Firewood cord: How Much Firewood Is in a Cord and How to Store It

Cord Of Firewood – How Much Is That?

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A cord of firewood is
the official firewood measurement that’s recognized by just about everyone
who either buys or sells firewood.

Also described as a full cord, a cord of wood generally measures 4 feet wide, 4 feet tall, and 8 feet long
for a total volume of 128 cubic feet.

A half cord would measure out to be 64 cubic feet.

discussing firewood quantities, it is always in relation to a full cord

A full cord of firewood is determined
by the total cubic feet of firewood, not necessarily the exact measurements of the stack.

However, the 4′ x 4′ x 8′
shape is the most common.

Whichever way your firewood is packed together, the total cubic feet of
the stack will be 128 cubic feet.

Firewood Lingo

Buying firewood by the
cord can be confusing for many people for several different reasons, so be sure to do your research before
buying your wood.

Not every firewood
supplier adheres to the same rules.

Terms like face cord, bush cord, stove
cord, running cord, or rick are commonly mixed together, making it difficult to
know exactly what you’re getting.

A face cord is any single stack of firewood that measures 4 feet high and 8 feet wide, no matter the depth of the firewood stack.

Bush cords and stove cords are simply other terms for a full cord of wood.

A running cord is specifically a cord of wood with the pieces running parallel to one another.

All of these terms are essentially alternative ways of describing a simple cord of wood.

A rick of firewood, on the other hand, is a variable measurement.

It will differ depending on where you’re getting your wood. If you see firewood measures in ricks, be sure to find out the dimensions they are using for ricks.

Understanding Firewood Lengths

Another reason firewood shopping can be difficult is the size of each piece of wood.

Most lumber is cut down to 4 feet, but a 4-foot long piece of firewood is not a usable length of wood.

There is no fireplace or outdoor fire pit that could handle firewood of that size.

Because of that, the wood is cut into smaller lengths.

The most common length is 16 inches, but the firewood could also be cut into 12-inch lengths or 24-inch lengths.

These differences in length are an important factor to consider when you’re purchasing your firewood.

A cord of firewood could be made up of firewood of any of these lengths.

For example, the following stacks of
wood all equal one full cord of firewood:

3 rows of firewood 16”
in length, 4 feet high, and 8 feet long

4 rows of firewood 12”
in length, 4 feet high, and 8 feet long

2 rows of firewood 24”
in length, 2 feet high, and 16 feet long

Each of these combinations has a total volume of 128 cubic
feet (length x width x height)

If you’re using the firewood in a large outdoor bonfire, you may want
the larger logs. However, if you have a small but cozy indoor fireplace, 24
inches will be too long.

You don’t want to find yourself chopping your firewood
to make it fit.

Pay close attention to the length of the logs you’re

in mind you’re also paying for air space. A cord is measured as a
stack, not by the size of each piece of firewood. The tighter the wood is
stacked, the more fuel you’re getting for your money.

Double Check The Amount – Cord Of Firewood

To make sure you’re getting what you paid for, be sure to stack the pile of wood
delivered to you before you pay for it.

Unfortunately, some retailers will stack the
wood loosely, making it appear like a full cord of firewood even when it isn’t.

Whether the firewood supplier stacks it for you or you have to do it yourself, double-check the firewood measurements so you’re not getting ripped off.

Your supplier should be fine with this happening because it’s a very common request.

If your supplier is against stacking it up before completing the transaction, that is a sign that they may be dishonest.

How Much Firewood Will a Typical Pickup Truck Hold?

If you’re planning on moving
a cord of firewood on your own, you should know that it won’t fit in the back
of your truck.

standard full-size pickup with a full box will only hold about a half cord of wood if it’s stacked

This is another
important consideration if you’re having the cord delivered directly to you.

If your supplier shows up with a
pile of logs in the back of the truck facing every direction and says it’s a
cord of wood, stack it before buying to avoid being scammed.

Quality Of Firewood

A cord is simply a measurement of the amount of wood and does not determine the quality of the wood or the species.

Ensure that the supplier carries the type of wood you’re looking for.

It’s also a good idea to understand the qualities of your preferred firewood so that you can identify whether you’ve been given the correct order.

No matter how much firewood you purchase or what species you choose, make sure it is seasoned when it’s delivered.

Seasoned Firewood

Most firewood suppliers advertise
and sell their wood as seasoned and ready to burn. If the firewood is still green, meaning
it hasn’t been dried out, it will not be able to start a fire.

Sometimes green wood is
preferred, though.

can purchase green wood for a discounted price
because the wood will have to be
dried before you can use it.

you have enough seasoned wood to last you a while, you can stock up on green
wood. It’s often worth a little extra time and work to save some money.

Whether you buy green
or seasoned wood, make sure you can tell the difference and you are getting
what you paid for.

Overall – Cord Of Firewood

Since firewood is typically sold by the
cord, it’s important to know exactly how much wood you should be getting for
the price.

You should be able to identify the type of
wood you purchased to make sure you’re getting what you paid for.

After a few purchases, you should be able to look at a stack of wood or
even a truckload of wood and have a pretty good idea just how much wood is

It takes time, but you will catch on quickly if
you pay attention to what is delivered.

the meantime, if you have any reservations about the quantity of the firewood you’re receiving, just stack it before
you buy it!

What is a Cord of Wood? » Full Service Chimney™

by Full Service Chimney | Jul 23, 2021 | Fireplace and Chimney

If you’re new to the firewood supply market, you’re likely unfamiliar with the industry jargon. One of the most frequently used terms in the firewood industry is “cord.” So, what is a cord of wood anyway?

A cord is the primary unit of measurement for selling wood. Understanding this term is essential to ensure you purchase the appropriate supply for your specific home. Follow along with the sections below to learn what you need to know about firewood terms and measurements! 

Table of Contents
  1. Cord of Wood Defined
  2. Cord Size
  3. Face Cord vs Full Cord
  4. What is a Rick?
  5. Cord Costs
  6. Heat Values
  7. Seasoning and Storage
  8. Summary

What Does Cord of Wood Mean?

Firewood has its own units of measure, similar to a foot of rope or how we measure gasoline in gallons. To understand how much of your dollar is going for a woodpile, you should know what to ask for and how to compare prices.

We sell and purchase firewood by volume. Picture a stack of wood logs piled four feet high and eight feet long by four feet deep. This is known as a cord. Even if it ends up as four feet high, two feet deep, and sixteen feet long, it works out the same since it is measured by volume.


Since many wood stove inserts and prefab fireplaces have limited room on the firebox grate, most firewood logs are only 16 to 18 inches long. With a bit of calculation, you will know how much wood you’re getting for your dollar. 

Firewood Cord Size

A common question among homeowners is, “what is the size of a cord of wood?” In the United States, a full cord of wood size is 4’ x 8’ x 4’ (4 feet tall, 8 feet long, 4 feet deep), which equals 128 cubic feet.

A cord of firewood and a full cord is, in most cases, the same thing. A few other common synonyms for a full cord is “bush” and “stove.” To summarize:

    • Cord of wood = 4’ x 8’ x 4’
    • Cord of wood synonyms: Full, bush, and stove.

For many, a full cord is significantly too large. The logs would need to be split to fit in their firebox. So, various other sizes are available to fit their needs, such as a face cord, half cord, and rick.

Face Cord vs Full Cord

The face cord vs. full cord debate is a confusing one. Like full cords, a face cord measures the same in length and height; however, the depth is the difference. Face measures out to 4’ x 8’ x 16” (16 inches).

It’s a third of the full cord’s depth. Which means it’s a third of the logs.

Sometimes certain sellers will use face and full interchangeably. Meaning the face cord has the same wood volume as a full.  

One way to ensure you’re getting the full amount you paid for is to count the logs. Let’s use basic mathematics to help us out. If 4 feet is equal to 48 inches, and a typical log is cut to 16 inches, then you should have three full rows of 16” firewood in a full one.

As mentioned earlier, the length of the logs also occasionally varies from 16 to 18 inches. Again, it’s dependent on the seller!

The half cord is another term similar to face, which is 4’ x 8’ x 24” (4 feet tall, 8 feet long, 24 inches wide-deep). 

Face and Full Cord dimensions compared.

What is a Rick of Firewood?

A rick of wood is another team used to measure firewood, but the bad news is, it varies. Some sellers will tell you a rick is the equivalent of a face cord, while others say it’s equal to a full cord.

Don’t worry about this confusing terminology. If the seller is using this term, be sure to ask them how they measure it.

Even if they don’t use ricks, to avoid confusion, it’s always a good idea to ask the seller about the dimensions and be sure to measure it yourself before you buy!

Cord of Wood Cost

According to the Chainsaw Journal, the average price for a cord of wood in the United States in 2020 was $296. But because firewood measurements are not 100% definitive, the price to buy firewood definitely varies.

You’re probably tired of hearing us say this, but it’s true: The cost and the amount of wood truly depend on the seller.  

Heat Values

Getting usable heat output from your fireplace or wood stove is important, especially on cold winter evenings. Not all wood types have the same heat values. Some actually give more noticeable heat than others. Depending on the types of wood available in your area, try to find seasoned wood for maximum heat from your fireplace.

To understand the available heat from one kind of wood species vs. another, the heat value is calculated in BTU’s (British Thermal Unit). BTU’s are the amount of heat necessary to raise one pound of water, one degree Fahrenheit. Using the listed BTU’s available in a cord of stove wood, you’ll know how much heating value you’re getting and at what cost.

