100% pure tung oil:
Tung oil is a finishing product that provides a durable, flexible and water resistant finish.
It is classified as a drying oil along with linseed, poppy, safflower, walnut, soy, oitici and some other oils.
Although tung oil is relatively new to the Western world, it has been known to the Chinese for centuries, and until this century, China was the main source of this oil.
It is obtained from the seeds of tungs, Aleurites fordii and Aleurites montana, deciduous trees very sensitive to frost.
This vulnerability has limited the cultivation of tung trees in China and South America.
Tung oil has been widely used in China: in construction for processing both stone and wooden structures; in marine trades as a preservative and water repellent on wooden boats.
It is said that he was introduced to the West by Marco Polo. 13 to 19century tung oil in the West was used to a limited extent.
In the 19th century, paint manufacturers used it as a main ingredient in paints and varnishes.
Recently, tung oil has taken precedence over linseed oil for furniture finishing as it dries faster and does not darken as much with age.

Features and characteristics:
Pure tung oil is resistant to water and alkalis.
Scratch resistant, elastic and unlikely.
Tung oil quickly forms and strengthens the surface of the wood.
This oil has been heat treated to prevent premature gelation.
However, it should be stored in an airtight container with minimal air space and not left open for more than a couple of hours.
Tung oil is non-toxic in its heat-treated pure form.

The wood should be free of loose particles and absolutely smooth, as a finish with China wood oil can exacerbate scratches or sanding marks.
The surface should be dusted to remove all loose particles.
Since tung oil can lift the grain of the wood, you should dampen the surface so that the ends of the fibers stand on end, and once dry, use sandpaper or steel wool to remove them before oiling.
Alternatively, you can lightly sand the first coat before applying the second.
Any filling, sealing or painting must be done prior to applying Chinese wood oil.
The first coat should be copious and you can rub it over the wood with your hand, a soft cloth, or a #000 steel wool (#0000 is badly damaged).
Wait 5-10 minutes for the oil to soak in, then wipe off excess with a clean, soft cloth or steel wool.
After about half an hour, check for leaks and wipe that off too.
Let dry completely (24 to 48 hours) between coats.
For wood with very open pores, let it dry for 24 hours.
The number of layers of Chinese wood oil will be determined by the intended use of the part.
For decorative work, lining and modeling, two to four layers are enough.
Surfaces that require moderate use or treatment will require about six coats.
Frequently used surfaces such as countertops should be applied in ten or more coats for maximum protection, plus a light resurfacing coat a couple of times a year, renovating and building coats are quickly applied with steel wool.
The result is a surface that will withstand heavy use and spills; water will drip on the surface.
Pure tung oil is recommended for kitchen countertops, cutting blocks and cutting boards, and similar uses.
Chinese wood oil is non-toxic, so it is especially suitable for children’s toys and furniture.
Tung oil provides good protection for wood paneling and moldings.
The matte finish of pure tung oil will work well for some furniture, but if a glossy finish is preferred, you will need to wax and wax or use a polymerized tung oil or tung oil based product.
By itself, pure tung oil will not give good results on steps, floors, or outdoors, and for these uses, Chinese wood oil is usually mixed with a high-quality varnish to provide highly effective protection.
We recommend that you continue reading and testing mixtures for these purposes.
Tung oil can be dyed with excellent results and the oil will improve the adhesive properties of the paint.
We have found that tung oil is a valuable help in the workshop.
Tung oil adheres very well to metal, and a light coat applied to tool steel is an effective corrosion inhibitor.
Wooden handles would also benefit from the occasional coat.

Appearance: liquid
Physical state: liquid
Smell: solvent odor
Threshold: N.E.
Relative density: 0.910
pH: N.A.
Freezing point, °C: N.D.
Viscosity: N.D.
Solubility in water: no
Partition coefficient, n-octanol / water: H.
Decomposition temperature, °C: N.D.
Boiling range, ° C: 100 – 316
Explosive limits, vol.%: 1.0 – 6.0
Flammability: supports combustion
Flash point, ° C: 41
Evaporation rate: slower than ether
Auto-ignition temperature, °C: N. D.
Vapor density: heavier than air
Steam pressure: N.D.

For centuries, tung oil has been considered the best of oil coatings.
Tung oil forms a tough, hard surface that is completely waterproof, abrasion resistant and non-toxic.
The tung oil penetrates into the wood fibres, improving grain and colour.
Tungoel does not turn yellow like linseed oil.
Masters revere tung oil for its warm appearance.
Masters Blend Tung has a light honey color and a nutty aroma.
Tung oil is non-toxic and environmentally friendly.
There are many products on the shelves that are called “Tung Oil Finishing Oil”.
Usually these are standard varnishes thinned with a cheaper petroleum solvent.
Many of them do not contain tung oil. That’s why our product is called “100% Pure”.
Tung oil is the easiest to repair.
Simply wipe the damaged area with 0000 steel wool and apply more tung oil.

Pure Tung Oil is a pure, natural, non-toxic, solvent-free oil.
Tung oil penetrates well into all types of wood without leaving a film, and the special properties of tung oil make it very resistant to water, alcohol and food.
Tung oil contains no additives and is safe for food contact.
Tango oil forms a hardwearing coating, making it suitable for kitchen countertops, cutting boards and interior woodwork.

tung oil
CAS Number: 8001-20-5
Color (Gardner) <87-8
Specific gravity (20/4) 0.936 ~ 0.939 50.9384
Refractive index (20) 1.5170 ~ 1.52201.5203 ​​
Iodine number (g / 100g) 163 ~ 173 167
Saponification value (mg/g) 190 ~ 195 19 1.8
Moisture and impurities <0.3% 0.021
Free fatty acid (%) <31.5
Warstall Heat Test <7.5 min 4'48''
Tung Oil Beta Test Model
Negative (no crystallization) Negative (no crystallization)
Other Name:
Eineks 232-272-3
Tung oil [oil, other]
Range of application: adults and the elderly
Quality Standard: Reagent Grade
Density: 0. 937 g/ml at 25°C (lit.)
Refractive index: n20 / D 1.52 (lit.)
Flash Point: >230°F
Storage: 2-8°C

Tung oil:
Tung oil or Chinese wood oil is a drying oil obtained by pressing the seeds of the nut of the tung tree (Vernicia fordii).
Like drying oil, tung oil hardens (dries) in the air.
The resulting coating is transparent and plastic-like, a property used in most Tungoel applications, including wood finishing and formulation of oil paints and printing inks.
When applied in many thin coats to wood, the tung oil slowly hardens to a satiny “wet wood” look with a slight golden hue.
Chinese wood oil resists liquid water better than any other pure oil finish, although it still offers little protection from vapor exchange or scratches.
Tung oil does not darken noticeably with age and is less susceptible to mold than linseed oil.

