Driveway cleaning: How To Remove Oil Stains, Tire Marks and More

How To Remove Oil Stains, Tire Marks and More


Nothing is quite as aggravating as discovering that the delivery guy’s van leaked oil on your driveway or that the dried leaves you didn’t sweep up last fall created stubborn brown stains that won’t rinse away. But your home’s curb appeal doesn’t have to suffer a setback.

With the right supplies and a little elbow grease, you’ll soon have your driveway looking good again. Whatever the stain or discoloration on your driveway, here are some of the best driveway cleaning techniques to solve it.

Everything You Need to Know About Driveway Cleaning

A well-used driveway—especially a DIYer’s driveway—is prone to all sorts of stains, from paint and varnish overspray to dribbles of motor oil, and even an occasional permanent marker when the kids play hopscotch. Some stains and debris can be swept away or washed off with a garden hose, while others require applying stain-removal products.

The type of driveway (concrete or asphalt), as well as the type of stain, play a role in determining the best way to clean a driveway.


How to Clean Auto-Related Oil and Solvent Spills From a Driveway

Motor oil, brake fluid, and gasoline spills are more visible on concrete than asphalt (asphalt’s black coloring hides the stain some), but it’s still imperative to promptly clean these stains off both types of driveways to prevent unsightly stains. What’s more, auto-related oils and solvents can interact with asphalt’s petroleum base, causing it to deteriorate and soften.

On either type of driveway, first soak up as much of the fresh spill as possible with an absorbent product, such as clay-based kitty litter. Give it a few hours to absorb the excess spill, then scoop up the litter and sweep the area. For some types of spills, this might be all that’s necessary. However, if residual stains are left, use one of the following driveway-cleaning techniques for your specific hardscape material to remove the rest.


  • Asphalt follow-up: After absorbing the excess spill, spray a biodegradable oven cleaning product on the remaining spill (make sure it specifies “biodegradable” so that you do not splash or rinse away caustic chemicals into your lawn or garden beds). Let it sit for up to 30 minutes before rinsing away with a garden hose. Just as an oven cleaner dissolves tough grease in your oven, it will break down the remaining oil or solvent, allowing you to rinse it away safely.
  • Concrete follow-up: Unlike asphalt, concrete’s slightly porous surface allows spills to seep into its tiny holes. For a clean concrete driveway, the best way to remove the remaining product from concrete is to first dissolve it and then draw it out.
  1. Mix a moisture-absorbing product into liquid TSP to create a thick paste for cleaning concrete stains. (Corn starch works for small spills. For larger spills, try diatomaceous earth, available for purchase online and at garden or swimming pool supply stores. ) Spread the paste over the affected area, be it a fresh spill or an old stain. Work it into the concrete surface with a stiff-bristle nylon brush.
  2. Spread an additional thin layer of the paste on top and let it dry completely. The TSP will break down the oil or solvent components, and the absorbing product will bind them. Depending on outdoor temperature and humidity, the paste could take anywhere from 30 minutes to a couple of hours.
  3. Use a putty knife to scrape away the dried paste and then rinse with a hose or power washer. Old stains might require more than one application to remove.

How to Remove Tire Marks From a Driveway

Brake a bit too quickly, and your car can leave unsightly black tire marks on the driveway that won’t rinse off. Tire marks are virtually invisible on asphalt driveways, but they’re a sore spot on concrete. Cleaning them requires a bit of elbow grease, but not too much. These simple steps make it a snap.


  1. First, spray a natural driveway cleaner and degreasing product, such as Organic Orange (available from Amazon) on the marks and let it sit for a few minutes to help loosen and dissolve the spots.
  2. Before the concrete cleaner evaporates, scrub the marks with a stiff nylon bristle brush.
  3. Spray away the residue using the jet setting on a garden hose nozzle, or use a power washer.
  4. If necessary, repeat the steps.


How to Clean Dirt, Mud, and Rock-Related Debris From a Driveway

After a winter of snow and slushy roads, it’s nearly impossible to keep automobile tires from tracking dirt and mud onto your driveway, where the dirt hardens like a rock as it dries. If you have a pressure washer, this is an excellent time to bring it out; if you don’t, you can clean away the dirt and mud with a stiff-bristle push broom and a garden hose.