For more on the best type of wood to use, check out this blog post:  


If you’re interested to learn more about the best types of wood to burn in your fireplace, then visit our post that explains it in great detail.

How to Store and Season

Once you’ve acquired your firewood, there are a few more important steps to take! Burning unseasoned logs results in an inefficient fire and increases the likelihood of creosote build-up. This means proper storage and seasoning is imperative.

To learn how, check out the two blog posts listed in the suggested box below: ▼

Warning: This is an example of how not to store wood. It’s recommended that it should be a minimum of 5 feet away from your home. Read more about storage recommendations here.


Firewood is measured by a unit called a “cord.” But since there is various cord of wood sizes, such as face, half, and ricks, you need to understand the terms to ensure you purchase an adequate amount for your home. 

We understand that the terminology is slightly confusing at first, but once you fully understand it, you’ll be prepared for many warm and crackling fires this Winter.

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How Much Firewood is in a Cord? And Other Important Questions

Firewood is not complicated. You set it ablaze and enjoy the warmth. So, why does buying the right amount of firewood have to be complicated by confusing terms like cord and rick? How much firewood is in a cord, anyway?

We understand your frustration. Unfortunately, like any other industry, the firewood business has its jargon, too.

That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you understand how much firewood is in a cord, rick, face cord and bundle.

(Plus, stick around to the end because we have some helpful tips for figuring out how much firewood you need!)

Now, without further ado, let the firewood measuring begin!

How is Firewood Measured?

The standard way to measure firewood is by volume, meaning length multiplied by width multiplied by height. So, you will usually see the measurements formatted in one of two ways: Companies will either list the length, width and height of their stacks, or they will give the full volume in cubic feet (or meters, if you’re in Canada).

Because we lumberjacks don’t like to throw numbers around a lot, we have come up with shorthand ways to represent our firewood measurements. These common terms include:

  • Cord
  • Face Cord
  • Rick
  • Bundle

How much wood do these terms represent? We’ll take a look at each below.

How Much Firewood is in a Cord?

Most people in the firewood industry agree that a cord of firewood measures 4 feet high by 4 feet wide by 8 feet long, or 128 cubic feet.

Be Careful! Cord Measurements Can Vary

We say “most people” agree because the regulations for measuring cords vary from state to state. So, you should always be careful when buying firewood that the cord the company you’re buying from is talking about is the standard cord. If not, you could purchase less wood than you thought you’d be getting!

How Much Wood You’ll Be Getting

So, how many pieces of firewood are in a cord? Unfortunately, there’s no way to say exactly how many pieces you’ll be getting. It depends on how long the company cuts its logs.

The standard length for a piece of firewood is 16 inches. But some companies use 14-inch pieces and others use 18 inches. Here at Lumberjacks, we always cut our kiln-dried firewood to the standard 16 inches.

Typically, a full cord will contain somewhere between 600 and 800 pieces of firewood. If the company you purchase from cuts their logs shorter, you will probably get closer to 800 pieces. And if the pieces are longer, you will probably get around 600 pieces. For the standard length of 16 inches, a full cord likely contains around 700 units of firewood.

You should also be aware of how tightly the company has stacked its cord. If the company stacks their firewood very loosely, then the 128 cubic feet will include a lot of air space. As a result, you will be getting less wood than you’d get from a company that stacks their wood more tightly.

Stack for Yourself to Make Sure

For this reason, it’s always a good idea to stack the wood yourself to make sure you’re not getting ripped off. The company you’re purchasing from should be fine with you stacking your own wood and shouldn’t insist upon stacking it themselves. The most trustworthy companies will only stack their wood for you if you request that they stack it.

Bottom line: If the company isn’t okay with you stacking the wood before completing the sale, they are probably not an honest business.

Terms Related to a Cord

If you hang around lumberjacks long enough, you’ll probably hear them use other phrases like bush cord and stove cord. Here are some definitions for these and other cord-related terms:

  • Bush Cord – This phrase is just another way of saying a full cord, or 128 cubic feet, of firewood.
  • Running Cord – People use this phrase to describe a full cord of firewood with all pieces stacked parallel to each other.
  • Sheldon Cord – This phrase is frequently used to describe an order of firewood that measures more than a full cord. There is no exact measurement for a sheldon cord.
  • Stove Cord – People use this phrase when talking about purchasing wood for a stove. The wood in a stove cord is often shorter (around 12 inches long) to fit in the stove. So, a stove cord may measure 4 feet high by 8 feet long by 12 inches deep, but there is no official measurement.

These are just a few of the many terms for firewood volume out there. While all this industry slang can be daunting, the most important thing to remember is that a full cord measures 128 cubic feet. Once you know that, figuring out these other terms is as simple as understanding how they relate to a full cord.

For example, the most popular of these terms is a face cord. We’ll look at how that term relates to a full cord next.

How Much Firewood is in a Cord

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A cord of wood is a measurement of firewood. This measurement is different depending on which country or state you live in. Also, there are a few kinds of cords which makes it even more confusion; a full cord, face cord, sheldon cord, kitchen cord, and stove cord to name a few.

But fear not, that’s precisely what this article is about. I’ll cover the basics and give you as much helpful information as possible.

Table of Contents

Cord Measurements & Terminology

Like I mentioned in the first paragraph, the size of a cord largely depends on the country you live in but I’ll do my best to be helpful to as many people as possible.

Before I get into the measurements, I want to be clear about the terminology. Firewood sellers may use different non-legal terms to describe the amount of wood they’re selling; you should always understand how much wood you’re buying in terms of a “full cord”.

If a seller offers you a “running cord” or a “truckload”, be sure to first understand how much wood you’re purchasing in comparison to a full cord.

Full Cord

Photo credit: JKBrooks85 / Wikipedia

In the United States and Canada, a full cord is 128 cubic feet. To put that measurement into perspective, that’s a stack of wood 8 feet (width) x 4 feet (depth) x 4 feet (height). In the US and Canada, the term “full cord” is a legal term, one you should be familiar with if you’re looking to purchase some firewood.

It’s also worth mentioning that the length of the firewood varies but typically they’re around 16-inches. This means there are three rows of firewood per cord. That’s not always the case, though. The length of each piece of firewood isn’t set in stone. Some retailers choose to cut each piece around 12-inches in length; that means a full cord would be four rows deep. But you get the point; a full cord of wood is 8ft x 4ft x 4ft.

Face Cord

A face cord is approximately 1/3 of a full cord. This is a common term used to define a row of firewood 8 feet in width by 4 feet in height, having each piece of firewood cut to 16-inches in length.

If the logs are 12-inches in length that means this “face cord” is not actually 1/3 of a full cord; it’s 1/4 of a full cord. The price should reflect the smaller amount of wood.

Sometimes a face cord is called a “Rick of Wood”. A “Rick” is actually a description of the way materials are stacked, whether its wood, hay, etc.

Using the term “rick of wood” to describe a quantity is improper usage in my opinion but I certainly don’t want to step on anyone’s toes. I only mention this because it’s common terminology when describing a face cord or 1/3 of a full cord. Either way, be sure you know what you’re buying in terms of a full cord – not a “rick”.

Sheldon Cord, Stove Cord, etc

A sheldon cord is another popular term. It’s most often described as “more than a full cord”. It varies depending on your region of the world.

A stove cord is common as well but it’s usually meant to describe the length of the logs. Pieces of firewood cut to 12-inches in length will fall into this category more often than not.

Someone might say a “stove cord” is 1/4th of a full cord because it is stacked 8 feet long by 4 feet tall and the logs are 12-inches in length. Be sure to clarify before buying.

These are just a few examples of what you might hear when you go to purchase wood. Others include running cord, truckload, country cord, and more. What really matters is that you know the measurements of a full cord. Most other terms are based on length of the firewood or percentages of wood in comparison to a full cord.

Regional Measurements

The measurements for a full cord differ depending on where in the world you live. The vast majority of people reading this will be from English speaking countries like the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

Whether you live in one of the countries or not, I’m going to do my best to give you the information you’re looking for. Since I live in the US, I can’t say with absolute certainty that the measurements below are 100% accurate. This is information I’ve found on the internet.

  • United States & Canada: 128 cubic feet or 8-ft x 4-ft x 4-ft
  • France: 2 – 3 steres (corde) vastly different depending on location
  • Germany: 2 variants of 1.4 or 1.0 cubic meters – 14 ft wide x 3 feet deep x 3 feet high

It’s a short list for now but this is all I could find. I expect to do more research in the future to add to this list. If you’re from another region of the world and you happen to know the measurements, please educate us in the comment section below.

The Price of a Full Cord

Just like the measurements and terminology, the price of a cord will vary from region to region. Also, the time of year affects the overall price as well. You’re likely to pay more for firewood during the winter months than you are during the summer months.

According to, the average cost of a cord of wood is between $120 – $180 (at the time of writing this page). That sounds right for some regions but it’s actually on the low side.

I imagine you’ll pay a little more, anywhere up to $250 per cord. In my area, I can get a face cord for $70 and it’s early fall. That’s $210 per full cord, assuming the logs are cut to a standard 16-inches. So, depending on the time of year and your region, you’ll likely pay between $200 – $250 for a full cord.

How to Store and Season a Cord

Once you’ve obtained a cord of wood, it’s important to stack and season the wood properly. Stacking wood is easy enough to understand but what is “seasoned wood”? Well, when firewood is seasoned, it’s ready to burn. Unseasoned wood is freshly cut and sometimes still green. It has a higher moisture content than seasoned wood.