Storage location:
Given the tendency of tung oil to gel, pure tung oil should never be left exposed for more than a couple of hours.
It will keep indefinitely in an airtight container that protects the Chinese wood oil from light and extreme temperatures.
Remember to dispose of the oiled rag quickly and safely.

At Lee Valley, we have come to the conclusion that tung oil is the best natural oil for surface finishing.
Although we guarantee the highest quality of the drug, its correct use and application does not depend on the manufacturer and seller.
No guarantees are given regarding the results of using this product.
Tung oil can be applied neat (no additives) if a non-toxic finish is required, if not needed, you can speed up the drying process and greatly improve penetration by cutting off the first coat of Chinese wood oil with mineral spirits by 50%.
Remember: pure tung oil becomes toxic when these substances are mixed with Chinese wood oil, although the resulting finish is not toxic because the desiccants evaporate.

Fire hazard:
When using tung oil with this product, materials such as a rag or steel wool may start to burn on their own.
After using the Tungoel, place the rags in water or lay them out to dry and then discard.
Keep tung oil out of the reach of children.

Choosing the right type of tung oil finish:
Penetrating varnishes with tung oil come in three types: pure tung oil, mixtures of oil and varnish, and wiping varnish.
They all share the benefits of tung oil for finishing—durability, water resistance, elastic hardness, and color stability—depending on how much oil they actually contain and what shape it takes.

Tung oil is used to protect wood surfaces and give them a stunning natural look.
Tung oil is a clear and quick drying oil, ideal for kitchen countertops and food preparation surfaces as Chinese wood oil is wear resistant and non-toxic when dry.
Tungoel is highly resistant to water, heat, alcohol and food acids, China Wood Oil is suitable for use on a variety of wood surfaces.
Various quantities of Chinese wood oil are available.

Pure tung oil:
Pure tung oil is easy to identify because it contains no solvents.
This may be good in terms of limiting your VOC exposure, but applying tung oil is a complex and lengthy process.
You must wait at least two to three days for each layer to harden.
And to obtain a protective film, five to seven layers are required.
Rushing or applying too thick a layer causes wrinkling that needs to be sanded down.
Regular reapplication is a must – “once a week for a month, once a month for a year, once a year thereafter” as the saying goes.
Results can be great from using tung oil if you have the necessary patience.

How to use:
Make sure the wood surface is not overcoated.
Remove wax with Wax and Polish Remover and remove any varnish with Fine Wood Stripper.
Clean, dry and make sure there is no dust on the surface.

Pure Tung Oil is water and alkali resistant, providing a protective barrier.
The pure tung oil based coating will not darken over time like other coatings.
Tung oil is resistant to damage, penetrates well, remains supple and unlikely.
Tung oil builds up quickly, strengthens the wood surface and leaves a matte finish.
Pure Tung Oil does not mold or bleed like linseed oil when dry, making it an excellent candidate for exterior finishes.
Tungoel should be stored in an airtight container with minimal air space.
Pure tung oil is free of thinners and desiccants and has a slight nutty odor.
The Pure Tung il finish blended with Citrus Solvent is an all natural organic finish that is environmentally friendly and food safe.

Ready to use, apply Pure Tung Oil with a brush or lint-free cotton cloth.
For ease of application, dilute the first one or two coats with mineral spirits up to 50%.
Let the tung oil penetrate for 20-30 minutes, then wipe off excess oil with a clean, lint-free cloth.
Let dry for 24 hours between coats.
Apply subsequent coats of Pure Tung Oil as above, reducing the amount of white spirit used for subsequent coats, again allowing to dry for 24 hours.
Apply a final one or two coats of pure tung oil undiluted as in previous cases.
After applying the last coat and removing excess, leave for 24 hours and wipe again to speed drying and remove any oil that may have built up on the surface.
We recommend a minimum of four coats, porous or external surfaces will require more coats.
For best results, gently rub Ultra Fine Steel Wool (Grade 0000) between coats.
Leave for a few days before use to allow Pure Tung Oil to dry completely.
Furniture can be treated with Black Bison Wax to improve shine.

Tung Oil finishes bring out the natural colors of the wood.
The wet surface will be an indication of the final color.
Always test the product on a free surface or inconspicuous area for color, compatibility and end result.

Cleaning and care:
Pure tung oil needs to be maintained regularly.
Apply at least once or twice a year or more often if required depending on weather conditions and use.
On unprotected exterior wood with tung oil, it is important to apply a sufficient amount of tung oil to provide initial protection.

Pure tung oil is extracted from nuts and can cause an allergic reaction.
Store pure tung oil above 5°C.
Always replace the cap, otherwise the oil may deteriorate.
Greasy wipes may self-ignite.
Do not leave impregnated wipes in packs.
Before throwing away the rags, lay them out in the open air to dry in order to prevent fire.
If excess is not removed and surface becomes tacky, wipe with mineral spirits to remove tack and allow to dry before proceeding.

Application method: brush
Colour: transparent
Dry to the touch (min.): 30
Interior paint and stains Product type: Oil / conditioner
Interior / Exterior: Interior
Recommended number of layers: 2
Packing Quantity: 1
Drawing Tool Product Type: Interior Paint/Stain
Paint / stain cleaning: mineral spirits
Paint/stain features: no additional features
Release form: Liquid
Base condition: bare wood, finished wood, raw wood
Time to overlap (hours): 25
Transparency: transparent
Vertical / Horizontal: Vertical / Horizontal
Wood oil type: Dong

Tung Oil Polyurethane is a deep penetrating hardwearing clear wood finish designed primarily for hardwood floors where a traditional subdued sheen is required.

Where to use:
Use tung oil on wood floors and most interior wood products such as built-in furniture, baseboards and panelling.

Oil/lacquer blends and wipe polishes:
Oil/varnish blends and wiping varnishes have been created to speed up drying time and make application less difficult.
Both types do this by adding artificial resins and solvents to keep those resins in solution.
If you see “contains petroleum distillates” on the label, then it’s one of those finishes.
The difference between these two is subtle.
Mixtures consist of oil (or oils) mixed with varnish.
Wipe polishes are exactly what the name suggests, straight polishes that have been diluted enough to be wiped down with a cloth.
All oils in the lacquer are bound by resin.
Unfortunately, the terms “oil/lacquer blend” and “wiper polish” are rarely used by manufacturers to describe their tung oil products.
The easiest way to tell them apart is to read the instructions for use.
If they say wait a certain number of minutes after applying polish and then wipe off or polish off the excess, it’s a mixture.
If the instructions don’t call for a second wipe, then it’s a wiping polish that dries smoothly and firmly on its own.