This driveway cleaning technique works equally well for dirty asphalt and concrete driveways. First, sweep away loose dirt and bits, then dampen caked-on mud and let the water soak in a few minutes before scrubbing the loosened mud with the push broom to break it up. Depending on how much you have to remove, this could take a while. The trick is to use plenty of water.

How to Clean Decomposing Organic Matter From a Driveway

If you neglect to rake up the mess of organic matter that has spilled onto your concrete driveway, piles of mulch, fallen leaves, and pine needles can leave harmless yet unattractive brown stains behind. (These only appear on concrete since darker asphalt can mask the color.)

As organic items decompose, they release tannin, a colorful byproduct of the natural decaying process. Though the color eventually will fade from concrete, you can help hurry the process along with a little bit of driveway cleaning. Learning how to clean concrete driveway stains is a straightforward process:

  1. Sweep the concrete surface, then spray the stained area with a garden hose to rinse away dirt. In a large plastic bucket, mix ½ cup of liquid dish detergent into 3 gallons of hot water. (Or, for the best results on tannin stains, use a powdered laundry detergent that’s advertised as being good at removing food stains. )
  2. Slowly pour the solution onto the tannin stains and work the liquid into the concrete using a stiff-bristle nylon brush.
  3. Rinse with the garden hose; while the concrete is still wet, sprinkle powdered laundry detergent over the stains and scrub again. Leave the detergent on for a few minutes, then rinse away.
  4. Repeat if necessary.


How to Remove Fertilizer Stains From a Driveway

If strange yellowish-orange stains appear along the edges of a concrete driveway within a day or two of applying a lawn fertilizer, they’re probably a type of rust stain caused by the iron in the fertilizer. The good news is that over time, they’ll probably fade away by themselves, but if you’re not into waiting, there’s a simple fix.


You can apply a commercial rust remover product that’s safe for use on concrete, such as Iron OUT (available from Amazon). While spraying white vinegar on rust stains is a well-known method of removing them, using vinegar frequently in the same spot can weaken the internal cement bond within the concrete and cause the driveway’s surface to soften and spale.

How to Clean Mold and Mildew From a Driveway

If the driveway is in a humid area, especially in the shade, both mold and mildew can get a foothold. Mildew appears as a powdery white stain that spreads, while mold can be dark green, brown, black, or multicolored. Mold and mildew will grow on both concrete and asphalt driveways, but mold might not be visible on an asphalt driveway. The presence of a musty smell indicates that an asphalt driveway might have a mold infestation.

Cleaning mold or mildew from a concrete or asphalt driveway is a snap when using an outdoor mold killer such as 30 Seconds Outdoor Cleaner (available from Amazon). The product comes in a sprayer that attaches to a garden hose. Just spray on, wait a few minutes, and then hose off with clean water.

How to Clean Paint Spills and Splatters From a Driveway

Paint splatters left behind from a furniture project you brought outdoors are a nuisance on both concrete and asphalt. If dealing with a latex-based paint spill, you often can remove the stain by wetting the splatter with water, sprinkling on household scouring powder, and scrubbing it with a stiff-bristle nylon brush. Then rinse with a garden hose.

Oil- and acrylic-based paint splatters are tougher to remove. If you have an asphalt driveway, the best solution might be to coat the driveway (or just the paint-splattered area) with an asphalt sealer, which will renew its black surface and cover splatters. The solvent that removes oil-based paint actually can damage asphalt, and is suitable for concrete driveways only.


Removing paint from concrete is similar to removing it from an old piece of furniture you’re refinishing—strip it off! Pour or brush a paint-stripping solution on the splatters, and work it into the concrete with a stiff, natural-bristle brush. Leave it on for the time specified by the manufacturer and then rinse it away.

Since you’ll be rinsing the paint stripper away, it’s a good idea to use a product that’s safe for the environment. Low-VOC strippers such as Citristrip (available at The Home Depot) are good choices for the job.

