Ponds for backyards: How to Build a Backyard Pond: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

26 beautiful backyard ponds

There’s not much more relaxing in life than sitting and gazing at a body of water, but we don’t all have the luxury of a natural water view from our homes. But that’s where man-made water features like backyard ponds come in. Incorporating a pond is such an easy way to create a truly relaxing outdoor living space.

Picturesque garden ponds create plenty of interest in your backyard. They generate mesmerising reflections, brighten up shady parts of the space and create the illusion of depth. And you’ll typically find them incorporating rocks/pebbles, plants, and fish such as koi. In fact, backyard ponds can be designed to be diverse ecosystem ponds which mimic the eco processes of natural water bodies. This means they can enable oxygenation and filtration using beneficial bacteria. The use of suitable foliage also minimises excess leaves and reduces maintenance.

Source: Photo by Lee Soo hyun on Unsplash

Looking for a cool weekend DIY or thinking of getting help from experts to build a backyard pond? Below, I’ve gathered ## ideas for backyard ponds that make spectacular garden features for your inspo.

1. The natural look

Naturally finished ponds are easy to achieve. Just choose your size of pond liner and border with your favourite pavers or stones. Add a selection of appropriate plants, and you’ll have a naturalistic asymmetrical pond in no time. You can add visual interest by breaking up the pond border with a small deck (this is also a great place to store any pump equipment).

Source: Photo by にむ on Unsplash

2. Cut the deck

Backyard ponds aren’t necessarily always dug into your yard. One stylish alternative for a terrace pond is to simply cut a hole in timber decking to create a space for a pond. Turn a large wooden deck into an idyllic oasis with the incorporation of the water feature, which can act as a mirror for abundant water lilies.

3. Reflect on it

Constructing a pond out of a galvanised feed trough is an easy way to create a little swimming hole. Even without any fish or plants, it can use reflections as a decorative element. Establishing what will reflect on your pond’s surface is important but easy. Simply lay a mirror down in various parts of your backyard to work out where the most intriguing reflections will be.

Source: Photo by Karen Dobberstein on Unsplash

4. Water lilies and koi

Your choice of pond vegetation makes all the difference—with giant water lilies being a classic pond plant. They are usually grown in submersed pots because they have such a wildly abundant growing habit. They tend to want to spread to cover the entire water surface. Another classic pond addition are koi fish. These are they wonderful to watch, and younger members of the household will love them as “pets” that will swim up to you to be fed.

Source: Photo by Sora Sagano on Unsplash

5. Natural swimming pond

A growing trend is to opt for a natural swimming pond in place of a traditional chlorinated pool. Natural swimming ponds don’t require chemicals or electrical systems to clean the water. Instead, the work is done by submersible biological filters and water-filtering aquatic plants.

This creates a chemical-free, natural swimming experience that’s supremely low maintenance and environmentally-friendly. It creates a natural habitat for indigenous flora and fauna, and is a great way to seamlessly meld your garden and pool area together.

Source: Photo by Johnny Briggs on Unsplash

6. Tiered with rock waterfalls

A naturalistic pond set on a gentle slope can utilise large stacked boulders to create gentle waterfalls. More boulders can edge the pond and act as an informal path. A contoured timber decking can then add functionality and style. A sloped site is ideal if you want to include a waterfall feature, thanks to natural gravity. You can find a local expert in landscaping with water features.

Source: Photo by Enric Cruz López from Pexels

7. Corten steel pond

Corten steel is a popular look for rustic and contemporary gardens. So why not consider a welded Corten steel pond edge if you are less keen on natural-looking backyard ponds. The pond edges can even be used as informal seating if they are wide enough. These can be custom-made to fit your space, and they just keep everything lovely and streamlined in your yard.

Key consideration: Style and scale

These days there’s a huge variety of styles and scales to choose from when it comes to pond design. You might just want a pond that resembles an oversized, rock-bordered puddle. Or you may have an aquascape that’s big enough to incorporate bridges, stairs or platforms. If you decide to go with a prefabricated pond form, you’ll obviously be limited to forms available for purchase. But you’ll be able to make your pond unique by customising it with the pavers and rocks of your choice. Alternatively, waterproof a backyard pond with thick rubber liners, rather than prefabricated forms.

8. Neatly landscaped

Have a large backyard lawn area? Add drama and interest through the incorporation of the water feature. If you also have stylisd, linear decking, a naturalistic shaped pond contrasts well. Enhance it with an idiosyncratic planting of boulders and shrubs.

9. Stack it up

For edging, stacked boulders in an array of sizes give a natural look. Or create a year-round “softscape fence” with a dense planting of evergreens and shade-loving plants.