Tung oil protects, nourishes and beautifies wood like no other finishing product available.
Pure tung oil is an ideal choice for those who prepare food because it is an eco-friendly, green, natural product with no additives.
It is known for the durability, wear resistance and ease of repair of Lumbang Oils.
Tung oil is impervious to water and most other liquids.
Unlike many natural oils, it is immune to mold, will not darken with age, or go rancid.
Like all oils, tung oil is flexible, so it moves easily with the natural seasonal expansion and contraction of the wood.
Like all other oils, Tung Oil is easily repaired if damaged.
Unlike most other oils and top coats in their purest form, Lumbang Oils does not contain harmful VOCs or other chemicals.
Drying oils, such as soybean oil, linseed oil, tung oil, harden to a dense hard film after more or longer exposure to air.

Tung oil suitable for:
Tung oil can be used on all types of wood (oak, beech, teak, etc.), both hardwoods and softwoods, and is 100% natural so great for those looking for an all natural oil.
Great for:
Wood for interior and exterior
Hard and soft wood
Kitchen worktops and crockery
Doors and windows
Parquet floors
Turned wood
Untreated wood and bare wood
Decking is an excellent natural decking oil

UPAC name
tung oil
Other names
Chinese wood oil
lumbang oil
tung oil paraformaldehyde
tungsten flour
CAS Number: 8001-20-5 check
ECHA InfoCard: 100.029.338
EU number: 232-272-3
Density: 0.937 g/ml at 25°C.
Refractive index: 1.52 (20°C)
Flash Point: >110°C

Tung Oil Finish will quickly and easily enhance the natural color and warmth of interior wood surfaces.
Tungoel’s quick-drying formula provides superior moisture protection and penetrates deep into painted or unfinished wood surfaces to create an authentic, hand-rubbed finish.
Tung oil will not darken with age and can be reapplied periodically to enhance the shine or to renew the shine of the wood over time.

Product name: tung oil
Other names: tung oil, tung oil price, tung oil powder, tung oil maker.
CAS NUMBER: 8001-20-5
Molecular Formula: N/A
Molecular weight: n/a
Appearance: yellow oil

Also known as Chinese tree oil, tung oil is a non-toxic, hard-drying oil that forms an elastic film that is resistant to abrasion and moisture.
Tung oil penetrates well into the wood and creates a transparent but matte surface, emphasizing the texture and color.
Tungoel is a good general purpose coating approved for food contact applications.
Chinese wood oil does not contain thinners or desiccants.

Listed fatty acids in tung oil and their concentration:
Alpha eleostearic acid: 82.0%
Linoleic acid: 8.5%
Palmitic acid: 5.5%
Oleic Acid: 4.0%

Pure Tung Oil is a premium pure natural wood care oil.
Tungoel is suitable for indoor and outdoor use and is highly resistant to water, alcohol and food acids.
Providing a hardwearing finish, Lumbang Oil is ideal for surfaces such as tables and all high quality wood furnishings.
Tungoel is recommended for oak exteriors, does not contain dryers and is safe for toys.
Chinese wood oil provides a durable matte finish.

Tung oil is sold as pure tung oil and various tung oil coatings.
The Finish variety, or any tung oil product not labeled Pure, has been polymerized, hydrolyzed, or contains additives, many of which are petroleum-based.
Everything is done to increase application speed, drying time and, in many cases, increase the manufacturer’s profit.
Many additives release VOCs (Volatile Organic Chemicals), so they are no longer environmentally friendly, environmentally friendly, and are not “food safe”.
Tung oil is derived from the seeds of the nuts of the Chinese tung tree, so if you are allergic to nuts or seeds, proceed with caution, it may not be the best choice for surfaces or utensils that will be in direct contact with food.
While there is much debate about the possibility of nut/seed allergy, there are other oil finish options where food safety is an issue.
Another popular wood finishing oil is boiled linseed oil, which has many woodworking and finishing fans.
The biggest advantage of tung oil is application speed and cost.

Pros and cons of tung oil for wood finishing:
There are many reasons why an artisan might consider using tung oil to finish wood furniture.
Tung oil is 100% natural, non-toxic and environmentally friendly and does not yellow over time as much as conventional finishes such as linseed oil, nitrocellulose lacquer or lacquers such as polyurethane.
On the other hand, tung oil is expensive and prone to water rings, stains, and scratches.

Easy to use:
Tung oil is a natural oil, recognized by craftsmen as an ideal tool for processing all precious woods, rubbed by hand; just wipe it off and let the tung oil dry at room temperature.
Unlike other finishes that form a film on the surface of the wood, tung oil penetrates deep into the wood fibres, transforms into a flexible non-oily solid and becomes part of the wood itself.
Resistant to moisture, alcohol, oil, and everyday wear for long-lasting beauty and protection; lasts many times longer than products based on mineral oil and wax.
Multipurpose use:
Amazing results on virtually any surface that tung oil can penetrate – new raw wood, aged wood, paneled wood, concrete floors and countertops, even brick, stone and cast iron.
Great for Food Contact Surfaces – Because tung oil is considered non-toxic when dry, it’s great for cutting boards, meat blocks, countertops, wooden bowls, wooden utensils, and more.

Many people think that tung oil was only introduced in 1965 when Homer Formsby launched his special tung oil formulation on the market.
While we certainly owe Formsby a lot for popularizing this incredible oil, his product was a slight reinvention of an oil first discovered in the writings of Confucius as early as 500 BC.
There is a reason why tung oil is also called Chinese tree oil.

Tung Oil Disadvantages:
Tung oil has several drawbacks.
Tung oil costs more than many other oils, it dries more slowly so it takes extra time between coats, typically takes 30-45 days to cure depending on temperature and humidity, and requires 5-8 coats to apply properly.
However, if beauty combined with functionality and durability is what you are after tung oil, it should be at the top of your list.

Proper application of tung oil and surface preparation:
Oils, unlike polyurethanes, varnishes and shellacs for clear coats, must be sanded with 320 to 400 grit sandpaper.
Surface coating will hide scratches with 180 grit sandpaper, while tung oil will accentuate them.
Therefore, when lubricating wood with oil, finer sanding is strongly recommended.