How to Clean Rust Stains From a Driveway

While not an issue on black asphalt driveways, rust is an eyesore on concrete—and happens as quickly as overnight. Just leaving a paint can out on the driveway during a rainstorm can result in a dark rusty circle by morning. Fortunately, muriatic acid will remove rust stains without much trouble, but this harsh acid (available at most hardware stores) requires extra safety precautions when using it. Wear long rubber gloves and protective eyewear, and follow the motto you learned in high school science class: “Do how you otter (ought to), add acid to water.”

By slowly pouring ¼ cup acid into a bucket already filled with 2 cups of cold water, you’ll minimize the risk of splashes. If any solution does splash onto your skin, rinse it off promptly to avoid irritation. Then, carefully pour the mix onto the rust stain and gently scrub the surface of the concrete with a stiff-bristle nylon brush. Allow the driveway cleaning solution to remain on for a few minutes before rinsing away with a garden hose. Heavy rust stains may require two or more treatments.


FAQs About Driveway Cleaning

As the first thing visitors see as they approach your home, the driveway should be clean and clear of stains to make the best first impression. Whether it’s made from concrete or asphalt, cleaning stains from the driveway will freshen the entire front yard’s appeal. Those who are facing the prospect of removing stubborn stains might have some questions.


Q. How much psi do I need to clean my driveway?

For the best results, use a power washer with at least 3,000 psi.

Q. How long does a pressure-washed driveway last?

Pressure washing is an excellent way to remove a number of stains, but it only lasts until the driveway gets dirty again. Maintaining a cleaner concrete driveway is an ongoing process.

Q. Does vinegar damage concrete driveways?

Vinegar is an old standby for removing light rust stains from concrete, but if used frequently, it can weaken the cement within the concrete, so opt for a rust-removing product that’s designed to be safe for concrete driveways.

Q. Will straight bleach harm concrete?

Bleach will not harm concrete—even if applied at full strength—but for most stain-removing applications, using full-strength bleach isn’t necessary. A bleach solution that’s diluted at the rate of 1 cup of bleach per 1 gallon of water is sufficient.


Final Thoughts

The best way to keep the driveway clean is to remove stains promptly. When two or more types of stains are on the driveway, such as mud and mechanic’s grease, it can make the whole home look neglected and shoddy. The longer some stains such as paint splatters sit, the more challenging they can be to remove.

Keep a bag of inexpensive, clay-based kitty litter in the garage for quick spill absorption, and follow the above techniques for keeping the drive looking its best.

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Driveway Cleaning – How to Clean a Concrete Driveway

How to clean your driveway and remove mold, oil, tire marks and more
By Anne Balogh,
Updated August 24, 2021

Carsten Reisinger / Shutterstock.

A new decorative concrete driveway is a bit like a new car. It looks great for the first year or two, but will eventually lose its luster if you don’t clean and maintain it on a regular basis.

Stains from hot tire marks, oil leaks, mold and mildew, and chemicals (such as lawn fertilizer and deicing salts) are bound to happen. But they don’t have to ruin your curb appeal if you know the best methods and cleaning materials to use to remove them. Here are some tips for cleaning your concrete driveway and how to protect and preserve it for years to come.

Find contractors: Concrete cleaning near me
Shop: Concrete cleaners & degreasers

How to clean a concrete driveway with a hose or pressure washer

Here’s what you’ll need for cleaning everyday dirt and grime from a concrete driveway:

  • A garden hose with a spray nozzle
  • A concrete driveway cleaner
  • A stiff broom to scrub the driveway

To remove stubborn dirt and stains, a pressure washer is often more effective, but you need to know what you’re doing. A power washer blasts water at anywhere from 1500 to 3300 psi, more than 50 times the force of a typical garden hose with a sprayer. If you use a setting that is too high or range that is too close, you could actually etch the concrete. See these tips for power washing concrete.

Tip: If you only plan to use a pressure washer once or twice a year, renting one may be cheaper than buying one. And you won’t need to worry about storing or maintaining it. If you’ve never used a pressure washer, you may want to hire a professional who knows exactly how to clean concrete driveway surfaces without doing damage.

What is the best cleaner for a concrete driveway?