Source: Photo by KWON JUNHO on Unsplash

10. Fire and water

Only have a smaller yard space? A popular contemporary option is to introduce a raised garden bed with a cascading fountain which fills a small fish pond below. At the other end, have a firepit!

11. Bridge over tranquil water

Transform your whole backyard into a stunning aquatic landscape by adding a cute little arched bridge over your pond. You don’t even need a huge amount of depth to install a pond with a little bridge – the bridge itself will create the illusion of depth.

12. Have rain chains above your pond

I just love the idea of rain chains. They’re a centuries-old Japanese invention, whereby rainwater runoff is diverted via a series of chains into a small pond below. The cascading water produces a unique musical effect.

Key consideration: Placement

Deciding on the best possible location for backyard ponds? Think about how you intend to use the pond and of course where the pond will look best and provide the most visual pleasure. You’ll need to consider the views from all areas of your backyard as well as from the inside of your home. And think about the potential reflections you’ll get in your chosen spot. You’ll also want to place your pond somewhere with access to water and electricity if your pond will utilise pumps and filters. And finally, also consider the position’s available sunlight if you intend to grow thriving aquatic plants and fish.

13. Pond platform

For a wonderful contemporary entertaining space, why not build a decking platform to jut out over your shimmering pond? Ensure your pond cleverly hides any visible pumps, pipes or filtration systems. Or, design it to be a true ecosystem pond, with natural water filtering plants and fish which eat pests and prevent algae formation.

14. Interconnecting decks

You could also create a series of interconnected decks, making multiple viewing areas for a dramatic aquascape. Soften hard lines of timber decking with the addition of rounded rocks. And juxtapose the hardness of rocks with soft sprays of cottage garden flowers.

15. Waterfall feature within the pond

The gently trickling sound of running water is just so restful, so up your pond landscaping game by adding a fountain feature of some kind. You can manipulate the sound levels of your waterfall feature through the design. Factors such as the height from which the waterfalls, the width of the aperture it flows through, the pump power and the depth of the pond.

Source: Photo by Xuan Nguyen on Unsplash

16. Use landscape lighting for atmosphere

A gorgeous contemporary courtyard can easily incorporate a neat little edging pond bordered by grasses and full of colourful fish. The installation of landscape lighting also really helps to create intrigue and drama. It will also enhance a pondscape’s often vibrant colours.

17. See-through backyard ponds

Backyard ponds can be built right into your existing backyard structures, which is great if you are pressed for space. Replace a portion of patio with a small pond with a see-through window (either tempered glass or plexiglass). This will increase your enjoyment of observing the aquatic life.

18. Narrow perimeter pond

A pond wrapping around the sides of a patio is an easy way to increase the chilled vibes of your space with a water feature. It will also allowing your deck to remain spacious and uncluttered.

19. Tree free

It may seem a serene setting to place your pond under a tree. But it’s a good example of how the location will likely affect maintenance. The placement of ponds under trees may be wonderful for shade, but the leaf litter and debris often end up being a constant hassle to maintain. Something to bear in mind when planning your pond location.

20. Flagstone pavers

The border you create around the edge of your commercial pond form will make the pond seem larger than what it is. For a cosy, rustic setting, harmoniously blend flagstone pavers with river rocks bordering the pond. Need some more inspo? Check out these paving ideas.

21. Japanese style

The classic aesthetics of Japanese garden design are present in many a pond setting. A sense of serenity and tranquillity and plenty of asymmetry, curves and rounded forms. Arching bridges add height and depth, while meandering walkways and massive boulders add visual interest. And gazing at reflections in water is generally very Zen!

Source: Photo by Ryutaro Tsukata from Pexels

22. Patio pond

A small rectangular pond on your patio can act as a focal point and increase the ambience of the space with flickering reflections. Even a tiny pond will add interest and life to your backyard. So consider discussing your plans with an expert in pond design who will help you configure the perfect backyard setup.

23. Reflective water bowls

Have a spatially-challenged courtyard? Use reflective water bowls to stunning effect. Bring in the benefits of soothing water into any space no matter how small. Just add a large reflective water bowl that can be filled with pretty floating blooms. These work really well in a shady corner where their reflectivity will amplify the available light. You’ll have lovely pops of bright green from the foliage, with gentle repetition through the large leaves floating in the bowl.You can find them in any material you like, whether timber, stone or metal. For more ideas on how to style a courtyard, you might also like to read our article on courtyard gardens or find ideas for privacy fences.

Source: Photo by Xuan Nguyen on Unsplash

Key consideration: Naturalistic or linear?