Unseasoned wood is hard to light, it doesn’t burn efficiently, it produces more smoke, and leaves more creosote in your flue pipe. If the wood is seasoned, you can burn it now. If not, you’ll need to wait several months.

Related: Best Firewood Carts (With Wheels)

So, how do you season firewood? The process is fairly simple. If possible, stack the firewood in a row with both ends exposed to air circulation. Stacking the wood against a wall will block the flow of air and cause it to dry slower.

It can take 6 – 9 months for wood to season properly; even longer for some hardwoods. Once the moisture content is at or below 20%, the wood is seasoned and you’re ready to burn it.

If you want to learn more about the time and moisture content, read my post about how long to dry firewood.


Well, I hope this page helped you to understand how much wood is in a cord. Chances are, you’re here reading this because you’re about to go out and make a purchase for yourself. If that’s the case, I’ll leave you with some advice.

Stay away from companies that don’t sell wood by a “full cord”, especially if you live in the US or Canada. A full cord is a standard and legal measurement, one that anyone selling firewood should be well aware of.

Also, do some price shopping to determine how much a cord of wood sells for in your area; check craigslist, facebook market, and local stores. Good luck out there!

What Is a Cord of Wood?

When shopping for firewood, you’ll probably come across the term “cord.” While some people and businesses sell firewood by the stack or truckload, these aren’t accurate forms of measurement. A stack from one seller may consist of just 12 pieces of firewood, whereas a stack from another seller may consist of 24 pieces of firewood. And different trucks have different sized pickup beds, some of which can more firewood than others. A cord, on the other hand, is a more accurate and precise way to measure firewood, providing insight into exactly how much firewood is being purchased.

Cord of Wood Defined

A cord of wood refers to a stack of wood — arranged with the logs aligned and touching each other — that’s 4 feet tall, 8 feet wide and 4 feet deep. In Canada, it’s one of three metrics used to measure firewood, with the other two being stacked cubic meter and cubic foot. In the United States, it’s often the preferred method for measuring firewood because of it’s simple and accurate nature.

It’s unknown who invented the cord measurement. However, historians believe that it likely relates to the use of a cord of yarn or string to measure firewood. Rather than using a tape measure, many people and businesses in the past have measured their stacks of firewood using yarn or a string. They would stretch the yarn or string across the dimensions of the firewood stack to see how big it was. Even today, firewood cords are often measured using this rudimentary but effective method.

How a Cord of Wood Is Stacked

There are different ways to stack a cord of wood. Assuming the logs are 4 feet long, they can be arranged in horizontal rows until it creates a stack that’s 4 feet tall and 8 feet wide. But most firewood is cut shorter than 4 feet so that it burns more easily in fires. If the logs are long, you may struggle to light them. Therefore, it’s not uncommon for sellers to arrange multiple stacks of shorter firewood when creating a cord. Regardless of how it’s stacked, the most important thing to remember is that a cord of wood is 4 feet tall, 8 feet wide and 4 feet deep.

What Is a Full Cord of Wood?

A full cord is just another name for a cord of wood. Some sellers refer to their stacks of wood as cords, while others refer to them as face cords. Either way, the definition is the same.

What Is a Face Cord of Wood?

A face cord has a different meaning than a full cord. It refers to a stack of wood that’s 4 feet tall and 8 feet wide. There’s no specified depth for a face cord. Rather, the depth varies depending on the length of the logs. Face cords consist of multiple horizontal rows of wood, but they don’t are only a single log deep. Considering that most firewood is about 12 to 16 inches, this means face cords are usually around 4 feet tall, 8 feet wide and 12 to 16 inches deep.

From afar, a face cord of wood may appear to have a similar size as a full cord. With full cords having a uniform depth of 4 feet, however, they typically hold significantly more wood than face cords. A face cord, for example, may hold about one-third the amount of wood as a full cord.

What Is a Half Face Cord of Wood?

As you may have guessed, a half face cord of wood is about half the size of its face cord counterpart. Half face cords measure 4 feet tall and 4 feet wide, whereas a standard face cord measures 4 feet tall and 8 feet wide. Like face cords, half face cords don’t have a specific depth.

How Much Does a Cord of Weigh Wood?

To say a cord of wood is heavy would be an understatement. The exact weight of a cord varies depending on the type wood, how it was stacked and its moisture content. With that said, a full cord of well-seasoned, dry oak wood may weight up 2 or more tons.

The Bottom Line on Cords of Wood

A cord is just one way to measure firewood. It’s perfectly fine to buy wood measured in other metrics, such as stacks or racks. In fact, some people prefer these alternative units of measurement because they involve smaller volumes of wood. For the average person, a full cord of wood is A LOT of wood to burn, so buying stacks or racks is a smarter financial investment.

For the best deals on seasoned firewood and cooking wood, visit our order page now. Cutting Edge Firewood offers a wide selection of premium wood, including oak, hickory, cherry and more.

Leroy Hite

Leroy Hite is the founder and CEO of Cutting Edge Firewood, an ultra-premium firewood and cooking wood company located in Atlanta, Georgia. Leroy’s mission is to give people the experience of the perfect fire because some of life’s best memories are made in the warmth of a fire’s glow. He founded Cutting Edge Firewood in 2013 with a goal to provide unmatched quality wood and unparalleled customer service nationwide. The company offers premium kiln-dried firewood, cooking wood, and pizza wood in a wide variety of species and cuts to customers around the country.

Washington State Department of Agriculture

For more information, e-mail us or call (360) 902-1857.

Washington State law requires wood sellers to provide a receipt that includes the following:

  • Seller’s name and address;
  • Buyers name and address;
  • Date of purchase;
  • Price;
  • Quantity delivered;
  • Quantity upon which the price is based; and
  • Type and quality of the wood.

When you buy firewood write the seller’s phone number and the license plate number of the delivery vehicle.

The legal measure for firewood in Washington is the cord or a fraction of a cord. Sellers may not legitimately use terms such as “truckload,” “face cord,” “rack” or “pile.” These terms have no legal definition and cannot, therefore, be used as a measure for the amount of firewood being sold. Only packaged wood, such as kindling or a very small bundle of firewood, may be sold by the cubic foot or a fraction of a cubic foot.

A cord is 128 cubic feet. To be sure you have a cord, stack the wood neatly by placing the wood in a line or a row, with individual pieces touching and parallel to each other. Make sure the wood is compact and has as few gaps as possible. Finally, measure the stack. If the width times the height times the length equals 128 cubic feet, you have a cord of firewood. If there is a problem, contact the seller immediately and before you burn any wood.

The wood should be stacked with the pieces parallel to each other.  While wood stacked in a crisscross or log cabin fashion is secure and will stand freely, it does not meet the legal definition. Most likely the stack will contain less wood than one that is stacked by the legal parallel method.

Estimate a cord by visualizing a 4 ft by 8 ft space filled with wood to a height of 4 ft (4ft X 8ft X 4ft = 128 cubic feet).  Most long bed pickup trucks have beds that are close to the 4 ft by 8 ft dimension.

Washington State adopts the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Handbook 130, Uniform Laws and Regulations in the areas of legal metrology and engine fuel quality as the legal method of sale in chapter 16-662 WAC.

Due to limited resources, we can only investigate chronic and repeat violators at this time. The full version of the handbook is available on the NIST website at  or from the U.S. Government Printing Office at (202) 512-1800.

Below are some of the regulations from Handbook 130, Uniform Regulation for the Method of Sale. Fireplace and Stove Wood Any kindling, logs, boards, timbers, or other wood, natural or processed, split or not split, advertised, offered for sale, or sold for use as fuel. Cord The amount of wood that is contained in a space of 128 cubic feet when the wood is ranked and well stowed. For the purpose of this regulation, “ranked and well stowed” shall be construed to mean that pieces of wood are placed in a line or row, with individual pieces touching and parallel to each other, and stacked in a compact manner. Representation A “representation” shall be construed to mean any advertisement, offering, invoice, or the like that pertains to the sale of fireplace or stove wood.

2.4.2 Identity A representation may include a declaration of identity that indicates the species group (Example: 50 percent hickory, 50 percent miscellaneous softwood). Such a representation shall indicate, within 10 percent accuracy, the percentages of each group.

2.4.3 Quantity Fireplace and stove wood shall be advertised, offered for sale and sold only by measure, using the term cord and fractional parts of a cord or the cubic meter. (a) Packaged natural wood. – Natural wood offered for sale in packaged form in quantities less than 0.45m3, 1/8 cord or 16 cubic feet shall display the quantity in terms of cubic meters or cubic feet to include fractions.

2.4.4 Prohibition of Terms The terms “face cord,” “rack,” “pile,” “truckload” or terms of similar import shall not be used when advertising, offering for sale, or selling wood for use as fuel.

2.4.5 Delivery Ticket or Sales Invoice A delivery ticket or sales invoice shall be presented by the seller to the purchaser whenever any nonpackaged fireplace or stove wood is sold.  The delivery ticket or sales invoice shall contain at least the following information:


  • the name and address of the vendor
  • the name and address of the purchaser
  • the date delivered
  • the quantity delivered and the quantity upon which the price is based, if this differs from the delivered quantity
  • the price of the amount delivered, and
  • the identity in the most descriptive terms commercially practicable, including any quality representation made in connection with the sale.

How much does mesquite cord cost?

How much does mesquite cord cost?

