Cooling bedroom: 17 Genius Ways to Keep Your Bedroom Cooler — Best Life

17 Genius Ways to Keep Your Bedroom Cooler — Best Life

As temperatures rise throughout the summer, getting a good night’s sleep begins to seem like an increasingly impossible task. According to a 2019 study published in PLoS One, people tend to get the shortest amount of sleep in the summertime, a phenomenon researchers suggested could be linked to the rise in temperature. And considering that, amid the coronavirus pandemic, many rooms once designated for sleep are now offices as well, there’s never been a more important time to keep your bedroom cool.

So, how can you avoid another sweltering summer in your home? Read on to discover what experts recommend for keeping your bedroom cool all season. And for more great summer tips, check out these 23 Ways to Lower Your Electric Bill While Still Keeping Cool.

Shutterstock/Anastasiia Chepinska

Want to keep your bedroom cooler? Try honing your green thumb.

“Trees or other greenery can block some of the sun and keep rooms cooler throughout the day,” explains Mark Dawson, COO of One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning. The larger the plant, the more sunlight it will block! Not sure where to start? Try these 20 Easy-to-Care-For Houseplants That Will Brighten Any Room.

Shutterstock/Alexandru Nika

Those sheer curtains may look nice, but they’re making your bedroom hotter. “Installing blinds or heavy curtains can substantially decrease the amount of heat that seeps into the room via the window,” explains Dawson, who notes that this is of particular importance if your room gets a lot of light at sunrise or sunset.


You don’t need to rack up major air conditioning bills to keep your bedroom cooler. Instead, just turn on your ceiling fan—but make sure you’re using it right.

“The wind chill effect that ceiling fans create helps you feel comfortable without needing to adjust the thermostat,” says Dawson. “Reverse the motor to move the blades in a counterclockwise rotation to create a breeze effect in the summer.”


Incandescent lightbulbs aren’t just increasing your energy costs—they’re increasing the temperature in your bedroom, too.

“Those old-school incandescent give off 90 percent of their energy as heat,” explains Marla Mock, VP of Operations, AireServ, a Neighborly company. Mock suggests replacing them with CFLs, which use 75 percent less energy and last 10 times longer, or LEDs, which use 80 percent less energy and last 25 times longer. And for more simple tips for going green, check out these 30 Easy Ways to Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly.


Keeping your bedroom cooler could be as simple as upgrading your thermostat. Smart thermostats allow you to adjust the temperature from anywhere, meaning you can start cooling your bedroom long before you return home.

Mock adds that smart thermostats will save you up to 20 percent on cooling bills over the course of a year and “can help your family reduce its environmental impact, boosting efficiency via energy usage data.”

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If you find that your bedroom gets uncomfortably warm, cleaning your air conditioner filter might just fix the problem.

“When things clog up, the unit will not cool as well and in fact, work much harder and use more energy,” explains Mock, who cautions that this can cause a serious increase in your electric bill. And for more great tips delivered to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter.


Upgrading to energy-efficient windows can help keep cold air in your home for longer. However, if replacing your old windows isn’t in the budget, there’s still a simple way to keep your bedroom cooler on a dime.

“If you want to fix your old windows, caulking or weather-stripping will be an excellent option to stop the cool air from leaking out of the window,” explains Werner Jorgensen, a sales manager at Heatxperts.

Shutterstock/Potashev Aleksandr

A typical reflective window film rejects 63 percent of the sun’s solar energy. Basically, it still allows light to shine through your windows, but filters out just enough so that your room won’t overheat.


Find that your bedroom is getting hotter by the day? It could be your attic.

“An estimated 25 percent of energy is lost due to poor attic insulation,” explains Zach Reece, founder of Colony Roofers, who recommends adding new insulation to your attic or filling in any areas where it’s starting to look sparse.


At their balmiest, attics can reach upwards of 150 degrees in the summer. Due to these unbearable temperatures, Josh McCormick, vice president of operations for Mr. Electric, recommends installing an attic ventilator fan, as it “evacuates the hot air that accumulates and draws air in from the outside.” With this new ventilation system installed in your home, you’ll find that less warm air makes its way into your bedroom—especially if it’s upstairs.


If you’re fortunate enough to have central air conditioning, McCormick recommends keeping your thermostat set to 78 degrees during the summertime.

Why so high, you ask? “Many homeowners don’t know that cranking down the thermostat to a super low temperature will not cool your home any faster,” he says. “It’s much like repeatedly pushing the button for an elevator.”


Filling insulation gaps in your attic isn’t the only way to keep the cool air from escaping your bedroom.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb

“Adding carpeting to your floor is an often overlooked yet easy way to add insulation to your home,” says Michael DiMartino, senior vice president of installations at Power Home Remodeling, who notes that this is a great option for renters who can’t necessarily re-insulate their space by other means.


“To avoid those summer-night sweats, you must stay away from synthetic materials and use a breathable natural material instead,” interior designer Bobby Berk told New York Magazine. His suggestion? Drape your bed in either linen, cotton, or percale sheets for a cooler feel.


If you find yourself tossing and turning thanks to unbearably boiling temperatures, try this trick, courtesy of the ancient Egyptians: Wet a sheet with cold water and squeeze out the excess so it’s not dripping wet. Lie on top of a dry towel and use the wet sheet as your blanket. This “Egyptian Method,” as described by SleepBetter, will keep you cool as you drift off effortlessly.


Just like you shouldn’t wear black when it’s 90 degrees outside, you should avoid decorating your bedroom with dark accessories during the summer months. Dark objects absorb more heat than lighter ones, so sticking to light accessories—especially on and around your bed—will ensure that your room doesn’t heat up as much during the day.


If you’re trying to cool down sans A/C, make sure you’re keeping your bedroom door open before you retire for the night. Doing so will increase the ventilation from one room to the next, ensuring that the air in your bedroom isn’t stagnant and unbearably hot.


Your dinner isn’t the only thing that your stove is heating up. Unfortunately, cooking on the stove or in the oven takes the temperature of your home up a notch, according to Northeastern energy company Great Eastern Energy. In the winter, this influx of heat is welcome; during the dog days of summer, it’s the last thing you want, so opt for some no-cook meals whenever possible—or treat yourself to takeout. And for more easy ways to upgrade your space, check out these 15 Great Home Projects to Tackle While You’re Quarantined.

Too hot to sleep? Keep a bedroom cool with these 15 tips

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In the UK, our homes aren’t really designed for the heat (and neither are we, let’s be honest). So when the hot weather hits, trying to keep a bedroom cool and get a good night’s sleep can be a bit of a nightmare.

If you just can’t get to sleep because your bedroom’s become an inferno, the Ideal Home team is here with loads of tried-and-tested ways to cool you and your bedroom down. We also spoke to experts for their advice, from fan hacks to swapping your sheets to something more breathable.

How to keep a bedroom cool in hot weather

The body is hardwired to slide into sleep when it’s cooler, so the first step to take is to try and cool yourself down. ‘Your body temperature needs to drop slightly before you go to bed,’ says Simon Williams of the National Bed Federation (NBF). ‘Which is why you just can’t sleep when you’re too hot.’

‘An ideal bedroom temperature should be around 16 to 18°C, so it can be difficult to get comfortable in a hot and stuffy space, which leaves many people suffering from a disturbed night’s sleep.’ 

1. Keep a spray bottle on your bedside table

(Image credit: Future PLC / James French)

‘We fill old spray bottles with water and spray faces and necks to cool down,’ says Ideal Home Editor Heather Young. Dig out any see-through bottles you might have left over from trips abroad, improvise with a plant mister, or pick up some new spray bottles, at Amazon .  

A quick spritz of water can reduce the temperature of the skin and the air around you because the droplets use some of the heat in the air to evaporate. Make it extra refreshing by adding a couple of drops of peppermint essential oil to the water.

2. Give your feet a cold water bath

(Image credit: Future PLC / Dan Duchars)

‘I give my feet a cold water bath before I go to sleep,’ shares Rebecca Knight, Deputy Editor (Digital) at Ideal Home. ‘It helps cool you down and is supposed to calm your nervous system too to help you get to sleep more easily. I can’t verify the science on it, but it does help.’ 

While you’re in the bathroom, try Style At Home‘s Deputy Editor Steph Durrant’s top tip. She recommends running your wrists under a cold tap, as the cold water cools down your bloodstream.

3. Cool your pillows before bed

(Image credit: Future PLC /David Giles)

Ideal Home Content Editor Holly Walsh recommends putting your pillowcase folded up in a zip lock bag and popping it in the freezer a couple of hours before bedtime. ‘Then you’ll have a nice cool pillow to lie down on!’ she says. 

You can do the same with socks, too – just like under-floor heating can make us feel much warmer, cooling your feet lowers the overall temperature of your skin and body.

4. Make bedtime more of a ritual

(Image credit: Future PLC)

Try giving your bedtime routine more attention if you’re consistently missing out on a good night’s sleep. ‘Make the whole process of going to bed more of a ritual by giving yourself a luxurious turn-down service before bed,’ suggests Millie Hurst, Senior Content Editor at Ideal Home

‘Pull back the bedsheet, turn on a lamp, put a glass of water by your bed and spritz pillows with a pillow spray. Then, go and have a cool shower (this lowers your core body temperature) before gliding into bed feeling that bit more zen.’

5. Block out the light

(Image credit: Future PLC /James French)

Keep curtains or blinds drawn during the day to keep the sun out. Installing blackout blinds is one of our top bedroom design tips for better sleep, and they were made for this sort of weather. Shutters will also come into their own, blocking the light while letting in the air. Lights and appliances can generate a lot of heat, so turn them off unless you need them.

‘To begin with, consider factors such as which direction your window faces’ says Jason Peterkin, director at 247 Blinds . ‘For example, a south-facing room will benefit from thicker, thermal materials to help keep it cool. Generally speaking, wooden venetian blinds and plantation shutters are great for keeping the temperature down in the home as they allow you to adjust the amount of light filtering into the room by altering the size of the gap between the slats. 

The wood also acts as a natural heat conductor, helping to keep the warm air out during the summer months. If you want to completely block out the sunlight, opt for blackout blinds. The thick fabric will not only help to regulate the temperature of the house, but also ensure you get a better night’s sleep during the brighter months and lighter mornings.

6. Encourage airflow in the right rooms

(Image credit: Future PLC /Colin Poole)

When we’re hot, it’s tempting to crack open as many windows and doors as possible, particularly in small bedrooms that feel extra stuffy. However, this isn’t always the smartest option. Deciding whether to keep windows closed or open them slightly involves considering the direction the sun is facing.