When cleaning your driveway, it is best to use a specialized product. For general cleaning, you can find concrete driveway cleaner at your local home improvement store or online.

If you’re trying to remove a specific type of stain, you’ll need one of the following:

  • For oil, grease, grime and dirt use a concrete degreaser (try RMC GhostShield Micro-Degreaser 1100).
  • For efflorescence, salt deposits, lime or rust stains, use a cleaner made with non-corrosive or biodegradable acid (try RadonSeal Efflorescence Cleaner).
  • For paint, sealers, epoxy or other topical contaminants, use a coatings remover or stripper (try Soy Gel 600GL from Franmar).

You may have something on-hand already that can be used to clean your driveway. Be careful though, if your driveway has a decorative finish or color, these may not be the right option. Do your research and test a small, out-of-the-way spot before cleaning the entire driveway.

Here are a few common household cleaners that can be used on a concrete driveway:

  • Bleach and water solution
  • Diluted vinegar
  • Liquid dish detergent
  • Baking soda
  • Cat litter

Love the wind / Shutterstock.

How to clean oil and grease stains from a concrete driveway

Small oil spills or spots can sometimes be removed with nothing more than a strong detergent and a scrub brush. But a more effective method is to use a concrete cleaner or degreaser, a concentrated alkaline soap that will loosen up the oil to permit easier removal. For fresh spills, cover the stain with cat litter, sawdust, baking soda, or another absorbent material before cleaning. See How to Remove Oil Stains from Concrete.

How to clean mold and mildew from a concrete driveway

If your driveway is in a heavily shaded spot, you may have issues with mold and mildew growth, especially if weather conditions are damp and humid. Scrub the area with a mold-killing detergent or a solution of bleach and water (about 1 cup bleach per gallon of water). If you’re worried about damage to nearby plant life, distilled white vinegar can also be effective. Learn more: How to Clean Mold Off Concrete.

Safety tips: Always wear gloves when scrubbing with bleach to protect your hands. And never mix bleach with other household cleaners because the chemical reaction could produce toxic fumes.

How to remove tire marks from a driveway

When hot tires from a car come in contact with certain types of concrete driveway sealers, the plasticizers from the tire may migrate into and discolor the sealer. To get rid of the marks, try cleaning the surface with a concrete degreaser and a stiff brush. If the discoloration has migrated into the sealer, you may need to apply a solvent or totally remove the sealer with a chemical stripper.

Tip: To reduce hot tire marking, use an acrylic or polyurethane concrete sealer with a high solids content. These sealers form dense films that limit or prevent plasticizer migration.

How to remove fertilizer stains from a concrete driveway

Lawn and plant fertilizers contain metals and minerals that can leave rust-like stains on a concrete driveway. These may even result in permanent color change if they are allowed to penetrate. To bring out the stains, try applying distilled white vinegar diluted 50:50 with water. If the vinegar doesn’t work, you may need to use something stronger, such as muriatic acid diluted 40:1 with water.

Tip: Be aware that acidic cleaning solutions may etch or change the profile of the concrete in the areas you clean. Test them out in a small area first.

Cleaning leaf stains from a driveway

Stains on concrete driveways from leaves, grass, tree sap, and other organic materials can be tough to remove. They typically require special cleaners formulated for the removal of organic stains. These cleaners typically do not affect the concrete color or harm the surface because the enzymes only target organic material.

Follow these steps:

  1. Use a hose or pressure washer to remove all leaf matter and debris.
  2. Apply the organic detergent to the damp concrete and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes.
  3. Scrub vigorously with a stiff broom or scrub brush.
  4. Rinse and repeat the process if necessary.

What if my driveway won’t come clean?

When all else fails, don’t automatically resort to tearing out and replacing your driveway. Check out these repair options for concrete driveways to see what else can be done.