Can you fit a tree cord into a pickup truck? Consumers should be on their guard because a pickup truck cannot hold a string of firewood. An 8-foot flatbed truck can hold half of the cord, while a 6-foot flatbed can barely hold one third of the cord.

What does 1/2 cord of wood look like? Half cord is 4 feet wide, 4 feet high, and 4 feet deep. Historically, each piece of wood in the cord was cut to four feet and then trimmed to fireplace size by the user.

How long does a cord made of wood last? Wooden cord will last 8-12 weeks

And it also depends on the size of the house. Given that both are medium, a full cord of wood will last 8 to 12 weeks. For example, an average 1,000 square foot home using fire twice a day to heat the house will last 8 to 12 weeks.

How much does firewood cost in Texas?

State average price of mixed hardwood lumber was 30.9USD 8 per ton, which is 1% more than in the previous period and 16% less than a year ago. The average statewide hardwood pulpwood price was $6.70/tonne, down 12% from a year ago and 34% from a year ago.

How much does a wooden cord cost in a pickup truck?

Full cord can weigh up to 5000 lbs. Small Pickup – 1/4 Ton With or without luggage racks, this truck bed holds approximately 1/2 (half) of a tree cord. Two cargo tickets are required. Short Bed Pickup – 1/2 Ton With or without luggage racks, this truck bed holds approximately 1/2 (half) of a tree cord.

Will the piece of wood fit in a pickup truck?

A stack of firewood can fit in a pickup (of course, this depends on the size of the pickup), but the wood cord is too big. Consider the following: A wooden bundle has a volume of 128 cubic feet and weighs an average of about 5,000 pounds. You can fit about half of the wood cord into small and short pickups.

Why do they call it wood cord?

Cord, unit of volume for measuring stacked firewood. The face cord is a stack of pieces 4×8 feet and 1 foot long. Cord was originally designed to measure firewood and was so named because a string, rope or cord was used to bind firewood into a bundle.

What is the best way to season firewood?

To properly season your firewood, store it in a place where it can be warmed by the sun and ventilated by the wind. One row, open to the sun and the prevailing winds, is best – as the sun heats and evaporates the water from the wood, the wind blows it away. Season for season.

How many strands are in the cord?

Face cord 1/4 corresponds to 12 bunches, Face cord 1/2 to 24 bunches and Face cord to 48 bunches. What is the difference between dried and aged firewood?

How many pieces of wood are in a full cord?

There are approximately 700 pieces of wood in a complete cord. Understanding how many pieces of wood you consume on a daily basis will help determine if a full cord or facial cord is right for you.

Is pine a good firewood?

Pine is a great choice for firewood, especially if you plan to use it as kindling outdoors. It’s a great fire starter, especially because it has so much tarry sap in it. This juice acts as a good igniter, helping you start a fire quickly and easily.

How much does a bundle of firewood cost?

A bundle of firewood costs $5 to $7. This price will vary depending on your location. In rural areas, where there is more firewood, firewood will be much cheaper than in the city. Homeowners often cut down trees and sell firewood at a discount to get rid of them.

How many Ricks are in a wooden cord?

The length of the logs determines how much wood you get. Generally speaking, if the logs are cut 16 inches long and stacked in a stack 4 feet high and 8 feet long, the stack will be 1/3 cord. If the same logs were cut 24 inches long, the stack would be 1/2 cord.

Can firewood be exposed to rain?

No, rain will not help season the firewood. In order for firewood to dry quickly and efficiently, the wood must be kept dry and away from moisture. If a stack of wood is in constant contact with moisture, then it will begin to deteriorate rather than dry out.

Do I need to cover firewood in winter?

Ideally the wood should be left open so that it can dry properly, but this is not practical when rain, snow and ice can quickly cover the winter firewood. A good cover over your woodpile will protect it, and make sure the cover is tilted to wick moisture away from the base of the stack.

How long will a wooden rope last on a hike?

It’s generally a good idea to expect a bundle of firewood to give you a solid fire for about an hour, sometimes two if you’re lucky. However, keep in mind that starting a fire can also take some time.

Why is lumber still so expensive?

Wood product prices tend to fluctuate more than most commodities because residential construction can rise or fall much faster than sawmill productivity. Lumber and plywood prices are so high right now because of short-term supply and demand dynamics. During the summer of the pandemic, the demand for wood increased sharply.

Is lumber still expensive?

Despite the recent price drop, lumber is still about 80% more expensive than it was before the pandemic — a markup that builders say adds tens of thousands of dollars to the price of a new home. And the supply of lumber is not growing very fast yet.

Texas lumber prices falling?

Indicators show lumber prices are falling. Lumber buyers in the last two weeks may have found it hard not to flinch at prices for plywood, 2×4 lumber and other lumber. The prices were too high for some. “The next project we were going to do was fix the porch, make the railing.

What is a real stack of wood?

Wooden cord is 4x4x8 feet or 128 cubic feet and standard cord is stacked or stacked 4×8 feet. Rick also refers to a stack of any other material, such as hay, left out in the open.

What does a wood face cord look like?

Face Cord, Rick, Stove Cord, Grade

All terms that are used as a lesser measure of firewood. Typically, this is the third piece of 16″ cord, divided and stacked. A face bundle of firewood is equal to one pile of firewood, which measures 4 feet high and 8 feet long, regardless of the depth of the firewood.

How much should I pay for a stack of firewood?

You can pay between $150 and $250 for oak posts or face cord. Prices can and will vary depending on the type of wood you choose (acacia, red oak, maple, etc.), if it has been cured, how it has been cured (air or kiln dried), the particular local market, etc. Further.

How much does a stack of firewood cost?

Rick Wood Cost

Tree Row is another way to describe the face cord or third tree cord and costs an average of $160. The term “wood stack” is most common in the Midwest.

What is the name of a bundle of firewood?

Firewood is usually sold by pallet, cord, face cord or bundle. A full cord is a stack of wood measuring 8 feet long, 4 feet deep and 4 feet high, or 128 cubic feet. The face cord, sometimes called a rika, has a volume of 64 cubic feet and is typically 8 feet long and 4 feet high.

Read “We make our own smokehouses, grills, barbecues, outdoor stoves” – Podolsky Yuriy Fedorovich – Page 6

When igniting, firewood is loaded from above; at the same time, the furnace grate is set to a position of average height, the lid (it can be taken from the same washing machine) is open. After partial combustion of firewood, when the surface of the wooden chocks has already been charred, and the core has not yet caught fire, you can close the blower slot with a metal plate or insert a brick into the vent. In the latter case, it is necessary to make a blow of the appropriate size even during the formation of the outer stone body of the furnace.

When choosing a place for a barbecue, the first thing to think about is safety. It should not be placed near trees, next to wooden buildings or a wooden fence, as the stove will generate intense heat. You should also remember about the direction of the prevailing winds, so as not to conflict with neighbors in vain. Thus, it is better to place a barbecue away from the house, but so that it is convenient to go for food and kitchen utensils.

A grill grate, skewers or a cauldron are placed on top of the tank. If the heat is strong, the skewers can be raised using a rack or a divider to distribute the heat more evenly. When smoking, the tank is covered with a stainless steel lid with a small hole and hooks for hanging products. And in order to simmer, steam or cook a dish in a saucepan, a pair of cast-iron plates are placed on the furnace grates (to increase the heat capacity) and covered with a tight lid.

But in any case, you should remember that fire always requires extra care. Therefore, the place for the fire should be equipped accordingly. It should be noted that it is possible to make an open fire only at a certain distance from the boundaries of the site, so that fire safety requirements are met, smoke does not interfere with neighbors, and the wind does not carry smells into the house. Let’s look at how you can equip the area around the selected picnic spot with simple methods.

Party area

It is best to equip a stationary recreation area and fence it off from the house with shrubs or hedges. The fireplace should be laid out with a stone and a hard surface should be arranged around it. Thanks to this, the resting place can be used throughout the year – in the heat, you can not be afraid that the grass will catch fire, and after rain or in winter there will be no dirt there. Materials left after the construction of paths, steps and elements of small architecture can be used for coating.

In fig. 10 presents three ideas in which the hearth and its surrounding area not only fit into the landscape, but also become a kind of decorative element. They are performed in the same way, but the configuration may be different, taking into account the terrain and your imagination.

Fig. 10. Place for recreation with a fireplace:

a – in – design options; g – general view; 1 – a place for a fire, paved with granite paving stones; 2 – wood flooring made of cut round timber; 3 – clinker brick covering; 4 – trees or shrubs; 5 – stone slab path; 6 – chipped stone covering; 7 – sand or gravel bedding; 8 – a path lined with sandstone slabs; 9 – granite paving stone; 10 – wooden benches; 11 – square wooden block paving; 12 – track of sleepers; 13 – log seats

First of all, you should carefully measure the place chosen for the site and create its exact plan on paper, taking into account the unevenness of the soil, the presence of vegetation, the wind rose. It is convenient to place a place for a fire near the fence, as shown in fig. 10, and – its proximity will not allow the wind to clear up. But if this fence separates your site from another estate, you should find out in advance the opinion of your neighbors about your idea.

Construction of the site begins with the removal of the project in nature – the exact transfer of the dimensions indicated on the diagram to the site. We mark the contour of the future site with pegs. Under the base of the site, we select soil to a depth of 30 cm. We level the bottom of the excavation and carefully compact it with a manual rammer. We fall asleep at the bottom of the excavation and level a layer of sand 5 cm thick. It should be borne in mind that the finished coating must pass rainwater. If the soil is waterproof, drainage should be arranged at the base of the site. To do this, the pit should be dug a little deeper and a 15-cm layer of crushed stone or large rubble should be laid on the bottom.