‘Choosing whether to open your windows or keep them closed depends on their positioning,’ advises Adam Pawson, Head of Digital at Safestyle . ‘If your windows are south-facing, it is best to close your curtains or blinds. Whereas, if your windows are north-facing, it’s advised to keep them shut to avoid any hot air coming in.’

Ideal Home‘s Deputy Editor Ginevra Benedetti recommends waiting until the sun goes down, and then opening your bedroom window wide. ‘Keep your door open, ideally opening the windows at the other side of the house or flat too so that air can circulate through the house, from front to back.

If you’ve got an attic, try opening the hatch. Hot air rises and this will give it somewhere to go.

7. Switch your sheets

(Image credit: Future PL/Polly Eltes)

It’s time to swap winter sheets for summer alternatives with natural materials. ‘Pure cotton sheets have sensory benefits and, being naturally breathable, help to regulate your temperature and moisture levels while you sleep,’ explains Lucy Ackroyd, Head of Design at Christy . ‘Preventing the dreaded clammy feeling you can experience with synthetic fibres.

‘Not only that, but high thread count fabrics are smoother against the skin, so as well as being much more comfortable, you are less likely to feel tangled up or trapped by rougher fabrics that cling, especially to nightwear. Try Percale as opposed to Sateen sheets, as they’re made with a looser weave and therefore are much more breathable,’ Lucy explains.

Ideal Home ecommerce writer and bedding expert, Louise Oliphant agrees that opting for cotton percale fabric in the summer can make all the difference. ‘Just like turning over your pillow provides a cool surface to sleep on, changing your covers to a naturally cooling fabric will keep you feeling fresh throughout the night,’ she says. ‘No more sticking your leg out for fresh air, that’s for sure.’

8. Change your duvet

(Image credit: Future PLC)

‘As well as making sure you have the right sheets for summer, you should also make sure you have the best duvet too,’ says Lucy Ackroyd. ‘During these hotter months, a lighter tog of 4.5 is recommended. If you like something a little heavier but still breathable, try a 10.5 tog.’

Or, get rid of it altogether. Robert Lancaster Gaye, the co-founder of luxury linen brand, Tielle Love Luxury , says, ‘If you’re prone to night sweats and tired of fighting with your bedclothes, try swapping your duvet for layers of easily removable cool, crisp sheets.

‘Also, get rid of blankets on the bed and store them in breathable cotton storage bags or rolled up in cotton sheets,’ Robert adds. ‘Sweaty plastic or non-breathable bags can cause mildew to form.’

9. Welcome nature into the bedroom

(Image credit: Future PLC /Catherine Gratwicke)

House plants have never been so popular, and now the hot weather will give us even more excuse to add to the collection – because did you know they can help keep you cool? ‘Indoor plants can help cool a house in warm weather, as they consume hot air for their natural processes,’ explained the team at Stelrad . 

‘When an atmosphere heats up, plants will often release excess water into the air from their leaves – as a result, they cool themselves and the surrounding environment. Some of the best ones include rubber plants, Chinese evergreens, palms, mother-in-law’s tongues and ficus benjaminas.’

10. Head to a different room

(Image credit: Future PLC)

Some rooms of the house are naturally cooler than others. Remember that heat rises, so you might find downstairs areas less oppressive on a warm night. North-facing rooms also tend to be a lot cooler than those in the rest of a property. Even if you can’t relocate your bedroom permanently, it might be worth sleeping on a sofa or air bed.

11. Switch off the lights

As you may remember from science lessons, light bulbs give off heat. Switching off helps to keep things feeling cooler. ‘It’s best to avoid any sort of extra light or heat sources when the temperature is already scorching!’ say the team at Stelrad. ‘Plus, you’ll save money on the electric bill – it’s a win win!’

12. Use cool technology to sleep smarter

Use one of the best fans you can buy right now to keep your bedroom cool this summer. Quiet tower fans with timers and a choice of settings are the smart choice if you struggle to fall asleep, but desk fans and pedestal fans will do the job nicely, too. If it’s really hot, put a shallow bowl of iced water in front of the fan to cool the air.

Top tip: ‘Put a bowl bucket or even plastic containers filled with ice water directly in front of a fan. As the ice melts the breeze from the fan will pick up the cool air coming from the ice’s surface’ explains the team at Stelrad. ‘This will recreate a cool breeze, similar to an air conditioning unit. Alternatively, a wet flannel or small, damp towel placed over a fan works just as well.’

13. Try natural ways to sleep easier

(Image credit: Future PLC /Colin Poole)

  • Keep a cool head – getting worked up is only going to compound the problem, as thrashing around will make you hotter. Keep perfectly still and maybe try meditation techniques.
  • ‘Cold press’ your pulse points. The pulse points on your body can cool the rest of you effectively. Place a cold flannel or ice cubes in a plastic bag on your wrists and neck and you’ll be surprised by the effectiveness. Just don’t let them melt in your bed!
  • Think about essential oils. Lavender is a fantastic sleep aid. Try mixing a few drops with cold water in a small spritz bottle, and spray around your bedroom before you hit the hay.
  • Drink plenty of cold water during the evening and keep a glass by the bed.
  • Avoid too much caffeine, alcohol or a big meal. They can all make you feel hot and steamy in the middle of the night through dehydration and over-active digestion.
  • No alcohol – dehydrating yourself before sleep on a hot night isn’t the best decision, obviously. Stay away from the drink to heighten your chances of sleep during a heat wave.
  • Fill a water bottle half full and freeze. Cover in a lightweight cover or old t-shirt and take the water bottle to bed.
  • Turn over when you wake in the night, giving you a fresh and cool side to sleep on

14. Wear the right clothes to bed

Wear light cotton nightwear. This is actually better than wearing nothing at all, as natural fabrics will absorb any perspiration. 

15. Choose the right mattress

(Image credit: Future PLC /Simon Whitmore)

Jonathan Warren, director at bed specialist Time4Sleep comments on just how important it is to choose the best mattress and what to consider if you struggle to sleep during the summer. ‘There are a number of mattress options available that can help you to regulate your body’s temperature. Generally speaking, a mattress with a high content of natural fillings such as wool, cotton or bamboo is often a great choice for those suffering to sleep in the heat as they tend to be cooler as well as being naturally hypoallergenic.’

‘Other options to consider are new generation elite gel memory foam mattresses that include intelligent temperature regulating technology to help keep you cool in the summer and warm during the winter. These mattresses include a temperature regulating cool gel that adjusts with your body temperature to ensure you’re never too hot or cold during the night, allowing you to have a truly blissful night’s sleep.’

Why is it hard to sleep in the heat?

‘Warmer temperatures in the summertime, can cause discomfort and restlessness.  A bedroom and a bed that’s too warm can interfere with your body’s thermoregulation abilities and cause fatigue’ warns Ana Brito, Somnologist at Sleep8 .

‘Body temperature affects not only sleep onset, but also sleep quality and the time spent in different sleep stages. A higher core body temperature has been associated with a decrease in restorative slow-wave sleep and subjective sleep quality’ Ana explains.

‘During REM sleep the body ceases most temperature-regulation behaviours, such as sweating or shivering, leaving you more sensitive to ambient temperature changes. Accordingly, excessively hot ambient temperatures also appear to lessen the time spent in REM sleep.’

‘Therefore, paying special attention to our bedding and the bed covers during summer, can help you ensure that your sleep is not too  affected by the heat.’

Too hot to sleep? Try these cool products

(Image credit: JML)

Chillmax Pillow’s inner gel reacts to your body temperature to absorb excess heat, drawing it away from your skin to produce a natural cooling effect for up to three hours.

Buy now: Chillmax Cooling Pillow Gel Insert, £9. 99, JML

The cooling mattress topper

(Image credit: Dunelm)

Buy now: Gel Fushion Memory Foam Mattress Topper, £125 for a double, Dunelm

If you’re not in the market for buying a new mattress, this topper is made from a gel-infused memory foam that absorbs and disperses body heat while providing excellent support and comfort. It also has ventilation holes through the foam to allow airflow and breathability.

So there you have it – hopefully, a good night’s sleep is within your grasp! Stay cool, kids.

30 Tricks to Cool Down a Room and Sleep in the Heat

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We’ve all been there: You’re tossing and turning in bed, struggling because your sweat has you practically glued to the sheets. It. Is. Awful. And not good for that ideal sleep temperature.

The obvious solution for cool, calm, and REM-ful sleep is an air conditioner. But AC uses tons of energy and jacks up your monthly electric bill. So what’s an environmentally responsible, budget-conscious sleeper to do?

Here are some tried-and-true DIY strategies to cool a room and avoid sleeping in the heat on those sticky summer nights.

1. Be creative with fans

If you thought fans were just for blowing hot air around, think again! Point box fans out the windows so they push hot air out. Adjust ceiling fan settings so the blades run counterclockwise, pulling hot air up and out instead of just twirling it around the room.

2. Create a cross-breeze

Even more box fan pro tips: Position a fan across from a window so the wind from outside combines with the fan to make a cooling cross-breeze. Set up multiple fans around the room to make the airflow even more boisterous.

If the noise from open windows keeps you up and the fan noise isn’t enough to cover it, try a sound machine (maybe with forest noises!).

3. Go old-school

Remember when refrigerators were iceboxes that contained actual blocks of ice? Probably not. But this stay-cool trick is straight out of the icebox era.

Make a DIY air conditioner by placing a shallow pan or bowl (a roasting pan works nicely) full of ice in front of a fan. The breeze will pick up cold water from the ice’s surface as it melts, creating a cooling mist.

4. Say no to running electronics

We know that ideal sleep requires cooler temps. Those ever-running computers, the TV you left on, all the gadgets you used just before bed — those electronics generate heat.

If you don’t need it on overnight, unplug it. Just make sure to keep your surge protectors plugged in for storm protection.

5. Release your inner Tarzan

Feeling ambitious (or just really, really hot)? Rig up a hammock or set up a simple cot. Both types of bed are suspended on all sides, which increases airflow.

6. Get low

Hot air rises, so set up your bed as close to the ground as possible to beat the heat.

In a one-story home, haul the mattress down from a sleeping loft or high bed and put it on the floor. In a multifloor house or apartment, sleep on the ground floor or in the cool basement instead of on an upper story.

7. Turn off the lights

This tip is pretty self-explanatory. Light bulbs (even environmentally friendly CFLs and LEDs) give off heat. Fortunately, in summer it stays light until 8:00 or 9:00 at night.

Take advantage of natural light as much as possible. Keep rooms cool after dark by using lights minimally or not at all (romantic candlelit dinner, anyone?).

8. Keep the light out during the day

If the daytime sun is turning your home into a toaster oven, that heat will linger at night. Keeping your drapes and blinds closed during the day will keep your room cooler and allow it to cool down more quickly when you hit the hay.