General concrete driveway maintenance tips

  • Reapply sealer as needed.
    Resealing your driveway every few years will restore its like-new appearance and make it less vulnerable to stains. After cleaning the concrete, let it dry at least 2 or 3 days before resealing so you don’t trap in moisture. Learn more about concrete driveway sealers.
  • Act fast.
    The sooner you remove leaves, oil and grease spills, and other contaminants from your concrete driveway, the easier it will be to remove any stains they leave behind. Concrete is porous and can absorb stains, especially if it hasn’t been sealed. This will make them much harder to remove.
  • Avoid using deicing chemicals.
    Using deicers on your concrete driveway in the winter can cause surface damage in the form of scaling and spalling by forcing the thawing and refreezing of moisture. Sealers for concrete driveways may also fail in areas where deicing salts are applied or that receive drip-off from parked cars. As an alternative, use sand for traction.
  • Re-sand the joints in concrete paver driveways.
    Concrete paver driveways have similar cleaning and maintenance requirements as poured concrete driveways. But you may also need to refill the sand in the joints between pavers if it washes away. Use a polymer sand, which contains a special polymeric additive that binds and hardens the sand and helps to prevent erosion.

Get more driveway maintenance tips: How to Maintain Your Concrete Driveway.

How to Remove Rust Stains from Concrete

Driveway Cleaning | Las Vegas Pressure Washing



Driveway Cleaning

We are a Las Vegas born, certified, veteran-owned, and operated business, and we always put our customers first. Whether you’re in Henderson, Boulder City, or any point in between, we’ll make your driveway look like new again with expert pressure washing

Motor oil and tire marks can easily stain a concrete driveway. Pressure washing is the best method for cleaning it. First, special detergents applied to the surface help loosen the stain. Then, a driveway cleaning pro from 702 Clean Up Crew chooses the right nozzle and pressure level to wash it away. The selection of equipment is very important, as concrete driveways have different styles, texture, and stains that require different levels of care.

We service all types of driveways (concrete, asphalt, and more) and large areas for commercial properties. Wear and tear, fluid, dirt, and stains don’t stand a chance against the driveway cleaning professionals at 702 Clean Up Crew.

There are many other advantages to using a professional driveway cleaning service, including:

  • No equipment to buy or rent
  • No need to worry about meter boxes, lights, or other obstacles
  • No need to worry about chipping surfaces due to incorrect pressure
  • Peace of mind that the job was done correctly

Did you know: The very first pressure washer was made by accident in the 1920s by someone trying to clean his driveway. No wonder pressure washers work so well on them!

Ready to get your Las Vegas driveway clean again? Call 702 Clean Up Crew today for a free estimate!

We do a lot more than just clean driveways. Deck cleaning is another one of our specialties. We can pressure wash many different kinds, including concrete and wooden decks. It’s a fantastic way to revitalize your space for outdoor functions.

Here are some other advantages of using a professional deck cleaning service:

  • Prevents algae and other grime from creating a slippery surface
  • Makes the deck last longer, as stains and vegetation can damage the surface
  • Helps prepare it for sealant, if necessary
  • Helps spot needed repairs or other issues
  • Goes great with a newly cleaned driveway

It’s easy to see why 702 Clean Up Crew is the best choice for professional pressure washing in Las Vegas. Our full range of services includes window cleaning, house washing, solar panel cleaning, and more. We can also provide regular landscape maintenance services. Got a pool? We can clean those, too. If you have an idea for a project, call us, and we’ll discuss what options are right for you.

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Quick to reply and set up an appointment to power wash my driveway. They’re very professional and great to work with. I will be setting up for my windows next! You should definitely give this company a shot. […]

Very happy with the services this company performed. We had our windows and patio washed. they showed up on timed did a great job. And flexible hours are nice, as well as competitive pricing […]

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Complete Exterior Cleaning Services

Pressure washing uses adjustable amounts of water pressure combined with special cleaners to remove grime, vegetation, and other impurities from various surfaces. It works great on ceramic roof tiles, which are popular in the Las Vegas area and have small pores that can only be cleaned by hand-scrubbing or pressure washing. Our expert technicians use low-pressure washing to ensure there is no damage during the cleaning process.