First aid – eye contact:
Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, keeping eyelids open.
Seek medical attention.
DO NOT rub or keep eyes closed.
First aid – skin contact:
Wash skin with soap and water.
Remove contaminated clothing.
Seek medical attention if irritation persists.
First Aid – Inhalation:
Take out to fresh air.
If there is no breathing, perform artificial respiration.
If breathing is difficult, give oxygen.
Seek immediate medical attention.
DO NOT use mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
If you experience difficulty breathing, get outside for some fresh air.
If the difficulty persists, seek immediate medical attention.
First Aid – Ingestion:
If swallowed seek medical attention.

Tung oil application – final coat:
The final coat of tung oil should be applied at full strength rather than sanding down the final coat.
Wax paste on wood is like wax paste on your car.
It provides minimal protection but adds depth and smoothness to your wood project.
Avoid using waxes with silicone additives.
Silicone adds a slippery texture that feels good to the touch, but ruins paintwork and becomes an indispensable removal tool if you ever decide to touch up or polish your project.

Tung oil repair:
Clean the damaged area, apply undiluted pure tung oil to a soft cotton cloth and wipe it.
If the tung oil is absorbed, quickly apply some more and repeat until the moisture remains for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, lightly lubricating the elbows, rub the tung oil into the damaged area for several minutes.
Erase the excess and you’re done.

Tung oil disposal:
Greasy rags are volatile and should be air dried.
Rags have been known to spontaneously ignite when folded into a shelter container.

Product description:
Mohawk tung oil (modified) is a proprietary blend of non-degradable tung oil and polymerized alkyd resin in a solvent system.
Recognized as quick-drying, hard, resistant to water, acids, alkalis and mildew.
One of the most persistent natural oils is tungoel.
Tung oil preserves the natural color of the wood.
Scratches on the surface of the tung oil finish can be removed with a small amount of tung oil.

Tung oil – dry or hardened:
Tung oil dries in a few days and can be used in moderate conditions.
Tung oil does not completely harden and does not harden for 30-45 days.

Tung oil is a plant-based oil used for wood finishing.
It is transparent, dries quickly and penetrates the structure of the fibers, strengthening and protecting the wood.
Tung oil is one of the oldest and most popular wood finishing materials in the world and is obtained from the seeds of the tung tree in East Asia.
Tung oil has become a staple among fine furniture makers in the United States and beyond.
Tung oil is environmentally friendly, non-toxic and food safe.
Vermont Furniture Designs uses tung oil on maple furniture as an alternative to linseed oil.
Due to the dense texture of maple, linseed oil does not penetrate well and can lead to stains.
Tung oil has no problem penetrating thick maple fibers, and because it dries transparently, it’s great for finishing light-colored woods.
Upon request, tung oil can also be ordered as a finish for cherry and walnut.

As with linseed oil, it is hard to find furniture made from raw or 100% pure tung oil. Many artisans use boiled or polymerized tung oil, and manufacturers also often mistakenly label products as tung oil when they are not. If you’re interested in a tung oil finish, it’s worth doing some digging to understand exactly what kind of finish is used and what it’s made of.

What you need to have on hand before starting:
New Wood
Old wood or damaged wood surfaces – 3 degrees and power sander
Adhesive cloth
Rubber gloves
Pure Tung Oil
Thinner: white spirit or environmentally friendly citrus based thinner.
Suitable mixing container
Clean rag to remove excess
Mineral spirits

Tung oil handling:
Wash thoroughly after work.
Wash your hands before eating.
Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse.
Use with adequate ventilation.
Observe all safety data sheet (SDS) and label precautions, even after emptying the container, as product residue may remain in the container.
Avoid breathing vapours, fumes or mist.
Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing.

Tung oil storage:
Store tung oil in a dry, well-ventilated place.
Keep container tightly closed when not in use.
Keep containers tightly closed.
Isolate from heat, electrical equipment, sparks and open flames.
Avoid excessive heat.

Tung oil also prevents corrosion of metals and stones.
Tung oil properties:
100% pure tung oil
Keeps the color of natural wood
Alcohol resistant
Matte to satin matte finish
Ideal for food preparation surfaces

Quality level: 100
form: liquid
eleostearic acid ester, 80%
esters of linolenic, 9,12-linoleic, oleic, stearic and palmitic acids, 20%
gel time: 12 min.
Color: Gardner: ≤12
refractive index: n20 / D 1.52 (lit.)
acid number: ≤6.9 mg KOH/g
iodine number:> 220
saponification index: 189‑195 mg KOH / g
density: 0.937 g / ml at 25 ° C (lit.)

Tung oil positives:
VOC Free (Pure Tung Oil)
All natural, non-toxic and eco-friendly
Food safe
Does not turn yellow over time
Easy to apply
Easy to repair dents and scratches
Moderately water resistant

Tung oil downsides:
Susceptible to water and stains (although more resistant to liquids than linseed oil)
Susceptible to scratches (although more durable than linseed oil)
The cost is usually higher than for linseed oil.
Usually up to 5 coats are required to achieve a more pleasing satin sheen.

Old Masters offers a comprehensive line of wood care products to enhance or protect all of your fine wood finishes.
The use of old master wood care products ensures that these precious pieces will retain their beauty forever.

Specific gravity at 25 °C – approx. 0.9320
Refractive index at 25°C – 1.5165 – 1.5200
Free fatty acid [%] – max. 2.5
Iodine number [Wijs] – min. 158
Color [Gardner] – max. 9
Humidity [%] – max. 0.2

Tung oil is an important raw material for modern varnish production, and its unique properties make it indispensable for some types of varnishes.
Until relatively recently, China met the world demand for tung oil and is expected to continue to be the main source for the next few years.
The oil is obtained from two types of silt, Fordii and montana, of which the former is the main source.
Wilson, a naturalist from western China, in 1915, having studied the types of silts, decided the question of the true origin of tung oil.
A. fordii lives mainly in western and central China, while A. montana lives further south.
Tung oil, also called Chinese tree oil, was known outside of China around 1760.

When using pure tung oil you need several coats, it is very important that you thin each coat with the first coat being the thinnest (I recommend 70% thinner).
Each successive layer should be thicker (less diluted) and the last layer should be the thickest.
The diluent should be an organic solvent, based on carbon, such as turpentine, mineral spirits, or the newfangled “citrus thinner”.

Tung oil is glossy, slightly yellowish, weather resistant and has good drying properties.
1 liter of Tunoel covers about 20 square yards.
A layer of tung oil varnish dries within 2 hours, hardens in 8 hours and can be repainted every other day.
Tungoel is applied with a brush or spray gun (special precautions: tung oil is considered toxic!).
Four coats are recommended for outdoor use, two coats are usually sufficient for indoor use.
Tung oil lacquer is highly resistant to scratches and abrasion, and is also UV resistant, so it is used in ocean water or at high altitudes, and on high traffic stairs and hardwood floors.
Dyes can be added: 60 grams of pigment per liter does not damage the paint film, and store-bought oil paints can be added up to approx.
ten%. Tung oil varnish is used straight from the can.
Forms: liquid
Solubility in water: soluble.