9. Hang out

Cool a whole room by hanging a wet sheet in front of an open window. The breeze blowing in will quickly bring down the room’s temperature.

10. Keep the stove off

Summer is not the time to whip up a piping hot casserole or roast chicken. Instead, chow down on cool, room-temperature dishes (salads are clutch) to avoid generating any more heat in the house. If hot food is in order, fire up the grill instead of turning on the oven.

11. Camp at home

Got access to a safe outdoor space like a deck, courtyard, or backyard? Practice those camping skills (and stay cooler) by pitching a tent and sleeping al fresco.

12. Choose cotton

Save the ooh-la-la satin, silk, or polyester sheets for cooler nights. Light-colored bed linens made of lightweight cotton (Egyptian or otherwise) or linen are breathable and excellent for promoting ventilation and airflow.

In the heat, cotton jammies will help you fall asleep faster. And according to research, they’ll soothe you into the deepest, most restorative sleep stage better than bulkier fabrics like wool.Shin M, et al. (2016). The effects of fabric for sleepwear and bedding on sleep at ambient temperatures of 17°C and 22°C.

13. Feel the (freezer) burn

Stick your sheets in the fridge or freezer for a few minutes before bed. (Place them in a plastic bag first — unless eau de frozen pizza is your fave aromatherapy scent.)

Granted, this won’t keep you cool all night, but it will provide a brief respite from heat and humidity.

Pro tip: Freezing your socks is another good cool-inducing trick.

14. Get cold comfort

Here’s a year-round tip for keeping utility costs down: Buy a hot water bottle. In the winter, fill it with boiling water for toasty toes without cranking up the thermostat. During the summer, stick it in the freezer to create a bed-friendly ice pack.

15. Sleep like an Egyptian

Those Nile-dwellers knew how to do it right. The “Egyptian method” involves dampening a sheet or towel in cool water and using it as a blanket. Place a dry towel under your body to avoid soaking the mattress.

16. Get loose

Less is definitely more when it comes to summertime jammies. Pick a loose, soft cotton shirt and shorts or underwear.

Going full nude during a heat wave is (unsurprisingly) controversial. Some people believe it helps keep them cool. Others claim going au naturel means sweat stays on your body instead of being wicked away by fabric.

17. Tie up your hair if it’s long

If your hair is long, you’ve probably felt the warm scarf it can create while you’re sleeping. Tie it back with a hair-friendly scrunchie that won’t cause breakage while you sleep. Your now-cooler neck will thank you.

18. Pamper your pulses

Need to cool down stat? Apply ice packs or cold compresses to pulse points at your wrists, neck, elbows, groin, and ankles and behind your knees.

Keeping a spray bottle of water nearby can soothe your balmy skin when you get up to pee too.

19. Chill in bed

Try a cool pad pillow topper. It’s energy-efficient and adds an extra-plush, super cushy layer to your bed. Research has shown that these toppers have enough of a cooling effect to put a damper on hot flashes, so it makes sense that they’d do the same for ambient heat.

20. Take down the pillow fluff

If you usually smoosh your head onto a big, fluffy pillow, consider swapping that pillow for a lighter, less dense version. Your head tends to retain heat, and surrounding it with fluff can keep heat from escaping.

21. Turn that unfluffy pillow

Wake up soaked? Get in the habit of turning your pillow to that sweet, sweet cool side when you feel it’s gotten too toasty.

22. Dress light

The right bedtime ensemble is key. Cooling PJs are made with moisture-wicking fabrics like cotton and bamboo or high-tech synthetics like CoolMax that prevent nighttime overheating.

23. Fill up the tank

Get a leg up on hydration by drinking a glass of water before bed. Tossing and turning and sweating at night can result in dehydration, so get some H2O in the tank beforehand. (Pro tip: Just 8 ounces will do — unless you’re really into those 3 a.m. bathroom runs.)

24. Soak in it

When you’re sweat-soaked, the last thing you might want to do is soak in a warm bath. But surprisingly, it works, according to a 2019 study.Haghayegh S, et al. (2019). Before-bedtime passive body heating by warm shower or bath to improve sleep: A systematic review and meta-analysis. DOI: 10.1016/j.smrv.2019.04.008

The warmth of the water sends a rush of blood to your hands and feet, where the veins are right under your skin. This lets off extra heat and cools your bloodstream. Ideally, hop in the tub 1 to 2 hours before bed to give your body time to cool off before you slip between the sheets.

Of course, if you’re too sticky to sleep, a cold shower could be more appealing. Standing under a stream of cool H2O brings down your core body temperature and rinses off sweat (ick) so you can hit the hay feeling cool and clean.

When you’re sweat-soaked, the last thing you might want to do is soak in a tub of warm water.

But, surprisingly, it works.

25. Avoid the “meat sweats”

Instead of big, heavy meals, go for smaller, lighter dinners, which are easier to metabolize. It takes a lot more energy for your body to break down protein than fats or carbs. So swap that huge steak for a platter of fruits, veggies, and legumes.

Also avoid eating heavy meals and consuming alcohol for 2 to 3 hours before bedtime for optimal cool potential.

26. Move your workouts away from bedtime

Exercise has been shown to help you sleep better. But if you’re apt to get active late in the day or evening, consider moving your Jazzercise earlier in the day so you don’t bring that hot bod to bed before it cools down.

27. Hog the bed

Sleeping alone has its perks, including plenty of space to stretch out. Snoozing in spread-eagle position (with your arms and legs not touching each other) is best for reducing body heat and letting air circulate around your body.

Hit the hay in this sleep position to keep your limbs from getting super sweaty.

28. Keep the critters in their own beds

This one can be a challenge if you’ve got cuddly pets waiting to snuggle up with their big, hot bodies. If you can resist their puppy-dog eyes, try to have them sleep in their own separate beds (or at least at the bottom of yours).

29. Go rustic

When temperatures soar, trade in that extra-comfy mattress for a minimalist straw or bamboo mat. These all-natural sleeping surfaces are less comfortable, but they don’t retain heat like a puffy, cloth-covered mattress.

30. Get creative with grains

Rice and buckwheat aren’t just for eating! These cupboard staples can also keep you cool on hot nights.

Stock up on buckwheat pillows, which don’t absorb heat like cotton or down. For a cold compress on really hot nights, fill a sock with rice, tie it off, and stick it in the freezer for an hour or so. The compress will stay chilly for up to 30 minutes — definitely enough time to nod off.

Sleep is essential for your health. And higher temperatures can lead to insomnia.Bjorvatn B, et al. (2018). The association between insomnia and bedroom habits and bedroom characteristics: An exploratory cross-sectional study of a representative sample of adults. DOI: 10.1016/j.sleh.2017.12.002 If your nighttime routine starts to feel like Joe vs. the Volcano, it’s time to get your cool bedtime strategy in gear.

Here’s the lowdown on the best approach to sleeping in the heat:

  • Make your bed a haven of chill with fans, extra airflow, and low light.
  • Stay on lower levels in your home and minimize heat from electronics and ovens.
  • Opt for light clothing, bedding, pillows, and mattress pads to keep things cooler.
  • Maintain some space away from pets, sleep partners, and even your own hair.
  • Stay hydrated and avoid heavy foods and alcohol right before bed.
  • Use DIY techniques like water bottles, spray bottles, showers, and a DIY air conditioner to hack your space for maximium cool potential.

Can’t Sleep? 31 Easy Tips for Getting Better Sleep Right Now

It’s, oh, I don’t know, 3 o’clock in the freaking morning, and I’m lying in bed, flipping my pillow around in frustration. I’m trying to stay hopeful that I can catch a few hours of shut-eye before I have to get up.

But I’ve been through this enough times to know the beast of insomnia can’t always be tamed.

I’m not alone. Insomnia is incredibly common in the United States. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, about 30 percent of American adults have some type of insomnia, and it’s more common in women than in men.

For anyone out there who has developed an expertise in fruitlessly counting sheep, we’ve rounded up a few strategies for finally catching those long-lost Zzz’s. And if you’re reading this at 3 a.m. because your mind won’t stop racing, don’t worry.

We have tips for what you can do right now to improve your chances of getting (at least some) sleep.

Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep, stay asleep, or get the amount of sleep you need to wake up feeling rested. Insomnia can be acute (lasting one to several nights) or chronic (occurring three times a week for at least three months). Walia HK, et al. Overview of common sleep disorders and intersection with dermatologic conditions. Its symptoms include:

  • difficulty falling asleep
  • frequent wake-ups during the night
  • waking up too early in the morning
  • daytime sleepiness
  • difficulty concentrating
  • irritability

The causes of insomnia range from a variety of underlying medical or psychiatric conditions to medication side effects to simple lifestyle factors. So a little detective work is your first step. Try some of the tips below to rule out lifestyle factors that may be behind your sleeplessness.

Insomnia is no joke. It can reduce your life expectancy and increase your risk of heart problems, compromised immunity, obesity, diabetes, seizures, and asthma. It’s probably well worth the effort to make some changes now to improve your sleep.

One possible reason you’re not getting enough rest is that your bedroom isn’t optimally set up for sleep. The ideal climate is cool, dark, and comfortable.

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1. Invest in a good mattress and pillows

Uncomfortable bedding can lead to poorer sleep quality. A comfortable mattress increases your chances of a satisfying snooze. Check out the National Sleep Foundation’s tips on choosing the right pillow.

2. Dim the lights before you go to bed

Exposure to bright lights just before bed might negatively affect your chance of getting quality — and quantity — sleep. Light suppresses the secretion of melatonin, the hormone that influences your circadian rhythms and tells your body it’s night-night time.

Assuming you don’t want to sit in the dark for hours, find the happy medium by dimming the lights as bedtime draws near.

Also consider changing your light bulbs to ones with a “color temperature” of less than 3,000 kelvins. These soft/warm varieties can reduce the light’s effects on your nervous system.

3. Turn off screens

The artificial (or “blue”) light emitted by screens can disrupt your body’s preparations for sleep by stimulating daytime hormones. Reduce your exposure by turning off TVs, phones, and computers at least an hour before bedtime.

If you can’t get away from blue lights before bedtime, consider making a small investment in blue-light-blocking glasses.

Can’t sleep but don’t want to give up late-night TV? At least dim the screen’s brightness, either manually or with the help of automated programs.

4. Minimize disturbing noises

Some outside noises — like a busy street or a neighbor’s barking dog — are beyond your control. Cover them up with the sound of a bedside fan, a white noise machine, or other sounds that help with sleep.

5. Keep it (dark and) cool

A dark, cool bedroom environment helps to promote restful sleep. Program the thermostat so that your bedroom’s temperature is between 60 and 75°F. Experiment to find out what temperature works best for you.

Use heavy curtains, blackout shades, or an eye mask to block lights. Charge your phone and laptop outside the bedroom — even the tiny bit of light from a charging device can disrupt sleep.

