Toilet brush cleaning: How to Clean a Toilet Brush and Holder

How to Clean a Toilet Brush and Holder

Disinfecting Your Cleaning Brush With Household Cleaners and Natural Options


Mary Marlowe Leverette

Mary Marlowe Leverette

Mary Marlowe Leverette is one of the industry’s most highly-regarded housekeeping and fabric care experts, sharing her knowledge on efficient housekeeping, laundry, and textile conservation. She is also a Master Gardener with over 40 years’ experience; writing for over 20 years.

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Updated on 12/04/22

The Spruce / Ulyana Verbytska

In This Article

  • How Often to Clean

  • Natural Cleaning

  • Instructions

  • When to Replace

  • Tips

  • FAQ

Project Overview

The lowly toilet brush and its functional, decorative holder get no respect. This housekeeping tool tackles one of the germiest, most unpleasant objects in the home. Like, when was the last time you cleaned or retired your toilet brush? Our tips will allow you to successfully clean a toilet brush and its holder, assuring you a piece of mind in the bathroom. And for those of you who like to disinfect without the use of harsh chemicals, cleaning your toilet brush without bleach (and killing germs while you’re at it) can be accomplished by using natural products like vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. It’s time to take action.

How Often to Clean a Toilet Brush and Holder

Ideally, the toilet brush and holder should be cleaned after every use and disinfected at least monthly. If the brush is allowed to dry completely before replacing it in the holder, then the holder should only need a thorough cleaning monthly. However, if the brush is not cleaned or allowed to dry after each use, then the holder should be cleaned at least weekly.

Cleaning a Toilet Brush Naturally

You can clean your toilet brush naturally, without bleach, by first rinsing it in the freshwater that comes into your toilet. Next, sandwich the handle in between the bowl and the seat and spray the bristles with a natural cleaner. Cleaning your toilet brush with vinegar or hydrogen peroxide will do the trick. Turn the brush to make sure all of the bristles get clean, and then leave the brush in its place to air dry completely. No further rinsing is needed.

Cleaning your toilet brush with vinegar will eliminate 90% of bacteria, and about 80% of viruses, and mold. But, if you want to make sure all pathogens are 99.9% gone, bleach is your only option. That said, some experts discourage adding bleach to your toilet bowl, as it may corrode the internal parts. Instead, bleach your brush in a bucket as outlined in the steps below.

Equipment / Tools

  • Plastic buckets
  • Rubber gloves
  • Eye protection
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Microwave or stovetop


  • Chlorine bleach
  • Disinfectant spray
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Disinfectant wipe
  • All-purpose cleaner

How to Clean a Toilet Brush and Holder

The Spruce / Ulyana Verbytska

  1. Clean Quickly With Disinfectant Spray

    1. Once you have finished cleaning the toilet, you can do a quick clean of the toilet brush using a disinfectant spray and disinfectant wipe.
    2. After cleaning, flush the toilet and rinse the toilet brush in the water. Hold the handle with the brush head directly over the bowl of the toilet.
    3. Generously spray the brush head with a disinfectant spray or 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, turning it so that all sides are sprayed.
    4. Use a disinfectant wipe to wipe down the handle. Use a second wipe to clean the holder inside and out. The surfaces should remain wet for at least 10 minutes.
    5. Balance the toilet brush handle between the toilet bowl rim and the lowered toilet seat to dry.
    6. Dry the holder with a microfiber cloth. Allow the brush to air-dry thoroughly before placing it into the holder.

    The Spruce / Ulyana Verbytska

  2. Disinfect in a Bleach Soaking Solution

    1. Heat one gallon of water to boiling on the stovetop or in a microwave.
    2. Carefully pour the hot water into a plastic cleaning bucket. The bucket should be large enough to hold enough water to cover the holder, the toilet brush head, and most of the toilet brush handle.
    3. Place the bucket in a large sink, bathtub, or shower stall. This will prevent damage to surrounding areas if the bleach solution happens to splash out of the bucket.
    4. Wearing rubber gloves and eye protection, add one cup of liquid chlorine bleach.
    5. Slowly add the holder and toilet brush to avoid splashing.
    6. Allow the items to soak for at least one hour.
    7. Wearing rubber gloves, remove the toilet brush and holder and rinse them under hot water for at least 30 seconds to flush away the bleach solution.
    8. Dry the brush and holder with a microfiber cloth or allow them to air-dry completely before storing.