Tung oil can be used to finish wood and is widely used as a drying agent in varnishes and paints.
Pure Tung Oil is also the most effective sealant for concrete roofs, floors, slate/stone, terracotta, mudbrick (adobe) and similar structures.
Tung oil finish is more suitable for indoor or outdoor/protected use than for a fully exposed appearance due to lack of UV resistance.

The name is often used by paints and varnishes as a generic name for any wood finishing product that contains real tung oil and/or provides a finish that resembles that obtained with it.

Where to use:
Since tung oil penetrates into the wood surface, it should be used on raw/bare wood, surfaces that have had old finishes removed, or since milk paint is also porous, tung oil can also be used on milk stained furniture.

Tung oil is obtained from the seeds of several silt species, primarily Aleurites fordii, a deciduous shade tree native to China.
Tungoel belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family along with the walnut tree (A. molucanna), another species with seeds rich in unsaturated oils.
For centuries, tung oil has been used for paints and waterproof coatings, and as a component in sealants and mortar.
Tungoel is part of Indian Ink and is commonly used to add shine to wood.
In fact, the “teak oil” sold for fine furniture is usually refined tung oil.
Tung oil is considered by some wood craftsmen to be one of the best natural materials for wood finishing.

Use of pure tung oil – correct:
Tung oil can be applied with a natural bristle brush, foam sponge or a clean cotton cloth.
If you are using a cotton swatch, fold it into a pillow so there are no cut edges with threads hanging down touching your surface.
Start with the hardest to reach places to avoid contact later in the app.
Apply to the grain of the wood.
The purpose of the first layer is to impregnate the wood as deeply as possible.
Apply a generous but controlled amount of tung oil to the applicator, especially the first few coats.
The surface should look very damp, but without puddles.
The diluted oil should be absorbed quickly enough to dry the wood.
Old and reclaimed wood will devour it like a camel in dessert.
All areas should look wet, but if there are puddles on them, spread them out or wipe them off.
On the other hand, if your wood is drawing in your product, reapply over and over, keeping the surface damp (but not puddle) with oil for the next 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, the wood should be soaked with oil and the excess removed.
Observe for the next few hours, and if any excess oil has come to the surface, wipe it off.
Let dry before applying the next layer.
Reapplication time is a tung oil trap.
As mentioned earlier, there is no more beautiful wood surface finish than tung oil.
There is a trade-off, and that trade-off is drying time and layering.
The lacquer can be reapplied within minutes, and the entire multi-layer project is completed in less than a day.
But the look of a lacquer finish can’t compare to a properly done tung oil finish.
After the first and subsequent applications, you must wait 2-7 days before sanding and reapplying.
Waiting time depends on the drying speed of the surface.
This is a factor dependent on temperature, humidity and coat thickness.
Since the first layers have been thinned, they dry much faster.
If your project takes 10-45 days to complete but you still want an appearance close to pure tung oil, you can switch to a final product based on polymerized tung oil (not pure tung oil) or boiled linseed oil. both significantly reduce finishing time.
The polymerized tung oil has been heat treated and additives have been added to speed up the drying time.
The flip side of speed is appearance.
Pure tung oil gives a deep, rich, matte finish.
Tung oil really brings out the grain pattern and adds depth to the surface of your wood.
Polymerization produces a shinier, more reflective surface.
Recoating with tung oil – sanding between coats
Typically the drying time is 2 to 7 days before recoating.
You can check if the surface is ready for recoating by lightly sanding a small area with 400-600 grit sandpaper.
If fine white dust is formed during grinding, you can go.
If, on the other hand, it becomes sticky and clogs your paper, then the surface is not dry enough to recoat.
Between coats, just before applying the next coat, sand very lightly in the direction of the grain.
Use 400-600 grit sandpaper or a gray pad.

Which wood oil to choose?

Wood processingchoice of oil for wood, types of oils for wood, Mineral oil, Linseed oil, Coconut oil, Tung oil, Teak oilAKRILGERMET. RU

Building materials, prefabricated structures, kitchen utensils and furnishings made from natural untreated wood must be coated with special protective compounds, otherwise they will not last long. For many years, a simple and reliable method has been used – this is the treatment of wood with oil. But modern industry produces so many varieties of oils and impregnations with oils in the composition that it is easy to get confused in them. But there are also 100% edible vegetable oils, such as sunflower, linseed … Maybe they are somehow better, more authentic? Still, which oil to choose for wood processing?

Let’s try to figure out what criteria to choose wood oil in each case.

Classification of wood oils.

Oils for treating and impregnating wood can be classified according to the following criteria:

  1. Purpose – for outdoor or indoor use, for which types of wood, only for protection or even to give a shade.
  2. Composition – natural or synthetic, how many additives are in it.
  3. Drying ability.

Treat with an oily protective coating:

  • Wood products used for cooking: kitchen boards, spatulas, spoons, bowls, etc.
  • Wooden furniture and household items that must be safe: cribs, wooden toys.
  • Wooden surfaces to protect against moisture, abrasion and pests.

Therefore, the composition of impregnations varies from completely vegetable to chemical – from an industrial laboratory.

First ingested and in contact with the skin safe, and when working with some synthetic oils, it is necessary to wear a protective mask. The manufacturer indicates the precautions for handling the product on the label.

100% off-the-table vegetable oils and industrial safe quality impregnations are used to process products used for cooking.

All natural vegetable oils dry out (polymerize) slowly – about a week or even longer. Therefore, in construction and repair, ready-made industrial compounds are more often used. They dry out in a few hours.

The content of natural oils and other ingredients in them varies depending on the tasks: protection from moisture, pests, shine, etc.

Natural oils harden at different times. Sunflower polymerizes longer than others, it is sometimes called semi-drying. And there are oils that do not dry out at all, such as castor oil.

Popular interior and exterior oils:

  • mineral;
  • linen;
  • wood;
  • coconut;
  • made of several components.

Mineral oil

Mineral wood oil has the following characteristics:

  • easy to apply;
  • is colorless on its own, but together with various additives gives the surface a certain shade;
  • tasteless and odorless;
  • has high protective properties;
  • dries quickly;
  • can be combined with other finishes.