6. Ban work from the bedroom

Beds should be used only for sleep and sex — nothing else. Bringing work into the bedroom is a surefire way to discourage quality sleep.

Prime your body with the same sleep-promoting activities each day. Eventually, they’ll become habit, and so will awesomely restful sleep.

7. Stick to a schedule

Try to stay on the same sleep-wake schedule, even on weekends. If your alarm goes off at 6 a.m. Monday through Friday, set it for the same time on Saturday and Sunday. The early alarm might make you groan, but you’ll sleep better for it.

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8. Set aside “worry time” during the day

Every day, spend about 15 minutes addressing problems, so they don’t sneak up when your head hits the pillow. Schedule tasks and resolutions in your calendar. If a particular stressor is keeping you up at night but has a clear end date, this can help get it off your nighttime mind.

9. Keep track

Record how much and when you sleep, your fatigue levels throughout the day, and any other symptoms you have. Sleep-tracking apps like SleepScore and Sleep Cycle can help with your recording efforts.

Sleep tracking serves two purposes. It can identify things you do that help or hurt your chances of a good night’s rest, and it’s a useful tool for a doctor or therapist, should you decide to see one.

A healthy body equates to healthier sleep. Take good care of yourself overall with a balanced diet, exercise, and good stress relief, and you’ll have fewer worries come bedtime.

10. Don’t smoke

Need another reason to quit? Smokers commonly exhibit symptoms of insomnia — possibly because their bodies go into nicotine withdrawal during the night. Jaehne A, et al. How smoking affects sleep: A polysomnographical analysis. DOI: 10.1016/j.sleep.2012.06.026

11. Exercise

Moderate aerobic activity can improve both sleep quality and quantity. For best results, exercise at least three hours before bed so your body has enough time to wind down before you hit the sack.

12. Limit caffeine

It’s tempting to reach for coffee when you’re tired after a poor night’s sleep, but drinking caffeine can make it harder for you to fall asleep at night, creating a vicious cycle.

Research has shown that people who consume more caffeine spend less time sleeping and don’t sleep as well as those who avoid overdoing caffeine [Watson EJ, et al. (2016). Caffeine consumption and sleep quality in Australian adults. DOI: 10.3390/nu8080479].

Can’t quit cold turkey? Try limiting caffeine to earlier in the day so it’s out of your system by bedtime.

13. Nap the right way

Just 10 to 20 minutes of napping during the day can help you feel more rested. A good power nap can improve your creativity and memory, too! But avoid snoozing any longer than 20 minutes, which could steal time from your nighttime slumber cycles.

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14. Get outside

Increasing your exposure to natural light during the day promotes a healthy balance of that sleep hormone, melatonin. Sunlight tells those ancient receptors inside your body that it’s time to get going with the hunting and foraging and all things not sleep.

This helps reinforce the message to do the opposite when it’s dark.

15. Eat for sleep

Magnesium and B vitamins are two nutrients that may help enhance your sleep. Foods high in magnesium include:

  • halibut
  • almonds and cashews
  • spinach

Also eat foods like these, which are rich in B vitamins:

  • leafy green vegetables
  • nuts
  • legumes

16. Consider natural supplements

Valerian, tryptophan, and melatonin are three supplements used to promote sleep, but their effectiveness varies. Research shows that melatonin can help you fall asleep a bit faster and keep you slumbering longer, but results can vary a lot based on which product you buy. Abad VC, et al. (2018). Insomnia in elderly patients: Recommendations for pharmacological management. DOI: 10.1007/s40266-018-0569-8

Check with your doctor before taking any supplement, to make sure it’s safe for you.

17. Vent stresses

If designated worry time earlier in the day didn’t fully do the trick, spend some extra time writing down your anxieties. Loose-leaf paper works, but if you scrawl your sorrows in a journal or notebook, you can literally close the book on your worries (at least until morning).

Don’t jump straight from your last activity of the day into bed. Give your mind and body a chance to prep for sleep.

18. Try relaxation techniques

You’ve probably heard that meditation seems to be good for us in just about every possible way. One meta-analysis found that people who practiced meditation saw improvements in total sleep time and sleep quality.

Other relaxation strategies — like yoga, deep breathing, and progressive relaxation — are also effective tools for promoting good sleep.

19. Avoid large meals late in the evening

A big meal before bedtime could leave you too stuffed to sleep. Just getting horizontal can create that burny feeling in your throat. Everything slows down during the night, too, and it’s probably not great to have all that food sitting around in your digestive system.

20. Don’t drink alcohol right before bed

Booze might seem like an obvious choice for calming down pre-bedtime, but it can actually disrupt sleep cycles later in the night. You don’t have to give up the good stuff completely. Just drink it with dinner (around 6 o’clock) and skip the nightcap.

21. Turn off your brain

Don’t work, watch super-stimulating TV shows or movies, read complex material, or think too hard — about anything — before bedtime. See above about getting away from your screens. Working out your brain keeps your body awake.

22. Have sex or masturbate before bed

Hey, anything for a good night’s rest. Getting your “O” face on pre-bedtime can help you fall asleep. Why not?

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23. Don’t try to sleep unless you’re sleepy

Yes, it sucks when it’s 2 a.m. and you still don’t feel tired despite knowing you need rest. But climbing into bed when you don’t feel ready for sleep is setting yourself up for failure.

Instead, engage in relaxing activities (like gentle yoga and meditation or listening to soothing music) until you get the strong urge to snooze. If sleep hasn’t come within 20 minutes, get back out of bed and try relaxing activities again until you’re sleepy enough to give it another go.

24. Brew some chamomile tea

This soothing tea has a calming effect on your brain. A cup or two could get you into a better headspace for sleep.

25. Try a warm bath or shower

Stepping from warm water into that pre-cooled bedroom will cause your body temperature to drop slightly. This temperature change triggers sleepy feelings by slowing down your body’s metabolic activity.

26. Sip some hot milk

Science doesn’t necessarily back the idea that milk facilitates snoozing. But if you’ve been in the habit of milk before bed since childhood, the suggestion of sleepiness from a cup of warm milk might be strong enough to get you there.

27. Do some leg exercises

You might wonder if this advice contradicts the “no exercise before bed” warning. But some easy leg lifts, squats, or your leg exercise of choice can help divert blood flow to your legs and away from your brain. This can quiet your mind, making it easier to slip into dreamland.

28. Count some sheep (seriously)

It might not work for everybody, but focusing on one thing can help settle down your brain, making sleep easier. Not a fan of these wooly animals? Focusing on your breath (in, out, in, out) is also an effective way to chill out.

29. Visualize yourself asleep

Imagine yourself drifting into a blissful slumber while practicing deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation: Starting at one end of your body and working your way up or down, clench and then release each section of muscles for instant all-over relaxation.

Tried everything and still can’t sleep? It may be time to reach out to the pros for advice.

30. Get some therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy for Insomnia is a pretty common technique. Also called CBT-I, this therapy typically involves self-monitoring, mental strategies (like developing positive thoughts about sleep), and creating an environment that promotes sleep.

Research has shown that it can improve the quality of sleep. Morgan K, et al. (2012). Self-help treatment for insomnia symptoms associated with chronic conditions in older adults: A randomized controlled trial. DOI: 10.1111/j.1532-5415.2012.04175.x

Learn these strategies with the help of a therapist or with online guidance or books — both are equally effective ways of implementing CBT-I. Not into seeing a therapist? Use a digital program like Sleepio to help you learn and implement CBT practices from the comfort of your home.

31. Talk to your doc

If you’ve tried everything and sleep remains elusive, it might be time to consult a healthcare professional. A doctor can help rule out any sleep disorders and identify health issues, treatments, or medications that might be getting in the way of a good night’s rest.

What definitely won’t do you any good in the getting-to-sleep department: judgments (“I should be asleep”) and catastrophic thinking (“If I don’t get to sleep, I’ll mess up that presentation tomorrow, lose my job, and die tired and alone”).

Make the night easier by accepting insomnia for what it is. Let go of judgments and be gentle with yourself. The silver lining? You just might get to see a glorious sunrise.

The Best Sleeping Positions

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The best sleeping position is what’s comfortable for you. However, the shape your body makes when you’re asleep can affect different parts of your body. For something so simple even babies do it, sleep isn’t such an easy thing to master. In fairness, they do have a lot more time to work on it.

Both too little and too much time dozing has been linked to a host of health problems, from obesity and heart disease to dementia and diabetes. It also turns out that it’s not just the length of sleep that matters — it’s also the position you’re in.

(It’s not the length of the longboat, it’s the position of the splishin’.)

The way you sleep can play a big role in snoring, heartburn, and even wrinkles. Read on to see if you should switch it up in bed (remember, we’re talking sleep here). We looked at the research on sleeping positions and how they affect your back and general health.

Unfortunately, high-quality studies on this field are rare due to tiny sample sizes. Sleep positions have, quite literally, been slept on. We have, however, been able to develop a general picture of the pros and cons of each.

Sleeping on your back, or “supine position,” is great for your back itself, but can screw with your breathing.

Pros of back sleeping

Snoozing in Savasana pose is a boon for spine and neck health. The back stays straight and untwisted, which is just swell. Plus, back sleeping helps the mattress do its job of supporting the spine.

In a perfect (and slightly uncomfy) world, everyone would sleep on their backs without a pillow. This position leaves the neck in a neutral position. Using too many pillows, however, can make breathing more difficult.

Back sleeping is also a winner for the more cosmetically inclined. Spending all night with your face out in the air and not smooshed up against a pillow can lead to fewer facial wrinkles.Poljsak B, et al. (2012). The influence of the sleeping on the formation of facial wrinkles.

If you’re looking to reduce wrinkles without spending money on products, look no further.


Snoring and sleep apnea become much more frequent when a person is sleeping in the supine position. In fact, back sleeping is so closely linked to sleep apnea that doctors prescribe side sleeping as a treatment for the condition.InformedHealth. (2011). Treatment of obstructive sleep apnea.

When you sleep on your back, gravity forces the base of the tongue to sink into the airway. This obstructs breathing and creates those oh-so-pleasant snoring noises that keep the neighbors up at night.

It’s also worth noting that a supported spine doesn’t always necessarily mean a good night’s sleep.

An earlier study compared the sleep habits of good sleepers and poor sleepers. The authors noted the people with worse-quality sleep spent more time on their backs than the good sleepers.De Koninck J, et al. (1983). Sleep positions in the young adult and their relationship with the subjective quality of sleep.

However, as hair has moved on (a great deal) since the 80s, so too has science. So take this with a pinch of salt — ultimately, if you’re comfortable, you’ll sleep well.

