Sweeping a floor: How to Sweep a Floor: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

Domestic Science: How to Sweep a Floor, Perfectionist’s Edition

Everybody should know how to sweep a floor. I got into the habit in college when I lived with a half dozen other reprobates in a shambolic wood-frame home on the edge of campus on the low Iowa prairie. Our house was a typical undergraduate hovel, with yellowed linoleum tiles that curled up at the seams and a Sears stove that hadn’t been cleaned since the 1950s. Some kind of rodent lived behind it.

One of my roommates, a real freethinker, was the first to take up sweeping. Gradually, it caught on with the rest of us and me in particular. Sweeping perceptibly improved the home in almost imperceptible ways. Though our rooms were still cluttered with books and bongs and beer bottles, and no one could be bothered to take the full garbage bags out to the curb (we stacked them in the kitchen), the floors definitely felt cleaner. The linoleum was still filthy, but there was no grit between the cracks. One could wander around barefoot, without worrying about beer-bottle caps sticking to one’s feet.

In time, I came to understand how the faintly rigorous act of sweeping is itself as rewarding as the result of having swept. Sweeping, like washing the dishes by hand after a big dinner party, strikes a satisfying blow against entropy. It’s mechanical and meditative. One can easily get lost in it—if you do it right. Let’s get started.

1. Arm yourself.

Above: A pair of 54-inch brooms from Haydenville Broomworks; according to the makers, “Using the design pioneered by the Shakers, the broom heads are stitched flat to provide a wider sweep and the broomcorn is secured to the handle using wire.” I have the Traditional Broom (shown above L) with a long Sassafras handle that’s smooth to the touch; $65. The no-frills Shaker Broom (shown above R) has a flat head and a sanded pine handle; $40 from Haydenville Broomworks.

You will need a decent broom, a dustpan, and a hand broom. By “decent,” I mean a Shaker broom, invented by the same people who championed a sternly sexless lifestyle and uncomfortable ladder back chairs. In the late 18th century, the Shakers also invented the “broom vice,” to make it possible to manufacture brooms with stitched, flat heads. (Previously brooms had “round” heads bound in a sort of cylinder. Think of the broom a witch rides.) A round broom is an OK shape for sweeping out narrow spaces, such as fireplaces and the spot behind the oven where the rodent lived, but it’s inefficient for sweeping a wide, indoor floor.

My Shaker broom, with a pleasing-to-touch, crooked sassafras handle and natural bristles, came from Haydenville Broomworks and set me back $65. I consider it an investment. Or you can go to a hardware store and get a cheap, $10 broom that will start to shed its bristles next week, which I wouldn’t recommend unless you want to spend the rest of your life hating your broom.

Get yourself a hand broom to sweep your debris pile into your dustbin. Again, I went with Haydenville (they call them “whisks”), but frankly, a whisk is a whisk is a whisk.

The dustpan however is another, far darker story. 99 out of 100 are poorly designed: the single feature a dustpan truly needs is a razor-thin lip. With a thicker lip, you are going to be left with a thin, accusatory stripe of dirt on the floor. I don’t care if you buy a dustpan that’s made of metal, beech, or plastic; but do yourself a favor and make sure the lip is no more than an eighth of an inch thick. Otherwise you will need to learn the Drawbridging Technique to sweep up the last bit of dust. (We will deal with this in Step 8, below.)Above: The Chiltern Dustpan from Turner & Harper is £35. For more of our picks, go to 10 Easy Pieces: Design-Worthy Dustpans.

2. Pick a central dust-collection spot.

It ought to be in the doldrums of the house, at a low point (we sweep from high to low) and preferably in a corner—but absolutely protected from airflow. In our house, that happens to be near the utility closet where the broom and incorrectly designed dustpan are stored. The airflow thing is key: Without wind blowing in through doors, it’s easier to corral dust bunnies and lint and other lighter-than-air stuff that tends to take flight during sweepage.Above: The Mr & Mrs Clynk Broom from Andrée Jardin.

3. Start in the furthest room.

Gently sweep toward your staging area. Sweep in short strokes, but with authority. Make sure you get under chairs, bar carts, tables, and sofas. Indeed, do not be afraid to move those out of the way. Then move them back.

4. Periodically clean your broom.

I am sorry that your mother did not tell you this, but from time to time, you will need to turn your broom upside down and, with your hand, remove the lint, pet hair, and other woozies from the bristles. If you’re still far from the collection point, you might want to take that fistful of fuzzy and dump it directly in your garbage can.

Above: Hand brooms (the Epoussette Tradition and the Balayette Tradition) from Andrée Jardin.

5. Move with purpose.

Firmly move from room to room, furthest to closest, collecting your dust in your central spot. Depending on where your staging area is, you might zero in on it from one side of the house, then the other. This is ultimately of little consequence.

6. Admire the pile of debris you’re collecting.

You might find yourself wondering: How the hell is that even possible? It looks like a barbershop! Hard to believe you last swept five days ago.Above: A handmade hand broom and dustpan from Hannah Beatrice Quinn, a San Francisco-based artist and broom maker. Photograph via Instagram.

7. Introduce the dustpan.

Pointing your dustpan at a 45-degree angle to the floor, make your first gross sweep, then empty the bin into the garbage. DON’T BE GREEDY. The last thing you need to is to overfill the dustpan and emit a contrail of filth en route to the garbage can. Assume this step will take you two to three trips.

Above: A Remodelista favorite and the one I own: German company Redecker’s Stainless Steel Dustpan with a rubber end; $25 at Flotsam and Fork.

8. Learn the drawbridging technique.

Finally, we need to remove that tiny wall of filth that some nitwit with a degree in industrial design from a reputable university couldn’t be bothered to worry about. To properly execute the Drawbridging Technique, angle the dustpan at around 80 degrees to the floor (or 11 o’clock) and with a deft stroke, firmly and rapidly whisk the dust wall up and into the pan. As the dirt loads on, drop the angle of the pan (the drawbridge comes down).

It might take you a few tries to master the technique, but stick with it, for the only thing worse than a sloppily swept floor is one that is, sadly, unswept.

More Domestic Science:

  • Domestic Science: How to Clean a Mattress
  • Domestic Science: How to Wash a Pillow
  • Domestic Science: How to Load a Dishwasher

How To Sweep A Floor

When it comes to home cleaning projects, sweeping floors is very important. Sweeping keeps your floors free from unsightly and unhygienic dust and debris. Sweeping a floor is an essential home task that many people do wrong.

Many people don’t realize that the way you sweep can make all the difference in keeping your floor clean. If you want to keep your home looking its best between mops or vacuums, consider these helpful hints when trying to effectively sweep a floor of any kind. Here’s how to sweep a floor.

Clear Away Obstructions and Messes

Start by decluttering a room you intend to sweep to remove any messy obstructions. Additionally, remove furniture, throw rugs, and many decorations that may get in your way while sweeping.

This is also a good opportunity to throw your rugs in the wash and dust any furniture. Doing this will prevent your throw rugs and furniture from getting your freshly cleaned floors dirty when you replace them.

Choose the Best Broom for Your Needs

There are a variety of brooms on the market these days, so it’s important to choose the right one for your specific needs. If you’re sweeping a hard floor, such as tile or linoleum, you’ll need a stiff broom that can effectively move dirt and debris. For smoother floors, opt for synthetic brooms.

Image credit: https://www.homestratosphere.com/

For rough texture floors, use natural fiber bristles. After deciding on the type of bristle you need, find a broom with angled bristles to get into corners and crevices. Lastly, pick a broom with a comfortable height handle that is not too heavy. 

Also, don’t forget a dustpan and a hand broom. A hand broom will help you sweep your debris pile into the dustbin. Use a dustpan with a razor thin lip to help you sweep up all the dust.

Pick a Sweeping Method

When it comes to sweeping, there are several ways you can go about it. You may start sweeping on the outer edges of a room by pushing and building a dirt pile at the center of the broom. 

Image credit: https://www.thespruce.com/

You can also start at one end of the room and keep the dirt pile close as you move about the floor or you can sweep a section at a time and put dirt piles in the trash can after completing each section. Make sure you choose a method and starting point that works best for you.

Start Sweeping in the Furthest Room

If you’re sweeping a floor for the first time, start in the furthest room from the entrance and work your way towards the front door. This will help keep all the dirt and dust in one area and make it easier to clean up.

Begin on a section of the floor that’s away from your body and gently drag the broom toward your body. You can use quick short motions or long sweeping motions to get the job done. Make sure you choose a sweeping style that fits your personal preference.

Clean Your Broom Periodically

It’s always best to take care of your tools, so make sure you clean your broom frequently. Dirt and dust will build upon the broom bristles over time so it’s important to remove buildup before it becomes a problem. You can wash or wipe off any loose dirt with water or use a brush to get at the harder-to-reach areas.

This is very important because as you sweep, your broom may accumulate dander, pet hair, and dust bunnies on the bristles. Turn your broom upside down and use your hand to remove the lint, pet hair, and other woozies from the bristles. If you’re still far from the collection point, take that fistful of fuzzy and dump it directly in your garbage can.

Dispose of the Dirt Pile

Now it’s time to get rid of that dirt pile. If you have a dustpan, this will be a breeze. Simply place the dust pan directly under the dirt pile, and using your other hand, flick the pile into the pan. If you don’t have a dustpan, no worries – just use your broom to push the pile over to a garbage can.

Wash Your Supplies and Put them Away

After sweeping your floors, the broom bristles will get dirty, especially if you have pet dander and human hair on your floor. Most of the time, your broom just needs a quick removal of build-up with your hand. As you clean your broom, don’t forget your brush and the dustpan.

Image credit: https://empire-s3-production.bobvila.com/

Use dish soap to wash things, and place them away in their rightful places. Don’t leave your broom standing up against the wall – this will cause it to lose its shape, weakening the bristles. Always store the broom with bristles upright and off the floor.

Use the Drawbridge Technique to Deal with Annoying Dustpan Lines

If you want to get crazy, you can use the drawbridge technique to deal with annoying dustpan lines. This is a two-person process that will make cleaning the floor much faster. One person sweeps the dirt and debris towards the dustpan while the other person uses their free hand to keep the pan open so nothing falls out. The person with the dustpan has to act like a drawbridge, keeping their hand on top of it while making sure nothing falls out.

This method is very important, especially if the dustpan you’re using has a lip that’s too thick to let dust and smaller pieces of debris pass over easily. You can also vacuum or wipe up dust lines that you’re having difficulty corralling with your broom.

FAQs about How to Sweep a Floor

Is it better to sweep or vacuum the floor?

Sweeping is a great way of cleaning floors of large debris. However, for hardwood floors, it’s better to vacuum to get rid of fine dust and particles that may miss, especially in the wood floor crevices.

What is the proper way of holding a broom?

When holding a broom, you should grip it about one-third of the way down from the top. This will give you the best balance and control when sweeping. Make sure you use both two hands to hold the broom.

Can I sweep up liquid spills?

No, sweeping liquid spills will only spread them around and make the mess bigger. Instead, use a mop or towel to soak up the liquid. Learn how to mop a floor to make cleaning spills easier.

How do you sweep without stirring up dust?

Use smaller, shorter strokes while holding the broom more parallel to the floor. This will help you avoid stirring up dust while sweeping.

Final Thought about how to Sweep a Floor

As you can see, sweeping the floor is not that difficult, but also not as easy as you thought. And by following these simple steps, your floor will be far cleaner than it would have been had you simply dragged the old broom across it.


What Is Sweeping The Floor In NFTs?

As it turns out, NFTs are not a fad.

There are solid numbers behind these unique assets.

Let me throw in some interesting statistics:

Did you know that OpenSea’s trading volumes soared past $10 billion in November three months after crossing the one-yard ($1 billion) mark? What’s more, a Blockchain Alliance Group (BAG) study found that the number of NFT users, especially in gaming, rose 24X from above 25k to over 750k in the first nine months of 2021 alone?

We can go on and on.

The common mistake critics make when dismissing NFTs and their potential is the fixation of digital art. Indeed, a big part of NFTs is the proliferation of boring auto-generated digital art now selling for millions—if not more. Crypto Punks made a name for itself and rightly so because Larva Labs, the minter, created the project to test out the tech and not expressly to make money. The 10k Punks were airdropped for free. Those who agreed, even reluctantly, are now in green—and (greedily) looking for the next opportunity.