The sand must also be compacted with a compactor. Now we need to mark the outlines of the fire pit and the boundaries between the coatings of clinker, stone and edged round timber.

In the part of the excavation that is reserved for the covering of crushed stone, clinker bricks and a fire pit, a 5 cm layer of cement-sand mixture should be poured (in a ratio of 1:9 to 1:12). Next, the contour of the clinker coating (border) is laid out: a row of bricks on a plinth made of compacted lean concrete. The seams between the bricks must be filled with cement mortar and rubbed.

After laying the contour, it is necessary to level and form the level of the cement-sand bedding layer. This must be done very accurately, since any irregularities can cause the coating to subside.

Necessary materials for building a campfire site:

chipped stone with a thickness of 10 cm or more – 1.9 t;

solid clinker brick 6.5 x 12 x 25 cm – 480 pcs. ;

granite pavers 8 x 8 x 8 cm – 0.8 t; 9 2 ;

wooden stakes ∅ 10 cm and 30 cm long – 40 pcs.;

sand – approx. 2 tons;

cement – 0.6 t. , wheelbarrow, construction studs, trowel, manual or mechanical rammer, large brush, hose with water spray tip, concrete mixer, angle grinder, stone cutting discs.

The bedding can now be covered with clinker bricks. It is better to lay the first rows of bricks along the rule – a long, even board – in order to get an even pattern. We fill free places along the edge with pieces of brick cut to size. Clinker is a hard material, so it is necessary to use special discs to cut it. Upon completion of the masonry, the surface level must be leveled by gently tapping on the bricks.

End of introduction.

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For the Witchcraft album, see Firewood (album). For the military operation, see Operation Firewood.

“Firewood” redirects here. For wood as a fuel in general, see woodfuel.

Stack of firewood next to the building

Stack of chopped firewood and club for splitting, Czech Republic

Firewood Is there wood material that is collected and used for fuel. As a rule, firewood is not heavily processed and has the appearance of recognizable logs or branches compared to other forms of wood fuel like pellets or chips. Firewood can be seasoned (dry) or unseasoned (fresh/wet). Usually classified as hardwood or softwood.

Firewood is a renewable resource. However, the demand for this fuel may outstrip its ability to be recovered locally or regionally. Good forestry practices and improvements in wood-using devices can improve local wood supplies.

Moving firewood long distances has the potential to carry diseases and invasive species. [1]


  • 1 Harvest

      Transporting firewood from farm to home in Maroua, Cameroon

      Harvesting or collecting firewood varies by region and culture. In some places there are special places for collecting firewood. In other places, the collection of firewood may be included in the cycle of preparing a piece of land for growing food as part of the field rotation process. The collection can be group, family or individual. Tools and methods for harvesting firewood are varied.


      Firewood in Australia is usually harvested from either eucalyptus trees or pine trees (both are grown in large quantities). Dead branches that are left on the ground often attract termites to reduce decay and lead to decay.

      North America

      Firewood harvested in “forested areas” succeeded for this purpose, [2] but in densely forested areas it is more often collected as a by-product of natural forests. It’s best not to start rotting, as it’s already partially seasoned. Standing deadwood is considered even better, as it has less wet organic material on its trunk, allowing tools to stay sharper for longer, as well as being seasoned and less rotten. Harvesting such timber reduces the rate and intensity of wildfires, but it also reduces habitat for snag-nesting animals such as owls and some rodents.

      Wood harvesting is usually done manually with a chainsaw. So longer pieces that require less manual labor and less chainsaw fuel are less expensive and only limited by the size of the firebox. In most of the United States, the standard measure of firewood is a cord or 128 cubic feet (3.6 m 3 ), but firewood can also be sold by the pound. The calorific value can affect the price. Prices also vary considerably depending on the distance to the forest plots and the quality of the timber.

      Buying and burning firewood that has been cut a short distance from the final destination prevents the accidental spread of invasive insects and tree-killing diseases. [3] [4]


      Wood splitting methods

      Wood splitting wedge

      In most countries of the world, firewood is prepared for transport only when it is harvested. It is then moved closer to where it will be used as fuel and cooked there. The process of making charcoal firewood can be placed at the place of preparation of firewood.

      Most firewood also requires splitting, which also allows for faster seasoning due to the larger surface area. Today, most splitting is done with a hydraulic splitter, but it can also be split with a sledgehammer or wedge and sledgehammer. Some steel wedges have an angled blade so the mechanical advantage increases with depth. More unusual and dangerous is the design with a conical screw that drills into wood, splits it and can be powered by either a drive power take-off, a special internal combustion engine, or a rugged electric pipe cutter, which is safer than other power sources, because when You can easily turn off the power if needed. Another method is to use a kinetic wood splitter which uses a rack and pinion system driven by a small motor and a large flywheel used to store energy.


      Firewood warehouses at Pühtitsa Monastery in Estonia about 6 meters high.

      Built with a child end, in the east of France, lined with terracotta tiles.

      Stacking firewood in the shed

      There are many ways to store firewood. They range from simple piles to freestanding piles and specialized structures. Usually the purpose of wood storage is to keep it away from water and continue the drying process.

      Stacks: The simplest stack is when logs are stacked side by side and on top of each other, forming a line the width of a log. The height of the stack can vary, as a rule, depending on the design of the ends. Without constructing the ends, the length of the log and the length of the pile help determine the height of a free-standing pile.

      There is debate about whether wood will dry faster if covered. There is a trade-off between getting the wood surface wet and allowing as much wind and sun as possible to access the stack. The cover can be almost any material that sheds water – a large piece of plywood, sheet metal, terracotta tiles or oiled canvas, even cheap plastic sheeting can be used. Wood will not dry out when is fully attached. Ideally, pallets or wood waste should be used to lift the wood off the ground, reducing rot and increasing airflow.

      There are many ways to create the ends of a stack. In some places, the end of the crib is created by alternating pairs of logs to help stabilize the end. A peg or pole placed in the ground is another way to finish the pile. Another way is with a row of stacked logs at the end, each with a cord tied to it, with the free end of the cord wrapped around so that the log is in the middle of the stack.

      Roofed: Roofed does not have to worry about the wood being exposed to rain, snow or runoff, but ventilation must be provided if the wood is stored green so that the moisture released from the wood does not re-condense inside. Laying methods depend on the desired structure and layout. Whether split or “round” (flush cut and uncut log segments), the timber should be laid lengthwise, which is the most stable and practical method. Again, if the wood needs additional seasoning, there must be adequate airflow through the stack.

      Outdoor storage: wood should be stacked bark side up. This will allow the water to run off and protect the tree from freezing, ice or snow. Storing wood in close proximity to the dwelling increases the chance that insects such as termites can take up residence in the premises.

      Storing firewood indoors for extended periods of time is not recommended as this increases the risk of introducing insects such as termites into the home.

      Round stacks can be made in many ways. Some of them are piles of wood surrounded by a circular wall. Others, such as the American Holtz Hausen, are more difficult.

      Holz hausen, or “wooden house”, is a circular method of laying wood; Proponents say it speeds up drying in a relatively small area. A traditional Holzhausen is 10 feet in diameter, 10 feet high and holds about 6 wood cords. The walls consist of parts arranged radially and slightly tilted inward for stability. The internal parts are stacked on top of each other, forming a chimney for airflow. The tops are tilted slightly outward to shed rain and are laid bark side up. [5]

      Calorific value

      Firewood transporter, Seoul, Korea 1945

      The humidity of the wood determines how it burns and how much heat is released. The moisture content of unusual (green) wood varies by species; green wood can weigh 70 to 100 percent more than seasoned wood due to its water content. Typically, seasoned (dry) wood has a moisture content of 20% or less. The use of low calorific value is recommended [6] as a reasonable standard way of representing this data.

      The energy value of a unit of wood depends on the type of wood. [7] For example, it could be between 15.5 and 32 million British thermal units per cord (4. 5 to 9.3 GJ/m 3 ). [8] The higher the moisture content, the more energy must be used to evaporate (boil) the water in the wood before it ignites. Dry wood provides more energy for heating than green wood of the same species.

      The Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDO), part of the government of Western Australia, states that wood has an energy content of 4.5 kWh/kg or 16.2 gigajoules per tonne (GJ/t). [9]

      Here are several examples of the energy intensity of several wood species:

      9039In 1983, a successful US patent was filed. [10] In 1987, the USDA replicated this method and published a detailed procedure for the production of kiln-dried wood, citing higher heat output and improved combustion efficiency as key benefits of the process. [11]


      Firewood on the way to the market

      Firewood ready for sale at the local market

      Firewood is usually sold in bulk. While the term “specific volume” can be used, there can be wide differences in what this means and what the measure can produce as a fuel. A portion of fresh untreated wood at 65% moisture contains less usable energy than when it has been dried to 20%. Regardless of the term, the measurement of the amount of firewood is best thought of as an approximation.


      In metric, firewood is usually sold by Stère, equivalent to a volume of 1 cubic meter (1 cubic meter or 0.276 cords). Most often, the length of pieces of firewood is 33 cm and 50 cm. Also, wood can be sold in kilograms or metrics. ton, as in Australia.

      North America

      to the United States and Canada, firewood is usually sold by full cord, face cord or bag. And a cord that is made of logs 4 feet long (1.22 m) will not be a cord if it is cut into logs 1 foot long and then divided so that each piece passes through a circle 3 inches (7.6 cm) in diameter.