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A 2017 study found that most people prefer sleeping on their side.Schjelderup Skarpsno E, et al. Sleep positions and nocturnal body movements based on free-living accelerometer recordings: association with demographics, lifestyle, and insomnia symptoms.

Attaboy, side-sleeping!


Whether they’re curling up in the cozy fetal position or lying straight on one side, the vast majority of people report sleeping on their sides.Gordon SJ, et al. (2007). Sleep position, age, gender, sleep quality and waking cervico-thoracic symptoms.

(Although, since everyone is unconscious during sleep, this information can never be entirely accurate.Gordon SJ, et al. (2004). Self-reported versus recorded sleep position: an observational study. You could well be sleep-singing Since U Been Gone at full pelt. We’ll never know.)


Sleeping on the left side can put pressure on the stomach and lungs (alternating sides often can help prevent organ strain). And as almost all side-sleepers know well, this position can result in the dreaded squished-arm-numbness.

(That immortal dilemma of how to tactfully stop spooning your partner and roll onto your back to sleep comes into play here. If you do enjoy cuddling and have a penis, here’s how to do it without getting a boner.)

Resting the head (or the whole body) on a single arm can restrict blood flow and press down on the nerves, which results in “rubber arm” or painful pins and needles. You don’t want to wake up like a wacky waving arms inflatable tube man.

In this position, the shoulder supports a lot of the body’s weight, which can constrict the neck and shoulder muscles.Zenian J, et al. (2010). Sleep position and shoulder pain.

Then you’re looking at ouchies in the shoulders when you wake up. If they do hurt, try these 16 stretches for shoulder pain.

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If you sleep with your belly down, things might go a bit belly-up.


As sleeping on your back can lead to increased snoring in some people, some sleep specialists recommend switching up your position to either side or front sleeping.

So, yes, stomach sleeping might ease snoring, but there’s no solid evidence that supports stomach sleeping over side sleeping. Breathe easy, bellies of the world. You shall remain unsquished, for now.

And, to be honest, even if those claims were backed by our science pals, they’re still pretty much the only good thing about going belly-down at night.


Resting on the tummy is pretty much the Limp Bizkit of sleep positions — a guilty pleasure when you can’t be bothered to find anything better, but ultimately not great for you in the long run.

So if you wind up dozing off while you’re face down, keep rollin’, rollin’, rollin’ until you’re on your side.

Stomach sleeping flattens the natural curve of the spine and pushes your body weight into your core, which can lead to lower back pain. Sleeping all night with your head turned to one side also strains the neck. Imagine watching an 8-hour tennis rally.

If you genuinely prefer this position, try gradually tilting your pillows to get your body comfortable with side-sleeping.

Worse still, putting your baby to sleep on their stomach can increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

If you’re feeling lower back twinges from changing your position, try sticking a pillow under the hips and lower abdomen to give the bottom of the spine a boost.

Pillow getting tired too? Here’s how to work out when it’s time for a new one.

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Arguably the OG sleeping position, curling up in fetal position may not be a natural first port of call for many people in the quest for catching Zzz’s. Pulling your knees up to your chest isn’t really the go-to decision before sleeping (outside of the womb).

However, this position causes less bending at the bottom of your spine while you sleep. As a result, it can provide relief for people with a herniated disk.

Roll onto your left or right side, carefully place your pillow under your head and neck, and bring your knees into your chest until your back is straight. It’s no cure-all for a very painful back condition, but it can help you get your 40 winks with less disruption.

We found some stretches you can do to make your back feel better while you’re awake.

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Sleeping positions aren’t only important for your own health — if you’ve got a tiny human inside you, you’ll also have to bear theirs in mind.

Naturally, the belly is a sensitive spot, and sleeping on both your right side or your back may increase the risk of a stillbirth (although, according to a 2019 study, it doesn’t increase the risk of complications as much as researchers originally thought. )Farine D, et al. (2007). When it comes to pregnant women sleeping, is left right?

It’s better to be safe than sorry, though. If you’re not naturally a left side sleeper, don’t worry — pregnancy pillows and sleep aids can help you and your little trooper be more comfortable.

Side sleeping is also a winner during pregnancy as it relieves pressure on the lower back (which can lead to fainting). For obvious reasons, stomach-sleeping is also impossible while a person is pregnant.

People who side sleep can keep their spine aligned by placing a pillow between the knees.

For those expecting heartburn and acid reflux rather than a bouncing bundle of joy, sleeping on the left side may also ease heartburn and acid reflux, making it easier for people with these conditions to doze off.

While testing a new sleep reposition device, for example, researchers found that people sleeping on their left side experienced less exposure to acid in their esophagus — a sign that acid reflux posed less of a problem. Person E, et al. (2015). A novel sleep positioning device reduces gastroesophageal reflux: A randomized controlled trial.

For a bit more relief during pregnancy, why not give yoga a try?

Regardless of health benefits, people sleep in the position they find the most comfortable.

Even if you start out in the ideal position, you’ll likely transition to a different one via the air guitar pose you striking during your dream solo in front of a packed-out Super Bowl.

But experimenting with different sleep positions won’t do any harm, so feel free to try each position for a few nights and see which is the best fit.Whether it’s back, side, or stomach, people tend to wake up in the position that their bodies naturally snooze in.

Unless a doctor specifically recommends switching, it’s probably best to keep doing what feels right. Sleep tight!

If you’re one of the many people who find it difficult to do so, we’ve got 31 ideas to help you sleep better.

Too hot to sleep? 7 ways to keep a bedroom cool in a heatwave

(Image credit: Gunter & Co)

Are you too hot to sleep? Us, too. With warmer nights settling in, getting a good night’s sleep can become a common problem for many of us, but how do you keep a bedroom cool in a heatwave?

Leaving the window open isn’t always an option due to outside noise and even hay fever, meaning it can be tricky to keep your bedroom cool during the night. 

So whether you are looking for ways keep a home cool in a heatwave or are want to know how to cool down a room in your home that always bears the brunt of the hot air, these cooling tips will help.

We asked the experts for their top tips to keep your home cool in a heatwave, whether you are looking for the best fans or how to sleep better, we’ve made some suggestions for future-proofing so that your bedroom ideas will need less protection in years to come and it won’t be too hot to sleep. 

Too hot to sleep? How to keep a bedroom cool in hot weather

Ensuring you have enough hours of sleep per night is essential for a healthy lifestyle, so set a regular bedtime and stick to it so your body knows when it’s time to wind down. Try to avoid looking at a screen right before you go to sleep as the blue light emitted by mobile phones can trick your brain into thinking it’s daytime. Yellow light from a bedside lamp creates a cozier setting that your mind will associate with bedtime and relaxation. Here are more ways to keep a bedroom cool at night.

1. Invest in a mattress that will regulate body temperature

(Image credit: Studio Peake / Alexander James)

Finding the best mattress or best organic mattress is key to a good night’s sleep, especially during the summer. Waking up feeling too warm during the night can be incredibly disruptive to your sleeping patterns but you may not realise just how much of an impact your mattress has on your body’s temperature during the night.

‘There are a number of mattress options available that can help you to regulate your body’s temperature,’ explains Jonathan Warren, director at bed specialist Time4Sleep . ‘Generally speaking, a mattress with a high content of natural fillings such as wool, cotton or bamboo is often a great choice for those struggling to sleep in the heat as they tend to be cooler as well as being naturally hypoallergenic.

‘Other options to consider are new generation elite gel memory foam mattresses that include intelligent temperature regulating technology to help keep you cool in the summer and warm during winter. These mattresses include a temperature regulating cool gel that adjusts with your body temperature to ensure you’re never too hot or cold during the night, resulting in a truly refreshing night’s sleep.’

2. Prepare your bed for summer with breathable sheets

(Image credit: Future/ James Merrell)

Your cozy sheets and thick bedding may have served you well through the winter months but now is the time to change up your bedding in time for summer and opt for natural, breathable materials.

‘Pure cotton sheets have sensory benefits and are naturally breathable so they help to regulate your temperature and moisture levels while you sleep, stopping the clammy feeling you can experience with synthetic fibres,’ says Lucy Ackroyd, head of design at Christy England .

‘Secondly, high thread count fabrics are smoother against the skin so as well as being much more comfortable you are less likely to feel tangled up or trapped by rougher fabrics that cling, especially to nightwear. Try Percale as opposed to Sateen sheets, as they’re made with a looser weave and are therefore more breathable.’

You should also make sure you have the right duvet for the hotter months. For summer, a lighter tog of 4.5 is perfect, if you like something a little heavier but still breathable – try a 10.5 tog.

3. Choose the right window treatment

(Image credit: Kitty linen in Blue/Green, The English Garden Collection, Linwood)

Blinds and shutters aren’t just used for keeping the light out, they can be used to effectively control the temperature in your home and this is especially useful in the bedroom.

‘You’ll first need to consider factors such as which direction your window faces; a south-facing room will benefit from thicker, thermal materials to help keep it cool,’ says Jason Peterkin, director at 247 Blinds . ‘Privacy is also an important factor to acknowledge; adjustable blinds such as shutters, Venetians and day nights are great in the bedroom as they can allow light in without compromising privacy.’

‘Wooden Venetian blinds or plantation shutters are great for keeping the temperature down in the home as they allow you to adjust the amount of light filtering into the room by altering the size of the gap between the slats. The wood also acts as a natural heat conductor, helping to keep the warm air out during the summer months.’

To completely block out the sunlight, opt for blackout blinds. The thick fabric is not only great for keeping the temperature down, it’ll help you get a better night’s sleep during the brighter months and lighter mornings. This viral window hack for heatwaves will help to circulate air within the home.

4. Welcome house plants into your bedroom

The best indoor plants take on extra importance during periods of stress, adding life, color, and stress-reducing, air-purifying qualities – and, the right house plants can also help keep your bedroom cool in a heatwave.

House plants act as natural air conditioners and generate moisture into the atmosphere through a process known as transpiration. The most heat-efficient plants are Ficus Benjamina, Chinese Evergreen, Cacti, Aloe Vera and Palms, as they work best in humid conditions. 

5. Use a hot water bottle to cool down a bed

A quick and easy way to cool down your bed before you climb in it is to transform your hot water bottle into an ice pack. Simply fill the bottle as normal and leave it in the freezer for a few hours before bedtime. For those who struggle to fall asleep during the heat, this little hack may prove to be especially useful in helping you find sleep much more quickly.

6. Update your bedroom color scheme

(Image credit: Mark Bolton)

If you are struggling to sleep at night, then your bedroom color scheme may be to blame.

Your bedroom needs to not only help you fall asleep, but be a pleasant environment in which to wake up. ‘As a guide, warm colors such as red, orange and yellow are considered to be stimulating while cool colors such as blue and green tend to be more restful and cooling,’ says Judy Smith, color consultant at Crown . ‘It’s useful to consider these factors if you want to keep a bedroom cool in a heatwave.’