This clamor for the next big thing explains why the NFTs space now commands billions, finding integration in diverse sectors of the real economy from gaming to art and even eCommerce. And where money talks, the quest to stand out, be the first in a highly competitive and growing sphere is proving cut-throat.

What is Sweeping the Floor in NFTs

And this is why a new trend is emerging: “Sweeping the floor” in NFTs, buying en masse.

Undoubtedly, sweepers are FOMOing and aiming for their newly acquired assets to “moon” in the shortest time possible.

Are you still following?

Well, it is tough being in crypto—new jargon, every time, everywhere; it’s frustrating.

No worries, I will be your translator.

First, to where it all began: FOMO—Fear of Missing Out.

Remember when Bitcoin “mooned”? Remember when Bitcoin rallied?

The surge from $20k to $40k then to $68k drew many investors, most of whom didn’t want to miss out. This fear continued to pump prices.

FOMO in crypto trading is a bullish sentiment indicating high demand for a cryptocurrency asset tradable either in a centralized or decentralized exchange.

Polkadot’s DOT and Uniswap’s UNI were subject to FOMO when it launched. For what’s ahead with Blockster, users appear to be waiting to FOMO in on BXR reading from the thousands of watchers in CMC.

Not to be outdone, the NFT community derived their variant of FOMO in “sweeping the floor.”

Simply put, to “sweep the floor” in NFTs is when a specific project buys all its minted NFTs at the floor price. The Floor price is the minimum “ask” or the lowest price an NFT can be sold. When all listed NFTs are scooped at the “floor,” the buyer is said to have “swept the floor.”

However, sometimes a single buyer or a project can’t be behind the sweep. Whenever there is a positive development around a given NFT project and all of a sudden buyers buy its listed NFTs in bulk at the floor price, that qualifies to be a sweep.

Whenever an NFT floor sweep happens, assets are bought in bulk.

Why Users “Sweep the Floor”

Remember that floor sweep is almost always automated to execute trades faster without drawing attention from the market.

Therefore, it is common for new but highly potential project NFTs to be swept using searcher bots immediately on mint. After the sweep, the purchaser has an advantage and can then sell these newly acquired prices at a higher “floor price,” essentially flipping them for profit.

The motivation could be profit maximization for enterprising collectors.

Sometimes, the objective of “sweeping the floor” is to save on trading fees.

Ethereum remains the most active NFTs minting platform that’s expensive to transact on. This has forced developers to innovate, realizing “sweeping” NFT bots to automate the purchase of digital assets for different users in bulk, saving Gas fees.

In Ethereum, Genie is democratizing the broom, allowing for purchasing up to 60 NFTs across different Ethereum-based marketplaces, including Rarible and OpenSea, in one single sweep (transaction). It has emerged to be the preferred NFT aggregation tool that bundles together purchases saving on Gas fees and time.

Whenever a sweep happens, buyers are also shielded from reactive market shifts. In the last week of December 2021, Scott Gray, the founder of Genie, said the aggregator had moved over $25 million in trading volumes, pushing its trading volumes to over $125 million generated from more than 10k users.

Democratizing the Floor is Both Good and Bad, depending on the Application

Depending on how it is applied, sweeping the floor is not necessarily bad. Genie is helping relieve Ethereum’s Gas fees while allowing more people to acquire NFTs cheaply and conveniently.

From another lens, this—and similar tools—could also open the door for whales to manipulate markets. By acquiring assets in bulk cheaply, they will easily arm-twist market participants, unnecessarily bidding the price of assets higher—out of reach of the project’s retail fan.

Want more in-depth info on NFTs?

Why should one bend in the waist while sweeping the floor?


  • 1. Appropriate time for sweeping and its underlying science

  • 2. Methods of sweeping the floor

  • 3. Appropriate method of sweeping the floor
    • 3A Spiritual science underlying bending at the waist

    • 3B Spiritual science underlying not bending on the knees to sweep the floor

    • 3C Spiritual science underlying not moving or proceeding towards the East while sweeping the floor

    • 3D Reason for not dragging/ drawing the broom in the rear or opposite direction

    • 3E Why the broom should not be thumped on floor or dragged with force?

    • 3F Reason for collecting the garbage in the garbage bin

  • 4. Conducts (Achars) associated with swabbing the floor
    • 4A Effects of swabbing the floor with an appliance

    • 4B Correct method of swabbing the floor

    • 4C Effect of bending and swabbing the floor with the right hand


Appropriate time for sweeping and its underlying science

        Everyone knows how to clean the house and the courtyard. From the scientific and hygienic point of view, cleanliness is important. However, at a spiritual level, this is an important Conduct (Achar). Abiding by it, one benefits at the subtle level too.

        Sweeping with a broom creates friction with the floor and distressing vibrations are generated. In addition to the person who is sweeping with a broom, these vibrations are distressful for the other members of the family too in less or more proportion. When one sweeps in the morning, due to the sattvik and Chaitanya waves present in the environment, these distressing vibrations are kept under control and no one is distressed by the act of sweeping the floor. Hence, sweep the floor once in the morning only. Some people sweep the floor in the evening too. If the floor is swept in the evening, there is a greater possibility of negative energies entering the premises (Vastu).

2. Methods of sweeping the floor

        Some people sweep the floor by bending forward at the waist, whereas some do so while squatting. Now-a-days, a vacuum cleaner is also used instead of a broom for cleaning the house. This appliance does clean at a gross level; however, it has adverse effects at a subtle level.

  •  Raja waves are created around the appliance.
  • Due to the friction between the air expelled by the vacuum cleaner and the floor, centres of black energy of the negative energies in the Nether region (Patal) are activated.

  • A black covering is created around the person cleaning the floor.

  • Tama particles spread in the body of the person.

3. Appropriate method of sweeping the floor

  • Start with a prayer to God.

  • Express gratitude towards the broom.

  • Holding the broom in the right hand, bend towards the right at the waist.

  • From inside the house, sweep the floor towards the outer side.

  • Sweep from the rear and take the broom forward. Lift the broom, again sweep from the rear and take the broom forward. Remember the following points:

    A. While bringing the broom towards the rear again, do not drag it against the floor.

    B. Do not wipe the broom on the floor with force and also do not thump it on the floor.

    C. Do not go down on your knees to sweep the floor.

    D. While sweeping, do not move towards the East. If there is no alternative but to move towards the East, pray to the Deities first.

  • Collect the garbage in a corner near the door. Then lift it and put it in the garbage can. Keep the garbage can covered.

  • Keep the broom in its place. Keep the cluster of the broomsticks in the upward direction. As against this, if the cluster of the broomsticks is kept in the downward direction, it collects the distressing frequencies emanating from the Nether Region (Patal). As a result, they can affect the person who sweeps with the broom.

  • After completing the task, express gratitude towards God.

Effects at subtle level while sweeping the floor

  • Bending at the waist for sweeping activates the five vital energies (Panchpran) in the chakra at the navel.

  • The person’s Sun channel (Suryanadi) is awakened and particles of Divine consciousness (Chaitanya) spread in his body.

  • Sattva waves spread in the person’s right hand in a circular manner.

  • These waves are emitted towards the broom in the form of a flow.

  • By sweeping with a broom charged with the Sattva waves, the negative energies present in the garbage are removed.

3A Spiritual science underlying bending at the waist

        Bending at the waist for sweeping exerts pressure at the nabhi chakra and its five vital energies (Panchpran) are awakened. By bending on the right side, the person’s Sun channel (Surya-nadi) is activated and the person is protected from the distressing vibrations emanating from the earth through the medium of the Absolute Fire Principle (Tej-tattva).

3B Spiritual science underlying not bending on the knees to sweep the floor

        Due to the posture of the body created while sweeping by bending on the knees, the Rajasik-Tamasik air accumulated in the void of the knees gets momentum and there is a possibility of the distressing waves emanating from the Hell region towards the environment getting attracted towards the person. This is the reason why we should not sweep the floor in this posture.

3C Spiritual science underlying not moving or proceeding towards the East while sweeping the floor

        The waves of Sagun Principle of the Deities descend on the earth from the East. Garbage is Rajasik-Tamasik. Due to the Raja-Tama present in the garbage, the waves of the Deity Principle descending from the East get obstructed. Hence, do not move towards the East while sweeping the floor.

3D Reason for not dragging/ drawing the broom in the rear or opposite direction

        By dragging or drawing the broom towards the rear while sweeping, rapid whirls moving in an anti-clock wise direction are created and the distressing vibrations adjacent to the ground get accumulated in these whirls. This is the reason why instead of dragging/drawing the broom in the rear direction, one should lift the broom, again sweep from the rear and take the broom forward.

3E Why the broom should not be thumped on floor or dragged with force?

        Distressing sound is created by actions like sweeping the floor forcefully or thumping the broomstick. Due to this, the distressing vibrations of the Hell region and the premises get activated. This is the reason why such actions are avoided.

3F Reason for collecting the garbage in the garbage bin

        The garbage is collected and put in the garbage can or bin kept in the corner of the house. The garbage can is covered. The reason for this is that the corner of the house has the ability to attract the Rajasik-Tamasik and distressing vibrations. Thus, by collecting the garbage in the garbage can / bin, the distressing vibrations present in the garbage remain there itself and do not spread in the house.


Conducts (Achars) associated with swabbing the floor

        In olden days, the floor was waxed with or smeared by cow-dung. Today’s houses have tiles which need to be swabbed with a damp cloth. Modern appliances are also available through which the floor can be swabbed while standing too.

4A Effects of swabbing the floor with an appliance

  • Diseases of bones and muscles: Due to the distressing vibrations generated by swabbing the floor with help of the appliance there is a possibility of having distress like pain in the joints etc.

  • Pollution of the premises: While swabbing the floor with an appliance, a striking sound, adjacent to the ground is generated. Distressing vibrations of Hell region may rapidly attracted to this sound. Consequently, the premise is polluted by swabbing the floor with an appliance.

  • Increased distress of negative energies: We stand while swabbing the floor with an appliance. Thus, the body is not required to bend much. As a specific posture is not formed the Sun channel (Surya-nadi) is not awakened. Thus, the person can experience greater distress of negative energies.

4B Correct method of swabbing the floor

  • For swabbing the floor, take water in a bucket and put a pinch of Holy Ash (Vibhuti) of sattvik incense stick or of a Yadnya in it. Then, pray to the Water Deity for removal of the black covering on the ground by the Chaitanya of the water. Vibhuti has sattvik energy in it which helps in the destruction of black covering.

  • Take a clean cloth for swabbing the floor, soak it in water mixed with Vibhuti and wring it.

  • While standing bend at your waist, take the wet cloth in the right hand and begin swabbing the floor. Swab the floor by wiping the cloth right and left.

  • Soak the cloth in the water intermittently and wring it.

  • Similar to sweeping, swab the floor from inside to outward.

  • After swabbing the floor of the whole house, wash and dry the cloth.

  • Thereafter, wash the bucket and keep it in its appropriate place.

  • Wash your hands and legs and express gratitude.

  • Wave an incense stick in the house and once again pray to God to maintain the Sattvikata in the house.

4C Effect of bending and swabbing the floor with the right hand

        Due to the posture formed by bending and swabbing the floor with the right hand, the five vital energies present in the Manipur chakra are activated. By the activation of the Sun channel (Surya-nadi), the vitality of the body in the form of Absolute Fire element (Tej-tattva) is also activated. The flow of activated vitality is transferred in the cloth through the right hand. This creates a protective sheath of Absolute Fire Element on the ground with the help of the Absolute Water Element (Apa-tattva) present in the water. This sheath obstructs the distressing vibrations. Thus, by swabbing the floor immediately after sweeping the floor with utmost spiritual emotion and chanting, the rajasik-tamasik distressing vibrations are destroyed. The premise becomes sattvik and full of Chaitanya. This not only benefits the premise but also all the family members spiritually.

Reference: Sanatan Sanstha’s Holy Text ‘Daily conduct and science underlying its Acts’

Best Cleaning Tools for Sweeping Floors

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Do you hate to sweep the floor when you have kids to clean up after? I tested 4 sweepers under my kitchen table. Here’s what I found out. With 7 kids here every day, there is a lot of cleaning. Cleaning is a big part of running a home daycare.