This synthetic oil is a product of petroleum processing, but it is already so familiar to humans and used in various areas of life (cosmetology, food industry, medicine) that there have been no complaints about its origin for a long time. Accordingly, it can be food and non-food.

The most famous is vaseline and vaseline oil based on it. True, it does not dry out and is used mainly as a lubricant, and not for wood processing.

Wooden kitchen utensils, countertops, furniture are in most cases coated by the manufacturer with mineral oil for food use. Finding such an oil for sale is not difficult: in construction stores there is a large selection of mineral oils for all types of finishing work.

Linseed oil

Since ancient times, wooden products have been treated with linseed oil.

This oil has one of the best protective characteristics, not only against external environmental influences, but also against pests. Plus, it gives the tree a beautiful noble shade, does not require heating before application, although this is not forbidden.

The only unpleasant moment in working with linseed oil is a specific smell that does not go away for a long time even after grinding and washing the product.

Coconut oil

Exotic coconut oil is unusual for a Russian person to process wood, but it is worth looking at it. If only because it has a pleasant tasty smell, gives the product a strong shine and, judging by the reviews, it practically does not go rancid, so coconut oil can be recommended primarily for kitchen utensils.

Do you want to get rid of the smell of linseed oil after impregnating wood with it? Treat the product with another layer of coconut oil.

Whether the oil is suitable for processing any wood is unknown. The practice of its application is still small, not least due to the fact that coconut oil for wood is very difficult to find on sale.

Tung oil

Another exotic but proven product for thousands of years. Tung (or wood) oil was used to treat wood in ancient China. The main advantage is that it gives the products increased strength. Therefore, tung oil is ideal for outdoor work and treatment of large surfaces: walls, floors, doors, but can also be used for small kitchen items.

Teak oil

Teak oil is a mixture of oils (linseed, tung, soybean) and other components to protect the surface of furniture made of precious and ordinary woods for interior and exterior use. It has a deep penetrating power and is recommended for the protection of wooden parts of marine vessels above the waterline. Outstanding wear resistance and UV resistance.
Ideal for exotic woods such as teak, rosewood or mahogany. Smooth pouring, leaves no brush marks.
Excellent for marine use above the waterline.
For interior and exterior use, will not crack, flake or peel. Teak oil in solvent for manual application is formulated for indoor and outdoor wood finishes, furniture, panelling, and marine use.


Spray Lacquer food safe?

Is the spray varnish food safe? As long as you don’t eat or drink finish, it’s food safe! For those items that will not be susceptible to damage from food processing utensils, film coatings such as polyurethane, lacquer, “lacquer” or even shellac can be used, such as on serving plates.

Which varnish is food safe? Typical clear wood finishes that dry to a hard film, including polyurethane, are considered food safe under FDA regulations. Wait until the coating is completely dry before using the surface and clean it before allowing it to come into contact with food. However, you will have no problem applying polyurethane over shellac.

Is the lacquer poisonous? Lacquer is a clear or colored finish (called lacquer) that is often used to give wood surfaces a glossy finish. Varnish is dangerous to swallow. Inhalation of vapors for a long period is also harmful.

Which clear coat is food safe? Shellac, derived from Indian lac beetles, is a common food finish.

Is food grade nitrocellulose varnish safe?

Nitrocellulose (like shellac) is on the FDA GRAS (generally recognized as safe) list as both a packaging and food ingredient, so it is not only in the “all clear dried coatings are safe” category, but in a much smaller group of things, obviously approved for food and even consumption.

Is the varnish waterproof?

Polyurethane, lacquer and lacquer are proven sealants with excellent waterproofing properties. They are either applied with a brush or sprayed onto clean, sanded wood and then allowed to dry completely before the piece is lightly re-sanded and recoated.

How long does the lacquer smell last?

You may still smell a slight smell of varnish in the house for ~ 24 hours.

Why does the varnish smell so bad?

The smell of your new furniture can be caused by varnish or a cocktail of unpleasant chemicals. When chemicals evaporate from furniture, they release a strong, unpleasant odor known as outgassing.

How long does it take for the varnish to leave the gas?

Most coatings are fully cured in 30-40 days, but in enclosed spaces (eg inside boxes) the gases released can certainly linger for some time longer. They should wait 30 days and use Simple Green to clear the crates. If there are lights nearby, change the bulbs as well.

Is tung oil edible?

Among natural finishing materials, tung oil surpasses shellac and linseed oil in terms of hardness, durability and water resistance. It is also food safe once cured.

Is Krylon food safe?

The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) clearly states “Do not ingest.” Also, Krylon Triple Thick Glaze does not perform well in wet environments. I am inclined to believe that Krylon Triple Thick frosting is not food safe.

Is rustoleum clear coating food safe?

Non-abrasive • Food safe • Neutral pH safe on all surfaces

Food grade paint available?

Fakolith FoodGrade paints and varnishes are coatings that have been extensively tested and certified for direct, indirect and incidental contact with food, beverages and drinking water in accordance with European regulation EU 10/2011 and/or US FDA regulation 21 CFR 175.300, and also with all its subsequent modifications.

Is Watco varnish food safe?

Home/ watco/ Butcher Block Oils & Finish WATCO® Chopping Block Oil WATCO® Chopping Block Oil & Finish provides easy and safe maintenance of wood carving blocks, cutting boards, salad bowls and items with a coating that is safe for food products.

Is nitrocellulose poisonous?

Summary of mammalian toxicity. Nitrocellulose is considered non-toxic because the only effects observed in mammalian oral toxicity studies (including chronic and multigenerational studies) were increased feed intake, reduced weight gain, and intestinal blockage.

Is clear acrylic lacquer toxic?

Oil- or synthetic-based stains with acrylic or urethane binders may contain harmful chemicals and release high levels of VOCs. These stains are more water resistant than water-based stains and are most commonly used outdoors.

Can varnish be used as a sealant?

If you ever use sanding sealant, you will be spoiled and will not want to go back to using varnish as a sealant. Someone has to protect sanding sealants, so I will. Personally, I would never design a finish system using a top coat as a sealant, especially in high performance mode.

What is the application of varnish?

Varnish Thinner can easily soften and thin paint that is difficult to remove as it hardens and flakes off on smooth surfaces. Some of them can be used to remove cement and plastic residues. These thinners can also be used on natural fiber garments to remove lacquer and paint stains.

Is the varnish suitable for outdoor use?

Some of the finishes to avoid when working outdoors are wax, shellac, lacquer and interior finishes. All of them serve well indoors, but will quickly break if taken outside.

How long does it take for the varnish to dry completely?