One of the big decisions you’ll make is whether to create a naturalistic looking pond or something man-made in appearance and symmetrical. Many people love the asymmetrical natural style as it adds curvature and shape to your space. And because a natural look really suits a true ecosystem pond. Such backyard ponds look amazing constructed without any man-made materials (like concrete or brick) or visible pipes or pumps. Instead, only water, stones and plants are visible to the eye. On the other hand, if you prefer a modern, streamlined look, you can go with any material you like and which complements your home’s style.

24. Pond in a box

Have a small space or wish to fill a dark, forgotten corner of your backyard? Why not build and install a pond box that’s similar to a raised garden bed planter box? It’s an easy, inexpensive DIY with no digging required.  And the beauty of a pond box is that it’s portable if you wish to move it later.

25. Container water garden

Not quite ready to commit to a pond and just want to dip your toes in the idea for now? You can create a complete water garden in any setting with a suitable container. Add rocks or gravel to make the container more naturalistic, and a few small goldfish to give bursts of colour and motion. Plant a tall plant in the middle of the bowl as a focal point. Then add marginal plants inside and then top with floating plants such as water lilies, water lettuce or water hyacinth.

26. Gazing pond

Last but not least, a pond that’s free of vegetation or fish is sometimes also called a gazing pool or pond. The idea is that it’s all about the reflections—mirror skyscapes but also reflections of whatever you have planted around the pond. It becomes a wonderfully contemplative activity to just gaze into the pond with its ever-changing visuals. And it stays a simple, unfussy, streamlined addition to your backyard requiring little or no maintenance.

As you can see there are so many different kinds of backyard ponds for you to choose between. And hopefully this broad selection of backyard pond ideas will have helped steer you towards your ideal aesthetic. Already have a specific design in mind? Share your vision with an expert in garden design or pond landscaping who will help bring your dreams to reality.

Do you favour a more organic shaped pond design or perhaps a modern streamlined, linear pond? Let me know in the comments!

60 Backyard Pond Ideas (Photos)


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Welcome to our gallery featuring a selection of residential backyard water features, specifically in the form of ponds. Similar to backyard gardens, they add an extra element of beauty and relaxation to any outdoor space.

All backyard ponds are a type of man-made water feature that have a primary focus on aquatic plants, although many larger ponds may contain ornamental fish, like koi.

Not all plants are suitable for planting near or in a backyard pond, however. You’ll need to grow plants that are best adapted to shallow pools and ponds. The type of plant you add to your pond will depend entirely on how deep and large your pond is.

The types of plants best suited to pond life fall into three distinct categories: submerged plants, marginal plants, and floating plants. Submerged plants are those that live almost completely under the surface.

Some of these plants have leaves or flowers that grow to the surface, like a water lily. These plants are also called oxygenators, because they create oxygen for any fish in a pond.

Marginal plants live with only their roots under the water. Examples of these are irises, lotus flowers, cattail reeds, or bulrushes.

The third type, floating plants, are not anchored into the soil at all, and are free-floating at the surface of the water. In a water garden, floating plants are used to reduce algae, as the shade they provide inhibits the growth of algae. Floating plants are usually fast-growing and multiply quickly.

Backyard ponds may contain many different elements that help integrate it into the overall design of the yard’s landscaping, including fountains, statues, waterfalls, and boulders.

You may also see some with underwater lighting, unique edging details, or even watercourses that add visual interest to the design. Natural ponds are often times so inspiring, a home is built around them to take advantage of nature’s beauty.

We hope you’ll enjoy this gallery filled with awesome backyard ponds, and that you’ll be inspired to replicate some of them in your own backyard!

Find more backyard ideas in our definitive guide to backyards!

Related: Types of Backyard Pond | Backyard Tree Options | Backyard Zen Garden Ideas | Retaining Wall Ideas | Rock Garden Ideas 

Koi Pond Ideas

A peaceful area behind the house, featuring a small waterfall, Koi fish and beautiful potted flowers. A couple chairs and a good book is all you need for a relaxed afternoon.

A pool-like pond with a filter and running water.

Natural pond with waterfall features and beautiful koi fishes.

A beautiful tropical pond with a tall waterfall tumbling into the pond surrounded by moss-covered slabs of stone. Just under the surface we can see koi fish.

An enormous water feature in a Japanese garden filled with bold Japanese maple trees, flowering bushes, and thick grasses. A stone lantern and a stone statue of an egret can be seen in the background. The pond itself is populated by many large koi fish.

A large pond in a Japanese garden with thick plants growing right up to the water’s edge. The pond is populated by huge koi fish.