The 4 sweepers I tested for sweeping your floor were my regular O’Cedar Fast N Easy Angle broom, an old Shark Rechargeable Floor and Carpet Sweeper Cleaner I’ve had for years, the Hurricane spin broom, and the Shark Navigator Freestyle Cordless Stick Vacuum (SV1106).

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My kids make a big, big mess every day. There is at least a half a pound of dirt on my floors every evening. I wanted to find tools to sweep the floor that would make this job a lot easier for me so I could share it with you. They all have pros and cons. I love several of them, but I didn’t find one I thought was the ultimate yet, so I will keep looking. You may love one of these for sweeping your floor. Tell me what you think.

Sweeping with a regular broom

My trusty angle broom has always been my old standby to sweep the floor. It gets into corners well, cleans fairly consistently, but it definitely takes the most elbow grease to use. I also hate using the dustpan. The other options eliminate the need for that.

In the following photo, I took one swipe with each tool and you can see the broom left the most debris. It’s really hard to get moist items such as apple slices with the broom so it requires even more manual labor to get all the big pieces up before you sweep by hand.

The broom is the best at getting in the small spaces and doing the edges. It also gets into corners the best. It’s easy to control and very lightweight. It also doesn’t require electricity which is nice. It’s definitely the quietest. It doesn’t do much for carpet at all.

Sweep floor cleaner spin broom

Let’s talk about the second quietest option that also requires no electricity, the Hurricane Spin Broom. I saw this on tv and when I saw it suck up an entire piece of bread, I knew this was for me! The broom is powered by your own muscle power, so don’t think it’s rechargeable or has batteries or anything like that.

It is very lightweight and easy to control, but it only cleans going forward. When you back up, the broom doesn’t spin and you clean nothing. You also can’t angle to the sides with it, only straightforward. The spin broom does well along the edges of the wall and furniture but it does not get into tight spaces. It takes twice as much work to sweep as it appears on the commercial.

On the pro side of the spin broom, it definitely sweeps up the biggest chunks and it doesn’t mind if they are moist like carrot sticks. I love that. When sweeping under my table, it’s a bit too cumbersome because of all the angles of the wall and furniture. It wasn’t my favorite pick. I would like it if I used the broom also, which kind of defeats the purpose.

Another thing I liked about it though, was no dustpan was needed and when you finish sweeping your floors, you just push a button and all the dirt falls into the trash. That compartment is washable as are all the bristles. Since there’s no electricity or battery power, I would assume you could run it through your dishwasher or submerge it in the sink as well. That’s a nice feature. It does NOT work on carpet at all, it’s just for hard flooring.

How to sweet the floor with the Floor and Carpet Cleaner

I will give my sweeper this, it’s very old and it’s cleaned well for a long long time. It doesn’t have a lot of power. It doesn’t hold the charge for long. I can vacuum my dining and living room at least 4 times before I need to charge it if I’m just running over them.

It does not get into corners or tight spaces and it’s terrible for edges. I think it might be the best option besides the broom, but you’d definitely have to use the broom for the edges and nooks and crannies too.

I love that you don’t need the dustpan. I also love that you can go straight from flooring to carpet and you don’t have to do anything. The cleaner doesn’t get very large chunks of food, it’s just not a power machine. We have pea gravel on our playground and I love how well it sucks that up from the carpet. The cleaner makes noise, but it’s very quiet. It’s also very lightweight.

Floor sweeping machine-stick vacuum

Sweeping your floor with the stick vacuum is definitely the loudest option. It’s almost as loud as a normal-sized vacuum. That can be an issue if you have kids that are scared of the vacuum. It has two settings, one for flooring and one for carpet, that’s a nice feature. The stick vacuum is pretty lightweight, but not as much as the others.

The vacuum head is very stiff and cumbersome. It gets pretty close to the edges but is terrible in corners and in tight spaces. It would be great if it had a smaller head. Overall, I like using it more than any of the other options. It definitely makes cleaning easier.

It holds a charge for a really long time compared to the other chargeable sweeper. The charging dock has a bright flashing light which I find annoying. It makes me feel like I’m wasting a lot of electricity when I charge. The stick vacuum does not do well on the larger items, it leaves most of them, so you’d have to pick them all up before sweeping your floor. Again, not making your job as simple as you’d like, but much better than sweeping by hand.

The stick vacuum’s canister was super easy to empty. I love that it has power, but no cord. That is super convenient for me. The charging dock is pretty large and so is the vacuum base, so it doesn’t fit in my laundry room as all the other devices do. I have to store it at the opposite end of the house from the kitchen/dining area where I need it daily.

How to sweep the floor fast

I didn’t find a perfect solution to sweep the floor from these options. They all have great qualities that I like, but none are perfect for me. I did like the Shark stick vacuum the best overall though. Hopefully, this list will help you narrow down the possibilities according to what your needs are for sweeping your floor.

If you want more info on sweeping, check out what Martha Stewart has to say here or the scientific best way to sweep here.

Check out what home daycare essentials you really need here.

Don’t forget to pin for later.

Is Sweeping Better Than Vacuuming? Complete Article by Modern Maids

by Modern Maids – June 1, 2021

From your beautifully stained hardwood floor to your coziest carpets, your floors are the foundation of your home. They hold your furniture and shape your rooms.

But even in the cleanest homes, floors are a catch-all for dirt, dust, and debris. It’s crucial to understand how they should be cleaned, and which tool is best for which floor type. Continue reading this professional guide by Modern Maids the best Austin maid service to find out more!

How to Clean Each Type of Floor

Before you decide if sweeping or vacuuming is better, consider the floor type. Some handle vacuums better while for others, sweeping is more effective.

No matter which type of floor you have, make sure you clean other parts of the room first (saving the floor for last) and clear the space of any furniture. Then, you can break out the broom and vacuum cleaner.

How to Clean Hardwood Floors

Cleaning hardwood floors is usually a multiple-step process.

First, do you have area rugs? If so, take a vacuum cleaner to them before moving them off the hardwood floor. Once you’re done vacuuming, you can also use a bar as a beater to further shake dust out of the rug. Note: this will release airborne particles, make sure to do this outside your home.

Once the area rug is removed, use a broom to sweep dust and dirt into a dustpan. Finish with a mop cleaning to polish and disinfect the hardwood.

How To Clean Carpeted Floors

Carpets are an easy way to cozy up the hard surface of many floor types, but they are also notorious for catching dust and debris.

For routine cleanings, a vacuum cleaner is the fastest and easiest way to get your carpets soft and cleaned.

But vacuuming only removes dirt and dust. For a deeper cleaning or carpets with stains, you might want to use a carpet cleaner and brush after vacuuming to wash the carpet.

How To Clean Tiled Floors

Depending on the type of tile, these surfaces can be fragile. Mostly, you won’t want to use a vacuum cleaner on them (unless yours has attachments that are specifically for tiles). Instead, sweeping and mopping are usually best for tiled flooring.

FAQ: Sweeping Vs. Vacuuming

Should You Vacuum A Hardwood Floor?

Certain types of hardwood floors scratch easily. There are floors that are made from more “hard” wood and those might be able to handle a vacuum, but we don’t think it’s worth the risk. For that reason, we usually recommend that you sweep hardwood floors.

What’s the best way to sweep?

Brooms work best as a fluid motion: grab the broom, extend it out in front of you and pull back towards you, catching dust and dirt along the way. Sweep starting from the corners and edges of the room and work down and out. Make sure to reach the broom under furniture, baseboard heaters, or anywhere else that might hide dirt.

What’s an eco-friendly way to mop my floors?

Are the ingredients safe for you and your loved ones? Using a homemade cleaner (like one of the ones on this list) is an easier way to know what’s going into your cleaners.

Which vacuums are best?

Closeup of woman, female doing cleaning at home with vacuum cleaner showing head, brush on carpet floor, green plants, shelves, furniture

For the best and deepest cleans, search for a vacuum with a HEPA filter, strong suction, and a variety of attachments to clean every floor type. The HEPA filter can be pricey but it’s worth it. This will actually trap debris instead of recirculating it as dust back into the air.

Supplies For Sweeping or Vacuuming

No matter how you’re cleaning, here’s what you’ll need to sweep and vacuum properly:

  • A good vacuum cleaner
  • A sturdy broom and dustpan
  • A mop

Ultimately, getting your house fully cleaned will come down to two things:

  1. How efficient your cleaners are
  2. How good you’re cleaning tool is for each job

Keep in mind that all of this comes at a cost. One of the reasons people choose to hire cleaners instead of doing it themselves is so they don’t have to buy all the tools (including vacuums).

Not to mention the fact that sweeping, vacuuming, and cleaning also takes up hours of time that you could be using to do things you enjoy.

Instead, see how much it costs to hire a cleaning service in Texas, and then reach out to a local company to see if they’re the right fit for you.

The team at Modern Maids is prepared with a strong group of cleaners and all of the brooms, mops, or other tools you need to thoroughly clean any hard surface, hardwood floors, or carpets in your home.

Don’t waste your precious time cleaning…boost your quality of life today by hiring a team of professionals to do it for you.

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Why dream of sweeping the floor with a broom – Dream Interpretation Enigma

From this article you will learn why you dream of sweeping the floor with a broom. The interpretation largely depends on where exactly the garbage had to be swept away: in the yard on the street, in someone else’s house, at work. Let’s figure out what it means to sweep dust or sand from the carpet. Find out what it means to remove leaves from the ground. Let’s talk about what to expect if you dreamed of a dirty broom. Let’s look into the dream books of Miller, Vanga and others. And let’s start with a brief meaning of sleep.

Brief interpretation of sleep

If you had a chance to sweep the floor in a dream, you should know that serious changes are coming. The period of career and creative stagnation will come to an end, the problems will be left behind. Life will be filled with valuable opportunities and bright prospects.

Any cleaning activity speaks of internal cleansing. That is, the dreamer will discard bad thoughts and irrational attitudes. Changes will also affect the external environment. A person will get rid of unnecessary things and stop communicating with “toxic” people.

In some cases, a dream about brooms and brooms does not have any hidden implications, but directly reflects reality. He can dream either on the eve of a grand cleaning in the house, or immediately after it. And there is also the possibility that an unplanned subbotnik will take place at work.

Why does a woman or girl dream of sweeping

If a beautiful lady happened to sweep the floor with a broom in a dream, this can be interpreted in different ways. Depending on how old the dreamer is and whether she has a lover, several interpretations are possible.


Sweep the floor with a broom – drive away an annoying fan. Despite romantic courtship and beautiful promises, the sleeping woman will not be imbued with tender feelings for him. In addition, now she has completely different interests – study and career self-realization.


The dream says that in the coming days the woman will spend a lot of time in the kitchen. She will be engaged in the preservation of vegetables and fruits in order to stock up on vitamins for the winter. Or he will bake pies for the arrival of guests.


Sweeping the floor means taking your husband on a short trip. One of these days he can go on a business trip or visit relatives. He can also go fishing with his friends. Thus, the dreamer will have the opportunity to take a break from everyday life for a couple of days and devote time to herself.


Manipulations with a broom or a broom mean that the protracted loneliness will end soon. A chance acquaintance will be fateful and will serve as the beginning of a happy romance. An offer of a hand and heart will not keep you waiting long.


If in a dream you had a chance to sweep a dirty floor, then it’s time to start arranging the children’s room. There will be a pleasant running around the shops in search of furniture, textiles, accessories and other important little things.

Sweeping with a broom dreams of a man or a guy

Although it is believed that cleaning is not a man’s job, the representatives of the stronger sex should not ignore such visions. If you had a chance to sweep in a dream, you should choose the appropriate interpretation, taking into account age and marital status.


The guy will receive an unexpected and very interesting job offer from a relative or family friend. At first it will seem unattractive, but then it will become clear that this is a real ticket to the future, and such a chance should not be missed.


Sweeping means fixing minor problems in the house. For example, we can talk about replacing a faucet or repairing furniture. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the dreamer will bother in his apartment. It is possible that he will help someone else with the housework.


One of these days the mother-in-law with the father-in-law or other relatives of the wife may come to visit. In connection with their visit, the order in the house will change for a while. But no conflict situations are expected, a calm and friendly atmosphere will remain in the house.


The dream hints at a change in the usual way of life. This will be associated with the beginning of a romantic relationship. The beloved will move home to the dreamer, because of which his life will completely change.

Interpretation of Miller’s dream book

Sweep the dirty floor – clear your way to a brighter future. Some time will have to tinker with small obstacles and “wrestle” with competitors. If you pass this test, then the path to your dream will be open.