  • Pressure Washing
  • Pool Cleaning
  • Window Washing
  • Soft Washing
  • Driveway Cleaning
  • Roof Cleaning
  • House Washing
  • Deck Cleaning
  • Solar Panel Cleaning

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Driveway Cleaning | Atlanta Pressure Washing

Driveway Before Cleaning: Norcross, GA By Atlanta Pressure WashingDriveway After Cleaning: Norcross, GA By Atlanta Pressure Washing

About Our Driveway Cleaning Services:

Driveways are the most heavily used exterior portion of one’s property, and often the most overlooked part of one’s home. Driving in and out on a daily basis one doesn’t notice over time how dirt, mold and mildew accumulate on one’s driveway surfaces. This accumulation of atmospheric dirt and grime is an eyesore. It can also be a safety hazard from slippery moss and algae build-up in portions of driveways, as well as walkways, and sidewalks. A dirty driveway can also mask things such as water intrusion, cracks and other imperfections on driveway surfaces that can easily be rectified before long-term damage is done. We believe that besides improving a home’s exterior appearance, cleaning one’s driveway is an easy way to prevent long-term issues with concrete , paver, and many other exterior driveway surfaces you may have in your Atlanta home. We are strong believers in encouraging our customers to regularly maintain their driveways, with a regular driveway pressure washing followed by a driveway waterproofing. Waterproofing does not have to be done every year, and by waterproofing you will reduce the amount of mold, mildew and moss build up on your driveway. It is a great routine to have – pressure cleaning your driveway will save you in the long-run, while having your home’s exterior looking its best. We first got our ‘feet wet’ in the pressure washing trade in 1995 pressure washing driveways in the new construction industry. Since, we’ve pressure washed a good bit of driveways – thousands of driveways of all shapes, sizes, conditions. We’ve cleaned oil, red clay, mold, mildew, moss, grime, slime and any other type of staining from driveways. We take a great deal of satisfaction with the wow factor our customers as our driveway cleaning equipment starts erasing years of grime from their driveway surfaces as if by magic. What may seem like magic, has taken many, many years of perfecting the art of pressure washing driveways. We know we lead the pack when it comes to driveway cleaning.

Atlanta Pressure Washing Is Atlanta Georgia’s #1 Driveway Cleaning Company.

Driveway Pressure Cleaning Dunwoody, GA: Before Picture By Atlanta Pressure WashingDriveway Pressure Cleaning Dunwoody, GA: After Picture By Atlanta Pressure Washing

We Specialize In pressure washing driveway surfaces such as:

  • Concrete driveways – We use gentle cleaning agents that dig deep into the concrete pores  and loosen years of soiling coupled with our floating surface cleaners or also known as floor scrubbers to deliver impressive concrete pressure cleaning results.
  • Brick paver driveways – We gently pressure wash paver driveways with the the utmost care –  paying special attention to protecting the integrity of the pavers,  polymeric sands, as well as mortar.
  • Brick driveways – We pressure clean brick  driveways thoroughly and leave them looking like new!
  • Stone Driveways – We pressure wash, clean slate, flagstone, fieldstone, bluestone driveways with stellar before and after results.
  • Aggregate Driveways – We gently clean aggregate driveways allowing the cleaning agents to do the bulk of the work. Aggregate driveways are tricky to clean, but our many years of experience have made us experts in field.
  • Stamped concrete driveways – For a while stamped concrete was growing in popularity – it has sort of dwindled off, yet we gently clean stamped concrete so to not as damage its delicate sealers.

We pressure wash all types of driveways whether small, or football field length up a hill, down a hill we’re up to the task!

Driveway Before Cleaning Brookhaven, GA By Atlanta Pressure WashingDriveway After Cleaning Brookhaven, GA By Atlanta Pressure Washing

Driveway Stains We Pressure Clean:

  • Mold & Mildew – We deep-clean concrete, pavers, stone driveways  removing not only the mildew you see, but the deep down remnants that most miss. This equates into a longer lasting clean driveway!
  • Moss & Algae – We remove moss and algae from paver driveways, stone, and brick driveays. We also remove moss and algae from concrete driveways (although not as common as the others).
  • Oil Stains – We can effective remove 75-90% of oil stains from concrete, and other surfaces. Efficacy of removal depends how long stain has been on substrate, how large the stain is, whether it is motor oil, grease, etc.
  • Rust Stains – We can remove rust stains from all exterior driveway surfaces.
  • Leaf stains – We clean leaf stains that usually happen in the fall after heavy rainfall from your concrete surfaces. We clean leaf, pine cone, acorn stains from all driveway surfaces.
  • Bobcat Marks – We can fix some marks left from bobcats (as long as they’re not gouges).
  • Red Clay Stains – We remove unsightly red clay stains from concrete (we recommend using a sealer to prevent future staining).