      • A full cord or cord has a volume of 128 cubic feet including wood, bark and air space in a neatly stacked stack. [12] The actual volume of cord wood can be 80 to 100 cubic feet (2.3 to 2.8 m 3 ) because stacked wood takes up more space than a piece of solid wood. The most common length of a piece of firewood is 16 inches (41 cm). [13]
      • A face cord or rick [14] is one third of a 4 x 8 ft (1.22 x 2.44 m) x 16 inch (41 cm) whole or bush wood stack and has volume 42.6 cubic feet (1.21 m). 3 ). [13]

      In popular culture

      In Norway, non-fiction book Hel Ved (English: Hardwood: all about chopping, drying and stacking wood – and the soul of burning wood ) by Lars Mitting became a 2011–2012 bestseller with 150,000 copies sold. A version of the book was also published in Sweden, selling 50,000 copies. [15]

      In February 2013, the Norwegian public broadcaster NRK sent a 12-hour live program on the theme of firewood, in which most of the program consisted of burning wood in a fireplace. More than a million people, or 20% of the Norwegian population, took part in the program. [16]

      See also

        9 Sarah Lyall: Bark up or down? Firewood splits Norwegians New York Times , February 19, 2013

        external link

        • A website that compares the quality of American woods by cord size.
        • Chart showing Canadian fuelwood and firewood production since 1940
        • Article comparing the quality of Australian firewood varieties. [ dead link ]

        Most small dump trucks hold a cord . Larger construction type, maybe two cord .

        Also, do I need a permit to sell firewood?

        Is it legal to sell firewood without allow ? In most cases, no. You generally need permission .

        So, will a wooden cord fit in the back of a pickup truck? Thanks for your help! If folded neatly, 1/2 cord will fit to back full size pickup . Something medium sized like a Dodge Dakota will hold a third of the cord . If you just randomly throw a tree into this will fit a much smaller anyway.

        32 Related questions, answers found

        Contents [show]

        How much wood is in a half cord?

        Half Cord of wood will burn in the fireplace. Dimension “ cord ” Used to refer to the number of tree , namely a stack measuring 128 cubic feet or 4 by 8 by 4 feet. And half of is cord for granted, half of is the amount or 64 cubic feet.

        Rick or cord more?

        A stack or face cord wood same height and width as full cord . The difference is that full cord measures 4 feet deep, while stack or face cord measures 16 to 18 inches deep.

        How many cords?

        There are approximately 220- pieces in the face cord wood. 3″ face cords ” firewood = 1″ full cord “firewood.

        How many facial cords are in a full cord?

        ft. The face cord refers to a stack of cut and split firewood 4 feet high by 8 feet long and the wood is usually 9 feet long.0134 16 ”, 20” or 24”. Theoretically, a standard cord should give three 16 ” face cords or 128cc.

        How much does a pickup truck loaded with wood cost?

        wood costs vary by location and availability, so Prices Mixed hardwood cord can range from $50 to over $100 per cord, depending on location. If you want the seller to fold and deliver, know that Cost Transporting the tree to the front door will add money to this price.

        How many ricks are there in a wooden rope?

        After the appearance of tree is cut into pieces 16 inches long, cord is already called bush cord and will contain three strings. Each of the rows is a face cord or Rick. When folded neatly on a full size pickup, this is approximately ½ cord or 64 cubic feet.

        Is it possible to make money on firewood?

        For most successful entrepreneurs, real income comes from selling bundled firewood . These small sets are sold at local stores, campsites and businesses for 2 or 3 times the price. money per unit of volume. For the production of such small packages, pre-cut wood is placed in the firewood packer.

        How much wood is in a half cord?

        How much does a wooden cord cost?

        Cord prices vary by country, but in general you can expect to pay between $120 and $180 for Hardwood Cord, split and seasoned. While this is an average cost of , many consumers can expect to pay more, especially in winter. Somewhere in the US costs can be as high as $220-$400 for cord .

        What is a full cord?

        one full cord A full cord a lot of wood. It measures four feet high, four feet wide and eight feet long (4 feet by 4 feet x 8 feet) and has a volume of 128 cubic feet.

        Is the face cord the same as the half cord?

        The difference between them is that a full cord of wood is the amount of wood that fills a space that is eight feet long, four feet high and four feet deep. A face cord firewood equals one stack of firewood four feet high and eight feet long, however deep it may be.

        How many trucks are there in a rope of wood?

        Cord 128 cfm 6 × 3. 5 × 3 = 63 cm, so roughly two loads, but if it’s wet and heavy, your front wheels may not have much torque!!

        How many pieces of wood are in the cord?

        There are approximately 220-240 pieces face cord of wood . 3″ face cords firewood = 1″ full cord firewood . We sell from 1/2 person or as a whole cords .

        How many cubic feet are there in an 8 foot truck bed?

        66 cubic feet

        How long will wood cord last?

        Game machine The difference between two is what is the full fire cord is number tree which fills a space equal to eight feet long, four feet high and four feet deep. And face cord of firewood equals one stack of firewood which measures four feet high and 8 feet long, regardless of the depth of the depth of firewood is .

        How long will the wood cord last?

        However, face cord – same as stack – consists of a stack 8 feet wide, 4 feet high, and 16 to 18 inches deep. A stack or face wood cord is the same height and width as full cord , difference is full cord measures 4 feet deep while stack or face cord has a depth of 16 up to 18 inches.

        How many wooden cords do I need for the winter?


        How many wood cords do I need?

        “The standard rule of thumb is that a 1,000 square foot home would require three wood cords for the season,” she says. “If your wood burning stove is very efficient, or if you live in a more temperate climate, you can need less.” firewood is measured in cords .

        How many wooden cords do I need for the winter?


        How many ricks are there in a wooden rope?

        After appears, wood is cut into pieces 16 inches long, cord is already called bush cord and will contain three strings. Each of the rows is a face cord or Rick. When folded neatly on a full size pickup, this is approximately ½ cord or 64 cubic feet.

        How to calculate wooden cords on a tree?

        Full Size Pickups: Can usually handle 2cc. yards of soil , 2-3 cu. yards mulch, and 1 cu. yard in stone or gravel.

        What are the dimensions of the 1/2 wood cord?


      Wood rocks Thermal value (BTA for cord) Heating capacity (GJ on M 3 )
      Terminology Stacking measurement Cubic feet
      cord 2 pallets stacked 4’x4’x4′ 128 cubic feet
      Half cord 1 pallet stacked 4’x4’x4′ 64 cubic feet
      Quarter cord 1 pallet stacked 4’x4’x2′ 32 cubic feet

      How many facial cords are in the cord?

      Face cord refers to a stack of chopped and split firewood 4 feet high and 8 feet long along the length of the firewood, usually 16 ”, 20” or 24”. Theoretically, a standard cord should give three 16 ” face cords or volume 128 cubic

      How many facial cords are in the cord?

      6-10 weeks

      How much wood can fit on a pallet?

      One third of the cord will take up about 42 cubic feet. My wood stove burns 18 inches (1 1/2 feet) long. wood , so pallet would require a “face” area of ​​28 square feet (42 cubic feet divided by 1 1/2 feet).

      How to calculate wooden cords on a tree?

      Evaluate wood cords on wood using the basic formula.

      1. Measure the circumference of the tree 4 1/2 feet from the ground.
      2. Divide the circumference by 3.14 to get the diameter.
      3. See University of New Hampshire Firewood Assessment (see Resources).

      How big is the split wood cord?

      How many square feet in piles and split cord of wood ? cord measures four feet high by four feet wide by eight feet long (4 feet x 4 feet x 8 feet)

      How long will wood cord last?

      6-10 weeks

      How many yards of ground can a pickup truck fit?

      Evaluate wood cords on wood using the basic formula.

      1. Measure the circumference of the tree 4 1/2 feet from the ground.
      2. Divide the circumference by 3.14 to get the diameter.
      3. See University of New Hampshire Firewood Assessment (see Resources).

      What are the dimensions of the wooden rick?

      Methods for measuring the thickness of wood

      Cord is the standard method for measuring wood. It measures 4 feet x 4 feet x 8 feet , or 128 cu. feet . The standard cord fits 4 feet x 8 feet stack and it can be called a rick. You can also use rick to refer to any type of folded material.

      Is it possible to make money on firewood?

      Full Size Pickups: Can usually handle 2cc. yards of soil , 2-3 cu. yards mulch, and 1 cu. yard of stone or gravel.

      types of fires, choice of firewood

      Fire, one of the most powerful elements, indomitable, furious, capable of both destroying everything around, turning only into ashes, and illuminating the road in complete darkness, scaring away a wild beast, warming with its warmth, not allowing to freeze even in the most severe frost.

      A person of the 21st century, who is used to making fire by pressing an electric piezo on his gas stove in a cozy apartment in a metropolis, is slightly lost when, for one reason or another, he finds himself outside of civilization. Where there are no shops, the shelves of which are bursting with an abundance of products, where the meat is already peeled from the films and cut into portioned pieces, and does not run, jump or fly, somewhere in the forest. Where even bread is sold sliced, in order to completely deprive a person of even the most elementary skills, and bring up in him an exclusively consumer.

      But no one will give us a guarantee of what will happen tomorrow. And it is quite possible that those skills that are so diligently erased from our consciousness with each new generation will become vital tomorrow.

      Today I will talk about one of the most important skills outside of civilization – making fire.