Lately there have been many small but rather important issues (such as paying bills, current purchases, calls and meetings). Sweeping the floor means “raking up” the accumulated cases.

The meaning of sleep according to Vanga’s dream book

Revenge dirty floor – strengthen the body. The dreamer suddenly realizes that his way of life is far from correct and healthy. He will gradually begin to get rid of bad habits and introduce useful practices: morning exercises, hardening, natural nutrition, and so on.

Perhaps a dream portends unforeseen, but pleasant expenses. It can be an impulsive purchase of a beautiful dress. Or the expenses associated with a spontaneous trip on vacation.

Version of Freud’s dream book

Sweep the floor – try to sort out your feelings. The fact is that the sleeping person had a strong sympathy for two representatives of the opposite sex at once, and he could not figure out who to be with. But one of these days something will happen that will help to make the final choice.

And also to sweep the house – to meet your first love after several years of separation. The dreamer will have a chance to turn back time and re-start relationships that for some reason did not work out earlier.

Interpretation according to Islamic dream book

Revenge with a broom so that the dust stands in a pillar – to spray energy on a lot of unnecessary things. The dream suggests that such tactics will not lead to success. To achieve your goals in the shortest possible time, you need to focus on the really important processes.

Also, a dream may hint at expanding the circle of friends. The sleeper will have to meet several interesting and educated people at once. Communicate with them is a pleasure. Some will even be able to make friends.

Short interpretations of other dream books

According to other interpreters, the dream in which you happened to sweep the floor has the following meaning:

  • Longo – timely help;
  • Nostradamus – quick overcoming of difficulties;
  • Loff – the beginning of a new business partnership;
  • Tsvetkov – protection of their own interests;
  • Jung – image change;
  • Hasse – creative activity.

Short interpretations of folk dream books

For different peoples of the world, working with a broom in a dream means the following:

  • Russian – meeting with an old acquaintance;
  • Ukrainian – an unexpected turn of events;
  • French – exposure of someone else’s vile design;
  • Gypsy – reconciliation after a protracted conflict;
  • American – overcoming financial difficulties;
  • English – victory over a competitor.

Interpretation of sleep by day of the week

This parameter leaves such an imprint on the interpretation of the vision:

  • Monday – enjoy respect in society;
  • Tuesday – rapid movement towards success;
  • Wednesday – an interesting offer;
  • Thursday – a lucky break;
  • Friday – strengthening the strength of the spirit;
  • Saturday – mutually beneficial business cooperation;
  • Sunday is an unusual event.

Meaning of sleep according to the seasons

In a certain season, the dream in which you swept the floor has the following meaning:

  • winter – happy family life;
  • spring – a long-awaited acquisition;
  • summer – hope for the best;
  • autumn – unfounded suspicions.

Moon phase value

Here is how the night luminary influences the interpretation of this dream:

  • new moon – comfortable life;
  • growing moon – pleasant memories of the past;
  • full moon – conscientious work;
  • waning – overcoming doubts.

Why dream of sweeping garbage with a broom

If the action took place in your home, it means that you are tired of your outdated interior, and your soul needs a change. Even minor transformations like new curtains or a couple of bright paintings on the walls will radically change the atmosphere of the home.

For a person who is discouraged, a dream portends a quick exit from a depressive state. Anxiety will begin to dissipate, and instead of them, the head will be filled with bright thoughts and bright plans for the future.

If you had a chance to work with a broom

This is a sudden change of plans. For example, the sleeper dreamed of relaxing by the sea, but at the last moment he decides to go to the mountains. Or he wanted to buy an apartment in a modern residential complex, and then decides to buy a house in the countryside.

Also revenge with a broom – review the to-do list. Since the chaotic execution of tasks does not bring results, you will have to prioritize them.

What does it mean to sweep the carpet with a broom

A feast is coming at home. The dreamer will have to spend a lot of time to create a good menu that will satisfy the gastronomic preferences of all guests.

If in a dream you were sweeping a carpet, it means that you have an unplanned day off. The sleeper will want to spend his free time in a warm family circle watching movies or playing board games.

Why dream of sweeping at the entrance

This means that the dreamer is trying to forget unpleasant events or unpleasant people from the past. To quickly erase gloomy moments from memory, you need to spend more time in nature or engage in creativity.

And sweeping in the entrance means to fight your fears. The sleeper will have to do a large-scale work on himself, as a result of which his self-esteem will increase significantly.

What to expect if you swept the stairs in a dream

The dream suggests that a person has to leave the comfort zone. This can apply to both work and the sphere of personal relationships. At first, the dreamer will feel awkward, but then he will find a lot of opportunities for himself in new circumstances.

Sweep stairs – try yourself as a leader. The sleeper can get a promotion at work, or decide to open his own business.

If you dreamed that you were sweeping in someone else’s house

In the coming days, you may receive an invitation to a housewarming party. The dreamer will spend a lot of time choosing a good gift in honor of such a joyful event.

And sweeping in someone else’s apartment – free of charge to receive some material values. Most likely, we will talk about an expensive gift. But it is also possible to receive a large inheritance from a distant relative.

Why dream of sweeping the floor at work

Most likely, the sleeper will finally get a promotion. But the joy of this event can be overshadowed by the discontent and gossip of envious colleagues. You should not pay attention to them at all, because you have taken a new position deservedly. And this is just the beginning of a great career path.

And sweeping the floor at work means quitting. But this event will not be gloomy, but rather joyful. After all, you have long outgrown your organization. In a new place, you will have more opportunities to express yourself.

I dreamed that you were cleaning the church

You are torn between the desire to live your own way and the fear of being judged by others. The dream says that there is no need to go to extremes. It is important to be able to balance between spiritual impulses and social norms.

Sweeping in the church – strongly repent of something that was done in the past. But the train left long ago, and the old mistakes can no longer be corrected, so there is no point in torturing yourself. However, if the conscience does not stop in any way, then you can calm it down with some kind deed (for example, charity).

Sweep the yard on the street

Vision indicates that a person is overly self-critical. On the one hand, it is good that he is struggling with shortcomings and is constantly improving. On the other hand, he forgets how many virtues he has. It is important to be able to notice and develop them.

In addition, sweeping outside the house – seek solitude. The dreamer is tired of being in the crowd for a long time, so in the coming days he will limit communication with others (even with close friends).

What does it mean to sweep the road

This is for the trip. No matter where – on a business trip, on a visit, on an excursion, on vacation or anywhere else. It is important that the road will be easy. In addition, on the way you can meet interesting people and even make new friends.

Sweeping an asphalt or paved road with a broom is a symbol of high ambitions. The sleeper has high demands, and he does not agree to less. From the outside it seems crazy, but a person always achieves what he wants.

Why dream of sweeping leaves

Leaves are money. Sweep it in a heap – make money savings. The dreamer will begin to save every extra penny to a savings account, and in the future he will have the opportunity to profitably invest these funds or spend them on improving living conditions.

Sweep yellow leaves with a broom – prepare for a responsible event. Most likely, the sleeper will have to make a speech in front of a large audience. Despite the excitement, everything will go well.

If you dreamed that you were sweeping the ground

Sleep speaks of severe physical fatigue. The body protests against further stress and requires rest. A massage session or a trip to the spa will benefit the dreamer. Just lounging around and getting a good night’s sleep is also good.

Sweeping the ground is an important sign for summer residents and gardeners. This means that in the coming days you will have to devote a lot of time to your green spaces (weeding, hilling, fertilizing, and so on). Efforts will not be in vain and will be rewarded with a generous harvest.

What if you were sweeping sunflower seeds

The dreamer accidentally overhears someone’s conversation, from which he learns very interesting information. This information will help him solve some difficult problem or get closer to achieving his career goal.

Sweeping seeds – to the removal of prohibitions and barriers that a person has established for himself. This can apply to personal relationships, entertainment, and even such banal things as clothing style or food.

If you happened to sweep the sand with a broom

Perhaps the sleeper learned about someone else’s success, and he was seized with a feeling of envy. Through such a dream, the subconscious mind encourages him to change his attitude to the situation. Other people’s victories should not be a reason for anger, but an incentive for self-development.

Sand can symbolize the tension that has developed in the environment of the dreamer. It is possible that a scandal is brewing. Sweep – resolve a conflict situation. Thanks to the innate diplomatic talent and the gift of persuasion, a person will be able to reconcile the warring parties.

Why dream of sweeping dust

Probably someone you know will want to share with you their anxieties and experiences. You will have to listen carefully to this person and give him valuable life advice.

Sweep the dust from the floor – carry the good news. The dreamer will be the first to know some good news (for example, about a salary increase, about someone’s wedding, and so on) and will tell others about it.

Sweep the pieces

This plot may be dreamed of by a person who is always dissatisfied with something and constantly complains about life. This destructive position drives the sleeper into despondency and destroys positive energy. When he learns to notice the good around him and be grateful for what he has, the Universe will begin to treat him more favorably.

Shards can be associated with anger. Revenge with a broom – get rid of it. We can say that a dream calls on the dreamer to throw old grievances out of his head and heart, because they unbalance the nervous system and hinder personal development.

Why dreamed that the deceased was sweeping the floor

Such dreams often portend the vagaries of nature. Most likely, one of these days the clear weather will be replaced by heavy rain. If it is winter outside, abnormal snowfall is possible. Also in the cold season, a sharp warming is not ruled out.

If you dreamed of a dead person with a broom in his hands, you probably have accumulated a lot of negative energy at home. To clear your living space of it, you must first throw away the old trash and other things that you do not use. And while washing floors, it is useful to add a little salt or vinegar to the water.


Sweeping the floor in a dream – to serious transformations in all areas of life. At first, they can scare and unsettle. But you need to understand that without change it is impossible to move forward. Open up to the new, and boldly move towards the dream.

👉 Dreams come true by day of the week.


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Dreams on the topic 👇

  • Krause Claire. Dream Interpretation. – Publisher: AST, 2015. – 320 p. – ISBN: 978-5-17-0


  • Krause Claire. Dream interpretation for women. – Publisher: AST-Press, 2016. – 320 p. – ISBN: 978-5-17-093700-4.:

How to wash and sweep the floors and throw out the trash: signs about cleaning

We decided to collect the most interesting signs and superstitions. It turns out that you need to wipe the dust with a rag of a certain color.

Anna Zalesskaya


There are a lot of signs associated with house cleaning, which we know from grandmothers. Some of them have long been outdated, and no one even remembers about them, but some signs are still observed. Believe in them or not – it’s up to you. We decided to collect the most common signs, but still we remind you that it is always useful to be guided by common sense.

Contents of the article

Signs about cleaning and the road

Do not sweep, mop or vacuum floors, move furniture or throw things away until the person who left home has reached their destination. Call, make sure everything is in order, and only then start cleaning the apartment or house. The fact is that by starting cleaning earlier, you can thus “spoil” the road for loved ones.

If you start sweeping (vacuuming) the floors immediately after one of the guests left, you are thus sweeping the way back. In other words, if you want to see guests in your house more often, do not mark the floor after they leave. And if, on the contrary, the person is unpleasant to you, and you want him not to return again, you can immediately sweep the floor.

Signs about a broom

A broom is a mystical object and, according to ancient signs, is associated with the well-being of the house. It is considered a symbol of prosperity, so it must be clean and not shabby. If the broom (broom) needs to be replaced, then you need to buy it only on your own, best before Christmas or on the growing moon.

Buying a new broom? Make a wish. It is believed that it will definitely come true. Place the broom with the handle down. This helps to attract money, maintain wealth and protect yourself from trouble. And don’t forget that you can’t sweep garbage across the threshold, because you’re sweeping money away.

About the days of the week

According to folk signs, you can even make a whole cleaning calendar. In short, bad days on which it is not recommended to clean the house: Monday, Friday, Sunday . These days you can “sweep” money out of the house and fix problems. Bed linen is not advised to be changed on Friday and Sunday. There are four good days left for cleaning: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and best of all – Saturday.

Waste marks

According to popular beliefs, after sunset nothing can be done at all. You should not take out the garbage either – folk wisdom says that this leads to quarrels and failures. Well, there is also an opinion that if you throw out garbage at night, there will be no money in the house, this version also coincides with the version of feng shui. You can also become the subject of neighbors gossip. Indeed, what was it that you carried to the trash heap there at night?