Plus many more- If you’d like to discuss your driveway cleaning please drop us a line on our driveway pressure washingestimate request form, or call us at 404. 428.9264.

Driveway Before Cleaning In Tucker, GA By Atlanta Pressure WashingDriveway After Cleaning In Tucker, GA By Atlanta Pressure Washing

Metro Atlanta Cities We Service:

  • Brookhaven
  • Chamblee
  • Decatur
  • Doraville
  • Dunwoody
  • Lilburn
  • Norcross
  • Peachtree Corners
  • Tucker

Driveway Cleaning FAQ’S

How often should we clean our driveway?

Sun exposure, water runoff play big factors on how often one should clean their driveway. There is no set ins tone timeframe to clean your driveway. Rule of thumb is if it starts lookign dingy, clean it up. Make sure there is no Moss or Algae growth as they can become slippery.

How soon after driveway cleaning can we drive on the driveway?

As soon as we are done.

Will your driveway cleaning agents hurt my plants?

No, the cleaning agents we use are plant safe, we rinse off your small plants before and after cleaning of your driveway as an extra safety measure.

How long will the driveway cleaning take?

For a normal size driveway 1-1.5 hours – larger driveways can take up to 3-4 hours depending on soiling, runoff, puddling, etc.

Will cleaning the brick or stone driveway bring back the natural colors of the brick or stone?

Yes, cleaning brick and stone brings back its original colors, We always suggest using a paver enhancer if you want a more vibrant look.

Driveway Cleaning Dunwoody, GA: Before Picture By Atlanta Pressure WashingDriveway Cleaning Dunwoody, GA: After Picture By Atlanta Pressure Washing

Driveway Cleaning – Precision Pro Wash

Oil and Dirt Have Met Their Match

A Parking Lot of Stains

Driveways are the most abused and used piece of concrete on you property. They have to be tough to endure the oil, gas, dirt, and other elements. Our driveway cleaning service professionals have the perfect tool for cleaning all that gunk. Our flat-surface cleaner is the perfect instrument to help remove all those unsightly stains. Remember the longer stains are allowed to remain on your driveway, the harder they are going to be to remove. That means that if you neglect your driveway for too long it could remain discolored and stained forever.

Precision Pro Wash has cleaned over 1 million square feet of concrete driveways, parking lots, tennis courts, pool docks and sidewalks making it safe to say, we’ve seen and cleaned it all. Our commitment to you and your home is that we’ll always be big enough to serve and small enough to care. Your Home is in Great Hands!

Be The Next Raving Fan!

Your experience matters. If you care about the exterior surfaces of your home, you owe it to yourself to call Precision Prowash.

Concrete & Driveway Cleaning – The Benefits

Precision Pro Wash literally sets the standard in professional pressure washing. Why? Multiple times per year, Greenville, SC is home to national safety, equipment and business training hosted by Patrick Clark, your Precision Pro Wash owner. If you’re looking for the best concrete & driveway cleaning, we spend every year training the best competition across the country.

Extend The Life Of Your Concrete

Pressure Washing, unlike soft washing is a high pressure service that should not be taken lightly. We use very powerful machines that can bring as much restoration as havoc on your home’s surfaces. If you own or try to pressure wash yourself, be careful. You could be just 300 PSI away from permanent damage to your home.

Safety & Peace of Mind

Calling a professional pressure washing company takes out the guess work of knowing how much pressure, what types of cleaning solutions and applications to safely and effectively clean any surface. From driveways and paver stones to concrete parking garages, Precision Pro Wash is equipped and trained to be the absolute best pressure washing company around.