Varnishes do not require additional molecules to become hard; once the solvent evaporates, the resins solidify. That’s why varnishes dry so quickly – within 5-10 minutes – and why the repeated introduction of solvents (lacquer thinners) restores a dry varnished surface.

Is it possible to spray varnish in the house?

Re: Applying varnish indoors.

Lacquer is a great finish, but solvents are nasty… you don’t want to breathe them. You must have a good mask (more than a simple dust mask) and spray in a well-ventilated area, or at least in a place that you can leave after spraying.

Does the varnish smell bad?

Lacquer paint has a very strong odor which can be concentrated in a freshly painted area. The smell can give some people a headache. To prevent this, buy low-scented varnish paint or, if possible, paint the furniture outside.

Does the varnish catch fire after drying?

Both shellac and varnish dry very quickly and are great for when dust can be a problem. Shellac also does not have a long shelf life. The varnish is highly flammable and gives off dangerous fumes. It also usually needs to be applied with a sprayer, which limits its use; although brush-applied varnish products are available.

Is it possible to sleep in the house after painting the floors?

The house is uninhabitable for at least 2 days after completion of work, and it is better to stay outside for at least 5 days, as it is not recommended to inhale fumes and gases, even if there are other sleeping rooms.

What to put on a cutting board to seal?

To keep your cutting board in top condition, oil it once a month. Some oils, such as linseed and tung oil, harden the wood and seal it from the inside; other oils simply penetrate the surface of the wood, including walnut oil and mineral oil. Beeswax is also a viable alternative. 9

  • Natural oils
    Wooden floors, stairs, walls, furniture, countertops need proper treatment and careful care throughout their entire service life. Wood oil for interior work is a natural and ecological protection of surfaces from negative environmental influences.

    High-quality processing compounds are designed taking into account the operating conditions and properties of wood. They combine the latest achievements of modern technologies and natural components, therefore they reliably protect surfaces and maintain a healthy microclimate in the house.

    Composition for indoor wood treatment

    The best oil for wood for interior work is one that contains a maximum of biocomponents. This ensures environmental safety and natural protection.

    Natural oils

    In protective compositions, there can be either one oil in its pure form, for example, tung oil, or a specially selected combination of several – sunflower, soybean, safflower. Drying time, consumption, water repellency, coating thickness, final appearance of the surface depend on the quantity and type of ingredients.

    So, tung oil is thicker and dries in 3-4 days. It creates a sufficiently thick coating and well protects the surface from water.

    Flaxseed oil is thinner and absorbs better, but it also consumes more. It yellows the wood, polymerizes longer and forms a thin film that can be washed out from the surface with regular wet cleaning. If you use it in its pure form, wood protection will not be very reliable.

    Combinations allow you to combine the positive properties of several components. For example, German interior wood oil Osmo is based on sunflower, soybean and safflower oils. It penetrates deep into the structure of wood, forms the thinnest, but strong and elastic film, protecting both from the inside and outside. The covering dries about 8-10 hours at drawing in one layer. During this time, it gains up to 95% durability. This process is finally completed within 10 days.

    Solvents in oils

    Oils for wood for interior use are water-soluble and solvent-soluble. Both of them are completely ready for use. They only need to be thoroughly mixed in order to evenly distribute additives and pigments.

    White spirit or de-aromatized gasoline acts as an organic solvent. It is one of the best wood finishes for interiors. Thanks to this, the products have a mild natural smell and are safe. All German OSMO oils comply with the European standard for the content of volatile organic substances (VOC).

    Hard waxes

    Protective formulations may include soft beeswax or hard wax. They significantly improve the protective properties of the coating.

    Soft beeswax is less resistant to water. If hot liquids come into contact with, for example, a kitchen worktop, light spots may appear on the surface. This is due to the low melting point – beeswax becomes plastic already at a temperature of 350C. Such coatings are more suitable for furniture, decorative interior items, floors in rooms with low traffic.

    Osmo German interior wood oils contain candelilla and carnauba hard waxes. They form a coating that is resistant to mechanical damage and water, including hot water. Products with hard waxes are used in places with intensive loads, for processing countertops and work surfaces. Coatings are wear-resistant, dirt- and water-repellent. Water-repellent additives and paraffin are included to enhance the hydrophobic properties.

    Decorative properties of interior oils

    The products differ in their degree of gloss and hiding power. Formulations may be colorless or pigmented. Decorative options allow you to choose the option of coating and its shade, ideally suited to any interior.

    Colored oil for wood for interior work is:

    • Clear or translucent. Such products are used to tint wood to give it a desired shade or to imitate valuable species.

    Colorless oils are versatile. They are used independently when it is necessary to preserve or emphasize the natural color of the wood, and as a finishing layer on a colored coating. They give the surface additional protection and “volume”.

    Possible coating options according to the degree of gloss – matte, semi-matt, silky-matt, glossy.

    All Osmo products create a thin elastic layer on the surface, effectively emphasize the natural beauty of wood, give a pleasant tactile sensation and retain the warmth of this beautiful material.

    Benefits of using oils

    Oils are used to treat a variety of surfaces and objects in the house from any type of wood – soft, hard, exotic. They equally successfully protect floors, walls, ceilings, furniture, countertops, doors and windows.

    High-quality protective compositions:

    • Creates a thin elastic breathable layer. Under such a coating, the wood “breathes” due to open pores and independently regulates normal humidity.
    • Forms a dirt-repellent and water-resistant coating. Natural oils and waxes protect wood from moisture, dirt, food stains, etc.
    • Prevent cracking. The compositions easily penetrate into the structure, help the tree to maintain its elasticity, protect it from drying out due to changes in temperature or humidity.
    • Will not peel. The coating does not crack or flake during its entire service life and does not need to be completely re-sanded for repairs.

    Oils greatly simplify the care of surfaces. The coatings are easy to clean and have an antistatic effect. They are easy to update completely and locally, since there is no need to completely remove the old layer.

    OSMO compositions are stored in tightly closed containers for 5 years or more. If there is oil left after surface treatment in the house, it can be used to renew them.

    Application of oils with waxes

    The German company OSMO offers a line of oils for the treatment of any wooden surfaces in the house.