About dust

Since ancient times, it has been believed that if you do wet cleaning at home with a red rag, you can attract money. Ancestors believed that red cloth works like a money magnet, and if you wipe the dust with a rag of the right color, it will contribute to good luck in all matters and material well-being. Just do not wipe the dust with old towels, T-shirts or T-shirts, old things just scare away luck. It is better to buy a napkin or sponge in any supermarket.

About washing floors

As we have already understood, floors cannot be washed after sunset. And as for the rag, it’s better to buy a new one, and not use old T-shirts, T-shirts, pajamas and other things that you were going to throw away to clean the floors. To make rags out of them means to reduce material wealth in the house. You can’t wash the floors with an old towel, in this case, the sign portends scandals, loneliness and betrayal.

It is necessary to wash the floor from the threshold, and not to the threshold, so as not to sweep the good out of the house. Previously, they believed that it was not worth washing the floors in someone else’s house. This is bad both for the one who washes and for the residents themselves. Even if you wipe a small speck from someone else’s floor, you can pick up diseases and troubles of the residents. On the other hand, the owners of the house will also lose their protective energy, so it’s better to wash them yourself.

About washing

Our ancestors considered Wednesday to be the most successful day for washing. Again, they didn’t wash at night, on important holidays and on New Year’s Eve. It was considered bad luck to wash blankets in May, a sure way to “wash” a family member out of the house. It was also forbidden to dry clothes at night under the moon. It was believed that clothes dried under the moonlight would attract illness and bad luck, but dried in the sun, on the contrary, would warm and heal the soul and body.

Do you believe in folk omens?

When cleaning is not allowed, general rules for signs

  • Late in the evening or at night, after sunset, there will be no prosperity in the house. By the way, a good reason to relax after work without feeling remorse.
  • After the viewing of the bride or groom, the wedding may not take place.
  • On church holidays, in any religious tradition there are days forbidden for cleaning.
  • During cooking. It is believed that if you clean the house in parallel with cooking, it will not be enough.

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Why sweep the floor with a broom in a dream.

Sweep the interpretation of the dream book. Dream Interpretation – Yard

If you had to sweep in a dream and you want to know what this could mean, turn to the help of our dream book. It contains a detailed list of the meanings of such an image.

For the correct interpretation of such a dream, one should try to remember all the details that accompanied the main action.

The newest dream book

If you swept in a dream before the sun went down, then expect monetary profit, but if this happened after sunset, then an illness or loss of money will happen.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If you saw a janitor in a dream and he swept the street, then you will soon receive an inheritance. If you yourself wielded a broom, then you will have to deal with a very persistent boyfriend, whom you will dream of getting rid of. Cleaning your own apartment with a broom promises order in the family and getting rid of quarrels.

Found gold while sweeping – expect your ill-wishers to be exposed, and they will do it themselves, having got into a mess.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov

Sweeping the floor in a dream to wealth, but taking out the garbage from the house portends your own departure from there.

Dream Interpretation Online

According to him, this image portends you with a charge of energy and determination, which will help with the resolution of cases.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Sweeping garbage in a dream is interpreted here as an improvement in business and a chance to improve one’s financial situation. If a girl dreamed that she was sweeping the floors in a hut, this means that she would have to get married and go to her husband.

Everyday dream book

If you dream about sweeping, then this is a positive sign, portending an improvement in your financial situation. If this was done in a house or apartment, then in reality you can get out of any difficult situation.

If another person was sweeping in a dream, and you were just watching, then in reality one of your loved ones will achieve success. If the dust is stranded on you, then beware, they can laugh at you or spread gossip about you. But do not take it too close – all this will pass, especially if you do not show your weakness.

If you were going somewhere to buy a broom, then you will achieve your goal with the help of friends.

If you have seen that you are sweeping the garbage intensively, but it does not decrease, this indicates that you will have many obligations that you will not be able to refuse.

As you can see, for the most part, sweeping something in a dream is a rather auspicious sign that promises good circumstances in your life.

Dream Interpretation sweep

The basis of our dreams are ordinary, unremarkable things. But do not underestimate such activities, which can promise much more change than fabulous, seemingly incredible events.

According to the dream book, sweeping something is the beginning of a new stage, exciting and fateful phenomena that will turn your life upside down. It is also worth noting that such an action brings goodness, peace and spiritual purity.

In order to answer in detail the question of what dreams of sweeping, you need to turn to the leading predictors and psychologists. They will open the veil of secrecy and tell the secrets of the future.

Sweep in the house

If you swept in a dream

It is often necessary to clean up not on the street, removing earth and dust, but in one’s own home. To do this, it is necessary to determine whether it was your own apartment, a private house, or belonged to another person.

In your house

If the process of getting rid of dirt took place in your house, then in the near future you will get rid of the problems that weigh on you. Although now the troubles seem insoluble, you will be lucky to get help and support from outsiders.

Circumstances in a dream

What do the various circumstances indicate? Remember and analyze important details.

Garbage situation

Garbage in a dream is also a very important detail. It will help clarify some details.

  1. Leave trash on dustpan. If you manage to sweep it away, then this is a harbinger of peace of mind and freedom of thought. From now on, it will be problematic to piss you off, and all attempts at manipulation will not be successful.
  2. Sweep trash out the door. Had a dream that all the dirt was in the trash can? This shows your determination and determined desire not to linger in the past. You live in the present and do not regret what is gone.
  3. Rubbish left in place. Wait for uninvited guests in the face of distant relatives. They will bring good news, but at the same time they will have time to get bored with their presence and obsessive behavior.
Money on the floor

An important factor is the presence of money that was present in dreams. Do you remember their number?

Large banknotes

If money was swept

Large money on the floor will lead to new sources of income, an increase in material well-being. This may be a lucrative offer or the approval of the authorities, which will lead to a new position. From now on, luxury and abundance will not be alien to you.

Gender in small things

Small coins symbolize monetary losses. Expenses will greatly affect your family budget. There is also a high probability of theft of a large amount of money and dishonest offers that will lead to the loss of property.

In a strange house

The area in the dream is unfamiliar to you, but do you continue sweeping the floor with confidence? This episode shows that you pay more attention not to your own needs, but to the needs of others. Such kindness can lead to the fact that the people around you will see you as the object of solving their problems, ignoring your desires.

It is also worth noting that such a pattern of behavior will lead to difficulties and problems. In order not to need outside help yourself, reconsider your position and guidelines.

If you happen to see how a stranger works, then this is a sign of success in current affairs. You are on the right track and nothing will stop you from achieving your goals.

In most cases, sweeping in a dream promises favorable consequences. It portends a solution to problems and domestic issues, as well as an improvement in the situation in the family.

Sweeping on the street

Why dream of sweeping the street? For a correct interpretation, it is necessary to recall various night circumstances, as well as the area where it happened to clean up.


Where did you happen to clean up? Foretellers give an ambiguous interpretation, focusing on the area itself.

If you swept on the street

  1. Own yard. This circumstance shows in you such character traits as purposefulness and willpower. You are unshakable in your decisions and no danger will make you go astray or give up.
  2. Someone else’s yard. Cleaning in someone else’s yard is a misunderstanding. If you threw garbage on the ground in addition to this action, then there will be a loud scandal that will have sad consequences.
  3. Sweeping an unfamiliar street. This circumstance speaks of your bad conscience. You regret past deeds and yearn to make amends. By living honestly, you will be able to establish relationships with the environment.
  4. At the entrance. The driveway promises condemnation and slander. You should be careful in communicating with colleagues at work. They probably spread unkind rumors and gossip, from which their reputation may suffer.

Other circumstances

In dreams, a variety of events can await us, where it is possible to remove not only the earth, but also snow or sand. Every detail, seemingly unimportant and fleeting, is of great importance.

  1. Large pile of rubbish and dust. This circumstance promises a solution to the accumulated problems.
    Although getting rid of troubles will be exhausting and troublesome, but it will bring peace and lightness in the soul.
  2. Clean yard. Is the yard in a dream already clean without your participation? There is a long work ahead, which will not bear fruit. Wasted work will spoil the physical and emotional state.
  3. Sweep the ground with your neighbors. A massive event is expected in the near future. At the holiday, you will be able to meet an influential person who will improve your future fate. Also this evening will give a lot of pleasant impressions.
  4. Interfere with cleaning. Routine, exhausting work ahead. It is worth noting that although the work will be difficult, it will bring considerable benefits in the future. Wealth will increase, and the trust of the authorities will only grow stronger.
  5. Someone else’s broom. A pleasant evening in the company of friends is expected. Fate will bring you to old friends and girlfriends. They will give a lot of pleasant moments and make you feel nostalgic.
  6. Warm season. Had a dream that you do not experience cold and other discomfort associated with the winter period? You have to do something kind and pleasant for a loved one. He will be very touched and grateful.
  7. Revenge snow. It also happens that we sweep not the earth or garbage, but snow. In this case, wait for the resumption of a long-standing relationship that has exhausted itself. Only time will tell what outcome awaits them this time.
Condition of the broom

What was the broom

Most often we have to sweep the street with a broom. This means that a person will appear in life who will make you more experienced and educated. You will learn how to win people over to your side, enrich yourself with persuasion skills and achieve a lot in the business field. But what was the condition of the broom?

Many twigs

Did you dream about a huge number of twigs that make up a broom? You have considerable authority and respect from the people around you, but one day you crossed the road to some people who continue to consider you a malicious enemy. You will easily defeat them and even resolve the existing conflict.

Thin rods

Sweeping the floor with such a broom – to anxieties and worries. A situation will arise that will require a lot of time and effort. Do not despair and worry in vain, because sooner or later the black life strip will be replaced by a white one.

To see a dream where a dead person does the cleaning means to feel guilty in front of this person.

Vanga and Miller’s predictions

Why dream of sweeping something according to the opinion of the great soothsayers? Vanga and Miller made a significant contribution to the interpretation of night dreams and are considered the most authoritative personalities in this area.

Miller’s opinion

The psychologist gives a generally positive interpretation of the seen event.
He believed that this action precedes a positive life period. There is a high probability of obtaining a new position or a change of residence.

But if a girl lost a broom while she was sweeping the ground or floor, then this indicates sloppiness and lack of assembly. You are probably not a very good housewife, but it is never too late to correct the current situation.

What does Vanga say?

The soothsayer gives a positive interpretation, believing that this action is a harbinger of career growth and prosperity. The list of achievements in the working area will gradually grow, and the position of a successful specialist will grow stronger every day.

According to Vanga, you lack the ability to conduct a constructive dialogue, as well as peace of mind and attention to other people’s opinions and positions. Be tolerant and more tolerant towards other people.

The great soothsayer also pays attention to the gender of the dreamer. This detail is also of great importance.


The representative of the stronger sex will have long fights with those people who are present in his life every day. These may be neighbors or colleagues whom you did not please with your behavior.


Very soon a period of calm and harmony in the family will come. The hostess will be appreciated even more and help in every possible way in household chores. Also, mutual respect between family members will reign in the near future, and households will begin to have good health.

According to popular dream books, any action related to cleaning a room or street is considered a positive sign. If in a dream you happened to sweep the floor, then this is a sign of imminent changes for the better. However, it is still worth understanding the details of dreams, and finding out what each of them is dreaming of.

Miller’s Dream Book

According to the interpreter Gustav Miller, to see in a dream how you sweep the floor in your apartment is a sign that very soon welcome guests will come to you.

Did the girl dream that she was sweeping the floor of people for hire? Most likely, in the near future the dreamer will marry or change her place of residence. And if she swept fallen leaves into a pile in the yard, then this means that the dreamer will fight off an annoying admirer.

But, explaining why a man dreams of cleaning up after guests, the dream book hints at the need to become more disciplined and accurate.

Change of priorities and habits

Some event will happen in your life that will make you change your views on something and set priorities in a new way, if in a dream you saw how you swept the floor in your house with a broom, the dream book assures Wanderer.

Did you dream that you were sweeping with a broom in your house and washing the dusty parquet? According to the Eastern interpreter, such a vision means that you will streamline your life: say goodbye to bad habits, learn to be responsible.

Sweeping sand with a broom while cleaning the house is a symbol of liberation from small but troublesome tasks and duties. It is especially good if you poured the swept sand into the trash can – this means that you will acquire some skills.