Heading towards the lighter end of the spectrum, white bedroom ideas have the unique ability to feel both soothing and calm before sleep, making them an exceptional choice for keeping a space cool.

‘The reason people like decorating with white in the bedroom is because it is so versatile,’ says color expert Annie Sloan . ‘There are so many varying shades of white from warm white to cool white. If keeping a bedroom cool is a priority for you, just be sure to pick a white from the cool end of the color spectrum.’

7. Turn off your appliances

You might not realise it, but switched on technological devices will generate unwanted heat into a bedroom over the summer. Consider turning things like your TV and desktop computer – don’t just leave them on standby – turn then off at the plug socket or unplug them altogether. This will stop them warming the bedroom they are in, and overheating in some instances.

Do be mindful of charging things like your phone or tablet. These too give off heat, so it might be best to charge first thing in the morning when cooler. And avoid charging them at night, especially if struggling to sleep in the heat.

This advice could also save you money over the course of the year. The United States Department of Energy reports that homeowners can save anywhere between $100 and $200 each year by unplugging bedroom devices not in use.

Jennifer is the Digital Editor at Homes & Gardens. Having worked in the interiors industry for a number of years, spanning many publications, she now hones her digital prowess on the ‘best interiors website’ in the world. Multi-skilled, Jennifer has worked in PR and marketing, and the occasional dabble in the social media, commercial and e-commerce space. Over the years, she has written about every area of the home, from compiling design houses from some of the best interior designers in the world to sourcing celebrity homes, reviewing appliances and even the odd news story or two.

Ideal bedroom

Mattress cover

Mattress protector

It maintains the hygiene of the sleeping place, preventing moisture and various contaminants from “harming” the mattress. There are models of covers that regulate the microclimate of a bed, for example, BedGear.

Bed with base

The main detail of your bedroom interior

You can choose Askona branded bases, bases with anatomical lattice (lamellas)
or convertible Ergomotion bases.

Beds can be equipped with a lifting mechanism: this provides access to the laundry basket.

Askona brand base

Base with anatomical grid (lamellas)

Convertible base Ergomotion

Base with lifting mechanism


Cushion – soft, comfortable, your…

The pillow must be chosen at the same time as the mattress, because only the right combination of pillow height
and firmness of the mattress will give you a comfortable and healthy sleep.

Small bedroom furniture

Essential items in your bedroom – a combination of functionality and practicality.


Comfort all year round

Choose a blanket so that you are always comfortable – both in winter and in summer!
If you can’t sleep because of the heat, then your choice is the Outlast material with a permanent cooling effect. If you prefer to sleep under a warm blanket even in the warm season,
then models made of natural down and camel hair will suit you.


Stylish sleep solutions

A practical 2-in-1 solution: Askona bed linen decorates the bed and “takes care”
about a comfortable microclimate for you.

Chest of drawers

Keeper of things

You can conveniently store all the important and necessary little things in a chest of drawers.



Lamps, floor lamps – any “local” sources of soft lighting create a cozy atmosphere in the bedroom.

Aroma gadgets and air accessories

Create your own relaxing atmosphere

Humidifiers, ionizers and air purifiers will help you purify the air in the bedroom, fill it with useful ions and create the right level of humidity.

Aroma diffusers and aroma candles will create the desired atmosphere of relaxation in the bedroom.


Such important and cozy little things

In the bedroom you should feel as relaxed as possible.
Therefore, choose each detail carefully to be sure: it will not annoy you.

Quick Selection Guide

The bedroom is your personal comfort zone. That is why every detail must be selected individually for you.


Mattress is the key to the perfect bedroom

It is responsible not only for comfort, but also for the restoration of your body during sleep!

There are hard, semi-hard, medium hard and soft mattresses. Be sure to lie down on mattresses of different firmness and think about which one is most comfortable for you!

Our selection program will help you choose the right mattress.

Mattress cover

Mattress protector

It maintains the hygiene of the sleeping place, preventing moisture and various contaminants from “harming” the mattress. There are models of covers that regulate the microclimate of a bed, for example, BedGear.

Bed with base

The main detail of your bedroom interior

You can choose Askona branded bases, bases with anatomical lattice (lamellas)
or convertible Ergomotion bases.

Beds can be fitted with a lifting mechanism that provides access to the laundry basket.

Askona brand base

Base with anatomical lattice (lamellae)

Convertible base Ergomotion

Base with lifting mechanism


Cushion – soft, comfortable, your.


The pillow must be chosen at the same time as the mattress, because only the right combination of pillow height
and firmness of the mattress will give you a comfortable and healthy sleep.

Small bedroom furniture

Essential items in your bedroom – a combination of functionality and practicality.


A pledge of comfort in any season

Choose a blanket so that you are always comfortable – both in winter and in summer!
If you can’t sleep because of the heat, then your choice is the Outlast material with a permanent cooling effect. If you prefer to sleep under a warm blanket even in the warm season,
then models made of natural down and camel hair will suit you.


Stylish sleep solutions

A practical 2-in-1 solution: Askona bed linen decorates the bed and “takes care”
about a comfortable microclimate for you.

Chest of drawers

Keeper of things

You can conveniently store all the important and necessary little things in a chest of drawers.



Lamps, floor lamps – any “local” sources of soft lighting create a cozy atmosphere in the bedroom.

Aroma gadgets and air accessories

Create your own relaxing atmosphere

Humidifiers, ionizers and air purifiers will help you purify the air in the bedroom, fill it with useful ions and create the right level of humidity.

Aroma diffusers and aroma candles will create the desired atmosphere of relaxation in the bedroom.


Such important and cozy little things

In the bedroom you should feel as relaxed as possible.
Therefore, choose each detail carefully to be sure: it will not annoy you.

Do not place electronic devices in the bedroom.
They not only irritate the nervous system before going to bed, but are also sources
harmful electromagnetic radiation!

If, due to lack of free space, you had to place electronic devices in your
in the bedroom, Sleep Professor pillows and mattresses with revolutionary NeoTaktile material will help
neutralize its harmful effects.

Start by choosing a mattress

Complete guide to choosing a bed for your bedroom style

A dream bedroom design requires matching furniture. The main and largest item in the center of attention is the bed. Therefore, it must be chosen very carefully. The main thing is convenience, size and the ability to organically fit a sleeping place into the interior. We will help with the answer to the question – Which bed is suitable for your interior? – on the example of several popular styles.

Classic bed


Modern classicism has retained the original ideas of ancient architecture – symmetry and strict proportions, monumentality, spaciousness in the rooms and high ceilings. Therefore, a classic bed should have a regular rectangular or square shape, be massive and at the same time elegantly restrained.

The headboard and footboard are wooden or upholstered with expensive textiles with buttons, as in the Ancona model:

Beds for a classic interior have smooth curves, a solid or discreet pattern with a floral or geometric motif.

Baroque, Empire, Rococo

The most refined and luxurious classical “representatives” are baroque, empire and rococo. The baroque bedroom is distinguished by volume and roundness of forms, refinement and intricate decor. Curved lines, carved curls, patterned forging are relevant. Therefore, a bed is needed without straight lines and concise forms, with a large headboard, as in the Venezia model:

Lush contrasting headboard with rhinestones instead of buttons is suitable for baroque.

Any classic is for those who love elegance and respectability, centuries-old traditions, and not fashion trends. The constant companion of success and prosperity.

A little more modest and lighter, furniture for interiors in the Rococo style – the historical successor of the Baroque. The outlines of the Rococo bed are more playful, graceful, without straight lines and symmetry. The corners are smooth, like in the Milano bed:

Rococo is dominated by delicate pastel shades combined with white and gold. Perfect decor – a large number of silk pillows

The Russian Empire, in contrast to the French direction, is simpler and softer, curvaceous forms are more restrained. Materials are natural and necessarily expensive (silk, velor, leather), in dark, almost black shades, with richly gilded elements, antique patterns. Symmetry and “modest luxury” are very important, similar to the Empire design in the Bari bed:

The Empire-style bed attracts attention with a large upholstered headboard, upholstered in expensive material. Numerous small pillows are a must.


The most unusual of the classic bed styles is Art Nouveau (in the USA – Tiffany). Very many-sided and goes against clear classical lines. The bedroom in this style is distinguished by matte fabric or leather upholstery, a variety of motifs and plant elements, with hints of minimalism:

Pay attention to the smoothness of the forms of the modern bed, which allows you to create an elusive transition from the headboard to the wall. It will harmoniously combine your mood, color palette and decor.

Bed for ethnic interiors

For connoisseurs of ethnic (national) styles, we offer three of the most popular:

  • American Country.
  • African.
  • Provence (France).

American Country

Modern country beds are wider and longer than hundreds of years ago, and therefore much more comfortable. The rustic style is characterized by massiveness, turning into bulkiness, leather upholstery, an abundance of wood in the decor. A simple dark polished or mahogany bed with chiseled posts and knobs is ideal.

Country is also the absence of cutting-edge technology, as well as a touch of romantic shabby chic due to the softness of numerous pillows or a headboard!

African style

Borrowed from the inhabitants of the African continent, the ideas of everyday life will allow you to create your own unique interior, without any design templates. Warm colors and play of contrasts are welcome:

The shape and design of the bed for an exotic bedroom in an African ethnic style is secondary. The main things in the interior are wood trim and decor, a large wardrobe or chest, themed accessories (figurines, masks).


The bedroom in the French Provence style is the embodiment of a romantic atmosphere and relaxation. The interior combines classic and country elements. So that you can have a good rest and gain strength in this room, when choosing a Provence-style bed, prefer natural upholstery in discreet natural shades, preferably beige, brown. as in the Bergamo model:

The embodiment of Provence – floral images and patterns, as well as living plants.

Popular beds for modern interiors

Modern style strives for minimalism with full preservation of comfort. Modern beds are very practical and fully comply with the owners’ ideas about aesthetics and comfort, with an emphasis on novelty and originality in lighting, textiles and art decor.

A functional linen box is an invariable companion of any modern style.


High-tech in the bedroom is devoid of luxury, but less technologically advanced than in other rooms. With all the severity of the palette and forms, it looks diverse and cozy, especially with the Tivoli bed, the upholstery of which is made of ultra-modern eco-leather.

A slight hint of hi-tech is supported here by a stingy color palette and modest elegant furniture that separates sleeping and relaxing areas and unites everything into a single whole.


Bedroom furniture in the Scandinavian style is made of light wood with a natural texture, sometimes painted with white or beige paint. Models of a simple form with a low rectangular headboard or without it at all, as in the Scandinavian Scandinavian bed:

The footboard and decorative elements in the Scandinavian bedroom are very rare.