    The Spruce / Ulyana Verbytska


    If you don’t have a bucket, add 1/4 cup of bleach to the toilet bowl water and submerge the head of the brush. Fill a bathroom sink with hot water and add 1/2 cup of bleach and the holder. Allow the items to soak for at least one hour before following the rinsing and drying steps listed above.

  3. Clean With an All-Purpose Cleaner

    If you don’t like to use chlorine bleach, the toilet brush and holder can be cleaned using an all-purpose cleaner and hot water solution. While this method will dilute the number of bacteria on the items, it will not disinfect them by killing all of the bacteria.

    1. Fill a bucket or large sink with boiling water and add the amount of the all-purpose cleaner or dishwashing liquid recommended on the product label.
    2. Submerge the toilet brush and holder.
    3. Allow them to soak for at least two hours.
    4. Wearing rubber gloves, remove the items and rinse each one under running hot water for at least 30 seconds.
    5. Dry the toilet brush and holder with a microfiber cloth.
    6. Allow the brush to air-dry completely before storing it in the holder.

    The Spruce / Ulyana Verbytska

When to Replace a Toilet Brush

If you are using a nylon-bristled toilet brush, it should be replaced when the bristles become smelly, discolored, flattened, brittle, or begin to fall off the head. A toilet brush’s longevity depends on how frequently it is used, but most brushes should be replaced every six to eight months.

Toilet brushes with a silicone head are usually more durable and should be replaced if the head becomes loose or damaged. With proper cleaning, they should last at least one year.

5 Tips to Help Your Toilet Brush and Holder Last Longer

  1. Rinse the toilet brush in clean flush water after every use so that it doesn’t turn brow.
  2. Allow the brush to air-dry completely before storing.
  3. Do not allow a messy soup of bacteria-laden water to pool and dry in the bottom of the holder.
  4. Choose a holder that keeps the brush head off the bottom of the holder to prevent bending and breakage of the bristles.
  5. Use a toilet wand with disposable heads. Simply use a disinfecting wipe to clean the handle after each use and allow it to air-dry. The handle can be stored under the sink or from a hook—no need for a holder.

The Spruce / Ulyana Verbytska


  • Toilet brushes harbor germs and, regardless of your cleaning practices, should be replaced every six months. Plastic toilet brushes have a shorter life span than those made from wood, and natural fibers that can be dripped dry after use to extend their life.

  • Technically, it is not unsanitary to put your toilet brush in the dishwasher by itself, and then run it on the “sterilize” setting. The hot water, soap, and residual cleaner left on the brush should take care of any germs and will not allow germs to spread to a subsequent load of dishes.

  • Expert advice varies on this subject. Some say cleaning with diluted bleach is okay, as long as it’s the only cleaner you’re using, as it can react with other cleaners, making it toxic. Others advise never to use bleach or bleach-containing products, as they may harm the componentry of your toilet—like gadgets and fittings—causing leakage.

Article Sources

The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Wieck, S. “The Necessity of Disinfected Toilet Brushes – Information Policy of Companies on Disinfectants in Private Homes.” Environ Sci Eur 27, 3 (2015).

  2. “How to Clean and Disinfect Schools to Help Slow the Spread of Flu.” Centers for Disease Control and Protection, 2021.

How to Clean a Toilet Brush and Plunger After Use

How to Clean a Toilet Brush and Plunger After Use

Written by Grove Collaborative

Last Updated: December 13, 2021

Your toilet brush, holder, and plunger carry disgusting germs. Learn how (and how often) to clean a toilet brush and plunger from the cleaning experts at Grove.