Career success awaits you

It is very good to sweep the floor in a dream at work, dream books suggest, explaining why such a dream occurs. If you dreamed about how you sweep and wash the dirty office floor, making it clean, then this means that you will be entrusted with a difficult but profitable business.

And if you are interested in what dreams of cleaning the boss’s dirty office, then the English dream book will tell you. In a dream, did you volunteer to take on the duties of a cleaner? With your diligence and responsibility, you will achieve a promotion and an increase in salary.

Changes in personal life

Sweeping the floor in someone else’s home is a sign of a change in this very home in real life, famous dream books assure.

If you dreamed that cleaning someone else’s apartment gives you pleasure, then in reality you yourself will choose where to live and with whom. And if someone forced you to do this, then it is likely that you will have a conflict with someone from the household, and this case will “force” you to move to a new address.

Revenge in a dream of floors in someone else’s apartment, which in reality belongs to a loved one – a sign that you can move to live with him, and maybe even get married. And if a married lady sees such a plot in a dream, then this is a signal that her spouse will become aware of her betrayal.

From restoring health to making friends

If in a dream you happened to sweep the floor somewhere else, then you will get a completely different interpretation of the dream, dream books suggest. Remember the dreamed place and see what it is dreaming of. So.

Why dream of sweeping the floor? Many dream books interpret this sign as auspicious, portending well-being and wealth. It shows that a person has a large supply of energy and is ready to move mountains to achieve success. But still, sweeping in a dream is a rather ambiguous symbol and should be interpreted based on various circumstances. So what can symbolize such a dream?

Sweep the floor with a broom

in a dream in the dreamer’s hands is a symbol of change in fate. If you dream that before cleaning a person is going to buy a broom, then in reality this portends that he will be drawn into a financial scam. Sweeping the floor with someone else’s broom in a dream – there will be pleasant communication. If in a dream during cleaning the broom breaks
, then the dream book portends a provocation from ill-wishers. But if you dream that you still managed to sweep the floor with a broken broom, then the dreamer will be able to overcome all the intrigues of enemies and successfully cope with all matters.

Sweeping the floor at work

If you dream that a person
is a very good sign. According to the dream book, this portends success in professional activity with the possibility of an early promotion. If the broom is black and smells very unpleasant
– such a sign warns that one of the colleagues may begin to intrigue. If you dream that cleaning causes irritation, apathy and fatigue, then there is a high probability of difficulties at work. But do not worry, because any obstacles can be easily overcome.

If you dream that a broom is lost while cleaning the floor
, then such a dream should make a person think about how many things he has shouldered. It is advisable to reduce the load or take a break.

In the corridor

Why dream of sweeping the floor with a broom in the corridor
? As the dream book interprets such a dream, the dreamer has a great desire to protect his family from trouble, especially if someone is already trying to harm. If a person cleans the floor from debris in the corridor outside the house, then it is likely that he is stuck at a certain stage in his life and cannot move on.

Sweeping the floor in the corridor at work in a dream
– a person in reality is trying to move up the career ladder. If you dream that he sweeps garbage towards the exit
, then, according to the dream book, the dreamer needs to think about how much he really needs such work.


According to the dream book, sweep the floor in your house
– to an early reconciliation if the dreamer is in a quarrel with his partner. Sometimes such a dream can, on the contrary, predict a break in relations, but after that a new love will happen very soon.

If an unmarried girl sees such a dream, she should remember how she copes with cleaning. Such work is done with ease – which means that the girl is a good housewife. If cleaning in a dream causes certain difficulties, in reality the dreamer practically does not clean up, which is why her relatives suffer.

If, while sweeping the floor in a dream, a person sees one of the deceased, then the dream book claims that the dreamer has a strong sense of guilt towards the deceased, he is constantly disturbed by internal insults and understatement, which prevent him from moving on. In this case, to get rid of this, you need to go to church or to the grave, so that the deceased also gains peace.

Sweeping the floor in someone else’s house

According to the dream book, such an action indicates to the dreamer that another person is waiting for his support, and he does not even know about it or does not want to help. This may lead to adverse consequences. Most likely, after a while the dreamer himself will find himself in the same situation as the person in need of help.

If sweep the floor with a broom in a friend’s house
and such an action brings joy, then, according to the dream book, this portends an early meeting with such a person. If during cleaning the dreamer cries or is in a bad mood, then such a meeting will bring only negative emotions.

A dream in which a person sweeps the floor with a broom in someone else’s house and wants to stop
, speaks of the dreamer’s unwillingness to fulfill promises and some requests, since this not only burdens him, but also does not allow him to develop. In this case, he must either quickly fulfill his promise or confess his unwillingness to help.

According to the dream book, sweep the floor in the house of his boss
means trying to please him and stand out in the team. The dreamer’s subconscious says that he should think about whether he has chosen the right path for this. If there is a lot of dust in a dream and it is black
, then in reality the authorities will not be able to assess the impulses of a person. But if the dreamer easily copes with dirt and there is not too much of it
, then the dream book interprets this as an imminent promotion.

Other interpretations of sleep

According to the Everyday dream book, sweeping the floor in a dream means waking up to acquire something necessary and desired. In addition, such a dream means:

  • respect;
  • fame;
  • receiving an award.

But at the same time, a person needs to think about whether he needs all this, as this will bring trouble to other people.

If you dream that dust is flying on the dreamer during cleaning, you need to be wary of:

  • intrigues of ill-wishers;
  • gossip.

To avoid this, you need to look at the people around you and avoid dubious transactions.

According to the Business dream book, sweeping the floor is a good deal and a solid profit. If in a dream the dreamer is among dust and debris, then in reality he needs to temporarily stop concluding contracts and not get acquainted with unverified partners.

The wanderer’s dream interpretation interprets such a dream as a good sign, especially if a person sweeps the floor on the threshold towards the house. This portends the arrival of guests. If, on the contrary, the dreamer sweeps the garbage into the street, then financial failures are possible. A dream in which food and necessary things are swept along with garbage indicates excessive wastefulness.

Thus, the meaning of sleep in which a person sweeps the floor with a broom can be both positive and negative. In any case, one should not blindly believe the predictions. Success or failure depends more on the person himself, and not on the dream he has seen.

Why dream of sweeping the floor with a broom? Cleaning in a dream can be interpreted in different ways. We will analyze all possible interpretations of this action.

Why dream of sweeping the floor with a broom: typical interpretations

Many sources indicate that sweeping the floor with a broom:

  • means imminent cardinal changes in life;
  • future positive events that will bring joy and peace;
  • improvement of family situation: reconciliation with husband/wife, improvement of relations with children, parents;
  • favorable resolution of domestic issues: moving to a larger apartment, buying furniture or something similar;
  • material changes: quick bonus, unexpected gain;
  • quick entertainment: you may go on a trip or receive an invitation to a celebration.

Sweeping the floor with a broom in a dream is a sign of future changes. What will they be? Unknown. But, depending on the circumstances and surroundings in a dream, you can find out a more accurate answer to this question.

Influence of circumstances

Try to remember what the broom looked like in a dream, what objects surrounded you, in what environment you were sweeping.

  1. Were you sweeping and then suddenly lost your broom in your sleep?
    This suggests that you are a bad housewife: you can’t manage to put things in order in the house, there is a mess and chaos around.
  2. Not sweeping the floor, but the carpet?
    So, a subconscious desire to move, to change living conditions to more comfortable ones, to improve the quality of life in general, speaks in you.
  3. Sweeping in someone else’s house?
    Most likely, you are too obsessed with other people’s problems and their solution. Think more about yourself: strangers will figure it out themselves.
  4. Sweeping the yard?
    This speaks of a sense of security, a sense of comfort. In real life, you live under the reliable protection of your husband or parents, you almost never face life’s difficulties, everything is decided for you.
  5. Sweeping in a public place
    : mall, on the street? What speaks to you is the desire to be liked by others, to get many friends and to have a huge social circle.
  6. Cleaning the entrance?
    Most likely, you were overcome by gossip and slanderous statements of neighbors, ill-wishers and enemies. You suffer from this, not finding reasons for such behavior.
  7. Sweeping and washing stairs?
    The meaning of sleep is the same as in the previous case. Only with this dream, gossip and slander will soon stop: gossips will have new topics or you will be justified in the “light” for past misconduct.
  8. Sweep floors with a lot of sand. Expect soon guests. Perhaps friends from another city will come, or a girlfriend will look into the light.

This is only a part of a huge number of interpretations. Believe them or not? Life will show. Dreams are a reflection of inner experiences, memories and real impressions in the first place, and not a reason to build a life on the basis of interpretations.

Psychological interpretation

If we abstract from popular interpretations and study the issue from the point of view of psychology, cleaning in a dream can be interpreted as follows.

  1. Sweeping the floor yourself?
    This may indicate a subconscious desire to put things in order in one’s own life. Perhaps chaos reigns around you: there are constant quarrels in the family, the children are out of hand, at work the bosses are unhappy with you, and colleagues are weaving intrigues. In this case, sleep is a sign of the desire to “clean up”, bring order into your usual life, resolve all the difficulties and achieve harmony.
  2. Do you dream about someone else sweeping the floor?
    It is important who exactly. Husband? Perhaps you want to improve your relationship with him. Children? You lack their help, support, worry about the lack of their success. Parents: dad or mom? You suffer from their criticism, disbelief in your strength.
  3. Do you not only sweep the floor, but also do a general cleaning?
    Most likely, in real life too many problems have piled on you: you want to solve them in one fell swoop and deserve a long-awaited rest.
  4. Is the floor being swept by a man who died a long time ago?
    Perhaps you remember him with guilt. You regret that you did not have time to say about your good attitude towards him, to apologize for the insults and disappointments brought.

Perhaps even simpler: you are a housewife, tired of working at home. And in a dream, you continue to perform your usual household chores on autopilot.

interpretation of dreams about a broom according to the dream books of Miller, Vanga, Freud, Loff

A dream in which you saw a broom may mean that you need to put things in order in your life. Probably, your conscience has been tormenting you for a long time, because you cannot help your mother with household chores? Or maybe you need to understand the relationship with the people around you? It is very important to pay attention to the details in such dreams, because, as in life, they explain everything. Sweeping trash in the house? Was the broom new or flabby? Or maybe you lost it altogether? Therefore, try to remember every little thing: your feelings, thoughts, and of course the plot of the dream. Let’s figure out together with an expert what a broom is dreaming of from the point of view of psychology.

A broom in Miller’s dream book

Sweeping the floor in a dream frees you from debt. Probably, in real life, luck will smile at you soon, and you will be able to free yourself from obligations.

Also, if another person is sweeping, such a dream may mean danger to you, but you should not be immediately upset. If the action was in the moment, this is a signal that in the near future you need to make a very important, significant decision that will affect your whole life.

Perhaps you would like to purchase a new broom, recently made by a craftsman? Be prepared: in the near future, global changes in life await you.

Broom in Vanga’s dream book

Vanga’s dream book does not predict any danger if you dream of a broom. It is important to pay attention to the little things, to events and your reaction in a dream. Most often, a broom symbolizes internal and external cleansing: getting rid of unnecessary people, bad habits, sins and bad thoughts. If suddenly the object crumbled into small particles in your hands, then you are eager to sort out your feelings and fears.

A broom in Freud’s dream book

To understand why a broom is dreaming, it is very important to pay attention to the actions that were performed in a dream. This is what Sigmund Freud advised to do in his dream books.

Sweeping rubbish or dust from the table with a broom is a sign of spiritual transformation. Improvements touch all areas of life.

If one person is wielding a broom, then soon you will have a spiritual mentor. Get ready: everything is about to start transforming.

The dream in which you saw a broom may mean that you need to put things in order in your life. Photo: joshimer-binas, pexels.com

Broom in Loff’s dream book

A dream in which you dream of a broom means that you are very worried about the health of your loved ones, but these worries are absolutely in vain.

How long have you been testing your friends for loyalty? So, if the broom was completely new, then you are surrounded by dishonest people. Be sure to think about who it could be.

A specially broken broom portends a serious conversation with a partner or family. You are absorbed by the routine, you crave new emotions and experiences. All this you will experience, you just have to wait a little more.

A broom in Tsvetkov’s dream book

A dream about a broom is a sign that it’s time to pay the bills. Try to remember, perhaps you have unpaid obligations.

Also, the dream book says that if a flabby, broken broom is caught, this is a negative sign, and an imminent disease is possible.