    It includes:

    • Hartwachs-Öl Hard Wax Oils – Original, Rapid and Express. These are colorless, standalone or top coats that differ in drying time. However, when choosing these oils, it must be remembered that with a decrease in the drying time, the “open time” also becomes less, during which it is possible to correct the shortcomings and errors that occurred during processing.
    • Opaque or opaque. These oils intensively color the surface in natural or bright shades.
    • Dekorwachs colored oils -Transparent and Intensiv. Allows you to tint or paint surfaces in intense shades and radically change their appearance.
    • Hartwachs-Öl Farbig glazing oil. With this collection of traditional shades, you can change the color of the wood, giving it a noble tone – warm or cool, depending on your wishes.
    • Hartwachs-Öl Effekt Natural Clear. Designed specifically for light European woods such as ash, maple, linden, hornbeam, larch, birch. Retains the natural color of the wood, does not “set fire”, does not turn yellow, providing almost invisible, but reliable protection.
    • TopOil. Optimal solution for finishing furniture, dining table tops and kitchen worktops. The product is certified and approved for coating items that come into contact with food.
    • Chopping Board Oil High Solid is ideal for treating and protecting the surface of wood cutting boards, kitchen utensils and wood crockery. Has the corresponding certificate of Rospotrebnadzor.

    OSMO always has a product for any task! This is in line with the company’s philosophy. For example, for exotic rocks with increased hardness and the content of their own oily substances, the composition Klarwachs has been developed. It penetrates denser wood better due to its lower viscosity.

    For surfaces where the anti-slip effect is important, Anti-Rutsch oil has been created. It is recommended for stairs and floors in wet rooms, corridors and halls.

    When you want to cover dark woods and give it an exclusive expensive look, Effekt Silber/Gold with real metallic pigments is suitable. It will help create a special, sophisticated atmosphere in the room.

    Oiling and maintenance of treated surfaces

    Interior wood oil is easy to apply. It is applied in a thin layer on a clean, dry and dirt-free surface, sanded with sandpaper with a grain of R120-150. Sanding ensures uniform absorption and reduces consumption. For work, you can use a flat brush, brush or roller.

    After complete drying of the first layer, a second one is applied. According to the technology, almost all products are designed for two-layer application. However, surfaces devoid of operational load, such as ceilings, can be processed in one layer.

    Maintenance of the coating is simple – regular dry or wet cleaning. For the latter, mild detergents or branded high-performance care products from the Osmo catalog are used.

    How to oil a wooden house with your own hands without involving specialists

    Where can I buy quality woodworking oil?

    The best way to answer this question is to answer it counter-intuitively. In other words, this means not buying wood oil from an unstable retailer, without decent storage facilities, where no one is responsible for the quality of the product offered and can not provide quality certificates. Obviously, the best oil is guaranteed in a store that sells products from reputable manufacturers. If you’re not overlooking the opportunity to make some profit on your purchase, there’s another solid option: buying directly from the manufacturer.

    According to research, in online stores and online stores, the most favorable price-quality ratio.

    Types of oils for exterior woodworking

    Various oil compositions are used for facade treatment.

    Pure oils

    These are modified natural products with one ingredient (olive oil). They are best suited for outdoor use:

    1. Linseed oil – easily penetrates even the hardest woods due to its liquid consistency, is water repellent and antiseptic, shows the texture of the wood but turns yellow in the sun
    2. Tung oil is a strong natural antiseptic that penetrates very deep into the grain of the wood and gives the surface extra hardness
    3. Teak oil (mixture of tung, linseed and soybean oils) – protects against moisture and dirt, seals wood and prevents cracking
    4. Resin oil – the strongest antiseptic, very transparent, does not change the color of wood

    Pure oils work well on walls, they don’t work together and resist them almost completely. For this reason, they need to be updated frequently, which is not cheap.

    Wood tinting oils

    The second group of oil impregnations. The composition contains several modified oils, but with the addition of pigment paste. The pigment helps block the sun’s rays. In addition to this, one more property is added – resistance to absorption.

    Tinting oils are also good from a decorative point of view. They make the pattern of the tree more expressive, allow you to change the color. So, pine can be toned under wenge or teak.

    Each range of dye oils usually contains at least a dozen dyes.

    Color oils

    If you want to change the color dramatically, use paint or oil-azure. Glazing compositions, in which the pattern of a tree is guessed through color. In oil azure, in addition to drying oil and pigment, wax or other fillers are sometimes added.

    Such impregnations are used for hot sunny regions, as they are extremely resistant to ultraviolet radiation and protect the wood from weathering.

    Torvens Façade Oil

    Wood façades are best treated with complex protective products that are tailored to the operating conditions. Thus, Torvens facade oil was developed specifically for Russian climatic conditions and has proven its effectiveness.

    It is a modified linseed oil in which wax and kaolin have been added for the strength of the polymer layer. The result is a product that does an excellent job of protecting the façade:

    1. Repels moisture and dirt;
    2. Prevents wood erosion;
    3. Prevents the formation of fungi, mold, stains;
    4. Reduces wood cracking;
    5. Does not form a surface film – wood breathes and coexists with oil;
    6. Will not peel or flake;
    7. Not afraid of temperature changes, retains its properties in the range from -50 to +80°C;
    8. Develops and enhances wood grain.

    The product is available in 20 wood-like colors.

    Torvens oil for all types of wood: planed, sanded and heat treated; hardwoods – conifers. It is a product from natural products, therefore it is safe for health and the environment. The main thing is that the treated surface can not be updated for as long as 10 years!

    When first impregnating the facade with oil, it is applied with a brush in two layers, when updating – once.

    Oils most commonly used for impregnation: – linseed or tar.

    The penetration of moisture into the wood structure can be reduced by using wax. Over time, the wax gives the product a matte finish. Wood elements should not be rubbed with wax alone. Therefore, it is mixed with turpentine and, for example, linseed oil. Oil with wax for wood – the best option for water penetration and protection against mold. Wax oil for wood is also relevant for processing floors from parquet boards.

    Wood Preservation Oil is the ideal way to protect wooden structures and interiors from the sun’s rays. Biofa wood oil is a natural remedy that protects against all harmful influences. For example, the processing of materials by such well-known brands as Teknos and Tikkurila or Pinotex will help hide minor wood defects.

    Belinka interior impregnators are odorless. In closed and poorly ventilated rooms, as well as in places with unstable lighting conditions. Teak oil for wood buy in the online store “KraskiNaDom” A professional product made from natural ingredients and wax refreshes the natural structure of the tree. You can also buy wood oil as a coating for boats, boats or other parts of hunting weapons.


    No special tools are required for oil coating. To do this, you need a simple rag made of soft cloth. You can also use a brush with natural hair. The technology is simple: set a goal.

    – mix the product and apply it along the grain of the wood – let the treated surface dry.

    There is nothing special about this method of protecting wooden structures: price, quality and safety for health. Instructions for the use of oil impregnation are indicated on the packaging.

    What brands of oils are available on the Russian market?

    How can you determine this? Products of both foreign and domestic manufacturers are presented.