Another view of the Japanese garden with a stone lantern and heron from the pathway. The view changes as visitors walk past the tranquil scene.

A koi pond edged by hedges and maples. This view is from a curving walkway through an expansive Japanese garden.

Hidden under the trees, this Japanese garden pond feature some colorful Koi fish and lush vegetation around the pond.

Small Backyard Ponds

Ferns and cute puppies adorn this small pond tucked away in a corner of the yard. There’s even a couple of pillows to make it more comfortable sitting by the pond.

Pink and yellow flowers cheer up this tiny garden pool. I love the colorful rocks path and the numerous types of plants around this pool of water.

Tiny pond created by stacked red colored flagstone and surrounded by lush vegetation: a perfectly relaxing spot for someone looking for a bit of time away form the daily grind.

A small two-section pond with a waterfall between the two. Both sections have small umbrella fountains. The entire pond is edged by stacked stones that help hide the black liner. Petunias, hostas, and lilies are planted around the outside of the pond, with a few water lilies on the surface.

A simple pond edged with stone bricks. At the head of the pond is a small waterfall. Daylilies and other leafy plants surround part of the pond. A metal heron statue stands in the shallows.

A shallow pond fed by a cascading fountain tucked into the stone edging. A narrow stone footbridge connects the two sides of the pathway.

This water feature focuses on the large waterfall tumbling into a small, shallow pool at the bottom. The entire structure is encased by large stones and surrounded by grasses.

A well-like garden pond with a small fountain that pours into the deeper well of water. Thick grasses drape over the stone edges. The garden is filled with stone statues and other accents.

A simple bright blue garden pond with a tall center fountain. Small enough to fit nicely in a small section of a larger garden, and as a feature piece in smaller gardens.

A small pond surrounded by decorative rocks and pots.

Small backyard pond surrounded by uneven rocks, is a great place for children to have some fun. Small, yet so pretty!

Backyard Garden Pond Ideas

Peaceful garden with a little pond and a backyard pavilion to relax and entertain.

Clear water and beautiful rocks make this garden pond the perfect spot for a family gathering, where kids can hunt for rocks and have fun.

This pond, surrounded by orange and yellow toned bricks and rocks is  an inviting spot. Bring your favorite garden chair and a good book to enjoy.

This delightful garden with pond in Asian style is inviting anyone passing by to stop and enjoy skipping some rocks, dipping their toes in, or just simply taking a break to take all this beauty in.

A large, shallow pond with a stone three-tier waterfall flowing down from a retaining pond further up. Boulders and small reeds sit in the shallow, clear water. Evergreens and daffodils line the sides, just beyond the rock edging.

A somewhat deeper, small pond with a single fountain creating ripples from the center of the water. Round stones are piled around the edges, creating a bank. Grassy plants and hardy daisy flowers are integrated into the landscaping around the pond.

A tranquil backyard pond with a few small ornamental fish, lily pads, reeds, and water lettuce. The pond is edged by both large, square boulders and smaller, round stones.

A large water garden with stacked stones around the edges and thick tufts of plants growing in patches around the outside, wherever they can get a foothold. This pond is quite a bit larger and deeper than other ponds in this collection.

A stream-like pond with a small waterfall, edged by small stones and larger boulders. Small mushroom-shaped lights add unique ambiance at night. Small leafy plants, ground cover, and taller bushes surround the water feature.

A small, shallow pond created by stacking stones. This pond is integrated into the enormous yard by a few ornamental trees, bushes, and a bed of wood chips around it.

A garden pond surrounded by large reddish boulders that tapers off into a shallow stream blocked by stones to keep the tiny ornamental fish in. A small crocodile toy is perched on one of the boulders.

A large backyard pond edged in flagstone that connects to the patio. A curving landscape connects to the dip in the pond.

A narrow fish pond with water lilies and lots of little red ornamental fish. A purple Japanese maple hangs over the edge. Fish can be wonderful pets! With any garden, it’s important to keep your pets safe by planting safe plants. 

A simple pond with a few small ornamental fish and lilypads. Multiple small cascades run along this water feature.

A circular garden pond in the center of a manicured lawn. Planters full of white daffodils are placed equal distances apart around the perimeter of the pond.

A more natural-looking garden pond with a flagstone path leading up to the water’s edge. A wide waterfall cascades into the main pool.

A small, shallow blue pool of water at the bottom of a cascade of stones. Water trickles down through the stones, creating the crystal clear pool at the bottom.

A beautiful backyard pond on a secluded lot. A large waterfall tumbles into the pond, which has a greenish-cast from the moss on the rocks covering the bottom. A branch across the top of the waterfall adds another natural element to this pond.