And vice versa, if suddenly you are sick and you dream of a broom made of fresh branches with swollen buds, be sure that you will recover soon.

A broom in Veles’ dream book

A dream in which you sweep the floor in someone else’s house says that soon there will be hard work that takes a lot of strength and nerves, but in the end it will be appreciated. If you dreamed that the broom was falling out of your hands, then this is an incident, after which you will look at what is happening differently.

Getting rid of an old, unnecessary broom is an action that shows that there are people around whom you are very tired of, but have not yet found reasons to get rid of them. Soon the situation will change, try not to miss the chance.

A broom in the dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Having broken a broom stalk in a dream, pay attention to your current life: your vague desires bring maximum discomfort to your loved ones. You yourself start quarrels, thereby exacerbating the situation even more.

Throwing away a broom in a dream means that it is time to get rid of a person to whom you have a strong dislike. You will definitely have a chance, so try not to miss it.

Broom in Eastern Dream Interpretation

Just looked at the broom in the corner of the house? Be sure that there will be positive changes and prosperity in your destiny. The main thing is to be ready for it.

An accidentally broken broom shows you that a false friend is nearby. It won’t be long before you realize it. Sometimes such a dream portends violent quarrels, and to avoid this, try to immediately express your displeasure.

Sweeping garbage in a dream, you will find yourself in the midst of unnecessary gossip, try to avoid this – it will not end well.

Broom in Dillon’s dream book

Dillon’s dream book predicts the onset of a good period in life, if a broom was seen in your hands. It also portends good health, joyful emotions and improved relations with your spouse. Sweeping with a broom in someone else’s house – such a dream says that you need to learn how to devote enough time to yourself and your desires. And if you do not try to fix it, as a result, everyone around you will use you to solve their own problems.

Making a broom in a dream is a sign that the time has come to move forward, the main thing is not to change your decisions, because you clearly know what you want.

Broom in Nostradamus’s dream book

Wielding a broom in a dream is a signal that you need support from colleagues, but you don’t get it. Pay attention to whether you really need the recognition of these people?

A broom standing near the front door in a dream is a call: pay special attention to your finances. You are most likely just wasting money. We need to think about this, and as soon as possible. Dream interpretation promises danger.

A dream in which a partner was seen with a broom in his hands tells about your desire to clarify your relationship. What do you suspect him of? It’s time to figure it out.

Expert comment

Here is how astropsychologist Viktoria Borzenko comments on the meaning of sleep Try to consider each area of ​​life separately: friends, health, money or relationships. Where do you need to put things in order? That will make it easier to understand. Pay attention to the people around you, perhaps one of them is “not a friend, not an enemy, but like that.”

In any case, this is a cleansing and the beginning of a new chapter in your life.”

How to sweep the floor correctly? (Signs and superstitions). Do not wash dirty linen in public

Yesterday we were going from the dacha to the city. I habitually cleaned our village hut before leaving and decided to vacuum the floor in the end, but something suddenly prevented me. She put the vacuum cleaner back into the back room, and her hands reached for the broom. Having collected and shaken out all our plain rustic rugs on the street, I decided to sweep the floor in the hut with a broom. I wanted to do it the way my grandmother instructed me: long, carefully, slowly, according to all the laws of “sweeping”.

Were you taught to sweep the floor as a child?

My grandmother taught me when we lived in the countryside. They cleaned every morning, after breakfast, when there was no one else in the hut. Although all street shoes were diligently left at the doorstep in the hallway, a lot of summer litter accumulated in the hut: from dad’s clothes after haymaking, from our children’s bare feet, ash around the stove, after evening whipping of pillows and feather beds (mandatory procedure in our house). All surfaces – a table, a chest of drawers, chairs, grandmother first shook off with a special whisk, crumbs and other small debris were generously swept onto the floor, and in the end, grandmother took a broom in her hands. Two buckets were placed nearby: one for garbage, the other for salt water. Venik at first meticulously looked around at his grandmother, then dipped for a second in a bucket of water, shook off excess water, and only after that was
ready to use.

Grandmother always started revenge from the threshold: you can’t go to the threshold, it’s a bad omen: you can sweep everything out of the hut. The movements were quick, clear, the wet broom did not raise dust, but it was not supposed to swing them either. A small pile of garbage was raked into a scoop, and immediately went to the first bucket. It was not supposed to walk through the threshold with a scoop. Each time, no more than one square meter was “swept out”, then moved on to the next section.

The broom not only quickly climbed into all corners, but also swept over the walls, if the spider spread its web again during the night, a half-asleep fly would achieve, the adhering dirt was rubbed off. I, the little one, had the impression that the broom literally came to life in my grandmother’s hands, was an agile and nimble fellow. In my clumsy hands, he hung lifelessly, raised dust, clumsily drove debris into a scoop, more like a hockey stick with a puck.

Grandmother was often angry. Before cleaning, she deliberately evenly scattered coarse salt on the floor, and forced me to carefully sweep away all the specks and grains. So I learned to “see” the dirt on the floor, and fight it without raising dust around me. As it turned out later, this was often done in the villages – salt crystals perfectly “bind” fine dust, including wood dust, which is quite a lot in a wooden hut.

At the end of the cleaning, the broom was tapped on the street and set in its cherished corner – until the next cleaning. The floor after the “broom” was not always washed – this cleaning was already considered wet.

Can you choose the right broom?

Buying a new broom for our grandmother has always been a sacred ritual. A broom was bought once a year – in the spring, at the Kanavinsky market. Over the summer, the broom was pretty frayed, and my grandmother did not like the “tousled” tool.

Grandmother chose very meticulously. Brooms were bought only from sorghum, handmade, she did not recognize others. Be sure to count the number of panicles – they should be at least 25 pieces. The panicles themselves should be ripe, with dark grains (not all of them were specially combed out – they were left “for show”). The most valuable was a broom with a red tint, soft and fluffy, from Saratov.

Preference was given to the densest brooms – a handle tied with a vine, in no case with wire. The handle is round, and the broom itself is flat, which has lain under oppression for more than one day. The end of the broom was gathered in a small semicircle, and not cut “under the comb.” It was forbidden to cut the ends of the panicles. Such a broom cost, as I remember now, 90 kopecks.

Grandmother really liked such “efficient” purchases: cheap, but so much use!

The broom, according to all Russian signs, was supposed to be protected. A crumbling broom is not good, a quarrel. Therefore, when we got home, we combed the grains out of it, steamed the panicles themselves for several hours in salted water, beat them on the floor – they made it, like a bang, “on its side”, so that it was easier to revenge, and put it to dry on the handle, panicles up. Everything, the broom is ready!

This is how my grandmother taught me to understand things. At the age of 6, I knew everything about brooms! I even tried to grow a “broom” from sorghum seeds in a pot on the windowsill. This item of our everyday life was surrounded for me by its history, superstitions, operating rules, not written in the instructions, but transmitted in the oral tradition. This thing was sold not completely finished, it had to be adjusted, brought to mind, and only a good housewife knew how to do it.

I was always amazed that the most valuable knowledge in life “does not lie on the road.” They are interrogated, they are brought out, they are exchanged one for another. Life presupposes this man-madeness, the creation of things “for oneself”, the understanding of their secret meaning.

So a broom is an ancient and ritual thing. Folk tradition demanded that the house be kept clean and tidy. If a girl sweeps the floor badly, then they marry a pockmarked one. Do not mop the floor when someone leaves the house for a long time. There was a strict ban on revenge on Fedor (June 8). In general, I counted more than 30 rules governing floor sweeping with a broom.

I can’t imagine my home without a real broom. A modern vacuum cleaner, of course, is good, but only a broom, a dustpan and skillful hands can show the dust a real “kuzkin mother”. Until you get to the vacuum cleaner, and the broom is always here, nearby, in my hut three brooms are hidden in different corners, so that it would be more convenient and faster to deal with dirt!

…. On that day, before leaving, I swept the hut for a long time and carefully. My hands instantly “remembered” the work familiar from childhood, the tip of the broom climbed into cracks inconceivable for a vacuum cleaner, and in the end our cat joined me, thinking that I was playing with him. But I recklessly played not with him, but with a broom, with rubbish and sunbeams on the floor, and cleaning the hut turned out to be easy and fun.

My grandmother used to say that you shouldn’t sweep the trash over the threshold – you can kick happiness and well-being out of the house. And my question: “Why?” remained unanswered…

Years passed, and I heard this sign – over time – more than once. I wanted to know where it comes from.

Having shoveled mountains of literature, I found out that this sign is based on the ancient idea of ​​people that with the help of any thing it is possible to cause significant harm to the health of a person chosen for the role of a victim. Previously, many believed that the subject engaged in witchcraft was only thinking about how to appropriate someone else’s thing to himself in order to use it later in his black magical deeds. And it doesn’t matter at all that garbage belongs to such a “thing”. For witchcraft, all waste is good!

Therefore, in order to avoid – at best – troubles, and at worst – damage, our ancestors tried not to take the garbage out of the house, but burned it in the oven. When there was no such possibility (for example, in summer), they collected it in some container (bucket, scoop, etc.) and transported this “property” to some secluded place to hide it deeper in the ground.

Older members of the family taught the little ones how to sweep the floor. They grew up and passed on their knowledge to the next generation. So the sign imperceptibly reached our days!

Do not wash dirty linen in public!

An absurd story in 1299 happened to the Frenchwoman Julie Baptiste. She believed in signs so much that she began to sweep the dust in front of the doors of wealthy citizens, hoping to take possession of their happiness and well-being, in order to then redirect them to her son. Her actions were declared illegal, and, naturally, the Parisian suffered severe punishment, as evidenced by the relevant archive data. In such a curious way, superstition played a cruel joke with the Frenchwoman.

Here, in Russia, leadership – not to wash dirty linen in public – has acquired not only a literal but also a figurative meaning.

It is still considered bad manners to discuss family matters and problems in public, to let outsiders into the intimate details of one’s personal life and the lives of loved ones.

Sweeping the floor – from the corner of the room …

It turns out that how to sweep the floor correctly is a whole science!

For example, there is such a sign: you must sweep the floor, of course, from the corner of the room – to the exit, the threshold of the house. If you do the opposite, you will lose happiness …

What is the reason for this superstition? We turn on logical thinking: it’s even hard to imagine that from all the hidden corners of the home, garbage will be sent to the center. Does he belong there?

Sweeping the floor on the eve of the holidays is not good!

It was believed that sweeping the floor before major holidays, such as Good Friday, Easter Sunday, etc., is not only a great sin, but such an action will not lead to good.

And in this case, “the chest just opens”: there is a time for everything. It is necessary to put things in order in the house not the day before, but in advance. And before holy holidays, one should pay more attention to the spiritual. Of course, if the owners are not distinguished by diligence, and the house is – until the last moment – a mess, but the Almighty will definitely pay attention to this and will not fail to punish negligent owners. That is why a sign arose: sweeping the floor on the eve of holy holidays is not good!

The broom is always placed with the handle down – it preserves well-being and protects from demons.

· it is impossible to sweep the broom over the threshold, so as not to sweep out the money;
· you can not take revenge after sunset, so as not to get sick;
· do not step over the broom;
· do not hit with a used broom – to diseases;
· fruit trees are beaten with a new broom – for the harvest;
· children were beaten on the doorstep with a new broom to make them behave well;
Babies were swept with a new broom to sleep;
· a new broom to attract prosperity is bought on the growing moon, a wish is made on it;
· unmarried girls jumped over a broom 9 times to attract suitors;
· it is impossible to take revenge with two brooms in one day – to lose wealth;
· it is impossible for someone else to sweep in your house – lose your luck;
· the old broom must not be burned or thrown away near the house;
· when moving to a new location, take the old broom with you;
· it is impossible to take revenge if one of the household members is on the road;
· if they wanted to get rid of an unwanted guest, then after his departure they swept the garbage across the threshold between their spread legs;
· You can’t take revenge while there is a dead person in the house.

How to take away luck

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that sweeping near someone else’s yard is theft of luck and good luck. And look at your neighbors today.

To take someone else’s luck with a broom, you do not need to be a magician and perform complex rituals. It is enough, while cleaning on the site, to sweep under the door of prosperous neighbors to yourself on a scoop and say: “I take your luck, I take your money for myself,” etc. (arbitrarily).

Do not throw rubbish into the garbage chute, but throw it into your own trash can so that it “sleeps” in your apartment.