      Selection and preparation of a place for a fire

      The first and seemingly elementary rule, but which for some reason is often forgotten, is the location of the fire relative to the bed.

      • If you spend the night in a tent, then the fire must be located at a distance of at least five meters from its entrance. With a closer location, there is a chance to burn the tent with an arriving spark, or even worse, burn it completely, and it’s good if you are not inside.
      • It is also highly desirable to take into account the direction of the wind. The wind should blow from the tent towards the fire, so that you don’t have to breathe smoke, and to minimize the arrival of a spark to your home.

      With this arrangement of the fire, we get maximum security, but we also lose several advantages.

      • The smoke will not drive away the midges from the tent, where mosquitoes and horseflies clog under the top awning, and arrange a whole extravaganza, as soon as you light a flashlight before going to bed.
      • In our middle lane, even in July, it is quite cool at night. The cold from the ground will be felt quite persistently, and with such a distant location of the fire, there can be no talk of any heating, plus the wind takes the heat away in the opposite direction.

      All of the above is related to modern lightweight synthetic tents, but if you are an adherent of the classics and you have a canvas tent, then in principle you can place a fire much closer, literally three meters away (depending on the type of fire). For example, if this is a “node”, then we will get a pretty good heating of a sleeping place, with a minimum probability of burning it.

      As for the direction of the wind, this parameter is no longer so critical. Tarpaulin is not bad at holding small sparks. But for all this you will have to pay for the large weight of the tent, about 5-6 kilograms, the worst protection against rain, in comparison with modern materials. Also, when wet in warm weather, the tarp begins to mold.

      Well, if you are a fan of extreme tourism, bushcraft, ease of walking and like to test your skills and your body for endurance, then instead of comfortable tents, set up a canopy or a hut, collecting it from what the forest will give you. In this scenario, on especially cold nights, the fire can be brought closer to two meters (depending on the type of fire, your clothes and the ambient temperature).

      To the above, you can also add that, if possible, it is desirable to locate your camp near a water source.

      The preparation of a place for a fire must be approached even more seriously than the location of the fire. It must be thoroughly cleaned of forest litter – fallen branches, needles, cones, grass, leaves. The cleared area should be about five times the size of the intended fire.

      If there is such an opportunity, then it is better to dig a shallow hole for the size of the fire, a depth of 15-20 centimeters will be enough. Or to impose stones on the perimeter, if there are any nearby. Otherwise, one small spark falling on the forest floor can do something irreparable.

      Fire fuel

      It seems that everyone, young and old, knows that firewood is used as fuel for a fire. But once in the forest and, having collected twigs lying underfoot, it is not uncommon to encounter the problem of igniting them due to their dampness.
      If you find yourself in the forest in early spring, or it’s a rainy autumn in the yard and everything is damp around, then in this situation everything that is lying on the ground is in no way suitable for a fire, at least in the first stages of its breeding.
      It is also worth considering that a lot depends on the type of fire that you want to collect. If you just need to boil a mug of water, then very small branches (brushwood) are also suitable for this task. If you have to cook food in a stationary camp or heat it, then for such purposes you need tree trunks with a diameter of 10 to 35 centimeters.
      Now let’s play a few situations:

      1. Everything is dry in the forest and you managed to find a windblow (wind-blown trees), then your problem is over. Now you just have to saw or chop the tree into logs of the desired size.

      2. It’s damp in the forest and you found windblow , then before you can effectively kindle it, you need to do a few manipulations. After cutting the fallen trunk across, be sure to split the resulting logs along, we are interested in the dry core of the tree. Of course, I cannot give you a 100% guarantee that it will be dry, but the probability of this is quite high. We break off the core from several poles – this will be the basis of our fuel for the fire, then it is already possible to put the more raw parts with the bark up.

      3. It’s dry in the forest, but there are only small branches on the ground , and you need normal logs for a quality fire.
      Under such circumstances, you need to look for dead wood (dried trees, but not yet fallen). This is pretty easy to do. It doesn’t make sense to look at the trunks or the bark, it can be deceiving. You need to look at the tops of the trees. If it is a coniferous forest, then there will be no difficulties at all. Dry needles or no needles at all ensure that the tree is dead and completely dry. If this is a deciduous forest, and it is early spring or late autumn outside, then it is a little more difficult here. You need to look closely at the formation of buds, or the remains of completely fallen leaves.

      4. Early spring in the forest, snow in places. Naturally, we make the choice between windblow and deadwood in favor of the latter, but with a small nuance. For the initial kindling of a fire, a part of the trunk at a height of about one and a half meters from the ground is suitable, since everything below is damp due to melted snow.

      Ignition aids

      In this section, I will not consider such options as “splash gasoline.” But I don’t see the point in talking about completely exotic methods, such as lighting a fire with a piece of ice, bottle glass or a Pepsi tin. In 18 years of extreme tourism, I have never had to use them.

      The means of lighting a fire are not so great, they include standard ones such as matches, a lighter, and less common ones – flint and a fiery bow. If everything is clear with the first two, then I would like to dwell on the last two in more detail.


      Until the 19th century, it was the most common tool for making fire. The flint and flint consists of three parts: flint, flint, and tinder.

      Armchair used to be made of iron, but it had one drawback – excessive hardness, and it was difficult to achieve sparks with your hands. Subsequently, iron was replaced by misch metals (an alloy of rare earth elements obtained during the processing of ore), the most common of which in our time is ferrocerium. If in the old days the armchair had various shapes, it could even be a small work of art, for example, in the form of two intertwining snakes, then at present the armchair looks like a metal rod of various diameters and lengths, with a wooden or plastic handle.

      Flint was made of a harder material than flint. As a rule, in the old days, the natural mineral flint was used (hence the name). His task was to carve chips in the form of flammable sparks from a softer chair. At the present time, due to the manufacture of armchairs from softer misch metals, silicon has been replaced by hardened steel, in the form of a metal plate or the butt of a knife.

      Tinder is any flammable material: cotton wool, dry moss, small wood shavings, tinder fungus, etc.

      The flint is a very reliable and trouble-free means for making fire, which is not afraid of either moisture or mechanical stress.

      By the way, there is no need to constantly carry all three of its constituent elements with you. Only one flint will be enough, and flint will easily replace the butt of a knife (after all, a person in the forest without a knife is nonsense), or in extreme cases, any pebble of a suitable shape will do.

      Everything is easier with tinder – they took a knife, cut small chips or cut birch bark, splitting it into small fibers. You can find the tinder fungus, which usually grows on birch trees. In general, there is nothing complicated about this.

      They make fire with the help of a flint and flint with sharp scratching movements of flint on an armchair so that the sparks that are cut out fall exactly on a pile of tinder prepared in advance. When a small coal appears, we begin to inflate it, as it flares up, putting pieces of birch bark or shavings into it. And now, in our hands is already a real fire.


      This is already a rather exotic tool, I myself have used it a dozen times, but only in order to develop a skill. In essence, it can be useful to you only in an extreme situation, when something happened to your equipment, but knowledge is never superfluous, therefore:

      • Find a dry stick or cut it yourself from a piece of wood about 40 centimeters long.
      • Also find a dry, and more or less flat plank or wood chip. If it is not there, then do it yourself with a knife (after all, we always have a knife with us).
      • The third element will be a branch of some elastic shrub, which will become the basis of our bow.
      • As a bowstring, you can use shoelaces or weave a rope from tree roots, vines, etc.

      Now we assemble the structure.

      • We take an elastic branch, make recesses at both ends with a knife, tie a rope in these recesses so that it does not slip, bend the branch so that the rope receives a strong tension, and our creation resembles a bow.
      • Next, on a flat plank with a knife, we make a recess with a diameter approximately the same as our first element (dry stick). Important detail: from this recess, you need to cut a small through groove, it will play the role of a blower, because there is no fire without air.
      • Next, we twist the string of our bow once, around a dry stick. We rest its first end against the recess of a flat plank, and the second against our palm (it is highly desirable to protect the palm with something). We stock up on patience, and due to the force of friction, we extract a small coal in our deepening of a flat plank.
      • Of course, first we must prepare the tinder, which we will kindle from this coal.

      How to light a fire

      How to light a fire with one match? Very easy! The main thing is preparation.

      • You need to make sure the wood is dry. How to find dry wood, I talked in the section “fuel for the fire.”
      • We find birch bark, if it is not there, then we take a knife and cut off medium-sized chips, approximately two handfuls.
      • We find thin dry twigs or cut wood chips with a knife.
      • We set fire to a birch bark or a handful of shavings, as it starts, we put brushwood or chips there. As this also lights up, it is already possible to lay the main logs (bark up). You can immediately lay down the fire, observing the above sequence. That’s all, absolutely nothing complicated, the main thing is not to rush, and not to pile on anything and how horrible.

      Bonfire in the winter forest

      If the task is to make a fire in the winter forest, then there are two options.

      Option one. Clear the place of the fire from snow to the very ground. Yes, the task is not easy, because the snow can be waist-deep or chest-deep. But since you are in the forest in winter and you need a fire, then it will not be superfluous to warm up before kindling a fire, especially since this task can be completed even without a shovel, with the help of one hand and foot – personally verified. If you have skis, dig with your skis.

      Option two. If the crust is more or less dense, we take several dead wood poles at least two meters long (or better, more), lay them on the snow tightly to each other, like a floor, and already in the middle of these poles we collect a fire. The poles will not let it fall into the snow until their middle burns out, but when this happens, they can be moved to the center again and the fire turns out to be quite long-lived.