Ecostyle is one of the most minimalistic modern styles with simple forms, a minimum of partitions and an abundance of fresh air, like in the Scandinavian style, but using wood as natural as possible:

The laconic look of eco-furniture and the interior as a whole cannot do without the influence of the Japanese style, with which the eco-interior is in optimal harmony.


The life of the French aristocrats of the last century was accompanied by spacious, well-lit rooms with elegant furniture of universal classical forms, smooth lines and without unnecessary objects. As in the loft style, bricks in decoration are relevant in grunge. They are especially successful directly behind the headboard, as in the bedroom with the Florence bed:

Grunge design is accompanied by textiles made from natural materials – cotton, linen, wool and even fur – that create a soulful atmosphere.

A bed that matches any decor

Almost any of our beds can be adapted to a given interior. The main thing is to correctly operate with decor, the color of curtains, walls, style attributes. This will enhance the impression of the bed and effectively combine it with the interior.

In the classics, for example, arches, columns, pilasters (protrusions on the walls) and sandriks (cornices) will help with this. In the Baroque – side, richly decorated pedestals, magnificent canopies, framed mirrors, a dressing table. In modern – asymmetry, 3D ceilings with a soft pattern of smooth shapes and lines, photo wallpapers.

In the country, the simplicity of the bed is emphasized by checkered pillows with heart embroidery, quilts and patchwork textiles. Particular attention is paid to uncomplicated vases, baskets of flowers, frames with reproductions of fruits, animals, rural scenes.

If it’s hard to determine what style the bed fits in, pay attention to the most important details. Such models as in the photo below are universal. Bed Mira can be safely attributed to the Mediterranean style due to the mixture of white and blue colors, Provence due to the carved headboard and Scandinavian or grunge due to the conciseness and smoothness of the lines:

Straight lines and angles create a stylish look for a bed in any modern style.


Focus on the compatibility of the upholstery and design elements of the bed with the style of the bedroom. Consider every little thing – noble rhinestones, buttons, vertical stitches, peaks and other decorative techniques. And to bring a modern spirit into the interior, complete it with a bold accent, such as a bright reproduction or panel.

Bedroom of the future: top 5 trends



The bedroom is the heart of the home and the place where we spend long hours of sleep, rest and recharge. The importance of this space is difficult to overestimate. What trends are waiting for us in the coming season and how to create an elegant interior that will not lose its relevance? We talk about the main trends of 2022 that you should keep in mind before updating the bedroom.

1. Sustainable design and eco-friendly materials

Safety, sustainability and sustainability continue to be top trends, and the interest in natural materials, upcycling and recycled design will only increase in the coming year. Next year, we will also see more furniture and accessories made from recycled glass, wood and metal in our homes. The golden reflections of brass and copper and the warmth of natural wood create a warm and sophisticated atmosphere in a bedroom that you won’t want to leave.

Furniture and accessories presented in T.Sleep showrooms are made of high quality materials that are guaranteed to last a long time – you can be sure that the furnishings are safe and environmentally friendly. For example, the Talalay Latex adjustable mattress used in Hollandia’s Perfect Chill beds is made from 100% natural latex for maximum support and comfort, and is suitable even for sensitive skin. The innovative Perfect Chill base with two powerful motors is freely transformable, adapting to any need, and fans of new technologies will definitely appreciate the USB port for charging gadgets and the built-in audio system.

Foundation of Perfect Chill, Hollandia, T.Sleep salons.

2. Mattress that adapts to the wishes of the owner

A modern mattress should not only be comfortable – today technology allows you to get much more. Everything matters: from size and height to filling and materials used. Finding the perfect fit for your needs is easy at T.Sleep showrooms.

Tempur mattresses, for example, use cutting-edge technology from NASA. The material is designed specifically to reduce the load on astronauts during takeoff. It perfectly adjusts to the temperature and shape of the body, helps to move less during sleep and get better sleep.

Another example of an innovative bedroom solution is the Estate mattress from Stearns & Foster. The PrimaVent system helps keep warm air out throughout the night and makes the mattress more breathable, while the special Outlast cooling material supports thermoregulation. Beneath its cashmere upholstery, the spring-in-spring design provides secure support so that nothing disturbs your sleep.

Mattress Estate, Stearns & Foster, T.Sleep salons.



Expressive blue

In 2022, designers suggest again looking for inspiration in nature. Choose the blue of an overcast sky before a thunderstorm or a stormy winter sea – discreet yet elegant colors will fill the space, while shades of natural tones will help complement the palette and set accents in the interior.

Combinations with dark gray or black will be especially relevant. A deep and rich palette will not add gloom, but will help set off style decisions and create coziness in space.

T.Sleep showrooms offer a wide range of bedroom furniture and accessories in the most trendy shades. So, the Meissa bed, made in noble blue tones and decorated with an original geometric print, will be a bright addition to any interior.

4. Ergonomic pillow

The trend towards maximum comfort and health care continues to gain momentum. For a sound and healthy sleep, not only the mattress is responsible, but the pillow – do not underestimate its importance. The wrong accessory can eventually lead to headaches and muscle stiffness, decreased concentration and constant fatigue.

How to choose a pillow? First of all, it matters in what position you sleep: on your back, side or stomach. It is also important to remember that the main purpose of a pillow is to provide a natural curve for the neck and spine. Ergonomic Tempur pillows take the form of the head and neck of its owner, thereby relieving him of possible discomfort. A wide range with different shapes and firmness options will allow you to choose an accessory that is ideal for your favorite position – for example, the Millennium pillow is suitable for those who prefer medium firmness, while those who prefer softer options should pay attention to Symphony or Ombracio. At the same time, the special material Tempur guarantees the highest quality support and comfort during sleep for all models.


Designers suggest opting for more sustainable alternatives to cotton, such as fabrics made from nettle or industrial hemp.

They are as technical as traditional materials and look just as stylish, but at the same time they will help to contribute to caring for the planet.

When it comes to upholstery fabrics, the main focus remains on textures. The richer and more varied they are, the better. Raw linen, velvet, sherpa and boucle will dilute the monotony of classic or minimalism and add expressiveness to the bedroom. In the interior, they can be used in a variety of combinations, for example, in the upholstery of an armchair, banquette or headboard, as well as in wall decoration. T.Sleep salons have plenty of options to match: beds finished with textured fabrics, such as the Brooklyn or Astra sleeping systems, will help transform the space completely. Their soft upholstery makes you want to touch, and the right shades of fabrics will set the right mood for one of the main rooms of the house.

Bedroom system Brooklyn, Sealy, salons T.Sleep.

Everything from the perfect mattress that meets the most demanding wishes to elegant sleeping systems and sleep accessories from world’s premium brands can be found in T. Sleep salons. Designers and architects are waiting for special conditions and special offers, as well as individual cooperation programs that can be discussed in a comfortable lounge area for networking.

Salon addresses:

Kashirsky Dvor shopping complex: 19 Kashirskoye shosse, building 1, PREMIO zone, 1st floor.

Furniture center “Grand-2”: Khimki, st. Butakovo, 4, entrance 2, 3rd floor.

Trade and exhibition complex Mobel Expo: Nakhimovsky prospect, 24, 1st floor.

Furniture Center Roomer: st. Leninskaya Sloboda, 26, 1st floor.


  • bedroom
  • trends
  • mattress
  • pillows

Futuristic bedrooms

Technology, biohacking, drugs that optimize the functioning of the brain and nervous system, exoskeletons, chips: people are improving, this is already clear. But no matter how “pumped” a person becomes, he will always need sleep – the basic process of restoring all organs and systems, and first of all, brain neurons. Let’s stand on the threshold of the future, let’s see how and in what conditions the next generations will have a rest. 9Smart technology for good sleep The interactive mirror glass built into the wardrobe will analyze and show the contents of your cabinets, combination options for the current day, taking into account the weather, mood, and work tasks. The beds will become folding, but they will not be fixed to the wall, as they are now, but will “leave” into the ceiling. Spotlights are designed to illuminate these processes, which can easily adjust the brightness to the time of day, the direction of a person’s movements and his wishes. A multifunctional media device will connect and block the phone (so as not to wake it up), turn on by sound, perform many functions from an alarm clock to a video screen.

With the Anatomy of Sleep store, you can start moving into the future right now. Wardrobe ORMATEK COMO / VEDA 2X DV , mirror CHEPERS – can be used in the dressing room or stand directly in the bedroom. The virtual wardrobe program used by the maids will help you decide on clothes and their equipment. And the transforming bed VOLHOVA S-522 M/S-523 M/S-524 M/S-525 M looks quite futuristic in the color “milk oak” – it remains only to mount the spotlights and LED strip, and on an unusual bedside table GALAXY NEW put a “smart speaker”.

Not a single bed

In such a bedroom you will need the appropriate bedding: healthy and very comfortable. For example, the company Fine Bedding promises that blankets and pillows will monitor the temperature of the sleeper and select the mode – to cool or warm. And the mattress can be adjusted in terms of firmness for each sleeper. The practical implementation of these modern high-tech bedding concepts that can be assembled from the Anatomy of Sleep range.

Pillows with a cooling effect? Already today: PROSON GEL MINI , ALFABED ICE CLASSICO . Pillow BRENER MEMORY LAMBY “remembers” how it is most convenient for you to sleep. Anatomical model ORMATEK OCEAN FRESH M will create the feeling that the head is resting on soft, but elastic waves. Do you want to relax and improve your health? massage mattresses brands AGREEN, SONTELLE, PROMTEX-ORIENT, ORMATEK are widely represented in our catalog. Mattresses DIMAX, LONAX, COMFORT LINE, ALTRENOTTI, TEMPUR, SEALY based on Memory Foam adapt to the anatomical features of sleepers.

Individual design: habits, needs, choices

Russian futurologist Kirill Ignatiev believes that individual ideas will play a huge role in the home interior of the future. Help in this reduction in the cost of 3D printing and new composite materials. Such customization will allow you to endlessly expand the scenery of any direction of design, from whimsical art deco to canonical Japanese minimalism, and at the same time, each design will be deeply individual.

The concept of this bedroom is reminiscent of modern: a few decorative ornaments, the predominance of simple shapes and materials, clear lines, clear objects. Signs of the future are also visible: spotlights, an armchair with an undefined contour, bedside tables of a strict design, photo wallpapers that are easy to replace with others – in the future, video panels will take their place, the picture on which can be broadcast from a smartphone.

Which of the “Sleep’s Anatomy” assortment can be taken for such an interior? Beds – VMK shawl wooden solo , Toris maty without a back , nightstands SONTELLE VIrano , Proson Christopher , Ormatek Wood Home , volumetric soft chair Revex Madrid .