No sweeping after sunset. Similarly, you can watch how the neighbors sweep the trash from their door to someone else’s tambourine. So get rid of diseases and problems.

At the same time, the words say arbitrary, something like: “I get rid of diseases, and you take them away” or “Take away my misfortunes and sorrows,” etc.

Have you ever found someone else’s garbage under your front door or under your rug? Such garbage is not taken by hand, it is carefully collected (you can use sheets of paper), taken out and burned with the words: “Go back to where it came from” or “Go back to the one who did it.

To get rid of negativity and failures

If your neighbors have harmed you in this way or just a series of failures and lack of money has begun, a broom will also help to correct the situation.

You need to buy a new broom on the waning moon and sweep the apartment with it. You need to sweep from the farthest corner to the exit, saying: “With this rubbish, with this broom, all misfortunes and failures will leave me.”

Garbage is taken out and burned on the same day (it is better to burn it, and not just throw it away), and they throw a broom at a pedestrian intersection, leave without looking back. Therefore, never, when you see a thrown broom, do not touch it and do not step over it.

Spell on a broom to attract money

On the growing moon, buy a new broom, you can tie it with a green ribbon. Scatter coins in all corners of the apartment. Let them lie down for the night, and in the morning sweep all corners with a broom and collect coins on a scoop, saying: “I collect coins, I invite wealth, silver and gold, I will be rich.

Then put the coins in a jar, close the lid and keep it out of sight. You can’t take coins from there. This is money bait. The broom can be used on the farm for its intended purpose. Just put it in a corner with the handle down.

To attract money and as a talisman, in general, it is not bad to have a broom in the house, even if you use only a vacuum cleaner. Let it be even a decorative broom. Just hang it on the wall with the handle down and the broom up.

In the corridor near the front door, a broom is placed in a corner or hung on the wall (decorative) to keep trouble and evil spirits out of the house, in the kitchen – for money and prosperity.

A new broom will bring happiness to the house if you choose the right place for it. Where to put it, why they should not be beaten, and you will learn much more from signs and folk wisdom.


Like the broom, this item is often used in magical rituals. Therefore, sometimes it is treated with caution. At the same time, the broom was also considered a talisman that guarded the house. Nowadays, such products, decorated with various symbols, are common. Ordinary household items had the same meaning. Our ancestors composed many signs about the broom and its place in the house.

Stand this one, handle down. This attracts money and also makes the energy part of cleaning more efficient. The working part of the broom, when stored in this position, does not come into contact with litter, so you do not have to clean it every time or smear dirt on the floor while sweeping. Of course, keep this item clean, then your house will be the same.

A broom with its handle down protects the home from the evil eye. It is in this position that modern amulets of this form are most often hung. A broom is placed under the cradle of a newborn to protect it from the evil eye and evil spirits.

If you suspect that a person with an evil eye has visited your home, you can avoid negative consequences. It’s much easier than getting rid of them later. The evil eye can significantly spoil life.
Wait until the guest is going home, and throw a broom after him.

How to properly clean

In the same house, two whisks are not used, either simultaneously or in turn. The broom must be alone, otherwise folk signs promise poverty and ruin. Moreover, this household item is closely related to the brownie, which can only be one, and he will not live under two roofs.

Do not sweep when baking is being cooked in the house, otherwise it will burn or the dough will spoil. They do not do this even when one of the tenants is away.

Do not sweep the floor after friends or relatives have left. So you will notice the way for guests, and something bad can happen to them. In addition, you can keep them away from your home. This is done only with unpleasant people whom they no longer want to see in their home. This is a very effective way to get rid of objectionable guests.

It is necessary to sweep in the direction from the front door, and not towards it, otherwise not only garbage, but also everything of value will be swept out of the home. This can lead to financial losses and quarrels. For the same reason, they never sweep rubbish outside the door, if you clean up and beyond the threshold, you will have to collect garbage in the house and on the street separately.

Cleaning only during daylight hours. After sunset, this matter must be postponed, otherwise you will call poverty, want and disease.

Do not allow guests and anyone who does not live in the house to sweep. This drives away luck from the family, only the owners should do the cleaning.

A new broom – signs

Almost every household item has to be changed sooner or later. After buying a new one, the old one must be thrown away. Previously, it was believed that a broom is easy for the whole family, because it is associated with each tenant. Therefore, it should be thrown away from home so that no one can use it to harm.

An old broom that was thrown away near the house – to diseases. Usually this is insomnia or more serious disorders. It is impossible to burn an obsolete thing – this can cause a strong deterioration in the weather, an invasion of harmful insects like cockroaches and bedbugs, as well as quarrels in the family.

Despite the fact that it is forbidden to beat with a broom, children were sometimes jokingly spanked on the doorstep so that they would listen to their parents and not cause problems with their behavior. Babies swept up for a restful sleep.

Buy a new broom. During the purchase, make a wish, it will surely come true.

Other signs and superstitions

When moving, they take an old broom with them, but do not buy a new one. It is believed that in this way you will leave everything bad in the old house, and take the good. In addition, they used to believe that brownies live under a broom, and if you forget the old one when moving, it means losing another “family member”. And without it, as you know, they do not live well.

If you use a broom made of wormwood, evil spirits will not be able to start in the house. This plant perfectly cleanses the room of negativity, its aroma is useful for colds and is liked by many. This option will be a good talisman against damage and enemies.

If a fisherman meets a woman with a broom on the way to get his catch, you won’t be able to catch much that day. This is another reason to go fishing early, while no one is on the street. An elderly woman with a broom predicts that the whole day will be useless and empty.

A girl who sweeps the floor diligently will get a good groom. This sign is easy to justify logically, because thrift has been valued at all times. To attract the attention of suitors, in the old days, girls jumped over a broom nine times in a row.

If a twig fell out while sweeping or the broom fell apart completely, this is news.

Do not hit people and animals with it, it drains vitality and health.

They do not sweep around boys and girls – they will not be able to find a soul mate. But you can sweep away laziness, disobedience and other negative qualities in children and adolescents. This is done near the house, on the street, after which the panicle must be shaken in the direction in which the wind blows.

In the old days, a broom was thrown outside to calm the bad weather, and in a drought, it was used to cause rain by throwing it into the well. The death throes of old people were relieved by throwing it on the roof of the hut. They swept the road in front of the newlyweds – this gave good, evil eye, negative energy, envy.

Cleaning the floor after the deceased. Ideally, it is necessary to clean in this way the entire path along which the coffin was carried. After that, the broom is thrown away, it can no longer be used for its intended purpose. While the deceased is in the house, do not sweep.

nata carlin

Cleanliness in the house is a guarantee of the health of the whole family and peace of mind of the hostess. And not just physical health. Most people who have deviations on a psychological level, as a rule, do not keep order in the house. begins with a dismissive attitude towards his own appearance, and the dwelling in which he spends most of his life.

Regular cleaning of the apartment also includes wet cleaning of the floors. Every hostess simply dreams of the time when, with relief, she puts aside the rag and looks at the result of her labors – a sparkling floor. But in order to achieve this effect, you need to use the right floor cleaners. It must be said that their choice entirely depends on the material from which the coating is made.

Regardless of the flooring, there are several rules for wet processing:

  1. Items on the floor and items that can be lifted should be moved to the upper tier or removed from the room. So you will clear the area for the upcoming work as much as possible;
  2. Remove carpets, runners and rugs from floors. Knock them out, and lay them out after washing;
  3. Sweep the floor surface with a broom or vacuum cleaner. This way you will eliminate a significant part of the dust and debris. By the way, it should be noted that the broom must be necessarily wet. Not wet and not dry. To do this, fill a bowl or bucket with water, wet the very tip of the broom, and shake off excess water. Only then proceed to processing. The broom should be washed in a similar way as it gets dirty;
  4. Mopping the floors should start from the opposite wall to the exit from the room. Rinse all joints between skirting boards and flooring. Gradually move towards the exit. Finally, wash the center of the room in the same way – from the opposite wall to the door.

This is the easiest and most effective way to quickly and efficiently wet clean indoor floors.

However, in different rooms of the apartment, the flooring is different, so it requires a personal approach to cleaning.

Washing the floor correctly depending on the type of flooring

Floor coverings differ according to the type of material used:

  • Laminate;
  • Parquet;
  • Linoleum;
  • Tiled;
  • Wood (polished and painted), etc.

Let’s consider in more detail each of the types and features of their washing:

  1. Wooden floors
    . Do you have unpainted wood flooring in your house? To wet them, you will need cool water with detergent. Without wringing out the rag, walk on the floor, wetting it well. After that, take a mop with hard bristles, and clean the surface. Walk on the foamed floor with a damp cloth washed in clean water. After that, you can wipe the floors with a dry rag.

Painted or varnished wood floors should preferably be washed with a soft cloth and the same detergent. Do not use a brush to clean this type of flooring. In addition, it is not advisable to wet the rags strongly. Floors should be washed with a damp, well-wrung cloth. Move from the outer wall of the room along the baseboards to the exit, and at the very end, flush the center of the room. In order to give a shine to the surface, mix in equal proportions and methyl alcohol, apply the composition to a cloth, and wipe the dry surface. After the painted floors have dried, wipe them with a solution of table vinegar in plenty of water. This will give the paint extra shine and strength. Often it is not advisable to carry out general cleaning of wooden floors.

  1. Parquet
    . The parquet floor is the same wooden floor, only made not from large boards, but assembled from small boards. This coating must be varnished. This prevents excess moisture from penetrating into the wood structure, and allows the floors to serve for quite a long time. Therefore, it is advisable to wash this coating infrequently, and only with a well-wrung damp cloth. To add shine, a little glycerin is added to the washing water. After drying, rub the floor with a special mastic, and polish to a shine with a suede cloth or a brush designed for this action. You can wash this coating once a week, other actions should be carried out no more than once a month.
  1. Laminate
    . To wash the floor from the laminate without stains and streaks, there are several proven methods. To thoroughly clean your laminate floor, add a tablespoon of dish soap, liquid soap, or shampoo to a bucket of water. Gel is also great. The rag or sponge you use must be thoroughly wrung out. Change the water frequently when washing, and rinse the surface with clean water after using detergents. This recipe is perfect for cleaning cork and tile floors.

To properly mop a laminate floor, prepare hot water, vinegar (9%) and a soft mop (preferably specifically for laminate flooring).

In hot water, which promotes the rapid evaporation of moisture from the floor surface and prevents the occurrence of stains. Soak a washcloth in the solution and wring it out. Wipe the floor in front of you as you move backwards towards the door.

To clean the floor from heavy soiling, dilute a large amount of detergent in water and lather. Apply foam to the coating, rinse with a clean cloth after 10 minutes.

Laminate floor cleaning can be carried out no more than 3 times a week. General cleaning should be carried out once a month.

  1. Linoleum
    . The first rule of cleaning linoleum floors is to never use hot water or abrasive cleaners. It is recommended to wash the floors of this category only as they become dirty. However, once a month you should wipe them with drying oil or vegetable oil. Perfect for this or sunflower. Thus, you will return the plasticity to the coating and prevent premature brittleness.
  1. Porcelain stoneware
    . For serious soiling, it is better to use acid-based products that are added to the water for mopping. Soak a soft cloth in the liquid, wring it out and walk over the floor surface. After treatment with detergent, wipe the floor with a cloth dampened with clean water. Wipe with a dry cloth.
  1. Stone (marble, granite)
    . This coating does not require frequent maintenance. It is enough to wipe the floor with a damp cloth once a week. To avoid streaks and stains, avoid detergents. As a rule, substances with a neutral pH balance are used to treat stone coatings.
  1. Plug
    . Cork is an extremely hygroscopic material. Any increase in humidity and the cork floor absorbs excess moisture even from the air. Therefore, the main rule is a minimum of water on a rag. It is not worth spending money and buying expensive preparations for washing such an unusual floor. It can be cleaned with ordinary soapy water. Do not use any kind of abrasive.
  1. Tiled
    . A vacuum cleaner with a washing function or a steam cleaner is perfect for washing tiled floors. If there are no such devices in the house, ordinary soap dissolved in water will do its job just as well. After washing the floors, rub the tiles with a woolen cloth. This will help to avoid premature contamination of the seams, and will make the coating sparkle like a new one.

To avoid unnecessary waste of time and effort, cover the floor with paper before starting the repair.