You pay a lot of attention to keeping your bathroom super clean, so why would you neglect the tools that get the job done? Just like other cleaning tools, bathroom gadgets like your toilet brush and plunger need to be cleaned regularly.

Toilet brushes and plungers do dirty jobs — so keeping them clean should be a top priority. Learn how to clean a toilet brush and plunger easily, without using harmful chemicals.

Why should you clean a toilet brush?

To keep your bathroom spic-n-span and germ-free, you probably remember to add jobs like cleaning the toilet, shower, and bathroom floors to your weekly cleaning checklist. But how often do you think about cleaning your toilet brush? Probably not on that list, right?

But you should add this tool to your cleaning to-dos, because like toilets, toilet brushes can be a carrier for germs. In fact, the Society for Applied Microbiology states that in 4 out of 6 households tested, salmonella was found under the rims of toilet bowls!

Even though you use your toilet brush to scrub those germs from your toilet bowl, without regular cleaning and sanitizing of the bristles, your brush can spread nasty germs each time you use it (yikes)!

Some folks like to use chlorine bleach to disinfect their toilet brushes, and there’s nothing wrong with that in moderation. But, if you prefer an eco-friendly, natural method to cleaning and sanitizing your toilet brush bristles, follow these simple steps to keeping your toilet brush clean—naturally.

How to keep a toilet brush clean

1. Wash the brush in clean toilet bowl water

Use your go-to natural toilet cleaner to thoroughly clean your toilet bowl.

After cleaning and scrubbing with the toilet brush, flush and rinse the brush in clean toilet water.

2. Spray the toilet brush with a disinfectant

Sandwich the toilet brush underneath the toilet seat to keep it in place and prevent it from touching the toilet water.

Spray the brush with a natural disinfectant like an all-purpose spray, hydrogen peroxide, or apple cider vinegar vinegar, turning it in a clockwise motion to coat all the bristles.

3. Let it soak, then rinse away

Let the toilet brush sit with the disinfectant on it for at least 30 minutes, then flush again and rinse it in the toilet bowl water.

Sandwich the brush between the toilet seat again to allow the brush to dry before putting it back in the brush holder.

Try this Toilet Brush with Replaceable Head from Grove!

Our eco-minded, germ-resistant Toilet Brush with Replaceable Head brings bowl cleaning into the sustainable era.

It’s crafted from recycled aluminum and recycled plastic and features a replaceable brush head, so you can refresh the dirty part, without the need to throw out the handle with the bath… er, toilet water.

The brush comes with a stand filled with diatomaceous earth, a natural rock that, when ground, absorbs excess water while resisting mold and bacteria. If ever there was a toilet brush to get excited about, we believe it’s this one.

Find it here!

How often should you clean your toilet brush?

To keep germs at bay, clean your toilet brush every single time you use it. See how easy it is to clean a toilet bowl brush by watching this short video!

Wanna make sure you’re cleaning your toilet effectively? Learn everything you need to know about how to clean a toilet the easy and natural way!

Shop for toilet cleaning products from Grove.

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How to clean a toilet brush holder

Now that your brush is sparkly clean, you don’t want to return it to a dirty holder!

At least every other time you use your brush to clean the toilet, clean the toilet brush holder.

Spray it with a disinfectant spray, and allow it to sit for at least 10 minutes. Rinse the holder under hot water, and let it completely dry before returning the brush.

How to clean a toilet plunger in 4 steps

It’s that moment that makes you panic — you flush, only to discover that what you’re trying to ahem flush isn’t going down. You reach for the plunger and put some serious muscles into unclogging the toilet, but now what do you do with the toilet plunger after use?

Although a plunger isn’t technically classified as a bathroom cleaning tool, you do have to use it in the bathroom from time to time. Considering the messes your plunger gets itself into, give it a thorough cleaning after each use in four quick steps:

1. Rinsing

Give the plunger a good rinse as you flush the toilet. Flush twice if necessary.