Avoid Injuries & Accidents

A slick driveway or patio can be dangerous for you or your vehicle. As the seasons change, it’s important to keep your concrete surfaces clean. For concrete, as a porous surface, dirt can penetrate and become stained. For pavers, weeds and growth can shift or make cleaning and restoration more difficult.


Thinking of selling your home? A clean driveway and concrete can go a long way to enhance curb appeal. Plus, our ​5-year spot-free warranty is fully transferable to the new owner – a great selling feature!


The process for pressure washing is all about finding the right pressure and cleaning solution. Pressure washers when used incorrectly can wreak havoc on your home’s surfaces. The good news is that after cleaning over 1,000,000 sqft of concrete and paver stones we’ve mastered the art of pressure washing.

Knock it off your List

Pressure washing and exterior cleaning are notoriously on the “honey-do” list. One call can solve your dirty home issues. In less than 10 minutes of your time, you can have a home that looks like-new. We look forward to serving you!

Get a Free Quote!

Give us a call today for a free inspection and quote. We’d love to see how we can help you keep your property in top condition!

We Have All The Right Tools

The flat surface cleaner is the perfect too for a dirty driveway. Flat surface cleaners are disc shaped with an adjustable handle attached. The pressurized water from your pressure washer goes from your pressure washer, through your hose and into the swivel on the flat surface cleaner to rapidly spin a bar that has two high pressure nozzles. The nozzles on the spinning arm produce a smooth, even cleaning path. It will be a much more even clean than the streaky ugliness sometimes left by a wand. We call those ugly streaks “zebra stripes”.

What Makes Precision Prowash Different?

Everyone takes pride in their work. We back it up with more than precision exterior cleaning services. Your home will never look better. We guarantee it!

2 Million Dollars of Insurance.. Really!

Safety and security of our customers is a top priority. Your quote will come with proof of insurance and Workers Comp. Ask us why this matters!

100% Biodegradable Solutions

No harsh, chemicals that leave your home or landscape in danger. We offer a Plant Protection Guarantee for every customer.

5 Year Spot-Free Warrantee

Yes 5 Years! When you have your roof cleaned by Precision Prowash, you can be assured if any spots appear within 5 years, we’ll come back and remove them, for free.

Exceptional Customer Service

We only hire and keep the best. Every technician is measured by technical skills and customer satisfaction scores. The person who shows up, cares about your home!

Certified Technicians

As a national trainer and industry influencer, we are backed and recognized as the leading authority of exterior cleaning training locally and nationally.

Get a Free Quote!

Give us a call today for a free inspection and quote. We’d love to see how we can help you keep your property in top condition!

Don’t Let Your Driveway Be A Second Thought

Redoing a driveway is difficult and expensive task. The longer you wait the more difficult it will be for our professionals to get it sparkling clean. But more than just curb appeal and the fear of having to replace a driveway, the oils, dirty, and grime on your driveway is being dragged into your home.

More often than not the results are stunning and greatly exceed the expectations of our customers and even technicians. If you’ve got dirty concrete, we’ve got the perfect formula to make it look like-new again! Contact us today to book our professional driveway cleaning service.

Some of our amazing works

From start to finish, Precision Pro Wash delivers exceptional results for every concrete cleaning customer, every time. Check out our amazing work and be prepared to make your home look like-new again!

Get a Free Quote!

Give us a call today for a free inspection and quote. We’d love to see how we can help you keep your property in top condition!

Your Driveway Will Thank You

Some parts of your property need an extra-special clean. Your driveway is one of them. Our pressure washing service is designed to bring a deep clean to the areas that need it most. We offer a powerful solution will remove stains.

Dirt can take a toll on a surface. So can leaky substances, like grease and oil. But with our pressure washing service, we’ll make it look new again. With Precision Pro Wash’s professional driveway cleaning pressure washing, your driveway will thank you!

Awards & Accolades

Providing Excellence For 14+ Years!

We are a local, family owned and operated business in the truest sense. We have served the Southeast since 2006. We now have family owned locations in 4 states.

Our Locations

Each of our locations offers residential softwashing services within a 30 mile radius of their office. As a network, we offer commercial cleaning services across the East coast.