      Bonfire in the rain

      The first step is to find a natural rain canopy in the form of a dense tree crown (be careful not to burn the tree), or build a canopy yourself. With self-manufacturing, in the absence of modern materials, densely laid spruce branches on top of the poles are well suited as a canopy roof. Just keep in mind that the canopy must be made high enough, at least 180 cm, otherwise there is a chance of just burning it.

      If the rain is very heavy, and the forest floor can no longer cope with the abundance of precipitation, then, just like in winter, you can make a flooring under the fire, only using poles is already much shorter, 40 centimeters will be enough. The search for dry firewood is no different from that described above in this article.

      Fire types

      There are many types of fires. To be honest, I did not use all of them, but only a part, and singled out for myself the most optimal ones, with the highest efficiency, taking into account the labor costs for their preparation.

      I will conditionally divide them into two types: for heating and for cooking. I want to note right away that my division does not mean that you cannot cook food in the first form, and warm yourself in the second. It’s just that the labor involved in creating them is different, and the requirements for comfortable heating and cooking are also different.

      Campfires for heating

      1. Nodia

      Deservedly popular bonfire among hunters and extreme tourists. Its main purpose is to heat a sleeping place, a group of people, up to minus 30 degrees. Its second undoubted plus is the burning time, which can be more than 10 hours without additional human intervention. Nodia is also good at cooking for a group of people. It is for a group, since it makes no sense for one or two people at a comfortable ambient temperature to collect Nodya exclusively for cooking. A bonfire is quite labor-intensive, you can’t get by with one knife, you will need an ax or a saw to make it.

      To create a Nodia, you will need two or three logs (Nodia can be made from two or three logs). The diameter of the logs should be approximately 30 centimeters with a length of about 2 meters, and more can be. After all, the more massive the logs are, the more heat the fire will give, and the less likely it is to wake up at night from the cold due to its burning out.
      We will also need at least four chocks, with a diameter of about 7 centimeters, two of which will be 50 centimeters long, and the rest – 20 centimeters each.

      The assembly of the fire is carried out as follows:

      • We take two longer chocks and lay the thinnest log of the three on them.
      • Behind him, close, we put a thicker log. These chocks should lift the logs off the ground, providing better air circulation.
      • On top of these logs along the entire length we lay brushwood or other ignition.
      • On the first log (which is the thinnest) we lay out the remaining smaller chocks, and on top of them we put the thickest log hewn on one side, with the clew down.
      • We ignite the ignition. As the logs are engaged, you can remove the logs from under the thick log, thereby limiting the flow of air, which will reduce the flame, but increase the burning time of the fire.

      2. Taiga fire

      Compared to Nodia, it is easier to make, but as a minus, we get the need to wake up 1-2 times a night to move the logs. Other than that, the two fires are very similar.

      To create it, we will also need large logs of a similar size, only in an amount of 4 to 5 pieces.

      • The first log – the thickest (filling), is laid on the ground.
      • We put 3-4 logs across it on top of it. Slightly, about 40 centimeters, we push them forward, and press them tightly against each other and put kindling under them.
      • The same part of the logs that lies on the ground should not touch each other, but should be moved apart by a fan. This is done in order to slow down the burning of the fire.

      Campfires for cooking

      1. Polynesian bonfire

      The most rarely seen fire in our latitudes, in my opinion, is very in vain.
      I like to make this fire in a stationary camp, because it allows you to cook truly delicious dishes, because in its functionality it resembles an oven, and if you cover it with something on top, you get a smokehouse.
      If, for some reason, you want to leave your stay unnoticed, then this fire is the best suited for these tasks, since it is hardly noticeable.

      To make it, we need:

      • Dig a cone-shaped hole, the depth can vary from 50 to 100 centimeters.
      • Inside this hole, along its circumference, we put logs vertically close to each other (the larger their diameter, the longer the fire will burn).
      • In the middle of this hole we throw brushwood and wood chips and set them on fire. Over time, vertically standing logs will also take up fire.

      Of the pluses, it can be noted that the flame is powerful, clearly directed upwards, not going to the side due to gusts of wind, which positively contributes to quick cooking. If you lightly extinguish the logs so that they do not give an open flame, and hang a piece of meat in the center of this fire, then we will get uniform frying from all sides, and if we cover the hole with something from above, we get a stove with a smoking function.
      Of the minuses – you need to dig a hole.

      2. Bonfire-well

      It is convenient to put any utensils right on top of this fire – a frying pan, a pot, a saucepan, and so on. Also, the directed flame and the slow burning rate of the fire can be attributed to the pluses. The downside is the need to prepare logs of approximately the same diameter and length.

      Assembly is carried out as follows:

      • We stack logs on top of each other in the form of a log house. The area of ​​​​the fire and its height change based on the tasks.
      • In the center of this log house (well) we kindle a fire from brushwood and wood chips, or other flammable material.
      • If necessary, the top of this log house can be covered with logs in the form of a flat roof.

      Safety rules or how to put out a fire

      Here, I probably won’t say anything new, everyone knows that a fire is filled with water. But there are situations when the supply of water is limited, and the fire needs to be put out.

      If it is not possible to fill the fire with water, you need to wait until it burns out completely. Yes, of course, this is the time, but the forest and its inhabitants are much more important than your time.

      As a second option, fire can be buried with earth. Just be careful – the ground, not the forest floor. It is better to take the earth at a depth of 30 centimeters, since before this value the soil still contains organic substances, due to which the fire can flare up again.


      To make it easier to kindle a fire, especially in wet weather, we borrow cotton cosmetic sponges from our “second half” in advance at home. We melt a wax candle in a water bath and soak our (now they are ours) sponges in this wax. After they dry, we get a wonderful long-playing and poorly extinguished kindling, which is able to burn even in light rain.

      Best regards to all,

      sharpening master Alexey Tarasov.

      Carrying firewood in five minutes: a simple tool

      The Homius editors continue the cycle of publications with the hashtag #Betterhome. We are constantly looking for interesting and useful ideas that you can bring to life in your house and apartment during the period of forced self-isolation. Those who are waiting for this difficult time in their country house or in a private house will certainly not be bored, because there is always a lot to do here, and in addition, there are plenty of opportunities to prepare for planting, maintenance or even construction. You can flood a bathhouse or even fry kebabs in the fresh air, smoke products. All this will require firewood, and they will have to be carried to the place of work, which is not always convenient. Traditionally, a bunch of firewood is carried in front of you, pressing it to your chest, and it stains clothes and forces you to significantly strain your back. Meanwhile, craftsmen have long come up with a lot of devices for carrying combustible material that make the task easier. We found the simplest and most convenient from the author of the YouTube channel “Home Master”, and the beauty is that the device is made in just five minutes, and no special materials and tools are required for its manufacture.

      Contents of the article

      • 1 What you need to carry: materials and tools
      • 2 How to assemble the carrier: time yourself
      • 3 How to use the rope carrier

      What you need to carry: materials and tools

      you need to make a carrier, you probably have it, and you don’t even need to run to the store.

      PHOTO: You will need a regular clothesline. Choose woven from synthetic thread, it is almost impossible to break. Ordinary plastic thin rope will quickly fray, like a cotton cord, which also tends to stretch PHOTO: The second necessary detail is a piece of durable plastic pipe. If you don’t have one, a shovel handle or even a metal piece of pipe will do

      Of the tools, you will only need a drill and a saw or a grinder to saw off the desired section from the pipe.

      How to assemble a carrier: keep track of the time

      If we talk about simple and ingenious, then this device fits these concepts perfectly. And you will spend only a few minutes to make it.

      PHOTO: Measure three meters of rope and cut it off. A longer and longer rope is suitable for a large and strong man, and, for example, a woman who can carry only three or four logs can be limited to 2.5 m. The length of the rope will determine the volume of carrying and, therefore, the capacity of the material be sure to burn it so that it does not bloom during operation PHOTO: YouTube. com Now you should work with a pipe or a cutting. You will need a piece about 30-35 cm long. Saw it off and carefully process the edges from burrs. PHOTO: The author used a large cone drill for this, but you can use a regular one. The main thing is that a rope can be threaded into the holes obtained. PHOTO: Pass both ends of the rope through the prepared holes and tie them in knots to fix them on the carrying handle. Actually, that’s all, the transfer is ready. The handle with a rope loop is the whole device

      How long did this process take you? 5 minutes, taking into account the time spent on drilling, no more.

      How to use the rope carrier

      Looking at the result, it is not so easy to imagine how to use this device. But believe me, you will understand everything the first time.

      PHOTO: Lay a rope loop on the floor or ground next to the woodpile. The handle should be on one side – and the bend of the loop on the other PHOTO: YouTube. com Lay the firewood in the center of the loop in a slide, and then lift the handle and the free end of the loop and thread the handle through the rope. The loop will be fixed at the tip of the handle and will fit the logs PHOTO: YouTube.comNow you can lift the entire bundle and carry it freely, like a string bag, by the convenient handle. If you need a lot of firewood at once, you can make a couple of such carriers, then, using the same amount of firewood on both sides, you will get a balance that will relieve unnecessary stress on the back muscles

      Remember that you should not lift any weights from the ground with a jerk, it is better to sit down a little and use the strength of your legs to lift the ligament. Even a woman and a child can use such a carrier. For people of small stature and weak physical strength, it is necessary to adjust the loop to the allowable amount of fuel carried.

      This is the easiest firewood carrier available, but there are more advanced models that will take you longer to make.