2. Soaking

Apply your go-to disinfectant both to the plunger itself and the toilet bowl.

Allow the plunger to soak in the toilet water full of disinfectant for at least 10 minutes.

3. Swishing

Swish and soak the plunger as much as necessary to degrossify it.

Flush multiple times to get some clean water, and, if you need to … soak it again.

4. Drying

After the plunger is clean, flush the bowl again, and clean with your favorite toilet or all-purpose cleaner.

Let the plunger completely air dry by sandwiching it between your toilet seat.

Try a Eco Plunger With Replaceable Rubber Head for less cleaning!

An environmentally friendly toilet plunger with a replaceable rubber head and sanitary ceramic base filled with diatomaceous earth.

    Our toilet plunger features a removable rubber head that can be replaced when needed, for less waste and more cleanliness. Designed with the planet in mind, it’s crafted from bamboo and recycled aluminum.
    When not in use, the plunger tucks neatly into a sleek ceramic base filled with diatomaceous earth — an all-natural rock that absorbs excess water to help prevent mold, bacteria, and odor from forming.

Follow Emma Roberts’ lead — Go plastic-free with natural products from Grove

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    Effective cleaning of the toilet and sinks, and special washing of hand towels

    It is important to understand that the toilet and sink are plumbing items that come into contact with a lot of bacteria in the house, water and hygiene products. It is necessary to select methods of cleaning them especially carefully and carefully.

    Make your toilet shiny clean

    What to do : Pour a cup of baking soda into a bowl. Let it sit for a few minutes, and then scrub and rinse the surface of the toilet with the mixture. Still seeing spots? A damp pumice stone will help because it is abrasive enough to remove limescale and mineral deposits, yet light and gentle enough not to damage surfaces.

    In cases of extreme dirt buildup (or need for more cleaning), invest in a small electric pressure washer. With its help, you can reach hard-to-reach places, for example, seat hinges. Start at the lowest intensity – you’ll be amazed at the results.

    Why such work is necessary : Scientists say that a toilet flush resembles fireworks when viewed in slow motion. And since germs like E. coli and salmonella linger in the bowl even after rinsing, they simply fly through the air and land on seats, handles, and other surfaces.

    Clean the bathroom sink

    What to do : Pour white vinegar or baking soda down the sink drain and rinse with hot water. To wash various types of faucets, manufacturers recommend disposable disinfectant wipes, which significantly reduce the number of bacteria. By the way, pay attention to the composition and think twice before using wipes, because fabrics can simply move germs from one place to another.

    Why work is needed : Get ready to shudder: the sink drain wins among the main places where bacteria accumulate in the bathroom – ahead of even toilet seats. Some studies have found that there are as many bacteria in there as you would find on a cutting board used to cut raw meat. And the mixer? You touch them after using the toilet and before washing your hands… Judge for yourself.


    What to do : Use the special disinfection option if your washing machine has it (or you can turn on the bleach mode and use the appropriate products). Change clean towels every three to four days to keep bacteria out.

    Hand towels should be stored in a dedicated area with constant air circulation or on a heated towel rail, but avoid storing them on hooks where wrinkles form. Do not forget to clean the heated towel rail itself in a timely manner: it also collects bacteria. And avoid hanging wet towels near the toilet. (Remember that slow-mo spray we talked about?)

    Why is important: towels are used by all family members and retain moisture from a variety of bacteria from each person.

    Cleaning tools and cleaning

    What to do : Don’t forget the toilet brush, which you should clean after every use.

    To do this, attach the handle of the brush so that the part with the bristles hangs over the bowl of the sink. Pour the bleach onto the stubble and let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse with plain water. Then fill the brush holder with warm soapy water and let the brush sit in it. After 15 minutes, flush the dirty water down the toilet.

    Alternatively, if you have a hygienic shower, the brush can be rinsed over the toilet itself.

    Why it’s important : Without this deep cleaning, your toilet brush can simply become a breeding ground for bacteria.