An awe-inspiring stone waterfall pouring into a shallow basin at the bottom. Small figures of ducks sit on either side of the largest cascade.

A unique pond with two tiers. The top tier has a small rock waterfall. Fields of tulips and other plants surround the rock enclosure.

A green garden pond with small maples growing along the widest side. A small stream connects to the pond and can be crossed via a small wooden footbridge.

An enormous crystal-clear gold-tinted pond with large reeds and bamboo growing on either side of the wide cascade. A bronzed figure of a fairy lays on one of the rocks.

A view from further back of the above pond, showing the drop off in the center of the bottom pond.

A deep pond at the bottom of a hill covered in cedar wood chips. A stone waterfall cascades down the hill into the pool. Stone steps lead up to the right.

A shallow garden pool with a few ornamental rocks and grasses along the pebble edging. A small terra cotta Japanese lantern sits on one edge.

A more cosmopolitan pool stretching out into the yard from the patio and ending in a white bench and angle statue. Evergreens and other large trees and bushes line either side of the yard.

A simple garden pond with a center fountain. The simple liner is held down solidly by large stones. The pond is surrounded by thick, lush grasses and bushes.

A small garden pool with a stream emptying into the pond. A short wall of stone blocks overlooks the pond.

A beautiful garden pond surrounded by porous stones and moss. A high stone ledge above the pond has cascading water, creating wonderful ambiance.

This heart-shaped pond is framed in uneven paver rocks in pastel colors. A small garden to the side is a nice additions.

Seen at almost sunset, this shallow pond surrounded by porous rocks with lots of color features a small evergreen and a nice peaceful spot for an evening breather.

Gorgeous red bushes, lavender flowers and an arched stone bridge make this a great addition to the backyard.

Shallow pond lined with soft rounded rocks and crystal clear water. A small waterfall makes music to your ears as you stop to enjoy this beautiful spot.

Quiet backyard pond featuring colorful red and yellow Koi fish, surrounded by red flowers and greenery, and with access to a nice gazebo: perfect for entertaining guests, or just for a relaxing evening with the family.

A deep pond surrounded by lush vegetation. A small waterfall cascades through rocks on the corner of the pond, creating a bit of moving and sound action.

Oh, how I love all the colors around this pond! A bit of everything: some red foliage, blue flowers and lots of green lush grasses. Lovely setting!

This pond is adorned with a rocky waterfall feature and manicured bushes.

A nice flagstone paving borders this koi pond. It is also surrounded by a lush lawn and manicured hedges.

This koi pond features beautiful wood decking. Lush plants create a nice backdrop to the pond.

Tall grasses and decorative rocks grace this koi pond. Look at those cute vases. They add to the pond’s appeal.

A serene park with a natural koi pond and an attractive bridge.

This koi pond resembles a wishing well. It has a nice retaining wall border and plants add beauty to the overall look.

Backyard Ponds Accessories

While making plans for your backyard pond you will also need to consider that your pond requires other equipment to function and also in order to just look beautiful. You may want to add a waterfall to your pond, and you may decide to add some lights by the pond (these will add more of a serene feeling as the sun goes down).

In order to keep pond maintenance down to a minimum, you will need the correct supplies for your pond.

UV Filter

You will definitely need to use a UV filter. These filters destroy any algae that may be hovering around in the pond.

The UV Filter turns the water into clear and safe water for your fish or plants. The filter attacks the algae right at the DNA to prevent it from multiplying and destroying your fish or plants.


You’ll also need a pond pump, a pond liner, some rocks (both big and small), some fountain sprayers if you want an artesian fountain in your pond, etc.

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Ponds for summer cottages

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Artificial ponds for summer cottages

Do-it-yourself ponds in the summer cottage and in the garden, ideas

Ponds in the design of modern suburban areas are very popular. Different sizes and shapes, natural and made on the basis of ready-made containers, purely decorative or inhabited by various aquatic animals – whatever they are! It all depends only on the imagination and capabilities of an amateur gardener.

Perhaps the secret here is the attraction of water. It is so nice to relax in the silence by the pond in the summer heat. Watching dragonflies fluttering over the water or admiring the reflections in the pond, we feel harmony and find inner balance.

A successful pond does not require much care from its owners, but in order for it to become so, it is important to follow all the rules for creating it. Ponds from A to Z, from planning to care – the content of this section. Supplement it with your interesting publications and photographs, and if you still have a pond in your plans, ask experienced summer residents about everything that interests you: materials and technologies, choosing a place and planting plants, decorating the banks and settling fish in a country pond. Join the discussion of one of the most interesting country topics!

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Do-it-yourself pond

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