Minimum for space

But Zen Designer’s art project explores the concept of bedrooms and interiors as spaces with built-in furniture, one that comes from Japanese minimalism. Built-in wardrobes, modular beds, plastic forms that can be easily rearranged or transformed. A significant part of the decor will be light, screens, holograms.

Well, the buyers of “Sleep’s Anatomy” are quite ready for this. Look at the bed bases with control panel A LFABED LEVEL 38 MOTORI or ORMATEK SMART BED . Perhaps a free-standing round bed like CAPITONE ROOM BERTA will help you realize your bedroom dreams of the future. Or a variety of double bed boxes . The large three-leaf wardrobe ORMATEK COMO/VEDA will complete and expand the functionality of the interior.

New wall coverings

The Spanish company MSDpanels believes that the bedroom of the future should offer complete relaxation in conditions of high aesthetic performance with individually tailored solutions. In addition to high-tech beds, built-in air conditioning, visual panels will create a relaxing environment, from smart to new paneling, which will become a canvas for creating a unique bedroom wall pattern.

This interior has a lot of space, a bed on which you can put a mattress of a suitable height, pillows of different sizes and density. And the walls with an unusual pattern became the center of the futuristic design.

The perfect blend of today and tomorrow can be recreated in your bedroom with furniture and accessories. These are wide bases for beds 180×200 and mattresses with a removable cover for them – DREAMLINE DREAMROLL CLASSIC ROLL SLIM , PROMTEX-ORIENT REST STANDART SIDE , MR. MATTRESS BIOCRYSTAL ROBERT . Pillows TROIS COURONNES LOTUS LUX NORMAL , ORMATEK SIDE SLEEP , ASKONA VITA HOME GLOW , IQ SLEEP ORIGINAL SOFT , EVEREST MAGIK

Bedroom interior: furniture selection nuances


  • Sleeping bed
  • Other interior items
  • Environmental safety
  • Functionality of interior items
  • Arrangement of furniture
  • Interior palette
  • What appliances and decor do you need in the bedroom?

Get an extra discount on sofas and soft beds from OneAndHome!

Bedroom interior

The decor of the bedroom must be liked by its owner. Beautiful and stylish interior items always improve mood, which is also important for a comfortable sleep. In addition, the bedroom is the first thing a person sees after waking up. If you start your day in an atmosphere of comfort, a positive charge is guaranteed!

Furnishing a sleeping area is simple at first glance. A wide range of interior items creates the illusion of an easy choice, but in reality it is very difficult to choose from a variety of options, since you have to study the advantages and disadvantages of all the proposed models.

Bedroom interior: furniture selection nuances

Sleeping bed

The main task in the arrangement of the bedroom is to choose the right bed. A person spends a third of his life in a dream, so you should take the purchase very seriously. Ideally, you need to study a whole range of furniture characteristics, on which its convenience, aesthetics and durability depend.

To begin with, decide on a number of characteristics of the desired piece of furniture:

  • what area in the bedroom can be allocated under the bed;
  • how many people will sleep on it, what is their height and weight;
  • what style of interior dominates in the bedroom.

We advise you to read: Ergonomic bedroom: universal designer’s tips for decorating the room

If you want the bedroom furnishings to be designed in a certain style, then this will narrow the choice somewhat. A carved or velvet back with a constriction will look out of place in a minimalist interior, for example.

Another important characteristic is the size. Couples, of course, take double models. When buying a bed for one owner, you should be guided solely by personal preferences. For someone, the single-sleeping option will not be enough, because with such modest dimensions, freedom of movement is limited. It is much more convenient in this case to purchase a 1. 5 or 2-bed bed.

Undoubtedly, large beds made of high quality materials provide maximum comfort and are therefore preferred. However, do not forget that wide models require a lot of space. In addition, there should be at least a little free space left on three sides for ease of movement.

In addition to the design and size, which we pay attention to in the first place, there is another important indicator – the presence of a comfortable mattress. The best among them are considered orthopedic. Also, for many users, the “memory” effect that modern models have is important. The spine on such a bed does not experience stress, which means that after sleep a person does not feel discomfort in the body, feels well-rested and full of energy. Of particular interest are double-sided mattresses. They are deployed on one side or the other, depending on what time of the year it is – warm or cold. The range of models includes options with and without spring blocks, with soft and hard fillers.

Modern manufacturers offer not only to choose a mattress or bed from the existing catalog, but also to make a product according to the individual wishes of the customer. This is the most expensive option, but also the best. Thanks to this opportunity, you can get the most functional and aesthetic sleeping place of any shape that fits perfectly into a particular interior.


Other interior items

Few people are lucky enough to have a separate dressing room, which can easily fit all the clothes. Typically, storage systems are located in the bedroom. A spacious wardrobe that holds all the necessary wardrobe items should match the style and color scheme of the bed.

Bedside tables have a practical function and at the same time they also have certain aesthetic requirements. Depending on personal preferences, alarm clocks, lamps, telephones, books, magazines, glasses with drinks, flower vases or planters, glasses, medicines are placed on them. To hide everything you need from prying eyes, it is better to purchase a model with internal storage compartments and a door.

The dressing table is a small beauty spot in the bedroom and holds a lot of cosmetics. To sit behind him, you also need an ottoman. In large bedrooms, the installation of another rectangular ottoman at the foot of the bed is welcome. A full-length mirror is usually built into the wardrobe, but if this is not your option, then purchase one separately.

It is better to decide on each piece of furniture before you come to the store for the first purchase. This will allow you to assemble the perfect kit, each element of which is combined with the other. The most expensive option is usually to buy a furniture set, in which initially all the furniture is combined in style and color.

Functional and beautiful lighting will make the environment sparkle with different colors. The classic version involves the presence of a central light source in the form of a chandelier and wall lamps to the right and left of the bed. The dressing table area should also receive enough light so that nothing prevents its owner from applying makeup at any time of the day.

Other furnishings

Everyone is talking about this concept today, since the building and finishing materials invented by the developers are not always harmless to humans. The design of the bedroom should include only high-quality furniture and finishes that do not emit toxic substances. Wood is the most natural and environmentally friendly material that evokes pleasant associations. This material is popular at all times, it looks expensive and beautiful, although the price for it is much higher than for some others. The choice in favor of him always speaks of the good taste of the owner of the apartment or house.

In addition to natural wood, modern manufacturers use other natural raw materials, such as bamboo, cork, to make furniture. The variety of materials and models is not limited by anything if you make furniture to order. In this case, you will receive the most comfortable and beautiful interior items that you could not find in stores.

Environmentally friendly

Furnishing functionality

If you take into account a number of nuances when choosing furniture, this allows you to organize the bedroom space with maximum comfort. Such important trifles include built-in linen drawers provided in the design of the bed. They serve as a convenient storage place, which is also securely hidden from prying eyes.

See also: Mirror in the bedroom: signs and tips

Linen cupboards are especially important if the bed does not contain a linen compartment. Thanks to such small storage systems, it is possible to assemble the bed so that it covers the bed only at night, and during the day the bed turns into a place of normal rest. Any chests of drawers and wardrobes should be comfortable and accommodate everything that should be stored within the bedroom.

Furniture arrangement

Perhaps everyone knows the classical principles of furniture arrangement in the bedroom. Most often, the sleeping bed is placed with the head against the wall, while there is a little free space on the sides and at the feet so that you can easily bypass the bed. At the same time, the bed is far enough from the entrance to the room, which is also convenient. This allows you to comfortably lie down and get up, it is easy to change linen, and to clean the room.

A more modern approach to furniture arrangement involves a variety of solutions. For example, finding the bed in the center of the room. Thus, you can also put a work desk against the wall behind its headboard and thus equip yourself with a quiet work area that is not visible during rest.

The presence of a large mirror, which reflects the bed, is usually not welcome in the bedroom. Such an arrangement does not contribute to a peaceful mood in the room. And yet, if you wish, you can resort to such an unpopular solution, because in the end, any interior is created for a specific person with their own tastes and wishes.

For you a special offer for upholstered furniture and beds from OneAndHome!

The popular Feng Shui practice of arranging space considers it important to build the interior of a room taking into account the cardinal points. Its supporters believe that by following the methods of teaching, a person can improve health, attract financial wealth, love and good luck into his life. After learning the principles of Feng Shui, you may want to arrange furniture in a completely unexpected way.

Interior arrangement

Interior palette

It is obvious to everyone that bright contrasting combinations have no place in the bedroom. Such a design will not contribute to proper rest and sound sleep, which helps to restore strength. The ideal color scheme for the bedroom is muted warm pastel colors. Furniture is purchased from a neutral range, most often it is a wood palette of various shades, as well as shades of brown, black, white. It is either bought in contrast to the wallpaper, or similar to them, as a result, the effect of a monochrome setting is achieved.

What technique and decor do you need in the bedroom?

A modern person is accustomed to constantly using gadgets and equipping his apartment with them to the maximum. Even the secret place to rest is no exception. Traditionally, a TV is hung in the bedroom – usually it is located on the wall, which is farthest from the headboard. For those who like to fall asleep in front of TV or just watch it in bed, this is very convenient. Also, a laptop can “settle” in the bedroom if its owner likes to play games or watch movies in bed. In regions with a hot climate, one of the most important appliances in the bedroom is considered a split system that cools the air.

After the apartment is fully furnished and equipped, it’s time to take care of the decor. This is perhaps the most enjoyable stage, which does not require special skills, but allows you to maximize your imagination. Stylish vases, figurines, paintings and photo frames are found in most cozy bedrooms. Catalogs of home goods stores, Internet resources, fashion magazines can help in the selection of jewelry.

Beautiful and pleasant to the touch textiles in the bedroom is not the last thing. First of all, you need to purchase “clothes” for the windows. Curtains are represented by a variety of models, some of which serve more decorative functions, while others carry practical benefits. If you want to completely get rid of the sun’s rays, then you should pay attention to the black out material. Such curtains will not let a single ray into the room. Blinds have long ceased to be associated exclusively with the office – it is permissible to hang them even in the bedroom. Among other modern window design options are Roman ones. roller blinds and others. By the way, if you choose a bedspread in the color of the curtains, then the situation will turn out to be the most harmonious.

bedroom appliances and decor

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774 00

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Asus 90YV0G83-M0NA00

Type: Computer fans


21 99

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Qoltec 51758


5 90 / month

44 99

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Battery Green Cell HP88ULTRA


29 99

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Gembird HD32-U2S-5


26 45

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Mitsu BC/AS-K56


5 70 / month

42 99

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Yenkee 45008166


8 49

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Lanberg NT-0202


30 99

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Modecom Comfort CF18

Type: Computer cooling pads


12 19

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White shark 2917-uniw

Type: Computer fans

Power: 1.